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Subject: MATHEMATICS Date: 05.06 .2018

Time allowed: 3 Hours. Maximum Marks: 100
General instructions:
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) This question paper contains 29 questions.
(3) Question 1- 4 in Section A carrying 1 mark each.
(4) Question 5 - 12 in Section B carrying 2 marks each.
(5) Question 13 - 23 in Section C carrying 4 marks each.
(6) Question 24 - 29 in Section D carrying 6 marks each.
(7) There are 3 or questions in section C and 3 or questions in section D.
(8) Please note that this question paper contains 4 printed pages.
Section – A
(1×4=4 marks)

( )
−5 −5
1.If f ( x )=| x| and g ( x )=[ x ], evaluate f ° g 3 −g ° f ( 3 ).

2.Evaluate ∫ 2
sin x

3.Find the value of sin

( sin 35π )+cos (cos 76π )

4.Find approximate changes in the volume of a cube of side x meter caused

by increasing the side by 3%.
Section – B
(2 ×8=16 marks ¿

Page 1 of 5
−1 −1 π
5.Solve for x, tan (3 x ) + tan ( 2 x )= 4
3 2
6.Evaluate ∫ 3 x −9 x +13 x−6 dx
2 x−3

7.Evaluate ∫ sin(x + a) dx

8.Express tan
( 1−sin
cos x
)x , −π2 < ¿x≤ 32π in simplest form.
−1 x
−1 x− y π
9.Prove that tan y −tan x + y = 4 . ( )
10.Add the minimum number of ordered pairs in relation R={ ( 1 ,2 ) , ( 2 ,1 ) }
defined on the set A={ 1 ,2 , 3 } so that it is an equivalence relation.
11.Verify mean value theorem for f ( x )=x 3−5 x 2−3 x in the interval [ 1 ,3 ].

12.Find the intervals in which the function is strictly increasing or strictly

decreasing . f ( x )=−2 x 3−9 x 2−12 x+ 1

Section – C
(11× 4=44 marks ¿

π 1 −1 a
) (
π 1 −1 a 2 b
13.Prove that tan 4 + 2 cos b +tan 4 − 2 cos b = a )
Solve the equation tan−1 √ x 2 + x+ sin−1 √ x 2 + x +1 = 2

14.If y √ x 2 +1=log ⁡(√ 1+ x 2−x), prove that ( x +1 ) dx + xy +1=0


π x
) dy
If y=logtan 4 + 2 , show that dx −Sec x=0

Page 2 of 5
15.A given quantity of metal is to be casted in to a half cylinder (with
rectangular base and semicircular ends ). Show that in order that the total
surface area to be minimum , the ratio of the length of the cylinder to the
diameter is π : ( π + 2 ) .
16.If y=x Sinx+(tanx)x , then find dx .

17. Evaluate ∫ Sec x . log ⁡¿ ¿

18. Evaluate ∫ 1+tanx

19. Solve the following2 tan−1 ( cos x ) =tan−1 ( 2 Cosec x ).

3 x+ 4
20. Show that if f : A → B , given by f ( x )= 5 x−7 ∧g : B → A given by

7 x +4
g ( x )= , then find
5 x−3

f ° g ( x )∧g° f ( x ) , where A=R− {75 }∧B=R−{35 }

d y dy
21. If y=ea cos x ,−1 ≤ x ≤1 ,show that ( 1−x 2 ) −x -a 2 y=0

dx dx

22. A ladder 5 meter. long is leaning against the wall. The bottom of the
ladder is pulled along the ground away from the wall at the rate of 2
c.m./sec.. How fast is its height on the wall decreasing when foot of the
ladder is 4 meter away from the wall?
Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate 12 cu.c.m. /sec. The falling sand
forms a cone on the ground in such a way that the height of the cone is
always 1/6th of the radius of the base. How fast is the height of the sand
ne increasing when the height is 4 c.m.?

Page 3 of 5
23. Show that y=log (1+ x ) − 2+ x , x >−1, is an increasing function of x

throughout its domain.

Section – D
(6 × 6=36 marks ¿

3 x−2 if 0< x<1
24. Show that f ( x )= 2 x 2−x 1 ≤ x ≤ 2 is not continuous at x=1 and not
5 x−4 x >2
differential at x=2.
If ( a+ bx ) e =x then prove that x 3 y 2 =(x y 1− y)2

25. Find the dimension of the right circular cone of minimum volume that can
be circumscribed about a sphere of radius 8 c.m.
If the curves a x +b y =1∧c x d y =1 intersect orthogonally then show that
2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1
− = − .
a b c d

26.The length of the three sides of a trapezium other than the base are equal
to 10 c.m. each then find the area of the trapezium when it is maximum.

27. Let f : N → Rbe the function defined by f ( x )=4 x 2 +12 x +15. Show that f : N → S ,
where S is the range of f is invertible. Find the inverse of f .
Show that the relation R in the set A={ x ∈ Z :0 ≤ x ≤12 } given by
R={ ( a , b ) :|a−b|is a multiple of 4 }, is equivalence relation. Also find elements
related to 4 under this relation.

28. Let A=Q× Q' with Q' =Q− {−1 } , where Q ,the set of rational numbers and ¿ be the binary
operation given by ( a , b )∗( c , d )= ( ab4 , b+ d+ bd)
(a)Find its identity element exists. (b) Find its inverse if exist.

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29. Prove that the volume of the largest cone that can be inscribed in a sphere
of radius R is 8/27 of the volume of the sphere.

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