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Soal Ujian Syafahi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

T: Okay, come in please!
S: (A student enters to the classroom)

T: Sit down, please!

S: Thank you, sir! / thank you, madam!

T: Good morning/ afternoon student!

S: Good morning/ afternoon sir/ madam!

T: It is nice to meet you!

S: It is nice to meet you too sir/ madam.

T: How are you today?

S: Alhamdulillah, I am fine, thank you!.

T: What is your full name, please?

S: My full name is "Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Mutholib"

T: What is your first name?

S: My first name is Muhammad

T: What is your middle name?

S: My middle name is Abdullah

T: What is your last name?

S: My last name is Abdul Mutholib

T: What is your nick name?

S: My nick name is Ahmad

T: How do you spell it?

S: A-h-m-a-d (ei-eich-em-ei-di)

T: Where do you come from?

S: I come from Bogor/Jakarta/……

T: What class are you sitting now?

S: I am sitting in class one/ I am sitting in first year class/second year class/intensive
class …

T: When were you born?

S: I was born on July 18,1988

T: So, how old are you now?

S: I am twenty six years old now

T: Who is your homeroom teacher?

S: My homeroom teacher is Ms/sir…..

T: Who is your head master?

S: He is Mr………………………

T: Who is the Pesantren Modern Darul Ihsan Boarding school’s director / the leader
of PMDI?
S: He is Mr. Ade Putra, S.Pd

T: What do you think about this school?

S: As I see, so far so good.

T: By the way, do you like to study here?

S: Yes, Alhamdulillah, I like to study here.

T: Why? What are your reasons?

S: Because I have many good teachers, many close friends, I can study Islamic
knowledge and many sciences and last but not least I can enjoy the wonderful
environment every day.

T: Who is your English teacher?

S: My English teacher is Mr./Miss…

T: Do you like English lesson?

S: Yes, indeed. I like it very much.

T: Why must we be able English?

S: Because we want to call all people in this world to Islam/Because English is the
global communication

T: By the way, what is your favorite lesson?

S: My favorite lesson is English, Mathematic….etc

T: How many students are there in your class?

S: There are 25 (twenty five) pupils in my class.

T: What do you say OPDI in English?

S: Student Organization of Darul Ihsan

T: Tell me some sections in OSDC!

S: Security section, language section, education section, worship section, healthy
section, sport section, art section.

T: Who is your beloved father’s name?

S: My father’s name is Mr. Abdullah

T: What is your father’s job?

S: He is a teacher/ police man/ driver/ soldier/ doctor/ farmer/ fisher man/ dentist/
typist/ entrepreneur/ trader/ tailor/ lecturer/ proselytizer…etc
T: And who is your lovely mother?
S: She is Miss. Aminah

T: What’s her profession?

S: She is housewife/ farmer/ teacher/…etc.

T: How about you, what do you want to be in the future?

S: Insya Allah, I want to be a director, a lecturer, a lawyer, president…..etc.

T: Have you brother?

S: Yes, I have / No, I have no.

T: How many brothers do you have?

S: I have two old brothers and two young ones.

T: How about your sister, how many persons are there?

S: There is………/ there are……

T: What’s your hobby?

S: My hobby is reading book/listening the music/a journey/ camping….etc

T: What sport do you like best?

S: I like soccer/volley ball/basket ball… etc

T: Do you like singing or music?

S: Yes, I like it/No. I dislike it.

T: What song do you like best?

S: I like Nasheed/slow rock... etc.

T: Tell me about your hand, please!

S: I have two hands, each hand has five fingers, they are: thumb, index finger, middle
finger, ring finger and little finger or pinkie!.

T: Do you always pray every day?

S: Yes, I do
T :How many times do you pray together in the Mosque every day?
S: Five times, they are Subuh (dawn prayer), Zuhur (midday prayer), Ashar
(afternoon prayer), Maghrib (sunset prayer) and Isya (evening prayer).

T: When do you often read a Holly Qur’an in a day?

S: I usually read it after daily worship.

T: How many times do you take bath every day?

S: I take bath twice in a day, in the morning and afternoon or evening.

Please make the meaning of these words and make sentences using the
following words!
1. Ambition = Determined to be successful, rich,powerful,etc.
2. Writer =a person who has written a particular text.
3. Confident= feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be
4. Focus =With your attention directed to what you want to do
5. Ambition= determined to be successful,rich, powerful
6. Photographer= a person who takes photographs or picture.
7. Friendship= the emotion or condact of friends; the state of being
8. Government= the group of people who are responsible for controlling a
country or a state
9. Calm= not excited, nervous or upset.

Grammar :

1. Please mention some english phrases for offering help!

= I’ll (do something), let me (do something), why don’t I (do something),
Do you want me to (do something), would you like me to (do
something),I can (do something), can I (do something),I’d be happy to
(do something), may offer you (do something),

Answer these question no 2-10 with gerund or infinitive

2. My dad said he would like to stop … for a healthy life forever.

3. When we were on the way to Bali, The driver stop … beacuse he is so


4.Mrs. Evy stops … like an expensive bag to save her money.

5. She stops …. because she is so tired of it.

6. He forgets …. a gift on my birthday tonight.

7. My teacher forgets … the homework to the students yesterday.

8. My sister regrets … so rudely to me last night.

9. Siska regrets … about her boyfriend to her mother last week.

10. He remembered … to my party yesterday.

Jawaban no 2-10

1. Smoking

2. To eat

3. Shopping

4. To take a rest

5. To give

6. Giving

7. Speaking

8. Telling

9. Coming

10. Lending

Reading :
Page 61 (figure)


My future dream
Everyone has dreams. Wheather they want to be a scientist and discover
new and amazing things, or become a famous basketball player and be
the highest paid player in the league. I have dream for the future just like
everyone else, dreams of the good life. And I will do whatever it takes to
achieve it.

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