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**Treatment for "Chutney" (2016 Short Film)**

**1. Logline:**

In the quiet suburbs of Delhi, a seemingly demure housewife serves up a shocking revelation over a plate of homemade
chutney, unraveling secrets that could destroy the lives of those around her.

**2. Main Characters:**

a) **Protagonist:**

**Vanita**: A middle-aged woman, in her early 40s, who appears to be a typical, unassuming housewife. She is meticulous,
observant, and harbors a quiet intensity. Throughout the film, she reveals a dark, cunning side as she manipulates those
around her to secure her position.

b) **Antagonist:**

**Sushant**: Vanita's husband, in his mid-40s, outwardly charming but secretly having an affair. He is ambitious and often
dismissive of Vanita, underestimating her intelligence and capability to control the situation.

c) **Affiliates:**

**Shalini**: A young, attractive woman in her late 20s, who is the other woman in Sushant’s life. She is confident and
seemingly naive about the depth of Vanita's awareness and intentions.

**Mrs. Khanna**: Vanita’s nosy neighbor, in her late 50s, who loves gossip and has a keen interest in the affairs of others,
often providing unsolicited advice and commentary.

**3. Synopsis:**

In the suburban confines of Delhi, Vanita invites Shalini, her husband's mistress, over for tea. Through seemingly innocent
conversation and the serving of her special chutney, Vanita slowly unravels a web of deceit and infidelity. As the layers of
politeness peel away, Vanita’s calculated revelations expose her knowledge of the affair, leading to a shocking climax that
leaves Shalini reeling and forces Sushant to confront the formidable resolve of the woman he underestimated.

**4. Act Summary:**

**Act 1:**

Vanita’s Routine and Suspicion

- Introduction to Vanita’s daily life and her meticulous nature.

- Subtle hints of her suspicion about Sushant’s infidelity.

- Vanita discovers concrete proof of the affair.

**Act 2:**

The Tea Invitation

- Vanita invites Shalini over for tea under the guise of friendliness.

- The conversation starts with pleasantries but gradually turns intense.

- Vanita uses the chutney as a metaphor for her hidden depths and knowledge.

**Act 3:**

The Revelation and Confrontation

- Vanita reveals her awareness of the affair.

- Sushant arrives home, unaware of the meeting.

- A tense confrontation ensues, leading to an unexpected and dramatic resolution.

**Act Breakdown:**

**Act 1:**

*Scene 1: Morning Routine*

- Vanita wakes up early, prepares breakfast, and organizes the household with precision.

- She finds a stray earring while cleaning, sparking her suspicion.

*Scene 2: Proof of Infidelity*

- Vanita follows Sushant discreetly and sees him with Shalini.

- She returns home, visibly disturbed but composed, starting to formulate her plan.

**Act 2:**

*Scene 3: The Invitation*

- Vanita calls Shalini, inviting her over for tea, presenting herself as a friendly and understanding wife.

*Scene 4: Setting the Stage*

- Vanita prepares her home meticulously, ensuring everything is perfect.

- She prepares her special chutney with a secretive smile.

*Scene 5: Tea Time*

- Shalini arrives, slightly nervous but curious.

- The conversation is polite at first, discussing mundane topics.

- Vanita subtly steers the conversation towards marriage and trust.

*Scene 6: The Chutney*

- Vanita serves the chutney, using it as a metaphor for hidden secrets.

- Shalini starts feeling uneasy as Vanita’s questions become more probing.

**Act 3:**

*Scene 7: The Revelation*

- Vanita calmly reveals her knowledge of the affair.

- Shalini is shocked and tries to leave, but Vanita blocks her path with a steely resolve.

*Scene 8: Sushant's Arrival*

- Sushant comes home, surprised to see Shalini and Vanita together.

- Vanita confronts him with the evidence and her knowledge.

*Scene 9: The Confrontation*

- A heated argument ensues, with Sushant initially trying to deny everything.

- Vanita’s composed demeanor and pointed remarks force him to admit the affair.

- Shalini leaves, humiliated and shaken.

*Scene 10: Resolution*

- Sushant, realizing the gravity of the situation, tries to apologize.

- Vanita, now in control, makes it clear that things will change according to her terms.

- The film ends with Vanita closing the door, a sense of quiet victory in her eyes.

This treatment outlines the psychological tension and dramatic narrative of "Chutney," highlighting Vanita's transformation
from a seemingly submissive housewife to a woman who commands respect

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