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Vivek Rana
Mobile: +917838963346,
Phone: 01772626380
E-mail: ,

To explore myself in terms of abilities and experience to achieve goal of the company and
be a part of organization's success and to combine my strengths along with the technical,
analytical and logical skills I have acquired so as to give effective outputs, which would be
considered as examples.

Total Experience in Telecom Industry: 2.1 years

Professional Experiences:-

Presently working on Ericsson system as Fault Maintenance Engineer.

Job responsibility:-

Project & Operation handling in BSC/MSC and working on E 810 Ericsson System regarding Temporary
and permanent faults in system & various operations .

O .tivities related to Eri.sson Swit.h, Operation and maintenan.e of Swit.h.
O Regular health .he.k up for BSCs and RBSCs and MSCs.
O ault Management of BSC and RBSC and MSC.
O Understanding of ar.hite.ture and proto.ols for , bis, Um Ba.kup (CP, P & CDR) handling &
health .he.k of CP, PG40.
O CP, P and basi. ault handling in BSC and MSC/E 810 Eri.sson System.
O Definition of the Ex.hange Basi.s (C7 trunk group .reation, C7 route .reation, POI establishment).
O MSC/BSC operation handling and hardware Maintenan.e.
O Signaling system operations.
O .tivities related to Eri.sson Swit.h, Operation and maintenan.e of Swit.h. Network Type GSM-MSC R13,
H/W-PZ 21250 & PZ 21240 & BSC-R07B-PZ 21233C & PZ 21255.
O Call drop nalysis.
O Preparation, Loading & Exe.ution of Data Trans.ripts for required a.tivity.
O Take a.tion on alarm reported by O team
O Coordinate handover a.tivities asso.iated with ongoing in.idents.
O Ensure the re.overy of servi.e is pro.eeding in a timely and effi.ient manner.
O Ensure the in.ident is .orre.tly .lassified as a event as per the .ustomer servi.e level agreements.
O Manage and .oordinate the .ommuni.ation pro.esses during and after the in.ident.
O Root Cause nalysis (RC), in.luding initial re.ommendations to prevent the re-o..urren.e of a similar
O dditional responsibilities in.ludes running reports, tra.king es.alations and other key performan.e
indi.ators and to provide appli.ation administration in a 'run time' environment based on root .ause and
analysis of logs, alerts and various other diagnosti. tools.

Computer Literacy:-

O Operating System: Windows 9/ 2000/ P/VIST /7.
O Packages: MS Offi.e

Tools Worked on: Win-IOL, PC-nywhere, Citrix OSS Client.

Key Strengths:

O Ex.ellent Organizational and Interpersonal skills.
O Good Communi.ation Skills.
O Believe in Team work & a good team player & motivator for the other team
O Good Trainer for the team members who joined after me in the organization.
O Managing 24/7 Roaster & meeting all Individuals personal & professional
requirements without any Es.alations.

Educational Qualification:
1. B.Te.h in Ele.troni.s and Tele.ommuni.ation Engineering from Green Hills Engineering College, Solan(H.P),
affiliated to Hima.hal Pradesh University
2. 10+2 from G.S.S.S.hool Shimla H.P Board .

3. Matri.ulation from Saraswati Vidya Mandir Shimla H.P Board .

chievements and Responsibilities undertaken

O .tively organized the .ultural .um festival in our .ollege.
O Member oI Winner Intercollege Cricket Team.
O %o times !layer of the Series in Intracollege Cricket tournament.

Personal Data:
athers name : Sh. Partap Singh Rana
Date of Birth : 12
Jan 1987
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Martial status : Single
Languages known : English, Hindi, Punjabi.
Passport No : H1054861
Believe in : Hard work, zeal to learn.
ddress : #JC-26, lat No-G, Khirki Ext. ,Malviya Nagar, Delhi.

(Vivek Rana)

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