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Environmental Spotters

Dr. Bijit Biswas

Assistant Professor, Department of Community & Family Medicine, AIIMS Deoghar
Sanitary Well
• Location: Not less than 15 m (50 feet) from likely sources of contamination & at a higher
elevation. Not more than 100 m from houses

• Lining: Should be made up of bricks/ stones & cement up to a depth of at least 6 m (20 feet) and
60-90 cm (2-3 feet) above the ground

• Parapet wall: up to a height of 70-75 cm (28 inches) above the ground

• Platform: Extending at least 1m (3 feet) in all directions with a gentle slope towards the drain.

• Drain: pucca drain around the well to carry off spilled water to a public drain or soakage pit.

• Covering: Top closed by a cement cover.

• Hand pump: If possible it should be equipped with a hand pump in a Sanitary manner.
Soakage Pit
• Diameter 1.5m to 4.0m

• Should be 15 m away from drinking water

source and 1.5 m above ground water

• Walled by dry honeycomb brick wall

• Lined by coarse gravel, sand and brick

• Use: Soakage of waste water generated at

tube well, sanitary well and septic tank.
Bore Hole Latrine

• 20 feet depth

• 16-inch diameter

• Auger used for digging

• Earthen wire ring / bamboo matting

• Enough for a family of 5 for a year.

Septic Tank
• Recommended for Household Level
• Capacity: 500 gallons
• Length twice as breadth
• Depth: 2m
• Liquid Depth: 1.2 m
• Ideal Retention Period: 24 hours
• Minimum Air Space: 30cm
• Anaerobic Digestion
• Aerobic Digestion
• Should be emptied once a year
Slow Sand Filter
Criteria Slow Sand Filter
1. Space Occupies large area
• Rectangular open box 2.5
to 4.0m deep built wholly or 2.Rate of Filtration 0.1-0.4 m3/m2/hour
partly below the ground. 3. Effective size of sand 0.2-0.3mm
✓ Supernatant water 1.5m 4.Preliminary treatment Plain sedimentation
✓ Sand Bed 1.2m 5.Washing By scrapping of sand bed
✓ Gravel support 0.30m 6.Operation Less skilled
✓ Filter Bottom 0.16m 7.Loss of head allowed 1.5m
8.Removal of turbidity Good
9.Removal of colour Fair
10.Removal of bacteria 99.9-99.99%
Rapid Sand Filter
Criteria Rapid Sand Filter
1. Space Occupies very little space
2.Rate of Filtration 5-15 m3/m2/hour
3. Effective size of sand 0.4-0.7mm
4.Preliminary treatment Chemical coagulation and
5.Washing By backwashing
6.Operation Highly skilled
7.Loss of head allowed 2.0-2.5m
8.Removal of turbidity Good
9.Removal of colour Good
10.Removal of bacteria 98.0-99.0%
Berkefeld filter
• Used for water purification on a small scale
• Essential part of the filter is candle which is made up of infusorial earth
(porcelain in Chamberland/ kieselguhr)
• Usually removes bacteria but not the viruses
• Should be cleaned by scrubbing with a hard brush under running water &
boiled at least once a week
• Only clean water should be used
Bleaching powder/ Chlorinated lime (CaOcl2)
• White amorphous powder with a pungent smell
• When freshly made it contains about 33% of available chlorine.
• On exposure to air, light & moisture it rapidly loses its chlorine content.
• But when mixed with an excess of lime, it retains strength & is known as
stabilized bleach.
• Should be stored in a dark, cool, dry place in a closed container that is
resistant to corrosion.
Chlorine tablets/ Halazone tablets:

• Good for disinfecting small quantities of water

• Costly

• NEERI, Nagpur has formulated a new type which is 15 times better

than the ordinary one

• A single tablet of 0.5 gm is sufficient to disinfect 20 litres of water

Dose of bleaching powder for disinfection of Water:
➢Horrock’s Apparatus:
▪ Contents:
✓6 white cups(200ml)
✓One black cup (with circular mark
✓2 metal spoons(2gm)
✓7 stirring rods
✓One special pipette
✓Two droppers
✓Starch-iodine indicator solution
✓Instruction folder
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Horrock’s Apparatus operating procedure:
• Prepare stalk solution by addition of 2gm bleaching powder with water in
black cup up to circular mark
• Fill 6 cups with water to be tested 1cm below the brim
• With special pipette add one drop in first cup, two drop in second cup
and so on..
• Stir water in each cup using separate rod
• Wait for half an hour
• Add 3 drops of starch-iodide solution in each white cup
• Development of blue colour indicates free residual chlorine
• Suppose 3rd cup shows blue colour then 3 level spoonfuls (6gm) would
disinfect 455 litres of sample water.
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Detection of Chlorine level in Water:
➢Orthotolidine(OT) test:
• It can detect both free and combined chlorine in
• Orthotolidine reagent: Orthotolidine dissolved
in 10% HCL
▪ Process:
• 0.1 ml of Orthotolidine reagent added with 1 ml
of water(chlorine containing) which produces
yellow colour.
• Reading within 10 seconds(free chlorine)
• Reading after 15-20 minutes (both free and
combined chlorine)
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Sling Psychrometer
➢It is a Mercury Thermometer

➢I consists of a
➢Dry Bulb
➢Wet Bulb

• It is used to calculate
➢The Relative Humidity
➢The Dew Point
Kata Thermometer

• It is an alcohol thermometer

• The readings are only marked from 100 (38 C)

to 95 (35 C) degree F

• Uses:
• Measures Cooling Power of AIR
Maximum and Minimum Thermometer

• It has U shaved glass tube

• Uses:
• To record the Maximum and
Minimum Temperature
Globe Thermometer
• Instrument consists of a hollow
copper bulb, 15 cm in diameter,
which is coated on the outside
with matt-black paint which
absorbs radiant heat from the
surrounding objects

• Utility:
➢Measure radiant temperature of
the surrounding
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