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Harohalli, Bengaluru, India

Intelligent Infrastructure
Collaborative Learning Spaces
Technological Integration
AI-Powered Support
Flexible Study Options
A Campus with Multiple Offerings
Regional and Global Networks
A CAMPUS OF THE FUTURE The top management of
Dayananda Sagar University

An Architectural Marvel (DSU) had a vision:

- To create India’s finest
campus and to be counted
among the best globally.
India’s reputed Architect,
Hafiz Contractor, gave DSU
an outstanding design.
And Bengaluru is proud!
The DSU Campus is a
testament to futuristic
design and sustainability.
The architecture seamlessly
combines sleek, modern
aesthetics with eco-friendly
elements. The buildings
feature energy-efficient
materials, green rooftops,
and integrated solar panels
to generate renewable
Intelligent Infrastructure:
The campus has an
advanced network of
sensors, IoT devices, and
intelligent systems. These
technologies monitor and
optimize campus energy
consumption, lighting,
temperature, and security.
Intelligent systems manage
traffic flow, parking, and
facility usage to ensure
efficiency and convenience.


Location: Bengaluru,
India, a thriving cosmopolitan city focusing
on technology, innovation, and startups


Great leadership - The Visionaries:

The Founder President of Late Smt. Dr. Chandramma Dayananda Sagar,

Dayananda Sagar Institutions a staunch supporter for establishing the Dr D Hemachandra Sagar Dr D Premachandra Sagar
The Late Shri. R Dayananda Sagar, education Trust by the founder, was a doctor
the Founder President of Dayananda by profession with a triple FRCS from London,
Edinburgh and Glasgow, as well as part of the

Sagar Institution, was led by a vision: am delighted to reveal that ur vision, finds us in an academic
Education for all sections of society. panel of doctors for the President of India.
Dayananda Sagar University and professional world without
He worked towards realizing his
dream and became a role model in (DSU) is an academically boundaries.
the field of education. His vision has competitive research University Our strategy has a central theme of
changed the lives of lakhs of students that offers an intimate campus One University, a community spirit
all over the world. atmosphere where both that drives us forward to deliver our
undergraduate and post world-class research, innovation and
graduate students have the education.
opportunity to engage in
research with faculty members
who are nationally recognized
scholars. I am sure this is a very
special learning environment.


Collaborative These spaces include:
Virtual Learning
Learning Spaces: a) Innovation Labs:
Cutting-edge labs equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, such
The campus as 3D printers, robotic kits, and virtual reality setups, allow students to The DSU Campus embraces virtual and
augmented reality technologies to enhance
offers a range of experiment and bring their ideas to life.
the learning experience. Immersive virtual
b) Maker Spaces:
innovative learning Open areas where students can work on projects, utilizing tools and
classrooms allow students to attend lectures
and engage with instructors remotely,
environments materials to build prototypes and unleash creativity. breaking distance barriers. Augmented
reality applications are utilized for interactive
designed to foster c) Collaboration Zones: simulations, field trips, and virtual laboratories,
Versatile spaces with modular furniture and interactive digital displays enabling students to explore concepts
collaboration, that facilitate group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and project realistically and engagingly.
creativity, and collaborations form one of the features of the campus.

critical thinking.


Sustainable Landscaping: Technological a. Campus-wide Wi-Fi:
The campus features lush green Integration: High-speed internet connectivity
spaces, incorporating sustainable enables seamless access to
landscaping techniques. Vertical It is seamless. educational resources, online
gardens, rooftop gardens, and platforms, and collaborative tools.
hydroponic systems provide Cutting-edge b. Data Analytics:
fresh produce for the campus
community while improving air technologies Advanced analytics platforms
quality. Rainwater harvesting
and greywater recycling systems
get integrated collect and analyze student
performance, engagement,
ensure efficient water usage. into the campus and campus operations data,
helping educators make informed
infrastructure, decisions and personalize learning
including: c. AI-Powered Support:
Intelligent virtual assistants and
chatbots assist students and
faculty, providing instant access
to information, resources, and
personalized guidance.


Entrepreneurship Hub:
The DSU Campus includes a
dedicated Entrepreneurship
Hub, fostering innovation and
startup culture. The hub provides
incubation spaces, mentorship
programs, access to venture
capitalists, and support for
aspiring student entrepreneurs to
launch their ventures.

The campus promotes sustainable
transportation options, with
electric vehicle charging
stations, bicycle lanes, and
designated areas for carpooling.
An autonomous shuttle service
connects different areas of
the campus, reducing carbon
emissions and enhancing

Community Spaces:
The campus features recreational
areas, fitness centers, art galleries,
performance venues, and outdoor
sports facilities to encourage
social interaction and well-
being. These spaces are hubs for
extracurricular activities, fostering
holistic development and a sense
of community.


Interdisciplinary Study: Credit Transfer and Collaboration Across
Industry and Government Collaboration:
DSU promotes interdisciplinary Student Mobility: Specializations:
DSU collaborates with leading technology companies, research study, breaking down the DSU encourages smooth credit DSU encourages collaboration
institutions, and industries. This collaboration ensures students access barriers between traditional transfer policies, allowing students among faculty and students
real-world projects, internships, and mentorship opportunities, academic disciplines. Students to transfer credits earned from from diverse specializations.
bridging the gap between academia and industry. are encouraged to explore other institutions or study Interdisciplinary projects and
Industry partners with global reputations working closely with DSU diverse fields of knowledge and abroad programs promoting research initiatives unite experts
include Autodesk, Bosch Rexroth, Nvidia, Boston, Bosch Etas, GE, collaborate across disciplines global perspectives and cultural from different fields to work
Texas Instruments, Dassault Systemes, Analog Devices, and many to tackle complex problems. exchange. Partnerships with towards common goals. The
more. Interdisciplinary programs and international universities and campus fosters an inclusive
research centers facilitate cross- student exchange programs environment where individuals
The Government of India, through its NITI Aayog, has enabled the pollination of ideas, fostering facilitate seamless mobility, with different perspectives and
establishment of the AIC-DSU Foundation with a grant of Rs 10.00 innovation and holistic learning. enabling students to broaden expertise can contribute their
Crore at the DSU Campus. This facility is an excellent platform for
their horizons and experience unique insights, leading to
innovators and offers incubation support to DSU students and the Flexible Study Options:
different educational systems. innovative solutions and holistic
The campus offers flexible study approaches
DSU integrates technology, sustainability, and innovation to create an options as a response to the
immersive and transformative educational environment. It prepares needs of the students. Blended
students for future challenges, equipping them with the skills and learning models combine face-
mindset required to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. to-face instruction with online
courses, allowing students
Great campuses offer interdisciplinary study, flexible study options,
to customize their learning
credit transfer, and student mobility, with faculty/students from
experience based on their
diverse specializations working toward common goals. On-campus
interests and schedules. Part-time
stays ensure the integration of efforts 24/7, using standard and varied
and accelerated programs cater to
resources, enriching outcomes, economy, and efficiencies.
working professionals and those
seeking faster degree completion.


On-Campus Integration Enriched Outcomes and administrative systems, digital
and 24x7 Engagement: Economic Benefits: platforms, and automated
workflows simplify registration,
On-campus living is vital to any The ecosystem on the campus program/course selection, and
great campus, and this is no ensures quality education academic advising tasks. Fast
exception to DSU, providing outcomes by fostering and reliable internet connectivity
students with continuous interdisciplinary collaboration, ensures uninterrupted access to
engagement and collaboration flexible study options, and learning resources, online media,
opportunities. Residential halls, diverse resources. Students and collaborative tools. These
shared spaces, and recreational develop a broader skill set, measures optimize efficiency
facilities promote interaction, gain a deep understanding of and enable students and faculty
fostering a sense of community multiple disciplines, and acquire to focus more on their academic
and shared purpose. Round- the ability to solve complex pursuits.
the-clock access to resources, real-world problems. Students
study areas, and support services should be well-positioned to A Campus with Multiple
enables students to engage enjoy a competitive edge in Offerings:
in academic pursuits anytime, the job market, which fosters
The emphasis on research,
enhancing productivity and entrepreneurship. The campus’s
publications, patents, conferences,
collaboration. contribution to research,
and workshops will become
innovation, and economic growth
Standard and Varied positively impacts the local and
attractive propositions for the
Resources: curious within and outside the
global economy.
DSU Schools to get connected
The campus offers standard Speed and and be part of these activities all
and varied resources to support the time.
diverse academic pursuits.
State-of-the-art laboratories, DSU prioritizes
research centers, libraries, and efficiency and
digital repositories provide access streamlined
to cutting-edge technologies, processes to
research databases, and vast maximize
scholarly resources. Specialized productivity.
facilities, such as maker spaces, Advanced
design studios, and innovation
hubs, offer students the tools and
equipment to turn their ideas into


The Complete Man:
Sports & Fitness, Art & Culture,
Dance & Music, Drama & Theatre:
To make campus learning
complete, diverse environments
on the campus around the
year dominate everyday life as
much as academic learning.
Student/faculty diversity, a
hospital and medical college
with an engineering college
and other disciplines, especially
in the healthcare domains like
Pharmacy, Nursing, Physiotherapy,
and Allied Health, ensure a
superior and innovative outcome.
The campus offers a vibrant
sports and cultural ecosystem,
reflecting the importance of
holistic development. Modern
sports facilities, stadiums, and
arenas cater to various sports
and athletic activities. Students
are encouraged to participate
in intercollegiate competitions,
fostering teamwork, discipline,
and a healthy lifestyle. Cultural
events, art exhibitions, and
performing arts showcases and
celebrates diversity, creativity, and


Research and Innovation Conferences and
Hub: Workshops:
DSU prioritizes research and DSU’s various departments
innovation, providing state-of- hosts national and international
the-art facilities and resources to conferences, symposiums, and
support cutting-edge research workshops, bringing together
projects. Research centers experts, researchers, and industry
and laboratories are equipped professionals. These events serve
with advanced equipment as platforms for knowledge
and technologies, fostering a sharing, networking, and
culture of scientific inquiry and collaboration. Keynote lectures,
discovery. Faculty and students panel discussions, and poster
are encouraged to invest time in presentations inspire intellectual
research, leading to publications discourse and promote
in prestigious journals, patents, interdisciplinary approaches to
and innovative solutions to real- problem-solving.
world problems.
Student and Faculty
Academic Publications Diversity:
and Patents: DSU celebrates diversity and
The campus strongly emphasizes fosters an inclusive environment
academic publications and that values perspectives from all
encourages faculty and students backgrounds. It attracts a diverse
to disseminate their research student body and recruits faculty
findings through scholarly members from different regions,
publications, conferences, cultures, and disciplines. This
and symposiums. The campus diversity enriches the learning
supports research writing, experience, promotes cross-
publication assistance, and cultural understanding, and
access to academic journals and prepares students for global
databases. Intellectual property citizenship.
and technology transfer offices
facilitate patent filings and protect
the innovative ideas generated by
the campus community.


Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Integrating a Teaching Hospital and Medical College - Dr
Chandramma Dayananda Sagar Institute of Medical Education
& Research (CDSIMER) on campus creates a unique and
powerful synergy between engineering and medical disciplines.
Faculty and students from both domains collaborate on
research projects, medical device development, and healthcare
innovations. This interdisciplinary collaboration promotes
cross-pollination of ideas, encourages a holistic approach to
problem-solving, and leads to superior and innovative outcomes
in healthcare and engineering. The innovative ideas coming
out of these collaborations are ably supported by the AIC-DSU
Foundation, resulting in the commercializing of ideas.
The campus community is encouraged to think critically,
challenge conventional wisdom, and explore new frontiers.
Integrating diverse disciplines and perspectives leads to novel
approaches and groundbreaking solutions. These processes
address societal challenges and improve the overall quality of
life of the sick and suffering population - a great response to
the idea of Dr. Chandramma Sagar - whose memory saw the
establishment of the Medical College
and Hospital.

Internships, cultural programs, leadership opportunities

and a broad range of other co-curricular activities will
complement the learning that takes place inside the
classroom and laboratories. - Dr D Hemachandra Sagar
“DSU ensures the successful transformation
of every individual to become a wholesome
and well-rounded individual“
- Dr D Premachandra Sagar

This incredible campus of

the future is well-focused on
research, publications, patents,
conferences, workshops,
sports, art & culture, diversity,
and the integration of a
hospital and medical college
and all other institutions
offering specialised learning.
By fostering interdisciplinary
collaboration and providing
high-quality resources, the
campus cultivates a culture
of innovation, excellence, and
holistic development among
its students and faculty, driving
meaningful advancements in
various fields for the greater
good of humanity.


Sustainable Agriculture Initiatives include working groups, Climate Change Research
and Food Security: writing plans, and developing and Mitigation:
strategies to encourage citizens to
DSU focuses on addressing adopt new food habits that could DSU dedicates resources to
food security and promoting lead to: climate research and mitigation
DSU Works For sustainable agriculture. It
incorporates vertical farming, - Less dependence on water
efforts. Interdisciplinary research
teams study climate patterns,

A Healthy Society: Campuses of the hydroponics, and other innovative guzzlers like rice, wheat, develop models for predicting
farming techniques to maximize and sugarcane climate change impacts, and
future look at food security, climate, maintaining the health of crop yields while minimizing explore sustainable solutions.
- Move to a better quality of
water bodies, space exploration, searching for precious minerals water usage and environmental The campus collaborates with
health – freedom from
on other planets, peace Vs. the cost of nuclear wars, and helping impact. Research centers and international organizations and
diabetes and similar health
build an ecosystem for contentment and global happiness. programs explore ways to industry partners to implement
improve agricultural practices, clean energy initiatives, reduce
develop resilient crop varieties, - Lead a better quality of carbon footprints, and promote
and enhance food distribution life through savings in medical environmentally friendly practices.
systems to ensure global food expenses
security. - Increased output by
a healthy population


Dayananda Sagar Institutions
(DSI) have consistent topped the
academic charts in every area of
knowledge standing out from
the midst of a sea of institutions
of repute. Its accomplishments
are unparalleled. In the recent
past, DSI secured 58 ranks from
Visvesvaraya Technological
University among 220
engineering colleges in Karnataka
(in 2014).
Dayananda Sagar University
offers courses in Engineering,
Computer Applications,
Sciences, Arts and Management
in the Bachelors, Masters and
Ph.D levels. Supporting the
academic activities are the
Centers of Excellence in ICT,
Health Care, Energy and Life
Science, among other fast
evolving fields of study.


Space Exploration and
Planetary Resources:
ONE (DSAT) - May 2024
TWO (DSAT) - Dec 2024
DSU embraces the frontier of
space exploration and resource
discovery. Research institutes
and space science departments
collaborate with space agencies
and private companies to
advance space exploration
technologies and techniques.
The aim is to uncover valuable
resources on other planets
and celestial bodies, providing
potential solutions for resource
scarcity on Earth. The campus
fosters innovative approaches
to space exploration, mining,
colonization, and disaster
management, contributing
to humanity’s long-term
sustainability and future
exploration endeavors. The
DSU partnership with AIC-DSU
Foundation, ISRO, Dhruva Space
is a great beginning.


Peaceful Coexistence and Nuclear Disarmament
Diplomacy: and Non-Proliferation:
University graduates of the The campus engages in active
present times are expected to discussions, creating advocacy
work in global environments. efforts to raise awareness about
Therefore, good exposure to the catastrophic consequences of
global developments during the atomic wars. It supports nuclear
UG and PG studies becomes vital disarmament, non-proliferation,
for the holistic development of and arms control initiatives,
passing cohorts. working closely with experts,
policymakers, and international
Given this background, our
organizations. The campus
colleges actively engage students
educates students on nuclear
in workshops, seminars, talks,
weapons’ ethical, political, and
cultural exchanges, etc, to
humanitarian implications,
promote peaceful co-existence
inspiring them to advocate for
and diplomacy as essential
peace and nuclear disarmament.
pillars of global harmony. The
campus cultivates understanding, DSU, as a Campus of the
dialogue, and conflict-resolution Future, addresses critical global
skills among its students and challenges such as food security,
faculty through academic space exploration in collaboration
programs, research centers, and with the State and the corporate
partnerships with international sector, Cleaning the Ganga and
organizations. It also hosts other water bodies in partnership
conferences and workshops on with the Government of India,
peacebuilding, international climate change, peaceful co-
relations, and cultural exchange to existence, nuclear disarmament,
foster mutual respect, tolerance, and building a global ecosystem
and collaboration across different for peace. The campus catalyzes
nationalities. positive change through
research, education, advocacy,
and collaboration, nurturing a
generation of leaders committed
to creating a sustainable, peaceful,
and harmonious world.


Does it matter The campus is ideal for
researchers who prefer a work-life
Vibrant Food Courts:
Rich and diverse food courts offer various culinary
balance and housing - enjoying
– where and the flexibility to enjoy the various
luxuries, including sports facilities,
options. The food courts cater to different tastes
and preferences, providing a variety of cuisines,
including local and international dishes. Students,
how you stay? cultural events, dining options,
and green spaces, all contributing
faculty, and staff can enjoy delicious meals,
socialize, and rejuvenate during breaks.
The answer is a Big Affirmative: to a lavish lifestyle. For researchers
The physical facilities at the willing to push the boundaries
DSU campus present an idyllic and achieve breakthroughs, this is
setting with its picturesque the place to be.
topography, beautiful lake, The campus’s proximity to
posh hostels ideally called Bengaluru adds to its allure with
POSHTELS, sports facilities of access to the city’s vibrant cultural
global standards, running tracks, scene, entertainment options,
boulevards, parks, food courts, and employment opportunities
and outdoor concert venues. This for the family. The campus is a
conducive environment provides tranquil retreat from the bustling
students with opportunities city, offering a peaceful and
for physical activity, leisure, serene living environment while
cultural enrichment, and social maintaining convenient access to
engagement, contributing to their urban amenities.
overall well-being and enhancing
their campus experience.
The campus recognizes the
importance of attracting
international exchange and
full-time students, faculty, and
researchers. International students
and faculty members will find the
campus environment inviting and
invigorating, providing a seamless
transition to their new home. The
Residences offer a comfortable
and secure space for international
faculty to settle in and focus on
their academic pursuits.


A Beautiful Lake:
A centerpiece of the campus, the
beautiful lake adds charm and
tranquility to the surroundings.
The shimmering waters reflect
the sky, creating a mesmerizing
backdrop for leisurely walks and
contemplation. The lake also
serves as a recreational spot,
offering opportunities for boating,
fishing, and other water-based


Pleasant Weather and Monsoon Fun: Innovation Ecosystem: Solution-Oriented
Bengaluru city presents a natural ambience that is ideal for a population DSU aims to foster a thriving Research:
looking for a consistent climate. The campus benefits from this innovation ecosystem that Campuses will prioritize solution-
pleasant environment throughout the year. The skies often showcase Outdoor Concert connects academia, industry, and oriented research that addresses
breathtaking views, whether clear blue or vibrant sunsets. During the Facilities: the community by establishing pressing societal challenges.
monsoon season, the campus comes alive with the joyous sound of research centers, incubators, and Interdisciplinary research teams
rain and lush greenery. Students enjoy the fun of rain showers, puddle The outdoor facilities for hosting technology transfer offices that will work collaboratively to
jumping, and monsoon-related festivities, creating a vibrant and large concerts and cultural translate cutting-edge research tackle healthcare, renewable
memorable atmosphere. events on the campus, like into practical solutions, catalyzing energy, climate change, urban
the Amphitheaters, open-air economic growth and job creation planning, and poverty alleviation
stages- The Student Arena, and by promoting collaboration and issues. These campuses will
the lighting and sound systems, Campuses of the future will entrepreneurship. leverage their expertise through
are ready-to-use facilities that innovate, manufacture, and
partnerships with industry and
accommodate performances solve societal issues as an Advanced Manufacturing
government to develop practical
by renowned artists, bands, and economic activity impacting Facilities: solutions that positively impact
cultural troupes. These events the community in more ways
Great campuses like DSU the community.
create a sense of community and than previously thought.
are integrating advanced
offer opportunities for students,
manufacturing facilities, including
Social Entrepreneurship
faculty, and other visitors to
appreciate the arts and enjoy Certainly! 3D printing labs, robotics centers,
and smart factories. These facilities
and Impact Investing:
The campuses of the future will
live performances. Over time, And here’s the road map - DSU
the student teams would come will enable rapid prototyping, promote social entrepreneurship
will transform into a dynamic hub production, and customization of
as performers, starting on these and impact investing as viable
of economic and social impact: innovative products. By embracing
platforms and moving to the paths for economic activity. They
global stage! technologies like additive will support students, faculty, and
manufacturing and automation, alumni in developing ventures
campuses will drive the that combine profit with social
development of sustainable and and environmental impact.
efficient manufacturing Incubation centers, mentorship
processes. programs, and access to funding
will encourage the creation of


DSU Ranks
No 4
new Universities
by Karnataka State
University Rating Framework

KSURF rates universities

on an annual
basis considering
research innovation,
teaching excellence
and employability,
inclusiveness and
social impact as main
parameters and awards
stars under each category
Dayananda Sagar
University, Bangalore
has been awarded with
four stars under New
University category and it
is in the 4th place among
new universities.


Skilling Indian enhancements at an early age.
These great starts will hold good
education and training. The
numbers are enormous and are
as the youth blossom into full to be delivered on a timely basis.
in the usual adulthood, ready for employment. DSU is ready to help meet this
national priority.
Schools, colleges, and universities
sense and in the public and private sectors
will be significant beneficiaries of
beyond! DSU’s great human resources

and infrastructure. DSU sees
Knowledge and Skill itself as having a role in the
multi-level Governance being
more productive in the
The future campuses will actively Indian democratic system. How do you gain DSU is all set to go beyond
transfer knowledge and skills to With the Government of traditional academic roles and
the community through various India now mandating evolve into a dynamic hub of
outreach programs. These may 30% reservations for By establishing powerful innovation, manufacturing, and
include continuing education women, a new set Regional and Global Networks: problem-solving. By fostering an
initiatives, vocational training of administrators innovation ecosystem, embracing
Over time, DSU campuses will
programs, and skill development will occupy public advanced manufacturing,
establish strong regional and
workshops tailored to the needs offices. They need conducting solution-oriented
global networks to leverage
of different stakeholders. By research, promoting social
expertise and resources from
equipping individuals with the entrepreneurship, engaging with
diverse sources. Collaborating
necessary knowledge and skills, the community, and establishing
campuses will contribute to
with other educational Thanks to DSU!
institutions, research centers, networks, DSU will generate
workforce development and economic activity that addresses Harohalli on the Kanakapura -
industry leaders, and international
empower the community to societal issues and positively Bengaluru Road will be put
organizations will foster
participate actively in economic impacts the community. on the global map.
knowledge exchange, cross-
cultural collaboration, and
The Atal Innovation Centre, access to global markets. These
jointly established as AIC- networks will amplify the impact
DSU Foundation and the NITI of the campuses and enhance
Aayog, Government of India, their contribution to economic
will actively engage with all development.
Atal Tinkering Schools across
DSU will be the hub of innovation,
the city and the State, opening
manufacturing, and problem-
up enormous opportunities for
students of all age groups to be
exposed to innovation and skill


How can I be part of
DSAT 669 Scholarships Awarded
DSAT stands for Dayananda The scholarship test is based 33450000 Scholarship Worth (INR)
this great campus? Sagar Scholarship Admission Test, on multiple choice questions
which is an entrance examination and the students who clear the
conducted by Dayananda Sagar threshold score are eligible for
The DSAT is an University for admission to various admission in DSU under the
excellent gateway. programs such as B.Tech, M.Tech,
B.A.LL.B, BBA. LL.B, and B.Pharm
scholarship quota.

Register now: The test is designed to assess

the knowledge and aptitude of
www.dsu.edu.in the candidates in the relevant
subject and is used to determine
their eligibility for admissions.


The DSU Youth Active Citizenship:
Involvement in a simulated parliamentary
Global Citizenship:
Understanding parliamentary systems
Parliament 2024 environment prepares the youth to provides a broader perspective on global
become active and informed citizens. It affairs. It encourages a sense of global
A Youth Parliament on the DSU encourages them to engage in public citizenship, where individuals recognize
Campus affairs, express their opinions, and their role in a larger international
DSU UNFOLDS Key drivers:
The DSU School of Law and the School
contribute to the development of a
responsible society.
community and the interconnectedness
of global issues.

MORE EXCITEMENT of Journalism.

Participants – College students from
Leadership Development:
Participation in a Youth Parliament
provides a platform for developing
Adaptability and Resilience:
The dynamic nature of parliamentary
sessions teaches the youth to be
various colleges in the country
IN THE NEW YEAR The essentials of working in a Parliament
is a valuable initiative, and the success of
leadership skills. It helps in honing abilities
such as public speaking, negotiation,
critical thinking, and consensus-
adaptable and resilient in the face of
challenges. It helps them appreciate the
complexities of decision-making in real-
democracies like the United States, the building—skills crucial for effective world situations.
United Kingdom, India, Indonesia, EU leadership in any democratic society.
nations and others serves as a compelling Encouraging Civic Participation:
reason for such exposure. Here are some Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:
Simulated parliamentary sessions offer • By exposing the youth to parliamentary
key points that highlight the importance processes, there is a higher likelihood
of introducing the youth to parliamentary practical experiences in problem-solving
and decision-making. Youth engagement of fostering ongoing civic engagement.
workings: Informed and engaged citizens are
in parliamentary discussions allows
Civic Education: them to analyze more likely to participate in elections,
Understanding complex issues, advocate for social issues, and
the functioning propose solutions, contribute positively to the
of a Parliament is and understand the democratic fabric.
fundamental to consequences of their The success of democracies worldwide
civic education. decisions. serves as a compelling rationale for
It empowers exposing the youth to the essentials of
the youth with Promoting Pluralism:
• A Youth Parliament working in a Parliament. Such exposure
knowledge about not only contributes to the individual
the democratic fosters an environment
where diverse opinions development of young people but also
process, strengthens the foundations of a robust
governance structures, and the role of are valued. It encourages tolerance,
respect for differing viewpoints, and and participatory democracy.
elected representatives.
the ability to work collaboratively The introduction to a Youth Parliament is
Democratic Values: with individuals from various not just a symbolic gesture but a powerful
Exposing the youth to parliamentary backgrounds—a vital aspect of initiative that fosters civic engagement,
procedures instills democratic values such successful democracies. leadership development, and a deeper
as free expression, rule of law, respect for understanding of democratic principles
diversity, and the importance of dialogue Inspiring Future Leaders:
Exposure to parliamentary workings among our students.
and adjustments in decision-making.
inspires the youth to aspire to leadership
roles in public service. It cultivates a sense
of responsibility towards the community
and motivates individuals to contribute to
the betterment of society.


Introduction: Structure of the Youth Parliament:
• The Youth Parliament on the academic
campus emphasizes the significance • Define the structure of the Youth
of providing a platform for students Parliament, including the establishment
to engage in meaningful discussions, of a Speaker, Deputy Speaker,
understand democratic processes, and committees, and parliamentary
develop leadership skills. sessions.
Necessity and Benefits: • Discuss the composition of the Youth
Expected benefits to participants include: Parliament, with representation from
various academic disciplines to ensure
• Improved public speaking, diversity of perspectives.
critical thinking, teamwork, and a
heightened sense of civic responsibility. Curriculum Integration:
• The program will contribute Participants to get credits:
to the holistic development of
students, preparing them for active and • Propose the integration of the Youth
informed participation in society. Parliament program into the academic Mock Sessions and Simulations:

curriculum or as an extracurricular • Incorporate mock parliamentary
• Participation to include: activity. sessions and simulations
academic administration, faculty, and to familiarize participants with
students. • Suggest potential tie-ins with existing
courses to enhance the educational parliamentary procedures and the
• The event highlights the importance value and relevance of the Youth dynamics of legislative debates.
of creating a conducive environment Parliament experience. • Provide opportunities for students to
for open dialogue, respecting diverse role-play as lawmakers, ministers, and
opinions, and ensuring a democratic Training and Workshops: opposition members, enhancing their
ethos. understanding of real-world scenarios. Evaluation and Feedback The Youth Parliament on our campus
• Design training programs and • Establish a system for evaluating is a visionary step towards nurturing
Planning and Modalities: workshops for participants, focusing Outreach and Publicity: the effectiveness of the Youth responsible and engaged citizens. This
• The organizing committee comprising on parliamentary procedures, public • Develop a comprehensive Parliament, including feedback sessions initiative will contribute significantly to
faculty members from all the DSU speaking, research skills, and teamwork. outreach and publicity strategy to with participants and stakeholders. the academic and personal development
Schools, student representatives, and generate awareness of our students, preparing them to be
• Identify experienced facilitators or and interest in the Youth Parliament. • Use feedback to make continuous
relevant stakeholders. guest speakers who can provide active contributors to society.
• Utilize various communication improvements and refine the program
Timeline for the planning and execution valuable insights into parliamentary channels, including social media, for subsequent editions.
of the Youth Parliament, outlining key practices and democratic principles. posters, and campus events, to
milestones, deadlines, and responsibilities encourage student participation.
will be notified on the DSU website


The DSU Marathon 2024 Global:
New York City Marathon (USA):
London Marathon (UK):
Another of the World Marathon Majors,
The Half Marathon:
August 15 2024 The Half Marathon starting point
One of the six World Marathon Majors, the London Marathon is known for its
Several successful marathon events have the New York City Marathon is one of diverse and vibrant course through the - From DSATM / Sri Sri Ravishankar
gained popularity in India and around the the largest and most iconic marathons city. Ashram to DSU Campus in Harohalli-
world. These events attract participants globally. Distance: 21.4 Kms
from diverse backgrounds, promote The event attracts top athletes and charity
fitness, and often support charitable The course takes participants through runners alike, raising significant funds for The 10K run:
causes. Important examples of successful all five boroughs of New York City, various causes. - The 10K run is a long-distance road
marathon events in India and globally are culminating in a finish in Central Park. running competition over a distance
These successful marathons not only
listed here: Berlin Marathon (Germany): showcase the spirit of endurance and of ten kilometers (6.2 miles). Also
Known for its flat and fast course, the athleticism but also contribute to referred to as the 10K road race, 10
India: km, or simply 10K, it is one of the most
Berlin Marathon is where numerous world the promotion of health, community
Tata Mumbai Marathon: records have been set. engagement, and philanthropy on a common types of road running event,
One of the most prominent marathons in global scale. alongside the shorter 5K and longer
Asia, the Tata Mumbai Marathon attracts The event attracts elite runners and half marathon and marathon.
elite athletes, amateur runners, and fitness running enthusiasts alike, with a finish at The DSU marathon will have the - A strategic point on the Kanakpura-
enthusiasts from around the world. the historic Brandenburg Gate. following options: Harohalli-Bengaluru Road to the DSU
Campus; to be notified separately.
Known for its scenic route along the Tokyo Marathon (Japan): The Full Marathon:
Arabian Sea and iconic landmarks like As part of the World Marathon Majors, 1) Starts from the DSU Kudlu Gate
the Gateway of India, the event supports the Tokyo Marathon is one of the most campus on Hosur Road, Bengaluru to
numerous charitable causes. sought-after marathons globally. reach DSU main campus Harohalli
2) The Full Marathon of 42 Kms (33.8Kms)
Airtel Delhi Half Marathon: Runners traverse the city, passing by starting from the DSU campus in
Held annually in the capital city, the Airtel iconic landmarks such as the Tokyo Tower Kumarswamy Layout, Bengaluru to
Delhi Half Marathon is a major sporting and the Imperial Palace. reach DSU main campus Harohalli
event in India. Comrades Marathon (South Africa):
The event features various race categories, An ultra marathon with a rich history, the
including the half marathon, 10K, and a Comrades Marathon is one of the oldest
Great Delhi Run, drawing participants of and most challenging races in the world.
all fitness levels. The course alternates direction each year,
Ladakh Marathon: covering approximately 90 kilometers
• Set against the stunning backdrop of between Durban and Pietermaritzburg.
the Himalayas, the Ladakh Marathon Boston Marathon (USA): Cash prizes:
is known for its challenging high- The Boston Marathon is one of the oldest
altitude course. annual marathons, attracting elite runners Rupees Ten Lakhs
• The event promotes tourism in the and qualifiers from around the world.
Sponsorship collections
region and showcases the breathtaking Known for its prestigious history, the will go to the poor patient fund
landscapes of Ladakh. event takes place on Patriots’ Day and of CDSIMER Hospital
includes the challenging “Heartbreak Hill.” on the DSU Campus
The event is open to all citizens’
from across the globe.
Please await more announcements
on the event on the DSU website
and other media channels.


The DSU National Evaluation Criteria:
A panel of expert judges will evaluate
Government Support:
• Seek collaboration with relevant
The Selection Process:
National Innovation Challenge
Online Submission:
• Call for Entries: Announce the
• Online Evaluation: A panel of expert
judges will assess the online submissions
Innovation Challenge submissions based on criteria such as government bodies to garner support for The selection process for the National Innovation Challenge nationally, inviting based on the predetermined criteria.
creativity, feasibility, impact, and potential the initiative. Innovation Challenge is designed teams or individuals to submit their The aim is to shortlist the top 50 teams
for Secondary and for scalability. to identify and showcase the most innovative project proposals online. This or individuals from each region—North,
• Explore the possibility of government
Higher Secondary • Shortlisted teams will be invited to funding and recognition to further
promising and impactful projects from initial stage allows for a broad spectrum of South, East, and West.
secondary and higher secondary students ideas from diverse geographical locations
Students present their projects to a distinguished enhance the impact of the challenge. across the nation. The process involves and backgrounds.
panel during a national-level event in the multiple stages, each aimed at filtering
online format. Timeline: • Submission Criteria: Define specific
National Innovation Challenge for and recognizing innovation and creativity.
• Plan the challenge to run over several submission criteria, emphasizing
Class 9 &10 and 11&12 Students
Incentives for Top Ten Teams: months, incorporating submission creativity, feasibility, societal impact, and
DSU will roll out an ambitious and The top ten teams in each category will deadlines, evaluation periods, and a the potential for scalability. Participants
transformative initiative—an Innovation be awarded: culminating national event to showcase are required to provide a detailed project
Challenge aimed at harnessing the the winning projects. outline, showcasing their problem-solving
• Incubation Space: Access to state-of-
creative potential of secondary (Class approach and the uniqueness of their
the-art incubation facilities to develop Publicity and Media Coverage:
9&10) and higher secondary (Class 11&12) ideas.
and refine their projects. • Implement a robust publicity strategy to
students across the nation. This challenge
generate awareness about the Innovation
aims not only to foster innovation among • Seed Funding: Financial support to kick Challenge.
students but also to provide a platform start their projects and transform them
for turning their ideas into entrepreneurial into viable prototypes or products. • Leverage various media channels,
ventures. including social media, press releases,
• Mentoring: Guidance from industry and partnerships with educational
Objective: experts and experienced mentors publications.
The primary objective of the Innovation to navigate the challenges of
Challenge is to encourage students entrepreneurship. Long-term Impact:
to think critically, problem-solve, and • Track and monitor the progress of
innovate solutions to real-world problems. • Workshops and Training: Specialized winning teams as they embark on their
workshops to enhance their entrepreneurial journeys.
• Foster an entrepreneurial mindset entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.
among students by providing them with • Establish a network of alumni from the
the opportunity to turn their innovative • Networking Opportunities: Connect Innovation Challenge to foster ongoing
ideas into viable businesses. with potential investors, industry leaders, collaboration and knowledge exchange.
and fellow innovators.
Challenge Structure: The National Innovation Challenge for
The challenge will be open to students Collaboration with Educational Class 9&10 and 11&12 students represents
nationwide, divided into two categories— Institutions: a transformative opportunity to nurture
Class 9&10 and Class 11&12. • Partner with schools and colleges, AIC the entrepreneurial spirit among the
Tinkering Labs nationwide to promote the youth. We believe this initiative will not
• Participants will be required to submit Innovation Challenge. only drive innovation but also contribute
innovative project proposals, addressing
• Encourage educational institutions significantly to the socio-economic
societal, environmental, or technological
to integrate innovation and development of our nation.
entrepreneurship education into their


Regional Rounds: National Innovation Challenge: • Recognition and Awards: The top ten In essence, the selection process is Broadcasting Objectives: Audience Engagement:
• Invitation to Top 50 Teams: The • Invitation to Top 20 Teams: The top 20 teams will be recognized and awarded meticulously designed to identify, • National Visibility: Collaborating with • Educational Content: Integrate
shortlisted top 50 teams or individuals teams from each region will be invited special incentives, including incubation nurture, and promote the most promising a prominent national English TV channel educational content within the broadcast
from each region will be invited to to compete in the National Innovation space, seed funding, mentoring, and other innovations emerging from secondary ensures that the National Innovation to explain the innovation process, the
participate in Regional Rounds. These Challenge. This final stage aims to bring support to facilitate the transformation and higher secondary students across Challenge gains maximum visibility across importance of entrepreneurship, and
rounds may take place physically together the most exceptional projects of their innovative ideas into tangible different regions of the country. This the country. This exposure will not only the impact of young innovators on the
or virtually, depending on logistical from all corners of the country. projects. multi-stage approach ensures that the recognize the efforts of participating nation’s development. This approach not
considerations and prevailing National Innovation Challenge is not students but also promote innovation and only entertains but also educates the
circumstances. • Showcasing National Talent: Post-Challenge Support: just a competition but a transformative entrepreneurship on a grand scale. audience.
Participants will have the opportunity to • Incubation and Mentorship: Beyond the experience for participants.
• Pitch Sessions: During the Regional showcase their innovations on a national competition, winning teams will receive • Inspiring the Nation: Broadcasting the • Interactive Platforms: Leverage social
Rounds, participants will present their platform. This can include presentations, support in the form of incubation spaces, Integration with National Television event provides a platform to showcase the media and other interactive platforms
projects to a regional panel of judges. demonstrations, and discussions with a mentorship programs, and guidance from Broadcasting for Maximum Visibility creativity, determination, and brilliance to engage viewers during the televised
The emphasis will be on evaluating the panel of distinguished judges. industry experts to help them navigate of the young minds participating event. Live polls, Q&A sessions, and
A strategic collaboration will significantly in the challenge. This exposure can online discussions can enhance audience
projects in-depth, considering their the early stages of entrepreneurship.
• Competition for the Top Ten enhance the impact and reach of the inspire viewers of all ages to appreciate participation and make the event more
practicality, impact, and potential for
Positions: The final leg of the challenge • Showcasing Success Stories: The National Innovation Challenge—the innovation and consider the impact of dynamic.
will determine the National Ten Best success stories of the winning teams will integration of the entire event with a inventive thinking on societal progress.
• Selection of Top 20 Teams: The top 20 Positions. The judging criteria will be be highlighted and shared nationally, leading national English TV channel for Sponsorship Opportunities:
teams from each region will be selected rigorous, focusing on innovation, societal inspiring future generations and broadcasting. Televised Event Components: • Exclusive Sponsorship Slots: Provide
based on the evaluation results. These impact, scalability, and the potential for showcasing the impact of innovation and • Regional Rounds: Capture the exclusive sponsorship slots within the
teams will move on to the next stage, turning the projects into sustainable entrepreneurship. excitement of the Regional Rounds, broadcast for partners and sponsors
representing their respective regions in entrepreneurial ventures. where the top 50 teams from each region of the National Innovation Challenge.
the National Innovation Challenge. present their projects to a panel of judges. This creates an excellent opportunity
Televised coverage will highlight the for sponsors to align their brands with
diversity of ideas and the caliber of the innovation and youth empowerment.
projects emerging from different parts of
the country. • Promotional Segments: Incorporate
promotional segments highlighting
• National Finals: Broadcasting the the contributions and commitments of
National Innovation Challenge finals will sponsors and partners to the success of
offer viewers an immersive experience the National Innovation Challenge.
into the innovation ecosystem. The
televised event will include interviews
with participants, insights from
judges, and live coverage of the final
presentations, creating an engaging


• Post-Event Coverage: Monitoring and Analytics:
• Success Stories: Extend the visibility • Viewership Metrics: Implement tools to
of the challenge by showcasing success monitor viewership metrics during the
stories of winning teams post-event. broadcast. This data can provide insights
Follow-up interviews, documentaries, into the reach and impact of the televised
and feature stories can be produced to event, aiding future marketing and
highlight the journey of these young promotional strategies.
By integrating the National Innovation
• Encourage Future Participation: Use Challenge with a national English TV
post-event coverage to encourage future channel, DSU aims to not only celebrate
participation in the National Innovation the achievements of young innovators
Challenge. Showcase the positive impact but also to inspire a nationwide
of the challenge on participants and the conversation about the importance of
communities they aim to serve. innovation and entrepreneurship in
shaping the future of our country.
Collaborative Marketing:
• Cross-Promotion: Collaborate with the
TV channel for cross-promotion on various
platforms. This includes leveraging the
channel’s online presence, social media
accounts, and other promotional avenues
to generate excitement and awareness
about the National Innovation Challenge.


Fostering Football For a Leadership and Character
Career Pathways:

Fastpaced Career Goals: Recognizing the role of football in shaping

While the primary focus is on football
development, the initiatives also provide
-Transformative Initiatives character, leadership, and teamwork, avenues for career pathways beyond
At The DSU Campus the initiatives incorporate leadership professional football. Scholarships,
development programs. Through internships, and networking opportunities
Men’s football initiatives within the workshops, mentorship programs, and open doors for student-athletes to pursue
DSU campus will be a game-changer collaborative team activities, players careers in sports management, coaching,
in pursuing holistic development and enhance their footballing skills and or related fields, ensuring a well-rounded
athletic excellence. Leveraging state-of- develop essential life skills that contribute future for participants.
the-art infrastructure and educational to their personal and professional growth.
resources, these initiatives aim to produce Men’s football initiatives within an
elite footballers and nurture well-rounded Community Engagement: academic campus with exceptional
individuals ready to tackle challenges on infrastructure strive for excellence and
The football initiatives extend beyond emphasize character development,
and off the field. Academic Integration: the campus to engage with the local academic achievement, and community
Cutting-Edge Infrastructure: The unique aspect of community. Through outreach programs, engagement. By combining the best
these initiatives lies in coaching clinics, and community events, of both worlds – top-notch football
DSU boasts cutting-edge football facilities, the football program catalyzes positive
their integration with training and academic excellence –
including well-maintained Standard social impact, fostering a sense of unity
academic pursuits. these initiatives create an environment
Artificial Grass Turf, modern training and pride within the community.
Student-athletes enrolled where aspiring footballers can thrive as
equipment, and an expert coaching
in the program maintain individuals and contribute meaningfully
staff. This world-class infrastructure is
a balance between to society.
the foundation for developing technical
rigorous academic
skills, tactical understanding, and physical
schedules and intensive football training.
fitness among aspiring footballers.
This dual focus encourages discipline
Talent Identification and and reinforces the importance of time
Development: management and goal-setting among
A structured talent identification program
is implemented to scout and recruit Intercollegiate Competitions:
promising football talents from the
To showcase their skills and foster healthy
campus and surrounding areas. These
competition, the football program
selected individuals undergo systematic
encourages participation in intercollegiate
training regimes focusing on individual
tournaments and leagues. These events
skills and team dynamics. Coaches, often
provide a platform for players to test their
with professional playing backgrounds,
mettle against diverse opponents, gaining
provide personalized guidance to
exposure and experience beyond the
each player, ensuring their growth and
campus boundaries.

Experience an elevated sporting journey as the illuminated facilities at DSU light up your
passion for sports!


Dive into the World of connect with professionals, and build
lasting relationships beyond court.
Experience the Brilliance of the DSU
Sports Complex!
Padel sport Unveiled Why Choose Padel sport? Embark on a Padel sport journey and be
among the first to embrace this exciting
Tennis Tournaments and events become arenas
Step into the DSU Sports Complex, where - A Rare Gem Arrives in India at the DSU
Padel sport uniquely combines tennis,
squash, and racquetball elements, played
sport in India. Unleash your competitive
where skills are showcased, friendships are Sports Complex! spirit, enhance your fitness, and dive
Welcome to the captivating realm of forged, and career doors swing open. six contemporary tennis courts await your with specially designed padels and a into the world of Padel sport—the next
tennis, a sport that transcends boundaries, arrival. Whether you’re a daytime player Discover the thrill of Padel sport, an low-bouncing ball. Its a game of strategy, frontier in active entertainment!
ignites passion and creates extraordinary Your Growth Smash: Opportunities to or prefer the allure of night games, all our exhilarating and rare addition to the agility, and precision, offering a refreshing
stories of triumph. As you embark on this Improve Networking courts are primed and ready for action. sporting scene in India! Hailing as a new twist to traditional racquet sports.
journey, let us unravel the excitement Beyond the physical prowess and strategic The cutting-edge illumination ensures sport, Padel sport is making its debut on Who Can Play?
surrounding professional tennis, explore brilliance, tennis cultivates qualities that you can wield your racquet precisely, Indian soil at the DSU Sports Complex
its profound impact on your career, and extend far beyond the court. The mental creating the perfect ambience for your promises an exciting blend of fun, fitness, Padel sport is remarkably inclusive,
unveil the abundant opportunities it offers fortitude developed through every match, game whenever the mood strikes. Join us and fierce competition. welcoming players of all ages and skill
for networking and personal growth. the camaraderie with fellow players, and and let the illuminated courts elevate your levels. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete
the ability to handle victories and defeats tennis experience! or a newcomer to sports, the rules;
The Global Spectacle: Professional simplicity and the game is dynamic in
Tennis gracefully are invaluable assets. These
attributes shape you as a tennis player Calling all Tennis Lovers! nature make it accessible to everyone.
Professional tennis isn’t just a sport; it’s a and a well-rounded individual, enhancing Gather your friends, family, or colleagues
Come grab the DSU Tennis Challenge Cup for a thrilling Padel sport experience. Experience an elevated sporting journey as
global spectacle that captures hearts and your social and professional networks. 2024. And lay claim to a cash money of
minds worldwide. The tennis stage is a the illuminated facilities at DSU light up your
Join the Tennis Revolution! Rs Five Lakhs passion for sports!
vibrant arena of skill, strategy, and sheer
determination, from the prestigious Grand Whether you’re aiming for a career on the Await our annoucnements for more
Slam tournaments to intense ATP and court or seeking to infuse your life with details on the time schedules.
WTA matches. Witnessing tennis legends the energy and dynamism of tennis, this
battling it out on the court is not just a sport opens doors to new possibilities. Get
spectacle; it’s an inspiration, a testament ready to serve, volley, and ace your way Calling all Tennis Lovers!
to what dedication and hard work can to a thrilling personal and professional
achieve. growth journey. Come grab the DSU Tennis
Challenge Cup 2024. And lay
Impact on Your Career: Aces and claim to a cash money of
Achievements Rs Five Lakhs
Immerse yourself in tennis, and you’ll
discover a world of personal and Await our annoucnements
for more details on the time
professional development opportunities. schedules.
The discipline, resilience, and strategic
thinking cultivated on the tennis court
translate seamlessly into the business
world. Whether you’re an aspiring athlete
or a keen enthusiast, tennis instills values
that propel you forward in your career
Networking Beyond the Baseline:
Opportunities Await
Tennis isn’t just about rallies and aces; Experience an elevated sporting journey as
it’s also a powerful networking platform. the illuminated facilities at DSU light up your
Engage with like-minded individuals, passion for sports!


Kabaddi Historical Significance: Cultural Festivals:
Kabaddi is mentioned in ancient Indian Kabaddi is often played during cultural
- A Highly Recommended Sport literature and scriptures, dating back festivals and events in India. Its presence
for All Ages! thousands of years. It has historical roots, in these celebrations adds to the cultural
Kabaddi, a dynamic and exhilarating and its presence is noted in various forms significance of the sport, and it becomes
sport, is highly recommended for across different regions of India. a symbol of community bonding and
individuals seeking a perfect blend of traditional values.
Rural Tradition:
physical fitness, teamwork, and strategic Schools and Colleges:
thinking. From ancient times, Kabaddi has Kabaddi has been a traditional sport in
evolved into a modern, action-packed rural areas across India for generations. Kabaddi is a popular sport in educational
game that offers many benefits. It often serves as entertainment during institutions across India. Schools and
festivals and gatherings, contributing colleges often include Kabaddi in their
Physical Fitness: to its widespread popularity in local sports curriculum, allowing young talent
Kabaddi is an excellent full-body workout communities. to engage in this traditional game.
that enhances endurance, strength, Pro Kabaddi League: Kabaddi’s connection to India is deeply
and agility. The constant movement, ingrained in the country’s cultural fabric,
quick sprints, and strategic maneuvers In recent years, introducing the Pro and its evolution from traditional roots to
contribute to cardiovascular health and Kabaddi League (PKL) has significantly a modern professional league showcases
overall physical well-being. boosted the sport’s popularity. The league, its enduring popularity and significance.
launched in 2014, brought a professional
Team Building: and modern touch to Kabaddi, attracting DSU is paving the way to create the right
Kabaddi emphasizes collaboration, top players worldwide and capturing a ecosystem and supporting it with the
communication, and trust among team massive television audience. required infrastructure to attract talented
members as a team sport. Players learn youth to experience Kabaddi in all its
International Success: glory while also considering becoming a
to coordinate strategies, creating a solid
camaraderie beyond the playing field. India has succeeded in international Kabaddi Pro!
Kabaddi competitions, including the Discover your Kabbadi prowess at
Mental Toughness: Asian Games and Kabaddi World Cup. DSU, which has mud and matted
The fast-paced nature of Kabaddi The Indian national Kabaddi team has Kabaddi courts
demands quick decision-making and consistently demonstrated dominance
strategic planning. Engaging in this sport and skill on the global stage, contributing
fosters mental resilience, concentration, to the sport’s prestige.
and the ability to think on one’s feet.
Kabbadi and the India connection:
Kabaddi holds a special place in India
as it is deeply rooted in its cultural
heritage. The sport has ancient origins
and has been played in various forms
for centuries. Here are some key points
highlighting the Indian connection to

Experience an elevated sporting journey as the illuminated facilities at DSU light up your passion for sports!


Basketball: NBA Dominance:
The NBA stands as a beacon of excellence Experience an elevated sporting
-The Art of Precision and Team Harmony in professional basketball, featuring top- journey as the illuminated
Basketball, a sport renowned for its high- tier athletes who showcase exceptional facilities at DSU light up your
flying action and strategic finesse, has skill and athleticism. The league’s global passion for sports!
evolved into a global phenomenon that influence has contributed significantly to
resonates with enthusiasts of all ages. basketball’s widespread recognition.
Fast-Paced Excitement: Olympic Prestige:
Basketball’s rapid pace and continuous Basketball has been a staple of the
movement create an exhilarating Olympic Games since 1936, solidifying its
spectacle. From swift dribbles to slam status as a premier international sport. The
dunks, every moment on the court Olympic basketball tournaments feature
displays skill, agility, and precision. elite athletes worldwide competing for
glory on the grandest stage.
Team Synchronization:
Youth Development: Basketball’s
At its heart, basketball is a team sport popularity in schools and colleges
that thrives on synchronization. Players promotes youth development, fostering
must seamlessly coordinate passes, set discipline, teamwork, and a passion for
up plays, and defend against opponents, physical activity. The sport provides a
highlighting the significance of teamwork platform for aspiring athletes to hone their
in achieving success on the court. skills and pursue their basketball dreams.
Global Fandom: Street Basketball Culture:
With a massive global following, Street basketball played on neighborhood
basketball has transcended cultural courts and urban landscapes, adds a
boundaries. From the iconic NBA (National unique cultural element to the sport.
Basketball Association) in the United Pick-up games and street tournaments
States to international leagues, the sport’s contribute to the grassroots appeal of
popularity continues to soar, drawing basketball, bringing people together in
millions of fans from diverse backgrounds. urban settings.
Inclusive Engagement: Keep playing. Anywhere. Get spotted.
Basketball’s accessibility makes it a DSU veterans are on the prowl to pick
sport for everyone. Whether played on the most passionate of players. Villages,
community courts or in professional Roadside, Schools or Colleges.
arenas, individuals of various skill levels Playing with the DSU colours means
can enjoy shooting hoops, dribbling, and you can aspire to be part of the State or
engaging in friendly games. national teams. You like that?
Visit the DSU Sports Campus for more


Volleyball Versatility:
Experience an elevated sporting journey as
The adaptability of volleyball allows it to the illuminated facilities at DSU light up your
- A Dynamic and Universally Loved Sport be played in diverse settings, from indoor passion for sports!
Volleyball is a dynamic and universally courts to sandy beaches. This versatility
loved sport, celebrated for its fast-paced contributes to its global appeal, making it
action, teamwork, and accessibility. a favorite pastime in schools, colleges, and
With roots in indoor and beach formats, leisure spaces worldwide.
volleyball has achieved global popularity, Olympic Spotlight:
captivating enthusiasts of all ages. More
on the sport! Volleyball has earned prominence on
the Olympic stage, further solidifying its
Thrilling Action: status as a major international sport. The
Volleyball’s rapid rallies and strategic plays Olympic volleyball tournaments, featuring
make it an electrifying spectacle. The elite athletes from around the globe,
continuous back-and-forth over the net showcase the sport’s competitive spirit
demands agility, coordination, and quick and global following.
decision-making, keeping players and Youth Engagement:
spectators on the edge.
Volleyball has a strong presence in school
Team Dynamics: and college sports programs, engaging
At its core, volleyball is a team sport young athletes and promoting physical
that emphasizes collaboration and fitness. Its simplicity, combined with the
communication. Success on the court excitement of the game, makes it an
hinges on effective teamwork, as players ideal sport for fostering a love of physical
work in unison to set up attacks, block activity among the youth.
opponents, and defend their side of the Beach Volleyball Lifestyle:
The sun, sand, and exhilarating matches
Inclusivity: characterize beach volleyball. This variant
Volleyball is known for its inclusivity, of the sport has a distinct lifestyle appeal,
welcoming players of various skill levels drawing players and fans to coastal
and physical abilities. Whether played at destinations for tournaments and leisure
the recreational or professional level, the play.
sport encourages participation and fosters Keep playing. Anywhere. Get spotted. DSU
a sense of community. veterans are on the prowl to pick the most
passionate of players. Villages, Roadside,
Schools or Colleges.
Playing with the DSU colors means you
can aspire to be part of the State or
national teams. You like that?
Visit the DSU Sports Campus for more


Dedicated Cricket As in other cricket-playing nations,
women’s cricket in India has undergone
cricketers, ensuring a diverse talent pool is
considered, irrespective of
Social and Professional
Grounds for Women a transformative shift, with a growing socio-economic backgrounds.
Engaging in cricket on an academic
emphasis on identifying and nurturing
DSU offers A Holistic Approach to Talent young talent nationwide. This concerted Training and Development: campus exposes women to various social
Identification and Development effort aims to foster a new generation of and professional opportunities. Through
Once identified, this young talent participation in tournaments, interactions
skilled cricketers by leveraging the sport receives specialized training programs.
With the introduction of the Women’s T20 to provide educational and professional with seasoned players, and networking
Collaborating with cricket academies events, aspiring cricketers build valuable
Challenge and, eventually, the Women’s opportunities for women. and experienced coaches, these athletes Integration with an Academic Holistic Development: connections beyond sports. This exposure
Premier League (WPL), the future of Indian
Talent Identification - The DSU Way: receive top-notch technical skills Campus: opens employment opportunities in
women’s cricket looks very bright. The program strongly emphasizes
and mental resilience coaching. The corporate and government sectors,
The process begins with a nationwide training goes beyond the cricket field, To optimize the cricket infrastructure, education, keeping the holistic
The Indian Women’s Cricket team is fostering a more diverse representation of
scouting program designed to identify incorporating educational components, a unique approach involves setting development of every individual in mind.
currently ranked fourth in the world in the women in various fields.
young and promising talents in the leadership development, and social skills up training facilities within academic Female cricketers enrolled in the DSU
One Day Internationals (ODIs) and fifth in
game. With a keen eye for raw potential, enhancement. campuses. This dual-purpose Colleges can pursue academic excellence By integrating the sport within academic
Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is). The team
talent scouts visit schools, colleges, and infrastructure allows for the seamless alongside cricketing pursuits. Thus, campuses, we not only optimize existing
has consistently reached the ICC Women’s
local tournaments to spot budding integration of education and sports women entering the sport receive a well- infrastructure but also create a pathway
World Cup semi-finals, and in 2017, they
and promotes a healthy and balanced rounded education, equipping them with for talented women to excel in cricket
finished as runners-up.
lifestyle for aspiring cricketers. The cricket skills and knowledge and skills while receiving a well-rounded education,
In 2018, BCCI took the most significant campus environment fosters community, applicable to various career paths. ensuring a brighter future for both the
step to promote Indian women’s cricket encourages teamwork, and provides individual and the nation.
with the introduction of the Women’s access to academic resources.
T20 Challenge, providing a platform National selectors: Keep coming to the
for Indian players to showcase their DSU campus. You may find your next
talent and giving them exposure to woman cricketing star on the DSU
international players. The Women’s IPL has Campus!
also increased sponsorship and media
coverage of women’s cricket in India. More
brands are investing in Indian Women’s
Cricket, and several broadcasters have
started airing women’s cricket matches,
helping raise the sport’s profile and
encouraging more girls to take up cricket.
The BCCI has increased the number
of domestic tournaments, and several
states have started their women’s cricket
leagues. This has helped identify talent
at the grassroots level and provided a
platform for young players to showcase
their skills.
Reinforcing these initiatives, DSU is doing
its best, taking significant strides by
creating an exclusive Women’s Cricket
Experience an elevated sporting journey as the illuminated facilities at
DSU light up your passion for sports!


Admission to DSU programs is now
possible for candidates with good scores
in the following:

(Dayananda Sagar Scholastic and Admission



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