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Práctica Extra

Mid-Term exam I

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Nottingham ……………………..1 a community where

everyone ……………………..2 and be appreciated for who they are. We intend to
provide an inclusive, respectful and considerate environment.
We ……………………..3 that discrimination ……………………..4 a lost
opportunity. It ……………………..5 individuals a voice and an opportunity to reach
their full potential. We consider that these values are ……………………..6
academic excellence. To strengthen this policy, at present, a team of
academics ……………………..7 a course on the meaning of inclusion. We all
consider ourselves inclusive, but more often than not, some discriminatory
practices are so deeply rooted that we ……………………..8 them.

Glossary: lost: perdida, deny: negar, strengthen: reforzar, meaning: significado, deeply-
rooted: profundamente arraigado,

(a) Choose the appropriate option. (3 c/u) (24 points)

1. are – is – am
2. can contribute – will contribute – contributes
3. believes – believe – believed
4. are representing- represent – represents
5. deny – denies – denied
6. more important – the most important – as important as
7. are delivering – deliver – delivers
8. noticed – did not notice – do not notice

(b) Match the following columns. There is an extra option on the

right. (3 c/u) (12 points)

1. George Eliot a. a leading journal editor.

2. She became b. great popularity and acceptance .

3. She used c. born on 22 November 1819 in rural Warwickshire.

4. Her novels d. for a radical change in society.

e. a male pen name to ensure her works were taken

(c) Unjumble the following questions. (6 c/u) (30 points)

1. Argentine - happen - universities - it - in - does?

2. positions - men – charge - power – are - in - of - why - of?
3. do - know – that - how - you?
4. where - bias - is - gender - there?

5. we - those – can - practices - change?

(d) Complete the following dialogue with the above questions. (2

c/u) (10 points)

Student A: In your opinion , are universities inclusive?

Student B: Well, for example, there is gender bias.

St A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………?

St B: In general, rectors are men. Men usually hold these positions.

St A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………?

St B: Sure. I’m absolutely sure.

St A: Really? …………………………………………………………………………………?

St B: I attended a course and we read a paper. In general, women are in

charge of delivering classes and men in positions of power.

St A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………?

St B: Because society is still sexist! These are highly rooted practices!

St A: ……………………………………………………………………………………………?

St B: Yes, we can; we should and we will! But it takes time!

(e) Complete the following with ideas related to Modules 1 & 2. (6

c/u) (24 points)

1. State-run universities ………………….………………………………………………………

2. The academic staff……………………………………………….………………………………..
3. All students should ………………………………………………………………………………
4. Today, at university, ………………... ……………………………………………………….

Marking Scheme
10 96-100 6 66-69
9 86-95 5 56-65
8 76-85 4 50-55
7 70-75 2 1-49

a) Choose the appropriate option. (3 c/u) (24 points)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Nottingham is a community where everyone can

contribute and be appreciated for who they are. We intend to provide an
inclusive, respectful and considerate environment.
We believe that discrimination represents a lost opportunity. It
denies individuals a voice and an opportunity to reach their full potential. We
consider that these values are as important as academic excellence. To
strengthen this policy, at present, a team of academics are delivering a
course on the meaning of inclusion. We all consider ourselves inclusive, but
more often than not, some discriminatory practices are so deeply rooted that
we do not notice them.

(b) Match the following columns. There is an extra option on the

right. (3 c/u) (12 points)

1. George Eliot a. a leading journal editor.

2. She became b. great popularity and acceptance .

3. She used c. born on 22 November 1819 in rural Warwickshire.

4. Her novels d. for a radical change in society.

e. a male pen name to ensure her works were taken

(c) Unjumble the following questions. (6 c/u) (30 points)

(d) Complete the following dialogue with the above questions. (2
c/u) (10 points)

Student A: In your opinion , are universities inclusive?

Student B: Well, for example, there is gender bias.

St A: Where is there gender bias? (4)

St B: In general, rectors are men. Men usually hold these positions.

St A: Does it happen in Argentine universities? (1)

St B: Sure. I’m absolutely sure.

St A: Really? How do you know that? (3)

St B: I attended a course and were read a paper. In general, women are in

charge of delivering classes and men in positions of power.
St A: Why are men in charge of positions of power? (2)

St B: Because society is still sexist! These are highly rooted practices!

St A: Can we change those practices? (5)

St B: Yes, we can, we should, and we will! But it takes time!

(e) Complete the following with ideas related to Modules 1 & 2. (6

c/u) (24 points)
Estas son respuestas a manera de ejemplos.

1. State-run universities are sometimes more inclusive than private.

2. The academic staff should be aware of the students’ difficulties.
3. All students should participate in the different inclusion programmes.
4. Today, at university, all the communicate know there are students with
different abilities.

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