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Question 1:

1. Identify Yakult core benefits and values to customers

Yakult is a yogurt drink that contains probiotic bacteria, specifically Lactobacillus
casei Hirota. Inoculated L.casei Shirota resistant to gastric digestion, and development
reached in the intestine.
 Increasing the beneficial bacteria and reducing harmful bacteria, helps balance
intestinal microflora.
 Reduces the formation of harmful substances, toxins and inhibits the formation
of enteric necrotic substances.
 Improve intestinal microflora, prevent diarrhea and constipation
 Regulate the immune system, prevent infectious diseases and cancer

2. Define Yakult levels of competition in accordance with the Lehman &

Winer 2005 model.
 The narrowest level of competition is referred to Product form
 Proby: A probiotic yogurt drink product produced by Vietnam Dairy
Products Joint Stock Company - Vinamilk, launched in March 2008.
Proby drinking yogurt contains up to 13 billion beneficial bacteria from
Denmark to help increase the body's resistance and immune system. Use
the product to give your body more energy and be healthier, reduce the
risk of cancer, and supplement probiotics to inhibit the growth of
bacteria harmful to health. Proby has many flavors such as: strawberry,
sugar, low sugar, blueberry, melon,...
 Betagen: probiotic yogurt drink from Thailand, launched in May 2008.
For every 100ml of Betagen drinking yogurt, there will be up to 1.5g of
protein and 9 billion Lactobacillus Casei probiotics. Betagen also has a
variety of product types, including fruit flavors to choose from, this is a
factor in attracting children as customers. Besides, cheaper price and
more weight are also advantageous factors.

 TH true YOGURT PROBIOTICS: The product is made from pure fresh

milk from THE Farm along with 18 billion beneficial bacteria, including
Lactobacillus paracasei L. casei-01 (TH_L. casei) and Lactobacillus
paracasei F-19 (TH. paracasei).
 Nuti probiotic yogurt drink: the product provides about 20 billion
Lactobacillus paracasei bacteria in 100ml to help keep the intestines
healthy and help prevent constipation for healthy families every day.
 The product category is the next base competition level for that product
having similar features.
 Fruit-flavored drinking yogurt products: Yomost, Vinamilk Hero Fruit
Drinking Yogurt, TH true YOGURT Sterilized Drinking Yogurt,...
 Edible yogurt products: TH true YOGURT, Ba Vi, Vinamilk, Dutch
Lady, Wel-Yo,...
 The 3rd level of competition is termed generic competitions
 Kombucha fermented tea: Star Kombucha, GT's Kombucha, Lady
Kombucha - Kashew,...
 Juice: Vfresh, Tropicana, TH true JUICE,...
 Bottled tea: Dr. Thanh, TH true TEA, Tea plus, C2,...
 Fresh milk: Nutifood, Nestle, Vinamilk, TH True milk, Moc Chau,...
 Nut milk: TH True milk, Vinamilk, Fami,...
 The last level of Competition, Budget: form the broadest view of competition
 Ice cream, Snack, Cheese, Cake, Dried fruit,...

Question 2:
Multi vitamin family Provita
1. Executive summary
Today, consumers are increasingly paying attention to products that are good for
health and increase resistance, especially after the covid-19 pandemic. And in
particular, functional foods are currently very popular with consumers, specifically
multivitamin tablets. According to statistics from the Vietnam Association of
Functional Foods (VAFF), the number of functional food consumers accounts for 1/5
of the population. Vietnam has more than 3.000 establishments producing and trading
functional foods.
Among them, Minh Hanh Pharmaceutical Trading Company Limited was
established on February 27, 2012, and is an enterprise that distributes medicinal
products, functional foods, and cosmetics domestically and internationally. After more
than 10 years of development, Minh Hanh Pharmaceutical distributes more than 50
community health care products. Especially outstanding is the product Multi Vitamin
Family PROVITA + Fucoidal Jelly tablets. The product is a superior formula of 24
active ingredients, combining precious herbs with essential vitamins and minerals.
Thereby helping to increase resistance, support digestion, nourish blood, reduce
cerebral anemia,....
With the mission of bringing quality products to meet the health care needs of
more customers, the research team decided to propose and create a product strategy
and supporting marketing programs for Multi Vitamin Family PROVITA + Fucoidal
Jelly in Vietnam market for next year- 2024.

2. Situation analysis

2.1. Category definition

Multivitamin is a functional food intended to serve as dietary supplements
containing vitamins, at least 16 minerals, and other nutrients. They are often prepared
and available in the form of tablets, capsules, effervescent tablets,... Using
multivitamin tablets is beneficial for overall health, including supporting the immune
system, maintaining bone and teeth health, and improving bone health, cardiovascular
function and energy supply.

2.2 Category analysis

2.2.1. Category size

According to VAFF 2021, the total scale of Vietnam's functional food industry
reaches 12 billion USD. Vietnam currently has more than 3.000 production facilities,
providing nearly 12.000 health care products to the market. Of these, more than 70%
of products are domestically produced. Products imported from abroad account for
only more than 20% and most are from countries such as America, Japan, Korea,... In
particular, some Vietnamese functional food products have met standards for export to
the international market. The proportion of domestic consumers over 18 years old who
know and use functional foods is over 60% and can buy products in many places such
as stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, and through online trading channels, social

2.2.2. Market growth

The global functional foods market is expected to grow from 186,22 billion USD
in 2023 to 212,85 billion USD in 2028, at a CAGR of 2.71% during the forecast
period (2023–2028), with the Asia-Pacific region, including Vietnam, dominating the
market. At the conference on the functional food market in 2022, a representative of
the Food Safety Department said that the Vietnamese functional food market is
growing by 15% per year. According to Euromoniter, the functional food market in
Vietnam will continue to grow in the coming years, with a growth rate of over 20%
per year. In 2021, vitamin C consumption in retail channels in Vietnam is forecast to
increase by 20%, ranking highest, followed by multivitanim in second place with a
forecast growth of 14%. These numbers are likely to continue to increase each year
due to consumers' growing health concerns.
Herbalife Nutrition and Nutrition Council 2021 survey shows that Vietnamese
consumers pay more attention to health goals, with more than half (51%) of
respondents saying they are eating healthy. and are adding more vitamins and
minerals to their diet.
Consumers in Vietnam are adding vitamins and supplements to their diets and half
(50%) say they understand the health benefits that vitamins and supplements bring. .
Vitamins and dietary supplements are part of the nutritional regimen of many
consumers: Including nutritional supplements in their diet is becoming popular in
Vietnam with nearly 8/10 (79 % of consumers use vitamins and supplements weekly,
with 77% of them taking one or two products at a time.

2.3. Category factors

2.3.1. Competitive rivalry

In Vietnam there have been more than 4.000 domestic enterprises participating in
production with more than 10.000 products in circulation. Besides, there are brands
imported from the US, Canada, Japan,... that have appeared early in the Vietnamese
market and have a certain position and reputation. In the functional food industry,
competition between businesses is highly motivated to maintain and enhance the

2.3.2. Threat of new entrants

The functional food industry in Vietnam has great potential for large and small
businesses to exploit together. With the high growth rate of the industry, many private
enterprises in Vietnam have begun to invest in producing and trading this product.
Foreign businesses are also looking for distributors in Vietnam.

2.3.3. Bargaining power of buyers

Customers can demand high quality of products when functional foods directly
affect the body, when currently only 300/10.000 products meet production
requirements. If customers have many choices and are less dependent on a particular
business, they may make requests for quality improvements or price reductions.

2.3.4. Bargaining power of suppliers

In the dietary supplement industry, sources of important ingredients such as herbs,
vitamins and minerals can have high negotiating power. If there are at least a limited
number of quality suppliers, this can increase the price of raw materials and affect the
profitability of the business.

2.3.5. Pressure from substitutes

Products made from natural ingredients such as herbal teas, vegetable powders,
cereals... will easily be favored over functional foods if they do not reduce
performance or health effects. Or alternative methods such as healthy lifestyle, green

2.4. Environmental factors

2.4.1. Political
Food safety regulations: may reduce or enhance product functionality. This
includes product regulations that meet GMP standards with strict requirements on
equipment, technology, people, and the environment.
Tax policies and regulations on drugs and functional foods: can affect the price of
the product.

2.4.2. Economic
The average monthly income of workers increased by 6.8% over the same period
last year. This increases the ability to pay for other items such as health promotion in
addition to essentials. Price sensitivity will also decrease.
Fluctuations in production costs (raw materials, fuel,...) can affect business profits
and product prices.

2.4.3. Social
After Covid-19, consumers care more about health care and healthy lifestyles.
Increased health consciousness may create opportunities for functional foods, but it
also poses challenges in confronting attention to quality and transparency. Besides
health, female consumers are also interested in products that help enhance beauty
from within the body.

2.4.4. Technological
Applying technology in product research and development can create opportunities
to launch new products or enhance the functionality or quality of existing products.
The influence of online shopping and online commerce channels, when today's
consumers tend to use social networks and e-commerce platforms, can affect the
marketing strategies of businesses.

2.3 Company and competitor analysis

2.3.1. Direct competiti

DHC Multi Vitamin Blackmores Multivitamin + Puritan’s Pride One Daily
Energy Women’s Multivitamin
Product Contains up to 12 vitamins Formula to supplement 24 Supplement essential vitamins
feature and minerals: Niacin, vitamins, minerals, amino and minerals for women:
Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, acids: Vitamin B1, B2, B5, Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B6,
natural extract from B6, B12, C, D3, Magnesium, B12, Zinc, Magnesium,
dunaliella salina algae, iron, Selenium, Biotin,... Calcium, Manganese...
Vitamins A1,500IU, B1, → Reduce fatigue, increase → Increase resistance, support
B2... energy. bones, prevent anemia for
→ Reduces depression, women.
cardiovascular disease,
physiological disorders,
brightens skin.
Price 179.000 VND/ 60 tablets 335.000 VND/ 50 tablets 330.000 VND/100 tablets
Distribution Online platforms Online platforms (e-commerce Pharmacies, Online platforms
method (, platform,,...), stores (e-commerce platform,, e-commerce specializing in selling foreign,...)
platforms), pharmacies, products, Hasaki, Guardian,...
Guardian stores, Hasaki
stores, supermarkets,...
Target Adults over 18 years old. Adults and children over 12 For women over 18 years old
consumer There is a need to years old (not for pregnant (not for women during
supplement vitamins, women and breastfeeding pregnancy or breastfeeding and
increase resistance, and women), mainly people who absolutely not for children
maintain youth. want to supplement energy under 6 months).
and provide nutrients.
Strengths - Brand from Japan, meets - Reputable and high quality - Brand made in the US, trusted
compared to many strict standards. brand from Australia, trusted by many people.
Multivitami - Quality raw materials and by many people - Supplement many essential
n family production on a modern, - Provides higher energy than nutrients, especially for women
Provita closed production line with regular multivitamins
strict testing.
Weakness - Zip bag packaging, - High price. - Age and target users
compared to difficult to use and - Contains selenium in high restrictions.
Multivitami preserve. concentrations - Difficult to discuss
n family - Age and user restrictions accompanying services
Provita compared to domestic
2.3.2. Indirect competitions
Some other products in the functional food industry include:
- Blackmores Pregnancy Iron:
+ Supports essential iron supplementation for women during pregnancy
and postpartum, helps maintain iron levels,...
+ Contains iron bisglycinate, a form of iron that causes less nausea and
constipation, gently on pregnant mothers' digestion. Researched and
developed by a functional food brand that has received the "Reputable
Brand" award in Australia for 10 consecutive years.
- Nature Made Fish Oil Omega 3:
+ Originating from the US, Nature Made Fish Oil products contain
Omega-3 fatty acids with a content of 3600mg to help maintain
cardiovascular health and also maintain existing triglyceride levels in a
stable range.
- Glucosamine HCL Kirkland With MSM:
+ Recognized by the US Department of Health as a product that meets
standards and ensures absolute safety for users.
+ Glucosamine ingredients help support joint cartilage regeneration,
lubricate joint cartilage, help strengthen bones, and prevent joint
- Nutrilite Bio C plus:
+ Famous product from America.
+ Including Vitamin C, Calcium, Acerola Lyophilized Powder, Citrus
Bioflavonoids Dehydrate... helps support natural immunity to protect the
body against bacteria and viruses, supports body purification, and
protects healthy cells strongly,...
+ Suitable for adults and children 9 years and older (pregnant or
breastfeeding women should not use it).
These are also functional foods, but the ingredients and uses of the products will
focus on a single superior feature for each specific user and their unique, more
specific needs.

2.3.3 Alternative products

Products rich in nutrients such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds, foods rich
in calcium, protein, and good fats,..

2.4 Customer Analysis

Children under 10 Children over 10 Người lớn và trung Người cao tuổi
years old years old, teenagers niên

Who Demograph Income: Depends on Income: Partly Income: Financial Income: financial
ic parents dependent on family independence, high independence
or financial income
independence, stable

Gender: All Gender: All (women account for more)

Geographic: Everywhere, but mostly concentrated in big cities

Psychogra Followding to family Like the convenience. Pay much attention to Paying special
phic instructions. Pay attention to their the health of yourself attention to health,
own health. and your family. this is the age
group that needs to
use functional

Behavioral Depends on the Follow the family's Be independent and Prioritize

family's choice. instructions or do their consider purchasing purchasing
own research on functional foods for functional foods to
social networking yourself and your supplement your
sites. family. health.

Willing to pay for Their family bought

functional foods to functional foods for
improve health them to use.

What What Multivitamin Look for products that Prioritize products Contains rare
customers functional food support adequate containing many medicinal
buy products are good for vitamin minerals to support ingredients,
the digestive system supplementation to health, increase providing benefits
and immune system, increase energy and resistance, prevent such as improving
reducing malnutrition calcium to grow taller. aging of bones and blood circulation,
and picky eating. Besides, there are joints and maintaining
types that help cardiovascular cardiovascular
In addition, fruit beautify the skin, diseases. health, enhancing
flavors can be added containing vitamin A metabolism,
and the product is in to support vision in For pregnant women, strengthening
the form of easy-to- learning and brain iron supplementation bones and
use gummies and development. helps improve the strengthening teeth.
effervescent tablets. quality of red blood
cells,... helping the
pregnancy develop

How they Use once a day or Adult supplements Can be used 2 - 3 times per day or more.
use it less because can be used but less However, according to each type of product,
functional foods for frequently. take the appropriate dosage.
children do not have
too many effects, so
consider using them.

However, the level of use depends on a number of factors such as age, gender, weight,
health status and depending on the special ingredients of each product and the frequency of
use required.

Where customers In pharmacies, cosmetic and health care retail stores, large
buy supermarket chains and online shopping on e-commerce platforms,
websites or from foreign intermediaries.

When customers buy Purchase products monthly for home and personal use.
On special occasions such as holidays, you can buy products as
During big promotions.

How they choose - Through the recommendation of friends, family, and pharmacists at
the pharmacy
- Through learning about product information on social networking
- Through the evaluation of customers who have previously
- Some types have prices suitable for your finances.

Why they prefer a Likes products in - Prioritize functional foods with a combination of nutrients to bring
product the form of candy, comprehensive health and feel like you spend less money.
- Prioritize energy products in tablet and capsule form for easy and
functional foods quick use
with many flavors, - Prioritize products that can be used by the whole family to feel more
stimulating convenient.
children's taste
How they respond to View advertising Watch advertisements for functional foods.
marketing programs programs for Through analyzing the number of purchases and customer reviews
functional products. through online platforms
Will they buy again Loyalty level: High

3. Objectives
Sell: The company plans to sell 700.000 products in 2024.
Revenue: With the number of products sold as above, the company is expected to
achieve revenue of about VND.
Market share: Increase market share up to 7% in the multivitamin market in
Vietnam 2024.

4. Product/ Brand Strategy

4.1. Customer target

Children over 10 year olds, Adults and middle-aged people Elderly


Demograp Income: depends on family or Income: medium and high, Income: average over 10 million
hic has income but is still low. from 7 million VND or more. VND or retired.

Geography Everywhere, but mostly concentrated in big cities

Behavior Start knowing and learning Research and learn carefully, Prioritize their own use
about functional foods. regularly buy for themselves
Use as directed by family and their family

Benefits Look for products that Functional food products The product contains rare medicinal
sought support adequate vitamin contain many minerals to ingredients, providing benefits such
supplementation such as support health, increase as improving blood circulation,
multivitamin tablets to resistance, cardiovascular maintaining cardiovascular health,
increase energy and brain diseases, and avoid physical and avoiding poor diet.
development. weakness.
Reputable brand, product in box/jar
Reasonable prices, eye- Reputable brand, product in for easy carrying.
catching products box/jar for easy carrying.
Prioritize products that can be used
Prioritize products in tablet Prioritize products that can be by the whole family
form for easy swallowing used by the whole family

Frequency Use 1-2 tablets/day Use 2-3 tablets/day

of use

4.2. Brand Strategy

Provita was born with the mission of bringing a high quality functional food
product at a reasonable price for the health of the entire Vietnamese family. With
careful research, from selection of raw materials to the application of modern, strict
production processes, we bring a product with a high level of safety and compatibility
for a wide variety of users. Along with ingredients from precious medicinal herbs,
many necessary vitamin and mineral compounds, Provita hopes to bring
comprehensive resistance to the consumer's body.

4.3. Product features

4.3.1. Packaging
Size and shape: Compact rectangular box, inside contains 2 blisters x 15 tablets
Material: Paper is safe and convenient, environmentally friendly
Brand logo/ Name: Multi Vitamin Family PROVITA + Fucoidal Jelly
Color and theme: White box with image of melted honey, bright and eye-catching
main color yellow.

4.3.2. Ingredient
The product comes in soft capsule form, with color is dark brown, about 2cm long
- and is a superior formula containing 24 active ingredients.

4.3.3. Function

Characteristic Benefits

Cordyceps extract combined with Panax Enhance immunity, increase resistance, increase blood
vietnamensis and Fucoidan circulation to tissues and organs, increase absorption of

Royal Jelly, Red Ginseng Extract, Ginkgo Nourishes blood, increases circulation and increases oxygen
Biloba Extract
supply to organs in the body, especially the brain, preventing
cerebral anemia and dementia.

Supplement antioxidants, comprehensively Protects organs from oxidizing agents, enhances resistance,
providing essential minerals and vitamins especially during convalescence and brain development.

The product is soft capsules Convenient, easy for customers to use, easy to drink

Compact paper box Customers are easy to carry, easy to store and also contribute
Full information about ingredients, uses, to protecting the environment
intended users, how to use, place of Besides feeling safe, it is easy to understand the product when
production, anti-counterfeit stamps... buying and using it

Diverse uses for target audience Makes customers feel convenient, without having to consider too
much when buying and using the product.

4.3.4. Product support service

As a Vietnamese brand, customers will easily find out information as well as
contact the company directly when they need advice or answer questions compared to
products imported from abroad or through intermediaries that may be make
information distorted.
At the same time, when customers receive feedback, it will also be faster and more
accurate. The company builds a team of professional staff, solving consumer
questions as well as providing product advice. Customers can contact the hotline
0773361111 or email: if they have any
questions about the product, or for more detailed information.

4.4. Core strategy

4.4.1. Differentiation
Provita contains up to 9 types of vitamins and rare Vietnamese herbs, combining a
variety of minerals and benign nutrients, the product has a high level of safety and is
compatible for a wide variety of people. Usage:
- Children from 10 years old
- Adolescents in the period of strengthening, weak and malnourished people
- Adults are tired, have weak health, lack of clarity, dizziness, nausea,... high
blood pressure
- Even for the elderly or pregnant and postpartum women.
At the same time, it also does not contain selenium in high concentrations, so there is
no need to worry about overdosing (more than 1 pill/day) leading to health risks and is
not restricted to children. The product can be used up to 4 tablets/day or
- For children 10-15 years old: take 1-2 tablets/day
- Children over 15 years old and adults: take 2-3 tablets/day
In particular, the product also contains nutritional extracts from many rare natural
herbs such as cordyceps, panax vietnamensis, royal jelly, red ginseng extract,...

4.4.2. Product positioning

High natural ingredients - Diversity of users

→ The product is positioned in the customer's mind as a highly safe product, suitable for all family
members, together strengthening resistance. In addition to not only being a multivitamin tablet that
includes vitamin and mineral compounds like other brands, it also contains extracts from rare and
natural herbs to provide more comprehensive health benefits for consumers.

5. Supporting marketing programs

5.1. Price
Currently the product is priced at pharmacies: 90,000 VND/box of 30 tablets. In 2024, it is
recommended that the company with the following pricing strategy and price adjustment
strategy to increase customer incentives to purchase larger quantities and promote more
frequent purchases:

Price Retail price for 1 For 10 boxes For 30 boxes For 50 boxes

Multi vitamin 90.000 87.000 VND/ 85.000 VND/ 83.000 VND/

family PROVITA VND/box of 30 box of 30 box of 30 box of 30
tablets tablets tablets tablets

Implement discount policies for distribution intermediaries:

Distributors will receive additional discounts when paying 70% in advance of the total
amount for one import as follows:
- Add 2% compared to the previous import price for 50 products or more.
- Add 3% compared to the previous import price for 70 products or more.
- Add 5% compared to the previous import price for 100 products or more.

The changing seasons of 2024 (January, April, August, October) are the time when people
are most susceptible to getting sick, which is also the time when customers will look for more
functional foods and multivitamin pills to help. enhance resistance. Therefore, it is possible to
introduce a reward policy based on the import sales of each month above.
- Get 10 additional products if you import more than 100 products/month (Jan, Apr, Aug, Oct)
- Get an additional 15 products if you import more than 150 products/month (Jan, Apr, Aug,
- Get an additional 20 products if you import more than 200 products/month (Jan, Apr, Aug,
→ Implementing discount programs for distribution intermediaries will promote more product
consumption and improve efficiency in sales activities.

5.2. Place
Currently, the company is implementing a selective distribution strategy for Multi vitamin
family Provita products. The product is being sold at Long Chau, An Khang,... and small
retail pharmacies nationwide. In 2024, it is proposed that the company expand its distribution
channel system to bring products to more customers, thereby bringing high sales to the
The end of 2023 The start of 2024 Middle of 2024 The end of 2024

Inform and agree on Maintain and expand cooperation with Put products on e- Perform an
the latest product large private pharmacy systems and commerce platforms overall inspection
information. small private pharmacies after building a strong of all activities
product image in the related to the
Plan to expand the Expanding health and beauty retail minds of customers. distribution
entire distribution chains channel system,
channel, get opinions In order to serve this sales, inventory
from old distribution → Continuously evaluate customer distribution channel, quantity,...
intermediaries to reactions, the business situation of these the company also
amend and adapt to distribution units and can send staff to needs to invest in a
avoid future conflicts. provide additional professional training for professional delivery
salespeople. At the same time, update team, ensuring quick
information about new points of sale on the and accurate delivery.
website to support members in the Đưa sản phẩm lên các
distribution channel. sàn thương mại điện
tử sau khi đã xây dựng
được hình ảnh sản
phẩm mạnh mẽ trong
tâm trí khách hàng.

Nhằm để phục vụ cho

kênh phân phối này,
công ty cũng cần đầu
tư đội ngũ giao hàng
chuyên nghiệp, đảm
bảo giao hàng nhanh
chóng, chính xác.

5.3. Promotion


(01/01/2024-30/04/2024) (01/05/2024-31/08/2024) (01/9/2024-31/12/2024)
Big idea Nurture comprehensive health for your whole family
(Nuôi dưỡng sức khỏe toàn diện cho cả gia đình bạn)

Objective - Make a strong impression - Increase direct interaction with -Increase product usage.
in the minds of customers brands through channels such as -Increase product love through
social networks, email, online spreading a message
- Make customers interested chat, and support hotline. - Stronger stimulation of consumer
in the product to create purchases, maintaining existing
initial demand. - Provide valuable content, customers, attracting more new
develop and share educational customers, contributing to increase
- Encourage initial and valuable content to the company's sales
interaction from customers strengthen connections with
target audiences.

Key Provita - For long-term health

(Provita - Cho sức khỏe dài lâu)

Key hook TVC Talkshow Social Campaign “Chia sẻ sự đổi

“Có Provita - cả nhà cùng “Nhận biết và phòng tránh thiếu thay - đón nhận điều diệu kỳ”
khỏe” hụt vitamin cùng chuyên gia của

Supporting TVC Sales Promotion Sales Promotion

Activities PR Articles PR - Event PR Articles
Digital Ads PR Articles Social media
Social media Digital Ads Poster
SEO Social media Landing page
Direct MKT - Direct mail Social seeding

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Advertising Advertise TVC on TV Quảng cáo chuỗi Talkshow theo Advertise landing pages and
channels and social từng tập campaign articles

Direct Marketing Send Marketing Emails about Send Marketing Emails about the
Talkshow to interested customers program to old customers who
and register to attend. have used the product for more
than 3 months

PR Post articles about Articles about Talkshow and the Articles about Vietnamese
Provita products and value that the product brings to consumers' experiences after
related topics users, and how to maintain health. using Provita products and
comparisons with competitors
Sales Discounts for each talkshow and For each share, consumers will
Promotion gift promotions for consumers. receive a voucher for their next

Personal Selling Display booths right at the Encourage the sales team at
talkshow to support consumers distribution partners to share about
the program with customers

Support Media Support product promotion banners at distribution points of some pharmacy systems, health
care and beauty retail stores

6. Monitor and controls

- Product: Percentage of the product that meets the needs and is suitable for
consumers as well as the ability and level of development of the product in the future.
- Price: Consider how attractive the product price is to influence customers to buy the
- Place: Evaluate market coverage, the proportion of customers buying products
through direct distribution channels on e-commerce platforms, and indirect channels
through distribution intermediaries.
- Promotion: Rate of reaching target customers, level of interest or positive interaction
rate of customers for the product. At the same time, measure customer loyalty.

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