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Webcomic / Dominic Deegan

 Awesome

 Characters

 Fridge

 Funny

 Headscratchers

 Heartwarming

 Laconic

 NightmareFuel

 Trivia

 Webcomic



 Create New - Create New - Analysis

FanWorks FanficRecs
Haiku ImageLinks
PlayingWith Quotes
Recap ReferencedBy
Shocking TearJerker

He always wanted to say that.

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire is a webcomic started by Michael "Mookie"
Terracciano on May 21, 2002. It follows the life and times of Dominic Deegan,
a messianic yet pessimistic seer who travels about with Spark, his feline comic relief,
and assorted companions. Originally a lighter strip based on puns and
wordplay, Cerebus Syndrome ensued, arguably starting with the "Visions of Doom"
arc, but certainly by "Storm of Souls".
On May 24, 2013, the comic ended at 3,000 comics. A set of colored epilogue prints,
some with art by Garth Graham, were later published. A half-hour documentary
about the making of the comic, See For Yourself: The Dominic Deegan Story, was
released by TriFocal Productions.
In May 2015, Mookie revealed that a new stretch goal for the Patreon of Star
Power would be a sequel comic called The Legacy of Dominic Deegan, set two
centuries after the original comic. As of 2018, however, this stretch goal has not
been attained, but in July 2019, The Legacy of Dominic Deegan officially began.

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