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My name Is Tomiwa Makanjuola.

I am 15 years of age All my Life, I have always wanted to be a successful

Economist. I look up to the Likes of Warren Buffett, Alfred Marshall, Esther Duflo, and so on, but my
greatest Role-model has always been my dad, he put me in one of the best schools in Nigeria (Atlantic
Hall School). He pushes me to get good grades at school as well as to engage myself in Extracurricular
activities and Community service work at my school.

I am writing this Essay in order to convince UChicago on why they should consider creating a new
category "Software engineering" or "Computer science" in the Nobel Prize. I hope with this few points, I
can convince you in order to create this new category.

Nowadays,the world around us is evolving rapidly and technology seems to be the real deal nowadays,
even scientists have proven that in the next few years, there would not be cars with engines but cars run
with electricity. The world is developing quickly and many subjects wouldn't be really necessary because
people would be going to study IT and other computer related courses. Many people value IT because it
has provided us with so many benefits. It is one of the reasons why online shopping, Search engines,
browsers, websites and so on have been possible. the reason why we should have a category for
Computers in Nobel prize is to be able to motivate other engineers and youths to work harder in order to
advance technology.

Creating this Category can also inspire people because Alfred Nobel's aim of creating the Nobel prize was
to reward the discoveries that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind and many innovations
have been made and even developed better due to IT. Planes, Ships, Cars, and other transportation
means in order to make transportation faster, more efficient, and convenient for people.

Although, not every IT official will get a Nobel Prize because there is a criteria they must meet up to. Not
every Innovation has been useful but the Useful ones can be rewarded. The Criteria can be that every
Innovation from the IT industry must benefit humans positively, easy to access, Convenient and Reliable.
I know it isn't easy rewarding people but I feel that people In the Technology and IT industry who have
made great Inventions helpful to humans deserve to be known and recognized.

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