04 - METHODOLOGY - Viewing Skills

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Viewing skills
What are Viewing skills? Viewing skills in Amazing

Traditionally, educators have focused on developing the In Amazing Journey the following framework is used to
four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. promote and develop the children’s viewing skills:
While these key skills underpin the essence of language
learning, 21st century students also need to develop BEFORE YOU WATCH The activities in this section
modern day skills, and this is where the fifth skill, aim to activate previous knowledge about the topic
viewing, becomes relevant. and ignite their curiosity. Predicting and discussing the
Visual communication is a fast, engaging and popular content prepares the children for learning and sets a
way to share information. Many teachers include purpose for the task.
videos in their class time, and many students enjoy this
method of learning. However, passively watching a WATCH Comprehension questions ensure
video on a screen does not fully aid comprehension and understanding and encourage the children to pay
understanding. Often, it’s necessary to go a little deeper attention in order to understand both the general content
in order to use the digital material in the most efficient and specific details. By watching the video more than
and effective way. once, children are given repeated exposure to language
Learning how to actively process and understand visual
media is important if the children are to learn from the AFTER YOU WATCH Discussion questions personalise
material they are presented with. By teaching the children the content and encourage the children to reflect on it,
how to maximise their understanding of video-based make connections and consider their own reaction to
material, we help them learn how to gather information the information.
and better appreciate the ideas and information in the
material itself. As they learn about interesting topics, the This viewing method is clearly signposted in levels 3-6.
video becomes a vehicle for developing language skills In levels 1 and 2, the activities in the Activity Book are
and gives context to their learning. organised in the same way, in order to develop the skills
the children will need to apply from level 3 onwards.
Furthermore, outside of the classroom the children are
presented with a wealth of video-based material. Many Finally, the Flipped learning dynamic in the Teacher’s
children are encouraged to watch television in English Book gives further depth to the activities. Additional
in order to improve their language skills, for example. comprehension questions in the Activity Book support
By including this type of material in class and teaching understanding of the Virtual tour and Functional
the children methods for understanding and processing language videos, and the pair work section encourages
video-based material, we encourage learner autonomy the children to learn the new language in a different
and habits for lifelong learning. context. The children then assess their understanding of
the videos in the Passport and record their knowledge on
a visual map.
­ Levels 1 and 2 – Activity Book: Cultural window video
­ L evels 3 to 6 – Student’s Book: Virtual tour and Our
trip to… videos
­ L evels 5 and 6 – Student’s Book: Functional language

Virtual tour

DUBLIN STRE re in the streets of
Ar t is ever tworks fro
ere are ar and
Dublin. Th the world
m all over styles.
ar tists fro ferent
e ar e m any dif

YOU WAT are grey
BEFORE in Dublin
think stree
1 Do you

mous for? rking?
Ireland fa t ar tists wo
2 What is the stree
ople watch
3 Can pe
AFTER YO e you live? GE 20
t ar t wher PORT PA
any stree MY PASS
4 Is there

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Writin e Starry
Van Gogh
Th ncent
I like by Vi rk blue.
painting ue and da
This is a e white, bl ntains and hous
olours lik ou

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