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Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A


Name: _____________________ Class: ____

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the missing

1 Choose the correct option a–c to complete words. The first letters are given.
the sentences.
0 Can you slice these vegetables quite thin,
0 Excessive tourism can give ___ to please? There’s a knife next to the sink.
environmental problems. 1 News reporters should verify their
a rise b consequence c result s______________ so that their readers can be
1 When Jacky opened her sweet shop, sure that the facts are accurate.
customers spread the ___ about how good the 2 You have to s______________ the potatoes in
sweets were, and the shop became very the boiling water until they’re cooked.
successful. 3 Mammals like cats have a f______________
a fact b word c clue coat. It helps in various ways, for example, it
2 How can we ___ rid of this unpleasant smell? keeps them warm.
a make b have c get 4 If you f______________ an exam, it’s an
3 A bank loan is a ___ solution to the company’s informal way to say that you took an exam and
financial problems and will help through this failed it.
difficult period. 5 Mrs Carter was l______________ when
a consequent b viable c pressing someone damaged her car. I’ve never seen her
4 Please take a dustpan and ___ up those pieces so angry.
of broken glass from the floor. ___ / 5
a sweep b mop c do
5 The ozone ___ is a very important part of GRAMMAR
Earth’s atmosphere. 4 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
a cover b surface c layer the sentences.
___ / 5
0 Under no circumstances ___ touch the exhibits
in this display.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
a people should
adjective. There are three extra ones.
b should people
balanced bizarre cramped cuddly c shouldn’t people
dedicated ecstatic poignant 1 Designer clothes shops encourage customers
squishy vast ___ the latest fashions when they buy clothes.
a that they follow
0 I could never live in such a bizarre house as
b following
that one made from an old bus. It’s too strange.
c to follow
1 In his job, Fred is ______________ because he
2 Jacky ___ to her job interview in her mum’s car
works hard and cares about his students’
at this time tomorrow.
a will have driven
2 The small size of this kitchen makes it too
b will drive
______________ to use comfortably.
c will be driving
3 When I was a child, I couldn’t fall asleep without
3 You ___ so healthy now. Have you improved
my ______________ toy rabbit next to me in
your diet?
a look
4 Graham’s garden is ______________. I think
b have looked
you could actually get lost in it.
c are looking
5 The actor’s ______________ announcement
4 My friends would like to spend their summer
that she was retiring surprised and upset many
holiday driving around ___ United Kingdom,
exploring different places.
___ / 5
a the
b an
5 You’ll help Jill with her homework, ___?
a shall you
b can’t you
c won’t you
___ / 5

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

5 Complete the sentences with the correct USE OF ENGLISH

form of the words in brackets. 7 Choose the correct option a–d to complete
the text.
0 Politicians usually persuade people to vote
(persuade / people / vote) for them by using Jonathan finally visits me abroad!
various strategies. I 0 ___ here now with my best friend Jonathan in
1 My friend, a fitness fan, says I ____________ the tropical sunshine of Tao ‘Turtle’ Island in
________________ (ought / run) at least 5 km Thailand. In my life spent overseas, Thailand is
every day. the fifth country I 1 ___ in, and I’m planning to
2 My nephew really ______________________ move to another country in a couple of years.
______ (enjoy / play) computer games, so I’m I 2 ___ Jonathan to visit me many times before he
going to get one for his birthday. actually decided to come. Perhaps he agreed
3 ____________________________ (we / 3 ___ here because Thailand has so many

suppose / wear) formal clothes to Michael’s attractions. But when he arrived in the 4 ___
dinner party? populated capital Bangkok, I thought he was
4 Rarely ____________________________ (my going to take 5 ___ next plane home. Being
father / have) the opportunity to talk about his a country boy, he found it very hard to 6 ___ the
work as a scientist these days, so he was huge city, streets, buildings and 7 ___ traffic. So
pleased when the university invited him to give we quickly took a bus to Tao Island where he
a guest lecture. feels a lot more at home because people live
5 Amy still finds her new nursing job difficult. 8 ___ in close proximity to nature. So today we’re

She’s still getting _______________________ enjoying the peace and quiet of island life, but not
_____ (use / work) at nights, for example. for long. By the time you read my next blog post,
___ / 5 we 9 ___ a five-day jungle trip in the north of
Thailand. I hope Jonathan 10 ___ his walking
6 Complete the sentences with one word in boots from England!
each gap.
0 a ‘ve sat b sit
0 My friends had eaten before they arrived at my c ’ll be sitting d ’m sitting
place, so they didn’t want the snacks I offered 1 a ‘ve lived b live
them. c ’m living d lived
1 The Maths exam is ______________ like as 2 a had invited b invited
hard as last year’s. I’m sure I’m going to get c had been inviting d was inviting
a good mark. 3 a me visit b visiting
2 Nobody’s taken the rubbish out to be collected, c to visit d with me visiting
______________ they? 4 a utterly b densely
3 Have you succeeded ______________ finding c significantly d critically
the right present for Joe’s birthday? 5 a– ba
4 In my opinion, there wasn’t enough time c any d the
allowed for the exam and I was 6 a go along with
______________ to finish everything. b come to terms with
5 A: We could get a takeaway pizza tonight or c maintain contact with
buy a few things and cook. What do you think? d make a favourable impression on
B: I’d ______________ get a takeaway pizza. 7 a whizzing b roaring
___ / 5 c humming d crunching
8 a for the day b day after today
c day-to-day d daily
9 a will do b are going to do
c will be doing d will have done
10 a brought b will be bringing
c has brought d has been bringing
___ / 10

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Cumulative Test (Units 1–6) | Group A
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

8 Complete the second sentence using the 9 Members of the club needn’t reserve equipment
word in bold so that it means the same as in advance.
the first one. Do not change the word in REQUIRED
bold. Use no more than five words including Members of the club
the word in bold. ____________________________ equipment
in advance.
0 Harry’s regular violin lessons stopped when his
10 What was the reason for the fans’ long wait for
teacher left the country.
autographs when the singer arrived?
Harry had been taking violin lessons regularly
Why ____________________________ so
until his teacher left the country.
long for autographs when the singer arrived?
1 Let’s not hurry the tour. This magnificent
___ / 10
architecture needs time to be appreciated!
TOTAL ___ / 50
Let’s not hurry the tour. We need time
____________________________ this
magnificent architecture.
2 We were never bored when the guide was
explaining the history of the pyramids.
At no time ____________________________
interest when the guide was explaining the
history of the pyramids.
3 When I was a student, I had very little money,
so I bought second-hand clothes to save
When I was a student, I barely ____________
________________, so I bought second-hand
clothes to save money.
4 Our city is much less polluted that it used to be.
Our city ____________________________ as
it used to be.
5 The use of calculators is not allowed for
students in the Maths exam.
Students ____________________________
calculators in the Maths exam.
6 You’ll need to ask the librarian for an extension
of the loan of that book.
You’ll need to put _______________________
________ for an extension of the loan of that
book with the librarian.
7 Do you know who is intended to receive this gift
Do you know ___________________________
___ is intended?
8 Our dog is hard to control and the lady next
door often has a go at us about him.
Our dog is hard to control and the lady next
door often ____________________________
about him.

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2020

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