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Minuted Instruction
IWAI to ensure that tender Evaluation Committee finalise its
14.09.2023 recommendations on dredging tenders and place before competent
Authority for approval immediately.
IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' and road-map for
cargo, vessel and passengers data collection through mobile app and
portal and submit to the Ministry.

Ministry regarding Bangladesh LC issues and currency exchange issues

for taking up with Ministry of Finance.
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi &
Gandak River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to the Ministry
by January 2024.
IWAI to share the timelines for planned Community jetties for starting
ferry services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa.
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach channel work and
completion of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023.
lt may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail
connectivity to IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM GatiShakti
CCMP list.
IWAI to award the dredging works of approach channel to MMT
Haldia by end of September 2023.
IWT division to check status of Minutes of SSLT meeting and if
necessary organise a meeting with MEA.

IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for development of NW-5.

IWAI to publish tender by next week for building to be made at
Dhubri& Dibrugarh (Bogibeel).

Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines of project by

IWAI to provide the details of savings and plans for utilization of these
savings, out of 267 Crs approved for development of 23 NWs by
16.09.2023 (Tuesday).
IWT Division to pursue matter with Ayush Ministry for expediting 50%
payment for construction of training centre at Guwahati.
IWAI to send Draft agenda for meeting in PMO on traffic and other
issues. IWAI to plan an event on operationalisation of Maia terminal
after the issue of custom notification.
IWAI may capture the vessel and passenger counts in CAR-D portal
apart from Cargo on near real time basis and its access may be given to
State Government.

IWAI to share timelines for Community Jetties / terminal proposals in

Mathura (NW-110)

IWAI to send a note on each project in Maharashtra, Odisha, Gujarat &

Goa explaining the proposed roadmap & model of development.
Timelines to be shared by IWAI.
IWAI to ensure that captive terminals in Maharashtra have assess to
others for use
IWAI to prepare a draft Model concessional agreement for different
PPP projects on National waterways as per timelines submitted.
IWAI to share project completion timelines for Bogibeel Terminal and
ensure timely completion. Physical progress of the projects may also be
IWAI to ensure Balance work at Jogighopa Terminal to be executed as
soon as possible and to share timelines for the same.

IWAI to check catamaran delivery schedule with CSL.

Discussions held and decisions taken are as under: IWAI to ensure that
tender Evaluation Committee finalise its recommendations on dredging
tenders and place before competent Authority for approval immediately.
IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' and road-map for
cargo, vessel and passengers data collection through mobile app and
portal and submit to the Ministry
IWAI to forward a draft letter to this Ministry regarding Bangladesh LC
issues and currency exchange issues for taking up with Ministry of
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi &
Gandak River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to the Ministry
by January 2024.
IWAI to share the timelines for planned Community jetties for starting
ferry services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa.

IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach channel work and

completion of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023.
It may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail
connectivity to IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM GatiShakti
CCMP list.
IWAI to award the dredging works of approach channel to MMT
Haldia by end of September 2023.
IWT division to check status of Minutes of SSLT meeting and if
necessary organise a meeting with MEA.
IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for development of NW-5.
IWAI to publish tender by next week for building to be made at
Dhubri& Dibrugarh (Bogibeel).
Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines of project by
IWAI to provide the details of savings and plans for utilization of these
savings, out of 267 Crs approved for development of 23 NWs by
16.09.2023 (Tuesday).
IWAI to send Draft agenda for meeting in PMO on traffic and other
issues. IWAI to plan an event on operationalisation of Maia terminal
after the issue of custom notification.
IWAI may capture the vessel and passenger counts in CAR-D Portal
apart from Cargo on near real time basis and its access may be given to
State Government.

17 additional agenda points were forwarded by this Ministry by email

on 30.01.2024 to IWAI for providing a ATN and expediting issues
listed. These require to followed up and the ATN on these be sent to the
Ministry by 07.02.2024.
IWAI to nominate one person for each functional cell in the Ministry
General based on the expertise. (Copy of order of composition of functional cell
is enclosed for ready reference).
Only Abstract level information for HR, Legal, Court cases etc. may be
included in the presentation during the review meetings. Detailed data
should be provided separately before the review meeting to the
For collecting Cargo data, Vessel and Passengers and traffic estimation
and tracking for all National Waterways, IWAI to ensure that rigorous
methodology is adopted and results are presented in time bound
manner. Methodology may be finalised with the agency and then
presentation to be made to the Ministry. Car-D may be enhanced to
and Cargo
capture the data coming from the agency separately. Also, data
collection should not be limited to only site visits & data obtained from
secondary sources.
Finalized version of IV Act Design & Construction Rules may be
submitted to this Ministry without any further delay.
IWAI may immediately take up the study on operationalization of
Penna -Godavari River.
It was suggested that an empanelled set of consultants for carrying out
any study including technical feasibility, hydrography etc. in National
Waterways as an when the proposal is received from State
Governments and/or other stakeholders may be maintained in IWAI on
regular basis. This may be ensured within 2-3 months.
infrastructure at Sultanganj for trial movement associated with the
operationalization of Maia- Aricha route. IWAI may take up the issue
of stabilizing the security protocols at Indian side with State Govt. of
The issue of land at Princep Ghat may be taken up by IWAI with
SMPK and alternate land may be immediately identified for resolving
the issues related to jetty for River Cruise Tourism.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for lnland Vessel Act related issues:
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. by 3lst March 2024.
Tendering formalities may be completed by mid of March 2024 for the
work of Central database. lt may be ensured that legacy data and other
information currently available may be migrated and incorporated on
the Central Database.

Tendering procedure may be completed by March 2024 for putting in

place a Vessel Tracking System and River Information System.
An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in National waterways may
be prepared and finalised by IWAI by mid of March 2024 and shared
with the Ministry.

IWAI to finalize and submit State specific tripartite MoUs to be signed

between IWAI, Ministry of Tourism and State Govt. after overlaying
the principles and state related information contained in the Roadmap
for Cruise Tourism launched in IWDC in January 2024.

The formation of PMU setup between IWAI and DCI for monitoring
dredging activities may be submitted to the Ministry in 2 weeks. It may
be ensured that a1l the modalities regarding this are completed well in
time for the PMU to be made operational within a month.
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two
nos of dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in
consultation with NTCPWC.
Also, IWAI to submit report on Dredging including own dredgers in
uniform format on a weekly basis.
Information on Day and Overnight Cruises to be presented separately
from the next review meeting.
IWAI to prepare a NW wise traffic plan for the next three years duly
ensuring the aim to increase Cargo in National Waterways and devise a
Methodology including identification of OD pairs for the same. The
comprehensive plan may also include information on upgrading
lnfrastructure in NWs and be submitted to the Ministry by end of March
IWAI to submit commodity wise & NW wise traffic movement for all
National Waterways from the next review meeting.
HR and IWAI to submit details of positions to be filled up through Direct
Institutiona Recruitment by next week and ensure the process for filling all the
l vacant positions is initiated by end of February 2024. Also the
Developm advertisement for filling up the vacancy may be posted by end of Feb
ent 2024. (HR abstract Report No. H 1.4A)
A brief note furnishing reasons for delay in filling vacancies by
promotion in the current FY may be provided by IWAI post wise in one
week. lt was also noted that all promotions where process had not been
initiated may be expedited urgently.
For the vacant posts to be filled on deputation basis, IWAI to follow up
on the advertisement placed in newspapers, also by reaching out to
departments involved and expedite the recruitment urgently. A status
report may be sent to
the Ministry in a week.
The engagement of an Agency for Cadre Review and Comprehensive
RR review may be expedited and completed in 3 weeks.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new posts
to the Ministry.
IWAI to examine setting up of new sub-offices of IWAI in Western
India particularly in Mumbai before end of March 2024.
IWAI is advised to dispose CPGRAMS and VIP reference in time
bound manner as per the timelines prescribed from time to time by this
IWAI to ensure that two dredgers deployed for dredging in Farakka-
21.03.2024 Katwa and Katwa-Tribeni stretches do not stand idle and are put to
optimum use.
IWAI to coordinate with State Govt. immediately to operationalize the
electric catamaran in Ayodhya as scheduled water taxi and to explore
the feasibility of adopting Kochi Water Metro Model for effective
IWAI to send Board approval of Revised DIB Memo (Phase-1)
proposal for 'Development of 23 NWs' by next week.
IWAI to take necessary actions on all contractual formalities with CSL
with regard to remaining 6 Electric Catamarans as soon as possible and
update the same to Ministry. Also, IWAI to share a timeline with
Ministry for completion of work.
IWAI to ensure the completion of Terminal at Jogighopa in all respects
by May 2024.
JS (IWT) highlighted that during the PM meeting with chief Secretaries
(held few months back), all ministries were directed to develop
Standard Bidding Document (SBD) & Modal Concessionaire
Agreements (MCA) for standardization of the bidding/tender process.
IWAI was directed to align and to expedite draft SBD & MCA based on
their expertise and experience for terminals, fairway/dredging, etc and
send the same to MoPS&W for approval.
As regards Handing over the operation of Varanasi and Sahibganj
terminals to SMPK, Chairman IWAI informed that they are seeking
Legal opinion and also analysing the proposal. It was directed to
organise a meeting with IWAI and SMPK in April 24 to take it forward.
IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M
Concessionaire by May 1st week
IWAI to provide the plans for utilization of community jetties in
coordination with State Governments. IWAI to prepare a nationwide
aggregate demand of community jetties based on inputs from State
Govts and technical feasibility.
IWAI to expedite Land acquisition for Freight Village, Varanasi. If
necessary, permission of ECI may be taken prior to initiating
construction of boundary wall at FVP, Varanasi.

IWAI to start procurement work for Ship repair facility at Pandu and
also plan for the operation of the facility and update the same to the

IWAI to provide timelines for completion of balance work of Bogibeel

IWAI to expedite on going rail connectivity projects at Varanasi,
Sahibganj and Haldia MMTs and assess the feasibility of Rail/Road
Connectivity with all IWT terminals and send a report/proposal to the
IWAI to develop mechanism for tracking cargo volume in Maia after
the completion of trail movement from Bangladesh side.
IWAI to work out all issues and interventions in the IBP route before a
meeting is organized by the Ministry with concerned
Ministries/Dept./Org viz. MEA, CBIC, MHA, SMPK, DG Shipping in
April 24.
IWAI to reach out to states and list out the proposals, interests or issues
with respect to cargo / passenger transportation / tourism enhancement
IWAI raised the issue of the barge association from Goa and explained
that they are seeking financial support from Government for their old
barges. On this, JS (IWT) informed that at present there is no scheme to
support such financing. However, such funding may be considered
under a proposal for low-carbon retrofitting of these vessels.
IWAI to plan and establish efficient National Waterways Navigation
System on the lines of VTMS to track vessel movements through
national waterways at the earliest.
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two
dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in
consultation with NTCPWC.
IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing RWG
project which may include components such as Fairway development,
Terminal and other infrastructure facilities, Operational aspect, Legal
framework and cargo potential.
IWAI to explore the feasibility of establishing additional Ship repair
facility on NW-1 preferably in and around Patna to cater to the
increasing demand of Ship repairs on NW-1
IWAI to list out all the targets in relation to IWT sector and further
status/updates on that in Maritime Indian Vision 2030 and Maritime
Amritkal Vision 2047 and furnish all the details to Ministry before next
review meeting.
IWAI to list out and send details of all proposals for getting clearance
from Election Commission of India.
It has been observed that largely developments in Port Sector is visible
on various social media handles. Therefore, IWAI media team to work
in close coordination with MoPSW media team for better outreach and
to increase visibility of IWT sector on Ministry’s Social Media
IWAI informed that financial support would be needed at least in the
Traffic, initial few years for promoting cargo movements. IWAI may prepare
Operations scheme for cargo promotion in National Waterways to provide end to
and Cargo end support including provision of financial support (gap funding) to
operators to ensure competitive IWT cargo movement.
IWAI informed that the discussions are undergoing with various
stakeholder companies and entities viz FCI, SCI, ITC, Tata Steel,
IFFCO, RINL, BPCL, NRL for promoting and encouraging IWT based
cargo movement. Meetings
scheduled with OMCs, CONCOR and others for movements of their
cargo comprising coal, POL, steel, LPG, crude/POL, food grains,
fertilizers etc through IWT. IWAI to share the outcome of these
meetings with Ministry.
IWAI to list out all issues for discussion with concerned
Ministries/Dept./Org. and inform MoPSW where its intervention is
required to ensure increase in cargo in IWT sector.
IWAI to assess and share data for potential cargo increase on annual
basis for upcoming years.
IWAI to expedite the equity contribution of PPA into the SPV for NW-
5 to enable SPV formulation at an early stage.
IWAI to explore feasibility of movement of Tata Steel cargo and FCI
cargo through waterways for optimizing overall costs and reduce travel
IWAI informed that permission of 2 trial run has been issued by
Bangladesh for Maia-Aricha route and regular movement in Maia-
Aricha route will start within a month. IWAI may ensure
commencement of regular movement in collaboration with BIWTA.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to be operationalized for
enabling movement through IWT through Kottayam Port in NW-3.
IWAI to review the data of River Cruises plying in NWs & furnish
updated data in the next review meeting.
IWAI to ensure that data captured for cargo is authentic.
IWAI to prepare cruise passenger data separately. IWAI to also prepare
data for different types of vessels (cargo/tourist) including their nos. and
also map the passengers count.
IWAI to prepare a NW wise traffic plan for the next three years duly
ensuring the aim to increase cargo in National Waterways and devise a
methodology including identification of O-D (Origin – Destination)
pairs for the same. The comprehensive plan may also include
information on upgrading infrastructure in NWs and be submitted to the
Ministry immediately.
IWAI to submit data for the O-D (Origin – Destination) pairs for the
cruise movements showcased during presentation.
IWAI to develop models for cargo movement, urban movement, IWT
cruise, terminal development and O&M, fairway maintenance, etc. after
consultation with State Governments.
IWAI may seek comprehensive proposal from State Govt. of Madhya
Pradesh for identification of new feasible National Waterways having
potential of cargo & passenger movement.
NW-5 - IWAI to submit capex breakup, viability both technical and
financial within a time period of one month and IWAI to asses
feasibility of cargo movement under current circumstances as the
modification of existing cross structures / bridges may take 8-10 years
of time period.
IWAI to present last 3 years data for utilization of catamaran
vessels/Ro-Pax Vessels and may explore the scope for redeployment of
catamaran vessels/Ro- Pax Vessels in case of under utilization.
IWAI to take necessary steps for ensuring regular movement of Electric
catamaran vessels at Ayodhya and Varanasi.
IWAI to reach out to all states and aggregate the nationwide
requirement of community jetties. IWAI to provide data for utilization
of all community jetties and its impact in the next review meeting.
The formation of PMU setup between IWAI and DCI for monitoring
dredging activities may be expedited.
IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets in next review
meeting as currently only status is presented in the meeting.
IWAI to start fixed scheduled sailing service for the calendar year
giving confidence to stakeholders and promote movement of cargo
through IWT mode.
An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in National Waterways may
be prepared and finalised by IWAI and shared with the Ministry
IWAI is currently checking output of dredging in terms of shoal
removal only. IWAI to check on ease of vessel movement first and
cargo and passenger movement on account of dredging subsequently.
IWAI to review the centre state coordination issues especially for NW-3
IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and promote purchase
of other goods through GEM in all its Regional Offices & Sub Offices.
Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata to be
prioritized by IWAI initially in terms of integration wherein there is a
customs interface.
IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utilization and put
HR and
forth a plan/proposal for up-gradation of National Inland Navigation
Institute (NINI), Patna into a state of the art infra and training center to
enable it to meet domestic and international demand and meet global
benchmarks. This will help in mutual acknowledgement/ aceptance of
the certificate of competencies /CoC’s of Indian Riverfarer globally.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for Inland Vessel Act related issues:
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. without any further
IWAI to provide the printed copy of annexure of the Rules in Hindi
duly indicating the correction in Bold as desired by OL Division of Leg.
A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated for Centralized
database. IWAI may share more details on the design and nodes of the
database in next review meeting.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new posts
to the Ministry which may include provision for IT, Environment,
Business Development, PPP, Legal expert etc.
IWAI to design and upload more relevant short courses on iGOT.
IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for training of all the
employees (Regular/Contract/Outsource) under iGOT.
IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the anticipated vacancy
for every year.
IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedings and enquiry on
Vigilance cases within time frame stipulated by DoPT/MoPSW.
Category Date Status

14-Sep-23 Complied

Cargo and
Policies/Model Not
passenger 14-Sep-23
Documents/Guide Complied
Fairway and Technical Not
navigation assessment Complied
Fairway and Not
Community Jetties 14-Sep-23
navigation Complied
14-Sep-23 Complied

Fairway and
14-Sep-23 Partly
Cargo traffic development/ 14-Sep-23
14-Sep-23 Partly
Fairway and NL development/ Not
navigation operationalization Complied

14-Sep-23 Complied

14-Sep-23 Complied

14-Sep-23 Complied
14-Sep-23 Completed

Fairway and
Community Jetties 14-Sep-23
14-Sep-23 Not

14-Sep-23 Complied

Noted by
Cargo and CN/Schemes/
passenger Policies/MBD/ 14-Sep-23
traffic Guidelines

14-Sep-23 Complied

Cargo traffic development/ 14-Sep-23

19-Sep-23 Complied



19-Sep-23 Partly
19-Sep-23 Partly
19-Sep-23 Complied

19-Sep-23 Complied

19-Sep-23 Complied









































Noted for




Noted by
Noted by
Noted by


Noted by



Noted by
Noted by

Noted by


Noted by
Noted by
Noted by





Further Update

Yet to be received

As of now, issue stands resolved.

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
Bid opened on 28.03.2024, two bids received
and tender evaluation is in process

No Details shared by IWAI.

MMT Haldia-Initial tender cancelled due to

revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by
15 May, 2024, award by June 2024.
Minutes already signed in December 2023.

A- Activity wise timelines not provided for

B- Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on

Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on

DPR is under preparation by IWAI

DIB under evaluation in MoPSW

Timeline to be shared

Presented by IWAI in subsequent review


Yet to be received.

80% Physical Progress achieved will be

Completed by May 2024.
Delivery schedule has been shared by
Direction given by MoPSW to CSL for
ensuring timely delivery of remaining

Being done by NICSI.

As of now, issue stands resolved.

Timelines not shared for planned Community

jetties for starting ferry services in NW-68,
NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa
Bid evaluation under Process, Two bids
Kalughat terminal inaugurated.
/Tender under Process

Minutes already signed in December 2023.

A – Timelines not provided
B- Work awarded by IPRCL.
DPR is under preparation by IWAI

DIB under evaluation in MoPSW

Discussed in the meeting held on 03.04.2024

Wing wise resource-persons nominated

Work awarded to M/s E&Y for traffic

mapping. Kick off meeting held on
24.01.2024. Further the review on the
methodology has been presented by E&Y to
the Chairman, IWAI on 28.02.2024

Hindi translation is under process with

Legislative department
No further update available.
No updates received yet

03 Trial runs conducted on 12.02.2024.

No information available.

No information available
Tender opened on 9th February 2024.
Technical bids being evaluated. Financial bid
opened on 27 Mar 2024 and L1 finalised.
Award of contract affected due Model Code
of Conduct
Pre-Bid Meeting held on 12.02.2024 and
tendering procedure expected to be completed
by end of May 2024

Not received yet

A Tripartite Agreement among IWAI , Govt.

of Madhya Pradesh and Govt. of Gujarat is
intended to be signed for facilitating cruise
movement from Barwani (MP) and Sardar
Sarovar Dam (Gujarat) on NW-73 (River
Agreement signed on 19.04.2024

Similar Tripartite agreement among IWAI,

Ministry of Tourism and/or Goa Tourism
development corporation, Maharashtra
tourism corporation and Karnataka Tourism
corporation being planned.

Work awarded on 25.04.2024

Details are being provided to NTCPWC for

customizing the application for IWAI use.
Format shared by IWAI to its ROs for
Shown in last review meeting dated

Shown in last review meeting dated


Shown in last review meeting dated


Quotations invited by IWAI from 04 NIC/

IPA empaneled firms. Not finalised
Yet to be received

Two dredgers deployed (one each in both the


No update is available with Ministry.

Completed/DIB under examination in

On the path of achieving

Yet to be received

No further update is available.

No further update is available.

Not Completed/ Not reported

Exemption taken from ECI. Tendering is

under process.
1- Anticipated date of completion of work is
April 2025. As on 30.04.2024 the physical
progress is 32.90%

2- No details shared by IWAI for procurement

Extension work to be completed by June -

No update is available.

No update is available.

No update is available.
No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No update is available.

Tender under Process

EoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC

is under process.

No update is available.

Shown in subsequent review meetings

IWAI website is under maintenance.

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
Yet to be received

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No information updated by IWAI

No information updated by IWAI

No information updated by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No information available

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

Subject Minuted Instruction
Bogibeel Terminal: IWAI to call IPRCL to float the tender for the balance
back up infrastructure works by 15.07.2023. Chairman, IWAI inform that
Bogibeel Terminal
Hon'ble Minister (PSW) has asked to construct a new office at the terminal for
immigration and customs.

Jogighopa, Bogibeel IWAI to work on design and DPR for making office cum guest house for
and Dibrugarh IWAI, customs and Immigration at Jogighopa, Bogibeel and Dibrugarh and
terminal take up the project immediately

Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata to be prioritized by

Digital Initiatives
IWAI initially in terms of integration wherein there is a customs interface.
Goal Action Item Sub-action item Date Status
Cargo traffic development/ 4-Jul-23 Complied

Cargo and Project development/ Customs and Partly

passenger traffic operationalization Immigration Complied

Integration with NLP Not

Digital Initiatives 4-Apr-24
Marine Complied
Further Update

Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on


Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on

Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on
Jogihopa -
No updates received yet
Green Vessels/

Action Item Sub-action item Minuted Instruction Date

Hydrogen Fuel Vessel: IWAI to prepare a 'Concept

Note' in co-ordination with CSL incorporating:
CN/Schemes/Policies/M * Vessel Fueling arrangement and ecosystem,
infrastructure, Training modules,
*Guidelines/ Rules-Regulations, Fuel safety
Concept Note and Gprotocols etc. and submit to the Ministry. 7/5/2023

Procurement of 8 Catamaran Vessels:

IWAI to ensure place at least 2 catamarans by Dec
Shore power work should be taken in time and a
Green Vessels/ firm work order to be placed to CSL within a weeks
ecosystem Work Order for Greetime. 7/4/2023

IWAI to coordinate with State Govt. immediately

to operationalize the electric catamaran in
Ayodhya as scheduled water taxi and to explore
the feasibility of adopting Kochi Water Metro
Operationalization of G (blank) Model for effective utilization. 3/21/2024
IWAI to take necessary steps for ensuring regular
movement of Electric catamaran vessels at
Operationalization of G (blank) Ayodhya and Varanasi. 4/4/2024

(blank) (blank) Green vessel initiative, 1/11/2024

Grand Total

Not Complied

Partly Complied

Update awaite

Noted by IWAI

Partly Complie
In discussion with CSL

A -2 Catamaran successfully delivered. 1 in Ayodhya, 1 in Varanasi. Delivery schedule received for remaining 06 vessels.
B- No update received for shore power work.

No update is available with Ministry.

Proposal under process

1- One R&D project for design and construction of Hydrogen Fuelled vessel has been given by MoPSW to CSL.
2- IWAI has ordered 8 nos Hybrid Electric Catamaran on CSL. Out of which two have been delivered.
3- One proposal for procurement of 4 Hydrogen fuelled vessels is under consideration of MoPSW.
Action Item Sub-action item Minuted Instruction

Other: Secretary (PSW) asked IWAI to submit a detailed stage-wise

Monitoring Monitoring presentation (Process/Approval/Tender/Execution stages) of all the
projects including their components.

IWAI to work on operational parameters and prepare presentation

Monitoring (blank) for a holistic review for details of cargo volume, passenger details,
vessel details etc.

IWAI to provide timelines of building to be made at Dhubri &

Monitoring Monitoring Dibrugarh, as instruction from PS to the Hon'ble Minister PS&W,
letter dated 03.07.2023

IWAI to assess the potential courses that can be provided online.

Capacity Building (blank) Necessary Onboarding on the iGoT Karmayogi platform and
incorporation of training modules (through NINI) may be taken up.

IWAI to assess training/courses needs of officers to enhances work

efficiency and share an annual capacity building programme with the
Capacity Building (blank)
Ministry. Further, IWAI may also take assistance from IMU/IIT
Chennai, if required, for provision of such courses/ training inputs.
Replies to petitions IWAI may submit replies to petitions forwarded by CVO of the
by CVO Ministry at the earliest.

IWAI may submit the Cadre Review proposal at the earliest along
Cadre Review
Capacity Building with the details of new vertical / posts in the Cadre Review for
Ministry's review.
Policies/Model Rules regarding Central data base under the IV Act may be finalized
Documents/Guideli at the earliest.
Inter-Ministerial Ministry regarding Bangladesh LC issues and currency exchange
Regulatory reforms
Coordination issues for taking up with Ministry of Finance.
IWAI to forward a draft letter to this Ministry regarding Bangladesh
Regulatory reforms LC issues and currency exchange issues for taking up with Ministry of
For capturing the data for development of 23 National Waterways,
IWAI proposed that it would be better to consider separate projects
Monitoring (blank)
count for each waterway having following 4 main components:-
a. Fairway, b. Terminal, c. Vessel, d. Others
IWAI to appoint Consultant for collecting Cargo' Vessel and
Passengers and traffic estimation and tracking for all National
Monitoring (blank)
Waterways by 30.11.2023. The date should have different type of
cargo' vessels' etc and should be state wise and NW wise.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for Inland Vessel Act related issues:
Regulatory reforms Report
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc.
IWAI to share the pending issues/proposals for inter-Ministerial
Regulatory reforms Report

IWAI to list out issues/targets in relation to IWT sector in Maritime

Monitoring Action Plan Indian Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkal Vision 2047 and furnish all
the details to Ministry by 16.01.2024.

IWAI to examine & discuss with IPRCL in connection with Bogibeel

Cargo terminal project and to fix the responsibility for missing/wrong
data of High Flood Level (HFL) leading to increase in the cost due to
land filling, since the FSR and cost Estimate is prepared by IPRCL and
Monitoring Issue Resolution
the contract awarded on EPC mode. In the meanwhile, IWAI &IPRCL
to take necessary action for taking the work forward. Further, IWAI
to ensure that the pending works to be started immediately to catch
up the slippages of approach road, building foundation, parking etc.

IWAI to ensure that replies of the pre-bid queries to be completed

(blank) (blank) within a period of 7-8 days for minimizing the delay in tendering of
IWAI to furnish detailed report for lnland Vessel Act related issues:
Regulatory reforms Report
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. by 3lst March 2024.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new
Capacity Building Filling vacancy posts to the Ministry which may include provision for IT,
Environment, Business Development, PPP, Legal expert etc.
IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the anticipated vacancy
Capacity Building Filling vacancy
for every year.

IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utilization and

put forth a plan/proposal for up-gradation of National Inland
State of the art Navigation Institute (NINI), Patna into a state of the art infra and
Capacity Building infra and training training center to enable it to meet domestic and international
center demand and meet global benchmarks. This will help in mutual
acknowledgement/ aceptance of the certificate of competencies
/CoC’s of Indian Riverfarer globally.

Training and
Capacity Building IWAI to design and upload more relevant short courses on iGOT.
Training and IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for training of all the
Capacity Building
Courses employees (Regular/Contract/Outsource) under iGOT.
IWAI to assess and share data for potential cargo increase on annual
Cargo projection Action Plan
basis for upcoming years.
It has been observed that largely developments in Port Sector is
visible on various social media handles. Therefore, IWAI media team
Media and
(blank) to work in close coordination with MoPSW media team for better
outreach and to increase visibility of IWT sector on Ministry’s Social
Media Platforms.

Monitoring Data Capture IWAI to ensure that data captured for cargo is authentic.

IWAI to prepare cruise passenger data separately. IWAI to also

Monitoring (blank) prepare data for different types of vessels (cargo/tourist) including
their nos. and also map the passengers count.
IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets in next review
Monitoring (blank)
meeting as currently only status is presented in the meeting.
IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and promote
(blank) purchase of other goods through GEM in all its Regional Offices & Sub
through GEM
IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedings and enquiry
(blank) (blank)
on Vigilance cases within time frame stipulated by DoPT/MoPSW.
IWAI to publish tender by next week for building to be made at
Monitoring (blank)
Dhubri & Dibrugarh (Bogibeel).
Grand Total
Date Status Further Update
Project sheet
updated and
7/4/2023 Partly Complied
provided in Excel by
No significant
7/4/2023 Not Complied progress / updates
receive yet

Dhubri - Work
awarded to IPRCL in
April 2024
Dibrugarh – Work
8/16/2023 Complied awarded to IPRCL
on 28.03.2024
Bogibeel – Work
awarded to IPRCL
on 28.03.2024

Discussed during
review meeting
8/17/2023 Partially Complied
only, details yet to

Proposal under
8/17/2023 Noted by IWAI

8/17/2023 Not Complied Yet to be received

Discussed during
review meeting
8/17/2023 Partially Complied
only, matter is
under process

Complied but sent

8/17/2023 Partially Complied
for review to IWAI

As of now, issue
9/14/2023 Complied
stands resolved.

As of now, issue
9/19/2023 Complied
stands resolved.

10/28/2023 Not Complied No Action

Proposal under
11/2/2023 Not Complied
11/2/2023 Not Complied Yet to be receive

Proposal under
11/16/2023 Not Complied

Initiatives/ issues/
targets in relation to
IWT sector in
Maritime Indian
1/11/2024 Partly Complied Vision 2030 and
Maritime Amritkal
Vision 2047
provided in

Bogibeel –Extension
of the terminal
awarded on
completion by June
Responsibility Fix -
1/11/2024 Partly Complied
No update received
for missing/wrong
data of High Flood
Level (HFL) leading
to increase in the
cost due to land

Noted for
1/11/2024 (blank)
compliance by IWAI.

No information
2/1/2024 Not Complied

Proposal under
4/4/2024 Not Complied

No updates
4/4/2024 Not Complied
received yet

No updates
4/4/2024 Not Complied
received yet

No updates
4/4/2024 Not Complied
received yet
No updates
4/4/2024 Not Complied
received yet
No updates
4/4/2024 Not Complied
received yet
Noted for IWAI website is
compliance under maintenance.

Proposal under
4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI

Proposal under
4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI

Proposal under
4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI

Proposal under
4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI

No updates
4/4/2024 Not Complied
received yet
Proposal under
(blank) (blank)
Action Item Sub-action item

Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/

Reallocation Reallocation

Fund Utilization/

Fund Utilization/

Fund Utilization/

Monitoring (blank)

Grand Total
Minuted Instruction Date Status

IWAI to prepare an overview on the cost Savings in

Various projects and to provide the plans for 7/5/2023 Partly Complied
utilization of these balance amount.

Comprehensive Development of NW-2: IWAI to

provide the plans for utilization of the savings in the
7/4/2023 Not Complied
project & take up projects immediately and start
procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023.

Development of NW-16: The sanctioned amount is

Rs.l48 Crores and the amount utilized till date is
about 3-4% against sanction amount, IWAI to
7/4/2023 (blank)
provide the plans for utilization of the savings &
take up projects immediately and start
procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023

Ghazipur Terminal: IWAI informed that the terminal

project has been dropped as they do not have need
anymore; Accordingly JS (IWT) asked IWAI to see 7/4/2023 Partly Complied
how the acquired land can be returned & utilize the
funds in other areas.
IWAI was also directed to ensure that final
Expenditure statement must be authenticated by ### Noted by IWAI
Finance Head of IWAI.
Further Update
No such documents received. However 2
proposal for revision of ongoing DIB proposal
have been rechecked & under consideration in

Plan for utilization of the savings yet to receive

Proposal under process

Issue not sorted yet. The IWAI Varanasi has

requested the Dist. Administration to resolve
the issue and to recover the cost

Proposal under process

Goal - all -

Action Item Sub-action item Minuted Instruction Date

Capacity Building Filling vacancy IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for crea Apr

IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the ant Apr

State of the art in IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utApr

Training and Cour IWAI to design and upload more relevant short coursApr

IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for tr Apr

(empty) IWAI to assess the potential courses that can be pro Aug

IWAI to assess training/courses needs of officers to Aug

Cargo projection Action Plan IWAI to assess and share data for potential cargo inc Apr

Cargo promotion Scheduled ServiceIWAI informed that permission of 2 trial run has be Apr

IWAI to start fixed scheduled sailing service for th Apr

Stakeholder inter IWAI informed that the discussions are undergoing wiApr
Meetings Scheduled with OMCs, CONCOR and othersApr

Technical and Fin IWAI may seek comprehensive proposal from State Go

IWAI to explore feasibility of movement of Tata SteelApr

Centralized Database Design and nodes A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated A
f pr

Centre-State coordination iss (empty) IWAI to review the centre state coordination issues eApr

Concept Note IWAI may capture the vessel and passenger counts inSep

IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' andSep

IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' andSep

Others:- IWAI to prepare a power-point presentationJul

Concept Note andHydrogen Fuel Vessel: IWAI to prepare a 'Concept Not


MBD IWAI to develop models for cargo movement, urban m

IWAI to prepare a draft Model concessional agreement

Proposal IWAI informed that financial support would be needeApr

IWAI raised the issue of the barge association from GMar

Report IWAI to furnish detailed report for emerging in relat Nov

IWAI to furnish detailed report for Inland Vessel Act rApr

IWAI to provide a detailed report on dredging data a Nov

SOP An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in Nation Apr

An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in Nation Feb

Database development (empty) IWAI to review the data of River Cruises plying in N Apr

IWAI to submit data for the O-D (Origin – Destinatio Apr

Dredging CN/Schemes/PolicIWAI to work on dredging guidelines for dredged mate

Dredging IWAI to award the dredging works of approach chan Sep

Dredging and app IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach chan Aug

Fund As SMPA has allotted site for disposal of dredged matJan

Monitoring IWAI is currently checking output of dredging in te Apr

(empty) IWAI to award the dredging works of approach chan Sep

IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach chan Sep

EDI system operationalization(empty) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to be oper Apr

Fund Utilization/Reallocation Fund Utilization/RIWAI to prepare an overview on the cost Savings in VaJul

(empty) Comprehensive Development of NW-2: IWAI to provide

Jul t

Development of NW-16: The sanctioned amount is Rs.l48


Ghazipur Terminal: IWAI informed that the terminal pJul

Green Vessels/ecosystem Work Order for GrProcurement of 8 Catamaran Vessels: IWAI to ensureJul

Integration with NLP Marine (empty) Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata

Issue Resolution Inter-Ministerial IWAI to list out all issues for discussion with conce Apr

IWAI to work out all issues and interventions in the Mar

The issue of land at Princep Ghat may be taken up byFeb

IWT Ferry/Cruise ecosystem Community Jetties IWAI to expedite commissioning of floating community
Janjetties. As informed by

Community Jetties: IWAI to ensure completion of at leJul

IWAI to ensure at least 50 community Jetties to be Jan

IWAI to provide the plans for utilization of communityMar

jetties in coordination w
IWAI to put pictures of uses of community jetties in Nov

IWAI to reach out to all states and aggregate the nat Apr

IWAI to share the timelines for planned Community jeSep

IWAI to share timelines for Community Jetties / ter Sep

Media and Publication (empty) It has been observed that largely developments in PorApr

MMLP/FV/ICLP Monitoring IWAI to expedite Land acquisition for Freight Village, Mar
Varanasi. If necessary, pe

Land acquisition for Varanasi Terminal and Freight Vi Jul

Monitoring Action Plan IWAI to list out issues/targets in relation to IWT sec Jan

IWAI to prepare a NW wise traffic plan for the next Apr

Data Capture IWAI to ensure that data captured for cargo is authenApr
Funding IWAI to prepare a presentation on digitalization withiJul

IWAI to prepare a presentation on the scheme of actual


Issue Resolution IWAI to examine & discuss with IPRCL in connection with
Jan Bogibeel Cargo term

Monitoring IWAI to provide timelines of building to be made at Aug

Other: Secretary (PSW) asked IWAI to submit a detaJul

Replies to petitio IWAI may submit replies to petitions forwarded by CVO


(empty) For capturing the data for development of 23 NationaOct

IWAI to appoint Consultant for collecting Cargo' VessNov

IWAI to develop mechanism for tracking cargo volume

IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoringFeb

IWAI to prepare cruise passenger data separately. IWA


IWAI to provide timelines for Central database and Nov

IWAI to reach out to states and list out the proposalsMar

IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets inApr

IWAI to work on operational parameters and prepareJul


IWAI was also directed to ensure that final Expendi Oct

Tendering formalities may be completed by mid of Ma


NL development/operationaliMonitoring Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelinesSep

Jhangipur Lock -IWAI to share timelines for sanction oAug

NL modernization IWAI to complete the tendering procedure and ensure


Operationalization of Green V(empty) IWAI to coordinate with State Govt. immediately to operationalize
Mar the electric

IWAI to take necessary steps for ensuring regular moApr

Overview Cadre Review propIWAI may submit the Cadre Review proposal at the earl

Procurement (empty) IWAI to finalise bid document and float bid by 3rd w Nov

Tendering procedure may be completed by March 2024


Procurement through GEM (empty) IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and A

Project development/operatioContract Signing IWAI to expedite contract signing of 7 mini projects Jan

Customs and ImmiIWAI to work on design and DPR for making office cu Jul

Monitoring As regards Handing over the operation of Varanasi anMar

IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline Jul

IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for developm Sep

IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for developm Sep

Proposal IWAI to send revised proposal for Odisha PPP projec Nov

SPV formation IWAI to expedite the equity contribution of PPA into Apr
Technical and Fin NW-5 - IWAI to submit capex breakup, viability both tApr

Tendering Bogibeel Terminal: IWAI to work with IPRCL to float Jul

IWAI to publish Expression of lnterest for operationa Nov

Tendering and AwIWAI to award Maharashtra waterways Project by 15Nov

Rail/Road Connectivity Monitoring It may also be checked whether the road connectivitySep

lt may also be checked whether the road connectivitySep

Technical and Fin IWAI to expedite on going rail connectivity projects Mar

Regulatory reforms Inter-Ministerial IWAI to forward a draft letter to this Ministry regar Sep

Ministry regarding Bangladesh LC issues and currencySep

Report IWAI to furnish detailed report for Inland Vessel Act rNov

IWAI to furnish detailed report for lnland Vessel Act rFeb

IWAI to share the pending issues/proposals for inter-M


Schemes/Policies/Model Doc MBD IWAI to prepare a draft Model concessional agreemen


JS (IWT) highlighted that during the PM meeting withMar

chief Secretaries (held fe
Rules Rules regarding Central data base under the IV Act may

Ship Repair facility OperationalizationIWAI to start procurement work for Ship repair facilitMar

(empty) IWAI to explore the feasibility of establishing additional

MarShip repair facility on N

Technical assessment (empty) IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigat Sep

Terminal development/operatAccessibility of CaIWAI to ensure that captive terminals in MaharashtraSep

Monitoring IWAI to check the actual physical progress and compar

IWAI to prepare a catch up plan against slippage and Jan

Technical and Fin IWAI may immediately take up the study on operation

Terminal develop IWAI to ensure Balance work at Jogighopa Terminal toSep

IWAI to ensure completion of Jogighopa Terminal & BNov

IWAI to ensure the completion of Terminal at JogighoMar

Jogighopa Terminal: IWAI to ensure Work completio Jul

Jogighopa Terminal: IWAI to ensure Work completionJul

Terminal operationIWAI to award Maharashtra waterways projects witho


IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M

Mar Concessionaire by M

Utilization Monitorig and re (empty) IWAI to present last 3 years data for utilization of Apr

(empty) Monitoring IWAI to provide:1. Timelines for dredging works of Aug

Report IWAI to segregate Projects and non-projects componNov

(empty) Also, IWAI to submit report on Dredging including owFeb

Green vessel initiative, Jan

It was suggested that an empanelled set of consultanFeb

IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedinApr

IWAI to ensure that replies of the pre-bid queries to Jan

IWAI to expedite budget para. Nov

IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creatFeb

IWAI to finalise dredging tenders and award contractNov

IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoringMar

IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoringJan

IWAI to plan and establish efficient National Waterw Mar

IWAI to provide status update on the PPP projects aloDec

IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing

Mar RWG project which

The engagement of an Agency for Cadre Review and Feb

Total Result
Status Further Update
Not Compl(empty)

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Partially Discussed during review meeting only, details yet to received

Noted by (empty)

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo information updated by IWAI

Not ComplNo information available

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplNo data provided by IWAI

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not Compl(empty)

Noted by (empty)

Not Compl(empty)

Partially Being done by NICSI.

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplNo such power point presentation made by IWAI in the matter before Ministry.

Not ComplIn discussion with CSL

Not ComplNo data provided by IWAI

Not ComplYet to be received.

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not Compl(empty)

Not Compl(empty)

Not ComplHowever, daily dredging report is being collected and monitored by IWAI.

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNot received yet

Noted by (empty)

Noted by No data provided by IWAI

Not CompiNo update received so far

Partly ComMMT Haldia-Initial tender cancelled due to revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by 15 May, 2024, award by Ju

Partly ComBid opened on 28.03.2024, two bids received and tender evaluation is in process

Partly ComEarlier tender cancelled and new tender is being prepared based on revised estimate.

Noted by (empty)

Not Compl/Tender under Process

Partly ComBid evaluation under Process, Two bids received Kalughat terminal inaugurated.

Not ComplNo information updated by IWAI

Partly ComNo such documents received. However 2 proposal for revision of ongoing DIB proposal have been rechecked & und

Not ComplPlan for utilization of the savings yet to receive

(empty) (empty)

Partly ComIssue not sorted yet. The IWAI Varanasi has requested the Dist. Administration to resolve the issue and to recover th
Partly ComA -2 Catamaran successfully delivered. 1 in Ayodhya, 1 in Varanasi. Delivery schedule received for remaining 06 vess

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplNo update is available.

Not ComplNo information available.

11 Jetties inaugurated on 15th February 2024

Partly ComWest Bengal – Financial bids evaluation completed, The tender being cancelled due to bid received is 30.61% higher

Partially 40 community jetty completed till Mar’24 remaining 10 will be completed by June’24

Partly Com40 Completed and remaining 10 by June 2024.

Not ComplNot Completed/ Not reported

Not ComplYet to be received

Noted by (empty)

Not ComplTimelines not shared for planned Community jetties for starting ferry services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa

Yet to be received

Not ComplTimeline to be shared

Noted for IWAI website is under maintenance.

Partly ComExemption taken from ECI. Tendering is under process.

Partially Delay due to court cases and procedural guidelines

Partly ComInitiatives/ issues/ targets in relation to IWT sector in Maritime Indian Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkal Vision 204

Not ComplNo information updated by IWAI

Noted by (empty)
Not ComplYet to be receive

Not ComplIn progress

Partly Co Bogibeel –Extension of the terminal awarded on 28.03.2024, completion by June 2024Responsibility Fix - No update

Partially Dhubri - Work awarded to IPRCL in April 2024Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Bogibeel – Work a

Partly ComProject sheet updated and provided in Excel by IWAI

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplNo Action

Not Compl(empty)

Not ComplNo update is available.

Partly Co Details are being provided to NTCPWC for customizing the application for IWAI use.

Noted by (empty)

Not ComplNo update received

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Noted by (empty)

Not ComplNo significant progress / updates receive yet

Noted by (empty)

Partly ComTender opened on 9th February 2024. Technical bids being evaluated. Financial bid opened on 27 Mar 2024 and L1

Not ComplDPR is under preparation by IWAI

Not ComplDPR is under preparation by IWAI

Partially Tender floated but later on Cancelled due to L-1 bid being 47% high

Update awNo update is available with Ministry.

Noted by (empty)
Partially Discussed during review meeting only, matter is under process

Not Compl(empty)

Partly ComPre-Bid Meeting held on 12.02.2024 and tendering procedure expected to be completed by end of May 2024

Noted by (empty)

Not ComplNo update available with Ministry

Partly ComDibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Jogihopa -

Partly ComNo further update is available.

Partially Plan were shared during weekly review presentation

Partly ComA- Activity wise timelines not provided for NW-5B- Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Bogibeel – W

Not ComplTimelines not provided

Yet to be SPV formulation is under process. Onboarding of PPA is yet to be done.

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo data provided by IWAI

Not CompiTender yet to float

Not Compl(empty)

Not Compl(empty)

Not Compl(empty)

Not ComplNo Details shared by IWAI.

Not ComplNo update is available.

(empty) As of now, issue stands resolved.

(empty) As of now, issue stands resolved.

Not ComplYet to be receive

Not ComplNo information available

Not Compl(empty)

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplYet to be received

Partially Complied but sent for review to IWAI

Not Compl1- Anticipated date of completion of work is April 2025. As on 30.04.2024 the physical progress is 32.90%2- No deta

Not ComplNo update is available.

Not ComplYet to be received


Noted by I(empty)
Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplYet to be received

Not ComplNo further update available.

Partially 80% Physical Progress achieved will be Completed by May 2024.

Partly ComBogibeel – Completion by June 2024 Jogighopa - Completion by June 2024

Partially On the path of achieving

Not ComplUnder Construction, Date of completion revised by May 2024

Not CompiDelay as per scheduled timeline, revised date of completion: May 2024

Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo further update is available.

Not ComplNo data provided by IWAI

Majorly coMMT Haldia-Initial tender cancelled due to revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by 15 May, 2024, award by Ju

Partly ComDiscussed in Presentation

Partly ComFormat shared by IWAI to its ROs for submission

Partly Com1- One R&D project for design and construction of Hydrogen Fuelled vessel has been given by MoPSW to CSL. 2- IW
Not ComplNo updates received yet

Not ComplNo updates received yet

(empty) Noted for compliance by IWAI.

Noted by No such para is pending with IWT Division

Not ComplYet to be received

Mostly Co NW-1 - Work awarded for 04 stretches, tender floated for 01 stretch and 01 stretch is under tendering process. (Bid

Partly ComTender under Process

Partly ComCertain details have been provided to NTCPWC. NTCPWC has also been requested for customizing the online dredgi

Not ComplNo update is available.

Not ComplYet to be received

Partly ComEoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC is under process.

Partly ComQuotations invited by IWAI from 04 NIC/ IPA empaneled firms. Not finalised

g review meeting only, details yet to received

updated by IWAI
point presentation made by IWAI in the matter before Ministry.
dredging report is being collected and monitored by IWAI.
tial tender cancelled due to revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by 15 May, 2024, award by June 2024.

8.03.2024, two bids received and tender evaluation is in process

ncelled and new tender is being prepared based on revised estimate.

nder Process, Two bids received Kalughat terminal inaugurated.

updated by IWAI

ents received. However 2 proposal for revision of ongoing DIB proposal have been rechecked & under consideration in MoPSW

on of the savings yet to receive

yet. The IWAI Varanasi has requested the Dist. Administration to resolve the issue and to recover the cost
successfully delivered. 1 in Ayodhya, 1 in Varanasi. Delivery schedule received for remaining 06 vessels.B- No update received for shore po

urated on 15th February 2024

inancial bids evaluation completed, The tender being cancelled due to bid received is 30.61% higher than the estimate. Re-tendering is do

etty completed till Mar’24 remaining 10 will be completed by June’24

nd remaining 10 by June 2024.

Not reported
ared for planned Community jetties for starting ferry services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa

under maintenance.

n from ECI. Tendering is under process.

urt cases and procedural guidelines

s/ targets in relation to IWT sector in Maritime Indian Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkal Vision 2047 provided in presentation

updated by IWAI
sion of the terminal awarded on 28.03.2024, completion by June 2024Responsibility Fix - No update received for missing/wrong data of Hi

warded to IPRCL in April 2024Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024

dated and provided in Excel by IWAI

g provided to NTCPWC for customizing the application for IWAI use.

ogress / updates receive yet

on 9th February 2024. Technical bids being evaluated. Financial bid opened on 27 Mar 2024 and L1 finalised. Award of contract affected d

eparation by IWAI

eparation by IWAI

but later on Cancelled due to L-1 bid being 47% high

ailable with Ministry.

g review meeting only, matter is under process

held on 12.02.2024 and tendering procedure expected to be completed by end of May 2024

able with Ministry

rk awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Jogihopa -

te is available.

d during weekly review presentation

timelines not provided for NW-5B- Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024

is under process. Onboarding of PPA is yet to be done.

stands resolved.

stands resolved.
nt for review to IWAI

ate of completion of work is April 2025. As on 30.04.2024 the physical progress is 32.90%2- No details shared by IWAI for procurement wo

te available.

ogress achieved will be Completed by May 2024.

pletion by June 2024 Jogighopa - Completion by June 2024

tion, Date of completion revised by May 2024

eduled timeline, revised date of completion: May 2024

te is available.

tial tender cancelled due to revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by 15 May, 2024, award by June 2024.Traffic study of RWG - EOI to

y IWAI to its ROs for submission

ect for design and construction of Hydrogen Fuelled vessel has been given by MoPSW to CSL. 2- IWAI has ordered 8 nos Hybrid Electric Ca
iance by IWAI.

pending with IWT Division

warded for 04 stretches, tender floated for 01 stretch and 01 stretch is under tendering process. (Bid Evaluation)NW-2 – MoU has been sign

ave been provided to NTCPWC. NTCPWC has also been requested for customizing the online dredging monitoring application to suit IWAI
udy & engagement of PMC is under process.

ed by IWAI from 04 NIC/ IPA empaneled firms. Not finalised

d with DCI for Dredging works in NER on 09.04.2024NW-5 – SPV is under formulation. Onboarding of PPA is to expedited
Subject Minuted Instruction
Ghazipur Terminal: IWAI informed that the terminal project has been dropped
Ghazipur Terminal as they do not have need anymore; Accordingly JS (IWT) asked IWAI to see
how the acquired land can be returned & utilize the funds in other areas.
Community Jetties: IWAI to ensure completion of at least 50 Jetties by
Community Jetty December2023. IWAI to provide specific location-wise, month-wise plans for
completion of Jetties.
Varanasi & Land acquisition for Varanasi Terminal and Freight Village Project: IWAI to
Sahibganj MMT ensure the timelines are adhered to.
Development of NW-16: The sanctioned amount is Rs.l48 Crores and the
amount utilized till date is about 3-4% against sanction amount, IWAI to
provide the plans for utilization of the savings & take up projects immediately
and start procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023

Jogighopa Terminal Jogighopa Terminal: IWAI to ensure Work completion by Dec 2023

Comprehensive Development of NW-2: IWAI to provide the plans for

NW-2 utilization of the savings in the project & take up projects immediately and
start procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023.
Procurement of 8 Catamaran Vessels:
Green Vessels/ IWAI to ensure place at least 2 catamarans by Dec 2023.
ecosystem Shore power work should be taken in time and a firm work order to be placed
to CSL within a weeks time.
Other: Secretary (PSW) asked IWAI to submit a detailed stage-wise
NWs presentation (Process/Approval/Tender/Execution stages) of all the projects
including their components.
IWAI to work on operational parameters and prepare presentation for a
Others holistic review for details of cargo volume, passenger details, vessel details
IWAI to prepare a presentation on digitalization within IWAI as per MIV
2030 for utilization of PANI, Car-D portal and other portals & brief their
Digital Initiatives
requirements for HR supports (additional posts/institutional support etc.),
availability of funds etc.
IWAI to work on dredging guidelines for dredged material in the Dredging
Fairway and
channel to make sure that the dredged material should not go back in the
dredged channel.

Jogighopa Terminal Jogighopa Terminal: IWAI to ensure Work completion by Dec 2023.

Bogibeel Terminal: IWAI to work with IPRCL to float the tender for the
Bogibeel terminal
balance back up Infrastructure works by 15.07.2023.

Jogighopa, Bogibeel IWAI to work on design and DPR for making office cum guest house for
and Dibrugarh IWAI, customs and Immigration at Jogighopa, Bogibeel and Dibrugarh and
terminal take up the project immediately
IWAI to prepare an overview on the cost Savings in Various projects and to
provide the plans for utilization of these balance amount.

Others:- IWAI to prepare a power-point presentation on the proposed scheme

Inland Vessel of Inland Vessel Financing and ship Building Financial Assistance and send
Ecosystem the same to this Ministry latest by 07.07.2023 for presentation to Hon'b'e
Minister (PSW) during 2nd week of July, 2023.
IWAI to prepare a presentation on the scheme of actual cargo data collections
on various waterways and to digitalize the data on Car-D/ PANI Portals and
Digital Initiatives
brief their requirements for HR supports (additional posts/institutional support
etc.), availability of funds etc for the said scheme.
Gujarat, Maharashtra
IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline to Ministry for
and Odisha
execution for PPP Projects of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Odisha Waterways.
Hydrogen Fuel Vessel: IWAI to prepare a 'Concept Note' in co-ordination
with CSL incorporating:
Green Vessels/ * Vessel Fueling arrangement and ecosystem, infrastructure, Training
ecosystem modules,
*Guidelines/ Rules-Regulations, Fuel safety protocols etc. and submit to the
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach channel and approach road
Kalughat Terminal
works along with completion of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023

IWAI to provide:
1. Timelines for dredging works of approach channel to MMT Haldia, 2.
Traffic study for RWG,
3. Plans for transportation of coal through NW-5,
4. Fairway maintenance for NW-1, NW-2 or any other waterways

IWAI to provide timelines of building to be made at Dhubri & Dibrugarh, as

instruction from PS to the Hon'ble Minister PS&W, letter dated 03.07.2023

MCA for IWT IWAI to prepare a draft Model concessional agreement for waterways –
projects timelines may be shared with Ministry

Jhangipur Lock Jhangipur Lock -IWAI to share timelines for sanction of projects
IWAI may submit the Cadre Review proposal at the earliest along with the
details of new vertical / posts in the Cadre Review for Ministry's review.
IWAI to assess training/courses needs of officers to enhances work efficiency
and share an annual capacity building programme with the Ministry. Further,
IWAI may also take assistance from IMU/IIT Chennai, if required, for
provision of such courses/ training inputs.
IWAI to assess the potential courses that can be provided online. Necessary
Others Onboarding on the iGoT Karmayogi platform and incorporation of training
modules (through NINI) may be taken up.
Rules regarding Central data base under the IV Act may be finalized at the
IWAI may submit replies to petitions forwarded by CVO of the Ministry at
the earliest.
IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' and road-map for cargo,
Digital Initiatives vessel and passengers data collection through mobile app and portal and
submit to the Ministry.
Ministry regarding Bangladesh LC issues and currency exchange issues for
taking up with Ministry of Finance.
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi & Gandak
Kosi and Gandak River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to the Ministry by January
IWAI to share the timelines for planned Community jetties for starting ferry
Community Jetty
services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa.
lt may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail connectivity to
IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM GatiShakti CCMP list.
IWAI to award the dredging works of approach channel to MMT Haldia by
Haldia MMT
end of September 2023.

NW-5 IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for development of NW-5

Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines of project by

Jhangipur Lock
IWAI to publish tender by next week for building to be made at Dhubri &
Dibrugarh (Bogibeel).
IWAI to share timelines for Community Jetties / terminal proposals in
Community Jetty
Mathura (NW-110)
IWAI to ensure that captive terminals in Maharashtra have assess to others for
Maharashtra NWs

MCA for IWT IWAI to prepare a draft Model concessional agreement for different PPP
projects projects on National waterways as per timelines submitted.

IWAI to ensure Balance work at Jogighopa Terminal to be executed as soon

Jogighopa Terminal
as possible and to share timelines for the same.
IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' and road-map for cargo,
Digital Initiatives vessel and passengers data collection through mobile app and portal and
submit to the Ministry
IWAI to forward a draft letter to this Ministry regarding Bangladesh LC
issues and currency exchange issues for taking up with Ministry of Finance.
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi & Gandak
Kosi and Gandak River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to the Ministry by January
IWAI to share the timelines for planned Community jetties for starting ferry
Community Jetty
services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa.
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach channel work and completion
Kalughat Terminal
of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023.
It may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail connectivity to
IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM GatiShakti CCMP list.
IWAI to award the dredging works of approach channel to MMT Haldia by
Haldia MMT
end of September 2023.

NW-5 IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for development of NW-5.

Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines of project by

Jhangipur Lock
IWAI may capture the vessel and passenger counts in CAR-D Portal apart
Digital Initiatives from Cargo on near real time basis and its access may be given to State
For capturing the data for development of 23 National Waterways, IWAI
proposed that it would be better to consider separate projects count for each
waterway having following 4 main components:-
a. Fairway, b. Terminal, c. Vessel, d. Others
IWAI was also directed to ensure that final Expenditure statement must be
authenticated by Finance Head of IWAI.
IWAI to appoint Consultant for collecting Cargo' Vessel and Passengers and
traffic estimation and tracking for all National Waterways by 30.11.2023. The
date should have different type of cargo' vessels' etc and should be state wise
and NW wise.
IWAI to publish Expression of lnterest for operationalisation of Penna -
Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh by 30.11.2023
IWAI to furnish detailed report for emerging in relation to River Cruise
Tourism (PrincepGhat etc.) to this Ministry to be further take up with
concerned. On receipt of the inputs/report from IWAI, PS&W will take up the
matter with other ministries.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for Inland Vessel Act related issues:
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc.
IWAI to finalise bid document and float bid by 3rd week of November for
putting in place a Vessel Tracking System and River Information System.
IWAI to provide a detailed report on dredging data and furnish an action plan
on implementing dredging monitoring system over Departmental Dredgers
immediately. IWAI to state the dredging parameters, reasons for variation,
dredger specification. IWAI to provide month-wise dredging data for the last
3 years till last month.
IWAI to provide timelines for Central database and bid submission is to be
done by November end.
IWAI to send revised proposal for Odisha PPP project to MoPSW.

IWAI to finalise dredging tenders and award contracts by Nov end.

Jogighopa, Bogibeel IWAI to ensure completion of Jogighopa Terminal & Bogibeel Terminal by
terminal February 2024.

Maharashtra NWs IWAI to award Maharashtra waterways Project by 15.12.2023

IWAI to share the pending issues/proposals for inter-Ministerial discussion.

Others IWAI to segregate Projects and non-projects components for MIV 2030.

IWAI to expedite budget para.

IWAI to put pictures of uses of community jetties in the states on their website
Community Jetty
and update MoPSW.
IWAI to provide status update on the PPP projects along with cost. IWAI also
to submit detailed timeline for the execution of projects.
Fairway and IWAI to complete the tendering procedure and ensure the award of work by
navigation January 2024 for Modernization of existing lock at Farakka.
IWAI to check the actual physical progress and compare it with targeted
physical progress for the projects "Pandu Ship repair facility" &
Pandu and Jogighopa "Development of IWT terminal-MMLP at Jogighopa" and share the
comparison with Ministry' IWAI to furnish realistic timeline for completion of
these projects.

Maharashtra NWs IWAI to award Maharashtra waterways projects without any further delay.

Green Vessels/
Green vessel initiative,

IWAI to expedite contract signing of 7 mini projects of the umbrella project of

'Development of 23 NWs' within one week.
As SMPA has allotted site for disposal of dredged material which will reduce
Fairway and
distance by 40-45Km, IWAI to revise the estimate cost of Haldia access
channel dredging.
IWAI to expedite commissioning of floating community jetties. As informed
Community Jetty by IWAI, 07 nos. new community jetty work will be awarded in January 2024
and 11 nos. of new jetties will be commissioned in January 2024.

IWAI to ensure at least 50 community Jetties to be commissioned by January

Community Jetty
2024 as minuted in PM Sectorial review Meeting.
IWAI to ensure that replies of the pre-bid queries to be completed within a
period of 7-8 days for minimizing the delay in tendering of works.
IWAI to prepare a catch up plan against slippage and ensure that the work is
Pandu and Jogighopa completed within the stipulated time for IWT Terminal at Jogighopa and
Alternate road to Pandu Port.
IWAI to examine & discuss with IPRCL in connection with Bogibeel Cargo
terminal project and to fix the responsibility for missing/wrong data of High
Flood Level (HFL) leading to increase in the cost due to land filling, since the
FSR and cost Estimate is prepared by IPRCL and the contract awarded on
Bogibeel terminal
EPC mode. In the meanwhile, IWAI &IPRCL to take necessary action for
taking the work forward. Further, IWAI to ensure that the pending works to be
started immediately to catch up the slippages of approach road, building
foundation, parking etc.

IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two nos of
Haldia MMT dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in consultation
with NTCPWC.

IWAI to list out issues/targets in relation to IWT sector in Maritime Indian

Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkal Vision 2047 and furnish all the details to
Ministry by 16.01.2024.

IWAI may immediately take up the study on operationalization of Penna -

Godavari River.
It was suggested that an empanelled set of consultants for carrying out any
study including technical feasibility, hydrography etc. in National Waterways
as an when the proposal is received from State Governments and/or other
stakeholders may be maintained in IWAI on regular basis. This may be
ensured within 2-3 months.
The issue of land at Princep Ghat may be taken up by IWAI with SMPK and
alternate land may be immediately identified for resolving the issues related to
jetty for River Cruise Tourism.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for lnland Vessel Act related issues:
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. by 3lst March 2024.
Tendering formalities may be completed by mid of March 2024 for the work
of Central database. lt may be ensured that legacy data and other information
currently available may be migrated and incorporated on the Central Database.

Tendering procedure may be completed by March 2024 for putting in place a

Vessel Tracking System and River Information System.
An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in National waterways may be
Inland Vessel
prepared and finalised by IWAI by mid of March 2024 and shared with the
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two nos of
dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in consultation
with NTCPWC.
Also, IWAI to submit report on Dredging including own dredgers in uniform
format on a weekly basis.
The engagement of an Agency for Cadre Review and Comprehensive RR
review may be expedited and completed in 3 weeks.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new posts to the
IWAI to coordinate with State Govt. immediately to operationalize the electric
Green Vessels/
catamaran in Ayodhya as scheduled water taxi and to explore the feasibility of
adopting Kochi Water Metro Model for effective utilization.
IWAI to ensure the completion of Terminal at Jogighopa in all respects by
Jogighopa Terminal
May 2024.
JS (IWT) highlighted that during the PM meeting with chief Secretaries (held
few months back), all ministries were directed to develop Standard Bidding
Document (SBD) & Modal Concessionaire Agreements (MCA) for
standardization of the bidding/tender process. IWAI was directed to align and
to expedite draft SBD & MCA based on their expertise and experience for
terminals, fairway/dredging, etc and send the same to MoPS&W for approval.
As regards Handing over the operation of Varanasi and Sahibganj terminals to
Varanasi & SMPK, Chairman IWAI informed that they are seeking Legal opinion and
Sahibganj MMT also analysing the proposal. It was directed to organise a meeting with IWAI
and SMPK in April 24 to take it forward.
IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M Concessionaire
Kalughat Terminal
by May 1st week
IWAI to provide the plans for utilization of community jetties in coordination
Community Jetty with State Governments. IWAI to prepare a nationwide aggregate demand of
community jetties based on inputs from State Govts and technical feasibility.
IWAI to expedite Land acquisition for Freight Village, Varanasi. If necessary,
Varanasi &
permission of ECI may be taken prior to initiating construction of boundary
Sahibganj MMT
wall at FVP, Varanasi.

Inland Vessel IWAI to start procurement work for Ship repair facility at Pandu and also plan
Ecosystem for the operation of the facility and update the same to the Ministry.

IWAI to expedite on going rail connectivity projects at Varanasi, Sahibganj

Varanasi &
and Haldia MMTs and assess the feasibility of Rail/Road Connectivity with
Sahibganj MMT
all IWT terminals and send a report/proposal to the Ministry.
IWAI to develop mechanism for tracking cargo volume in Maia after the
completion of trail movement from Bangladesh side.
IWAI to work out all issues and interventions in the IBP route before a
meeting is organized by the Ministry with concerned Ministries/Dept./Org viz.
MEA, CBIC, MHA, SMPK, DG Shipping in April 24.
IWAI to reach out to states and list out the proposals, interests or issues with
respect to cargo / passenger transportation / tourism enhancement etc.
IWAI raised the issue of the barge association from Goa and explained that
they are seeking financial support from Government for their old barges. On
this, JS (IWT) informed that at present there is no scheme to support such
financing. However, such funding may be considered under a proposal for
low-carbon retrofitting of these vessels.
IWAI to plan and establish efficient National Waterways Navigation System
Digital Initiatives on the lines of VTMS to track vessel movements through national waterways
at the earliest.
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two
Digital Initiatives dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in consultation
with NTCPWC.
IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing RWG project
which may include components such as Fairway development, Terminal and
RWG project
other infrastructure facilities, Operational aspect, Legal framework and cargo
IWAI to explore the feasibility of establishing additional Ship repair facility
Ship Repair facility on NW-1 preferably in and around Patna to cater to the increasing demand of
Ship repairs on NW-1
It has been observed that largely developments in Port Sector is visible on
various social media handles. Therefore, IWAI media team to work in close
coordination with MoPSW media team for better outreach and to increase
visibility of IWT sector on Ministry’s Social Media Platforms.
IWAI informed that financial support would be needed at least in the initial
few years for promoting cargo movements. IWAI may prepare scheme for
Traffic, Operations
cargo promotion in National Waterways to provide end to end support
and Cargo
including provision of financial support (gap funding) to operators to ensure
competitive IWT cargo movement.
IWAI informed that the discussions are undergoing with various stakeholder
companies and entities viz FCI, SCI, ITC, Tata Steel, IFFCO, RINL, BPCL,
NRL for promoting and encouraging IWT based cargo movement. IWAI to
share the outcome of these meetings with Ministry.
Meetings Scheduled with OMCs, CONCOR and others for movements of
their cargo comprising coal, POL, steel, LPG, crude/POL, food grains,
fertilizers etc through IWT. IWAI to share the outcome of these meetings with
IWAI to list out all issues for discussion with concerned Ministries/Dept./Org.
Others and inform MoPSW where its intervention is required to ensure increase in
cargo in IWT sector.
IWAI to assess and share data for potential cargo increase on annual basis for
upcoming years.
IWAI to expedite the equity contribution of PPA into the SPV for NW-5 to
enable SPV formulation at an early stage.

IWAI to explore feasibility of movement of Tata Steel cargo and FCI cargo
through waterways for optimizing overall costs and reduce travel time.
IWAI informed that permission of 2 trial run has been issued by Bangladesh
for Maia-Aricha route and regular movement in Maia-Aricha route will start
within a month. IWAI may ensure commencement of regular movement in
collaboration with BIWTA.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to be operationalized for enabling
Digital Initiatives
movement through IWT through Kottayam Port in NW-3.
IWAI to review the data of River Cruises plying in NWs & furnish updated
River Cruise
data in the next review meeting.
NWs IWAI to ensure that data captured for cargo is authentic.
IWAI to prepare cruise passenger data separately. IWAI to also prepare data
River Cruise for different types of vessels (cargo/tourist) including their nos. and also map
the passengers count.
IWAI to prepare a NW wise traffic plan for the next three years duly ensuring
the aim to increase cargo in National Waterways and devise a methodology
NWs including identification of O-D (Origin – Destination) pairs for the same. The
comprehensive plan may also include information on upgrading infrastructure
in NWs and be submitted to the Ministry immediately.
IWAI to submit data for the O-D (Origin – Destination) pairs for the cruise
River Cruise
movements showcased during presentation.
IWAI to develop models for cargo movement, urban movement, IWT cruise,
terminal development and O&M, fairway maintenance, etc. after consultation
with State Governments.
IWAI may seek comprehensive proposal from State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
NWs for identification of new feasible National Waterways having potential of
cargo & passenger movement.
NW-5 - IWAI to submit capex breakup, viability both technical and financial
within a time period of one month and IWAI to asses feasibility of cargo
movement under current circumstances as the modification of existing cross
structures / bridges may take 8-10 years of time period.
IWAI to present last 3 years data for utilization of catamaran vessels/Ro-Pax
Inland Vessel
Vessels and may explore the scope for redeployment of catamaran vessels/Ro-
Pax Vessels in case of under utilization.
Green Vessels/ IWAI to take necessary steps for ensuring regular movement of Electric
ecosystem catamaran vessels at Ayodhya and Varanasi.
IWAI to reach out to all states and aggregate the nationwide requirement of
Community Jetty community jetties. IWAI to provide data for utilization of all community
jetties and its impact in the next review meeting.
IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets in next review meeting as
currently only status is presented in the meeting.
IWAI to start fixed scheduled sailing service for the calendar year giving
NWs confidence to stakeholders and promote movement of cargo through IWT
Inland Vessel An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in National Waterways may be
Ecosystem prepared and finalised by IWAI and shared with the Ministry immediately.
IWAI is currently checking output of dredging in terms of shoal removal only.
Fairway and
IWAI to check on ease of vessel movement first and cargo and passenger
movement on account of dredging subsequently.
IWAI to review the centre state coordination issues especially for NW-3
IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and promote purchase of
other goods through GEM in all its Regional Offices & Sub Offices.
Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata to be prioritized by
Digital Initiatives
IWAI initially in terms of integration wherein there is a customs interface.
IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utilization and put forth a
plan/proposal for up-gradation of National Inland Navigation Institute (NINI),
Patna into a state of the art infra and training center to enable it to meet
domestic and international demand and meet global benchmarks. This will
help in mutual acknowledgement/ aceptance of the certificate of competencies
/CoC’s of Indian Riverfarer globally.
Inland Vessel IWAI to furnish detailed report for Inland Vessel Act related issues:
Ecosystem Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. without any further delay.
A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated for Centralized database.
Digital Initiatives IWAI may share more details on the design and nodes of the database in next
review meeting.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new posts to the
Others Ministry which may include provision for IT, Environment, Business
Development, PPP, Legal expert etc.
Others IWAI to design and upload more relevant short courses on iGOT.
IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for training of all the employees
(Regular/Contract/Outsource) under iGOT.
IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the anticipated vacancy for
every year.
IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedings and enquiry on
Vigilance cases within time frame stipulated by DoPT/MoPSW.
Goal Action Item Sub-action item Date Status

Fund Utilization/ Partly

Funds 4-Jul-23
Reallocation Complied

IWT Ferry/Cruise Partially

Passenger traffic Community Jetties 4-Jul-23
ecosystem Complied
Cargo traffic MMLP/FV/ICLP Monitoring 4-Jul-23

Fund Utilization/
Funds 4-Jul-23

Terminal Terminal
Cargo traffic development/ development-Work 4-Jul-23
operationalization completion
Fund Utilization/ Not
Funds 4-Jul-23
Reallocation Complied

Work Order for

Green Vessels/ Green Vessels/ Partly
Green Vessels; 4-Jul-23
ecosystem ecosystem Complied
Shore power work

Others Monitoring Monitoring 4-Jul-23

Others Monitoring 4-Jul-23

Digital Initiatives Monitoring Funding 4-Jul-23

Fairway and Not
Dredging Policies/MBD/ 5-Jul-23
navigation Compiled
Terminal Terminal
Cargo traffic development/ development-Work 5-Jul-23
operationalization completion
Project development/ Not
Cargo traffic Tendering 5-Jul-23
operationalization Compiled

Cargo and Project development/ Customs and Partly

passenger traffic operationalization Immigration Complied
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/ Partly
Funds 5-Jul-23
Reallocation Reallocation Complied

Inland Vessel Not
Policies/MBD/ Concept Note 5-Jul-23
Ecosystem Complied

Digital Initiatives Monitoring Funding 5-Jul-23

Project development/ Partially

Cargo traffic Monitoring 5-Jul-23
operationalization complied

Green Vessels/ Concept Note and Not
Policies/MBD/ 5-Jul-23
ecosystem Guidelines Complied

Fairway and Dredging and Partly

Dredging 16-Aug-23
navigation approach road Complied

Monitoring 16-Aug-23

Others Monitoring Monitoring 16-Aug-23

MCA for IWT Model Not
MBD 16-Aug-23
projects Documents/Guidelin Complied
Fairway and NL development/ Not
Monitoring 16-Aug-23
navigation operationalization complied
Cadre Review Partially
Others Overview 17-Aug-23
proposal Complied
Noted by
Others Capacity Building 17-Aug-23

Others Capacity Building 17-Aug-23
Model Partially
Others Rules 17-Aug-23
Documents/Guidelin Complied
Replies to petitions Not
Others Monitoring 17-Aug-23
by CVO Complied
Digital Initiatives Policies/MBD/ Concept Note 14-Sep-23
Others Regulatory reforms 14-Sep-23
Fairway and Not
Technical assessment 14-Sep-23
navigation Complied
IWT Ferry/Cruise Not
Passenger traffic Community Jetties 14-Sep-23
ecosystem Complied
Rail/Road Not
Cargo traffic Monitoring 14-Sep-23
Connectivity Complied
Fairway and Partly
Dredging Dredging 14-Sep-23
navigation Complied

Project development/ Partly

Cargo traffic Monitoring 14-Sep-23
operationalization Complied

Fairway and NL development/ Not

Monitoring 14-Sep-23
navigation operationalization Complied
Others Monitoring
IWT Ferry/Cruise Not
Passenger traffic Community Jetties 14-Sep-23
ecosystem Complied
Accessibility of Noted by
Cargo traffic development/ 14-Sep-23
Captive terminals IWAI.
MCA for IWT Not
Policies/MBD/ MBD 14-Sep-23
projects Complied
Terminal Terminal
Cargo traffic development/ development-Work 14-Sep-23
operationalization completion
Digital Initiatives Policies/MBD/ Concept Note 19-Sep-23
Others Regulatory reforms 19-Sep-23
Fairway and Not
Technical assessment 19-Sep-23
navigation Complied

IWT Ferry/Cruise Not

Passenger traffic Community Jetties 19-Sep-23
ecosystem Complied
Fairway and Partly
Dredging 19-Sep-23
navigation Complied
Rail/Road Not
Cargo traffic Monitoring 19-Sep-23
Connectivity Complied
Fairway and Not
Dredging 19-Sep-23
navigation Complied
Project development/ Not
Cargo traffic Monitoring 19-Sep-23
operationalization Complied
Fairway and NL development/ Not
Monitoring 19-Sep-23
navigation operationalization Complied
Digital Initiatives Policies/MBD/ Concept Note 19-Sep-23

Others Monitoring 28-Oct-23

Noted by
Funds Monitoring 28-Oct-23

Others Monitoring 2-Nov-23

Cargo and Project development/ Not

Tendering 2-Nov-23
passenger traffic operationalization Complied

Cruise Policies/MBD/ Report 2-Nov-23
Others Regulatory reforms Report 2-Nov-23
Digital Initiatives Procurement 2-Nov-23

Digital Initiatives Policies/MBD/ Report 2-Nov-23

Digital Initiatives Monitoring 2-Nov-23
Project development/ Yet to be
Cargo traffic Proposal 16-Nov-23
operationalization received


Terminal Terminal
Cargo traffic development/ development-Work 16-Nov-23
operationalization completion
Project development/ Tendering and Not
Cargo traffic 16-Nov-23
operationalization Award Complied
Others Regulatory reforms Report 16-Nov-23
Report 16-Nov-23
Noted by
IWT Ferry/Cruise Not
Passenger traffic Community Jetties 16-Nov-23
ecosystem Complied
Fairway and NL development/ Partially
NL modernization 14-Dec-23
navigation operationalization complied

Cargo traffic development/ Monitoring 14-Dec-23

Terminal Not
Cargo traffic development/ 14-Dec-23
operationalization complied

Green Vessels/ Partly

ecosystem Complied

Cargo and Project development/ Not

Contract Signing 11-Jan-24
passenger traffic operationalization Complied

Fairway and Partly

Dredging Fund 11-Jan-24
navigation Complied
IWT Ferry/Cruise Partly
Passenger traffic Community Jetties 11-Jan-24
ecosystem Complied

IWT Ferry/Cruise Partly

Passenger traffic Community Jetties 11-Jan-24
ecosystem Complied
General 11-Jan-24
Cargo traffic development/ Monitoring 11-Jan-24

Others Monitoring Issue Resolution 11-Jan-24

Fairway and Partly

navigation Complied

Others Monitoring Action Plan 11-Jan-24

Terminal Technical and

Cargo and Not
development/ Financial 1-Feb-24
passenger traffic Complied
operationalization assessment


Inter-Ministerial Not
Cruise Issue Resolution 1-Feb-24
Coordination Complied
Others Regulatory reforms Report 1-Feb-24

Digital Initiatives Monitoring 1-Feb-24

Digital Initiatives Procurement 1-Feb-24
Inland Vessel Not
Policies/MBD/ SOP 1-Feb-24
Ecosystem Complied
Digital Initiatives Monitoring 1-Feb-24
Green Vessels/ Operationalization of Update
ecosystem Green Vessels awaited
Terminal Terminal
Cargo traffic development/ development-Work 21-Mar-24
operationalization completion

MCA for IWT Model Not
MBD 21-Mar-24
projects Documents/Guidelin Complied

Project development/ Partly

Cargo traffic Monitoring 21-Mar-24
operationalization Complied

Terminal Not
Cargo traffic development/ 21-Mar-24
operationalization Complied
IWT Ferry/Cruise Not
Passenger traffic Community Jetties 21-Mar-24
ecosystem Complied

Cargo traffic MMLP/FV/ICLP Monitoring 21-Mar-24

Inland Vessel Not

Ship Repair facility Operationalization 21-Mar-24
Ecosystem Complied

Technical and
Rail/Road Not
Cargo traffic Financial 21-Mar-24
Connectivity Complied
Others Monitoring 21-Mar-24
Inter-Ministerial Not
Cargo traffic Issue Resolution 21-Mar-24
Coordination Complied
Others Monitoring 21-Mar-24

Inland Vessel Not
Policies/MBD/ Proposal 21-Mar-24
Ecosystem Complied

Digital Initiatives 21-Mar-24

Digital Initiatives 21-Mar-24


Inland Vessel Not

Ship Repair facility 21-Mar-24
Ecosystem Complied

Media and Noted for

Others 4-Apr-24
Publication compliance

Cargo traffic Policies/MBD/ Proposal 4-Apr-24

Cargo traffic Cargo promotion interactions, O-D 4-Apr-24
based movements

Cargo traffic Cargo promotion interactions, O-D 4-Apr-24
based movements

Inter-Ministerial Not
Cargo traffic Issue Resolution 4-Apr-24
Coordination Complied
Others Cargo projection Action Plan 4-Apr-24
Project development/ Not
Cargo traffic SPV formation 4-Apr-24
operationalization Complied
Technical and
Cargo traffic Cargo promotion Financial 4-Apr-24
Cargo traffic Cargo promotion Scheduled Services 4-Apr-24

EDI system Not

Digital Initiatives 4-Apr-24
operationalization Complied
Database Noted by
Cruise 4-Apr-24
development IWAI
Noted by
Others Monitoring Data Capture 4-Apr-24
Noted by
Others Monitoring 4-Apr-24

Others Monitoring Action Plan 4-Apr-24

Database Noted by
Cruise 4-Apr-24
development IWAI
MCA for IWT Not
Policies/MBD/ MBD 4-Apr-24
projects Complied
Technical and
Cargo and Not
Cargo promotion Financial 4-Apr-24
passenger traffic Complied
Technical and
Project development/ Not
Cargo traffic Financial 4-Apr-24
operationalization Complied

Inland Vessel Utilization Monitorig Not

Ecosystem and redeployment Complied
Green Vessels/ Operationalization of Noted by
ecosystem Green Vessels IWAI
IWT Ferry/Cruise Noted by
Passenger traffic Community Jetties 4-Apr-24
ecosystem IWAI
Noted by
Others Monitoring 4-Apr-24
Cargo and Not
Cargo promotion Scheduled Services 4-Apr-24
passenger traffic Complied
Inland Vessel Not
Policies/MBD/ SOP 4-Apr-24
Ecosystem Complied
Fairway and Noted by
Dredging Monitoring 4-Apr-24
navigation IWAI
Centre-State Noted by
Others 4-Apr-24
coordination issues IWAI
Procurement through Noted by
Others 4-Apr-24
Integration with NLP Not
Digital Initiatives 4-Apr-24
Marine Complied

State of the art infra Not

Others Capacity Building 4-Apr-24
and training center Complied

Inland Vessel Not
Policies/MBD/ Report 4-Apr-24
Ecosystem Complied
Digital Initiatives Centralized Database Design and nodes 4-Apr-24

Others Capacity Building Filling vacancy 4-Apr-24
Training and Not
Others Capacity Building 4-Apr-24
Courses Complied
Training and Not
Others Capacity Building 4-Apr-24
Courses Complied
Others Capacity Building Filling vacancy 4-Apr-24
Others 4-Apr-24
Further Update
Issue not sorted yet. The IWAI Varanasi has
requested the Dist. Administration to resolve the
issue and to recover the cost

40 community jetty completed till Mar’24

remaining 10 will be completed by June’24
Delay due to court cases and procedural

Under Construction, Date of completion

revised by May 2024

Plan for utilization of the savings yet to receive

A -2 Catamaran successfully delivered. 1 in

Ayodhya, 1 in Varanasi. Delivery schedule
received for remaining 06 vessels.
B- No update received for shore power work.
Project sheet updated and provided in Excel by

No significant progress / updates receive yet

Yet to be receive

No update received so far

Delay as per scheduled timeline, revised date of

completion: May 2024

Tender yet to float

Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on

Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on
Jogihopa -
No such documents received. However 2 proposal
for revision of ongoing DIB proposal have been
rechecked & under consideration in MoPSW

No such power point presentation made by IWAI

in the matter before Ministry.

In progress

Plan were shared during weekly review


In discussion with CSL

Bid opened on 28.03.2024, two bids received and

tender evaluation is in process
MMT Haldia-Initial tender cancelled due to
revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by
15 May, 2024, award by June 2024.
Traffic study of RWG - EOI to be floated by
15 May.
NW-1 - Work awarded for 04 stretches, tender
floated for 01 stretch and 01 stretch is under
tendering process. (Bid Evaluation)
NW-2 – MoU has been signed with DCI for
Dredging works in NER on 09.04.2024
NW-5 – SPV is under formulation.
Onboarding of PPA is to expedited
Dhubri - Work awarded to IPRCL in April 2024
Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on
Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on

Yet to be received

DPR is under preparation by IWAI

Discussed during review meeting only, matter is
under process
Discussed during review meeting only, details yet
to received

Complied but sent for review to IWAI

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

As of now, issue stands resolved.

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

No Details shared by IWAI.

MMT Haldia-Initial tender cancelled due to
revision of cost. Fresh tender to be floated by 15
May, 2024, award by June 2024.
A- Activity wise timelines not provided for NW-5
B- Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on
Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on

DPR is under preparation by IWAI

Timeline to be shared

Yet to be received.

80% Physical Progress achieved will be

Completed by May 2024.

Being done by NICSI.

As of now, issue stands resolved.

Timelines not shared for planned Community

jetties for starting ferry services in NW-68, NW-
27 & NW-111 in Goa
Bid evaluation under Process, Two bids received
Kalughat terminal inaugurated.

/Tender under Process

Timelines not provided

DPR is under preparation by IWAI

No Action

Yet to be receive

However, daily dredging report is being collected

and monitored by IWAI.

No update received
SPV formulation is under process. Onboarding of
PPA is yet to be done.
NW-1 - Work awarded for 04 stretches, tender
floated for 01 stretch and 01 stretch is under
tendering process. (Bid Evaluation)
NW-2 – MoU has been signed with DCI for
Dredging works in NER on 09.04.2024
Bogibeel – Completion by June 2024
Jogighopa - Completion by June 2024

Discussed in Presentation

No such para is pending with IWT Division

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
Tender floated but later on Cancelled due to L-1
bid being 47% high

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

1- One R&D project for design and construction

of Hydrogen Fuelled vessel has been given by
2- IWAI has ordered 8 nos Hybrid Electric
Catamaran on CSL. Out of which two have been
3- One proposal for procurement of 4 Hydrogen
fuelled vessels is under consideration of MoPSW.

No update available with Ministry

Earlier tender cancelled and new tender is being

prepared based on revised estimate.
11 Jetties inaugurated on 15th February 2024
West Bengal – Financial bids evaluation
completed, The tender being cancelled due to bid
received is 30.61% higher than the estimate. Re-
tendering is done and technical evaluation is
under progress.
40 Completed and remaining 10 by June 2024.

Noted for compliance by IWAI.

Yet to be received

Bogibeel –Extension of the terminal awarded on

28.03.2024, completion by June 2024
Responsibility Fix - No update received for
missing/wrong data of High Flood Level (HFL)
leading to increase in the cost due to land filling.

Certain details have been provided to NTCPWC.

NTCPWC has also been requested for
customizing the online dredging monitoring
application to suit IWAI requirements vide letter
No. IWAI/MD 380/ 2021-2022 dated 29.02.2024.
Initiatives/ issues/ targets in relation to IWT sector
in Maritime Indian Vision 2030 and Maritime
Amritkal Vision 2047 provided in presentation

No further update available.

No updates received yet

No information available.

No information available
Tender opened on 9th February 2024. Technical
bids being evaluated. Financial bid opened on 27
Mar 2024 and L1 finalised. Award of contract
affected due Model Code of Conduct
Pre-Bid Meeting held on 12.02.2024 and
tendering procedure expected to be completed by
end of May 2024
Not received yet

Details are being provided to NTCPWC for

customizing the application for IWAI use.

Format shared by IWAI to its ROs for submission

Quotations invited by IWAI from 04 NIC/ IPA
empaneled firms. Not finalised
Yet to be received

No update is available with Ministry.

On the path of achieving

Yet to be received

No further update is available.

No further update is available.

Not Completed/ Not reported

Exemption taken from ECI. Tendering is under

1- Anticipated date of completion of work is April
2025. As on 30.04.2024 the physical progress is
2- No details shared by IWAI for procurement

No update is available.

No update is available.

No update is available.
No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No update is available.

Tender under Process

EoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC is

under process.

No update is available.

IWAI website is under maintenance.

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No information updated by IWAI

No information updated by IWAI

No information updated by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No data provided by IWAI

No information available

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

Action Item Sub-action item

Project development/

Project development/

Terminal development/ Accessibility of Captive

operationalization terminals
Project development/
Project development/

Project development/

Project development/
Tendering and Award

Terminal development/

Terminal development/ Terminal

operationalization operationalization

Terminal development/

Terminal development/ Technical and Financial

operationalization assessment
Terminal development/ Terminal
operationalization operationalization

Project development/ Technical and Financial

operationalization assessment

(blank) (blank)
Minuted Instruction Date Status
IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline to Ministry
for execution for PPP Projects of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Odisha 7/5/2023

IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for development of NW-5 9/14/2023 Partly Complied

IWAI to ensure that captive terminals in Maharashtra have assess

9/14/2023 Noted by IWAI.
to others for use

IWAI to provide activity wise timelines for development of NW-5. 9/19/2023 Not Complied

IWAI to publish Expression of lnterest for operationalisation of

11/2/2023 Not Complied
Penna - Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh by 30.11.2023

Yet to be
IWAI to send revised proposal for Odisha PPP project to MoPSW. 11/16/2023

IWAI to award Maharashtra waterways Project by 15.12.2023 11/16/2023 Not Complied

IWAI to check the actual physical progress and compare it with

targeted physical progress for the projects "Pandu Ship repair
facility" & "Development of IWT terminal-MMLP at Jogighopa" and 12/14/2023 Not Complied
share the comparison with Ministry' IWAI to furnish realistic
timeline for completion of these projects.
IWAI to award Maharashtra waterways projects without any
12/14/2023 Not Complied
further delay.
IWAI to prepare a catch up plan against slippage and ensure that
the work is completed within the stipulated time for IWT Terminal 1/11/2024 Not Complied
at Jogighopa and Alternate road to Pandu Port.
IWAI may immediately take up the study on operationalization of
2/1/2024 Not Complied
Penna -Godavari River.
IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M
3/21/2024 Not Complied
Concessionaire by May 1st week
NW-5 - IWAI to submit capex breakup, viability both technical and
financial within a time period of one month and IWAI to asses
feasibility of cargo movement under current circumstances as the 4/4/2024 Not Complied
modification of existing cross structures / bridges may take 8-10
years of time period.

IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing RWG

project which may include components such as Fairway
development, Terminal and other infrastructure facilities,
Operational aspect, Legal framework and cargo potential. 3/21/2024 Partly Complied
Further Update

Plan were shared during

weekly review presentation

A- Activity wise timelines not

provided for NW-5
B- Dibrugarh – Work awarded
to IPRCL on 28.03.2024
Bogibeel – Work awarded to
IPRCL on 28.03.2024


Timelines not provided


SPV formulation is under

process. Onboarding of PPA is
yet to be done.


No updates received yet

No updates received yet

Yet to be received

No further update available.

Likely to be Handed over by 15

Jul 2024

No data provided by IWAI

EoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC is under process.

Action Item Sub-action item

CN/Schemes/Policies/MBD/Guidelines Report

Database development (blank)

Database development (blank)

Issue Resolution Inter-Ministerial Coordination

Grand Total
Minuted Instruction Date Status Further Update
IWAI to furnish detailed report for emerging in
relation to River Cruise Tourism (PrincepGhat etc.)
to this Ministry to be further take up with
11/2/2023 Not Complied
concerned. On receipt of the inputs/report from
IWAI, PS&W will take up the matter with other

IWAI to review the data of River Cruises plying in

NWs & furnish updated data in the next review 4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI
IWAI to submit data for the O-D (Origin –
Destination) pairs for the cruise movements 4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI No data provided by IWAI
showcased during presentation.
The issue of land at Princep Ghat may be taken up
by IWAI with SMPK and alternate land may be
2/1/2024 Not Complied No information available.
immediately identified for resolving the issues
related to jetty for River Cruise Tourism.
Action Item Sub-action item

Dredging Policies/MBD/

Dredging and approach


NL development/

Dredging Dredging

NL development/

Technical assessment (blank)

Dredging (blank)

Dredging (blank)

NL development/
Technical assessment (blank)

NL development/
NL modernization

Dredging Fund
Dredging (blank)

Dredging Monitoring

IWAI to finalise
dredging tenders and
award contracts by Nov
(blank) Dredging end.
Grand Total
Minuted Instruction Date Status
IWAI to work on dredging guidelines for dredged
material in the Dredging channel to make sure that
7/5/2023 Not Compiled
the dredged material should not go back in the
dredged channel.
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach
channel and approach road works along with 8/16/2023 Partly Complied
completion of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023
Jhangipur Lock -IWAI to share timelines for sanction
8/16/2023 Not Complied
of projects

IWAI to award the dredging works of approach

9/14/2023 Partly Complied
channel to MMT Haldia by end of September 2023.

Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines

9/14/2023 Not Complied
of project by 25.09.2023.
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start
navigation in Kosi & Gandak River for connecting to
9/14/2023 Not Complied
Nepal and submit report to the Ministry by January
IWAI to award the dredging works of approach
9/19/2023 Not Complied
channel to MMT Haldia by end of September 2023.
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach
channel work of Kalughat Terminal by December 9/19/2023 Partly Complied

9/19/2023 Not Complied

9/19/2023 Not Complied

IWAI to complete the tendering procedure and

ensure the award of work by January 2024 for ### Partially Complied
Modernization of existing lock at Farakka.

As SMPA has allotted site for disposal of dredged

material which will reduce distance by 40-45Km, IWAI
1/11/2024 Partly Complied
to revise the estimate cost of Haldia access channel
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring
initially for two nos of dredgers deployed for the
1/11/2024 Partly Complied
dredging of Haldia Access Channel in consultation
with NTCPWC.

IWAI is currently checking output of dredging in

terms of shoal removal only. IWAI to check on ease of
4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI
vessel movement first and cargo and passenger
movement on account of dredging subsequently.

NW-1 - Work
awarded for 04
stretches, tender
floated for 01
stretch and 01
stretch is under
tendering process.
(Bid Evaluation)
All awareded
except following,
Likely Award
Kalughat Access
Channel: 4th week
of May
Aug 2024
11/16/2023 Mostly CompHaldia Access
Further Update

No update received so far

Bid opened on 28.03.2024, two

bids received and tender
evaluation is in process
DPR is under preparation by

MMT Haldia-Initial tender

cancelled due to revision of cost.
Fresh tender to be floated by 15
May, 2024, award by June 2024.

DPR is under preparation by


Yet to be received

/Tender under Process

Two bids received

Bid evaluation under Process,

DPR is under preparation by

Tender floated but later on
Cancelled due to L-1 bid being
47% high
New tender to be floted by 3-4th
week of May'24

Earlier tender cancelled and new

tender is being prepared based
on revised estimate.
Certain details have been
provided to NTCPWC.
NTCPWC has also been
requested for customizing the
online dredging monitoring
application to suit IWAI
requirements vide letter No.
IWAI/MD 380/ 2021-2022 dated
A proposal was submitted by
NTCPWC worth INR 30 lakhs.
IWAI observed the technique
was not real time online
monitoring and hence the
process has been called off

General Guideline
Action Item Sub-action item

Monitoring Funding

Monitoring Funding

CN/Schemes/Policies/MBD/Guidelines Concept Note

CN/Schemes/Policies/MBD/Guidelines Concept Note

CN/Schemes/Policies/MBD/Guidelines Concept Note

CN/Schemes/Policies/MBD/Guidelines Report

Monitoring (blank)

Procurement (blank)

Monitoring (blank)

Monitoring (blank)

Procurement (blank)

(blank) (blank)

(blank) (blank)
Centralized Database Design and nodes

EDI system operationalization (blank)

Integration with NLP Marine (blank)

Minuted Instruction Date Status

IWAI to prepare a presentation on digitalization within IWAI as per

MIV 2030 for utilization of PANI, Car-D portal and other portals &
7/4/2023 Not Complied
brief their requirements for HR supports (additional
posts/institutional support etc.), availability of funds etc.

IWAI to prepare a presentation on the scheme of actual cargo data

collections on various waterways and to digitalize the data on Car-
D/ PANI Portals and brief their requirements for HR supports 7/5/2023 Partially Complied
(additional posts/institutional support etc.), availability of funds
etc for the said scheme.
IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' and road-map
for cargo, vessel and passengers data collection through mobile 9/14/2023 Not Complied
app and portal and submit to the Ministry.
IWAI may capture the vessel and passenger counts in CAR-D Portal
apart from Cargo on near real time basis and its access may be 9/19/2023 Partially Complied
given to State Government.
IWAI to expedite preparation of a 'Concept Note' and road-map
for cargo, vessel and passengers data collection through mobile 9/19/2023 Partially Complied
app and portal and submit to the Ministry

IWAI to provide a detailed report on dredging data and furnish an

action plan on implementing dredging monitoring system over
Departmental Dredgers immediately. IWAI to state the dredging
11/2/2023 Not Complied
parameters, reasons for variation, dredger specification. IWAI to
provide month-wise dredging data for the last 3 years till last
IWAI to provide timelines for Central database and bid submission
11/2/2023 Not Complied
is to be done by November end.
IWAI to finalise bid document and float bid by 3rd week of
November for putting in place a Vessel Tracking System and River 11/2/2023 Not Complied
Information System.
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for
two nos of dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access 2/1/2024 Partly Complied
Channel in consultation with NTCPWC.
Tendering formalities may be completed by mid of March 2024 for
the work of Central database. lt may be ensured that legacy data
2/1/2024 Partly Complied
and other information currently available may be migrated and
incorporated on the Central Database.
Tendering procedure may be completed by March 2024 for
putting in place a Vessel Tracking System and River Information 2/1/2024 Partly Complied
IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for
two dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel 3/21/2024 Partly Complied
in consultation with NTCPWC.
IWAI to plan and establish efficient National River Navigation
System on the lines of VTMS to track vessel movements through 3/21/2024 Not Complied
national waterways at the earliest.
A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated for
Centralized database. IWAI may share more details on the design 4/4/2024 Not Complied
and nodes of the database in next review meeting.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to be operationalized for

4/4/2024 Not Complied
enabling movement through IWT through Kottayam Port in NW-3.

Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata to be

prioritized by IWAI initially in terms of integration wherein there is 4/4/2024 Not Complied
a customs interface.
Further Update

Yet to be receive

E&Y appointed

Yet to be received

Being done by NICSI.

Being done by NICSI.

However, daily dredging report is being collected and

monitored by IWAI.

No update received


Details are being provided to NTCPWC for customizing the

application for IWAI use.

Tender opened on 9th February 2024. Technical bids

being evaluated. Financial bid opened on 27 Mar 2024 and
L1 finalised. Award of contract affected due Model Code
of Conduct

Pre-Bid Meeting held on 12.02.2024 and tendering

procedure expected to be completed by end of May 2024

Tender under Process

Proposal received from IWAI and under process


Customs notification issued.

EDI system in place.
Port not operational, pending eqipment procurement

New requirement request with respect to NLP-Marine

pending for approval with IPA
Action Item Sub-action item

Stage-wise project
Others Monitoring General Guidelines

Others Monitoring General Guidelines KPIs for IWT

Others Capacity Building General Guidelines Training/courses

Response to CVO
Others Monitoring General Guidelines

Cadre Review Cadre Review

Others Capacity Building
proposal proposal

Digital Policies/Model Rules Central Database
Initiatives Documents/Guideli

Others Monitoring General Guidelines Database

Others Regulatory reforms General Guidelines

MIV 2030 and

Others Monitoring Action Plan MAKV 2047
Others Monitoring Issue Resolution

Others Monitoring General Guidelines Pre-bid queries

Creation of new
Others Capacity Building Filling vacancy

Others Capacity Building General Guidelines Filling vacancy

State of the art NINI

Others Capacity Building infra and training Global acceptance
center of COCs

Training and iGoT Karmayogi

Others Capacity Building
Courses platform

Media and Social Media

Others General Guidelines
Publication engagement

Mechanical Assest
Others Monitoring Asset Utilization

Procurement Procurement
Others Monitoring
through GEM through GEM

Response to
Others Monitoring General Guidelines Enquiry/Vigilance
Grand Total
Minuted Instruction Date Status

Other: Secretary (PSW) asked IWAI to submit a detailed stage-wise

presentation (Process/Approval/Tender/Execution stages) of all the 7/4/2023 Partly Complied
projects including their components.

IWAI to work on operational parameters and prepare presentation

for a holistic review for details of cargo volume, passenger details, 7/4/2023 Not Complied
vessel details etc.
IWAI to assess training/courses needs of officers to enhances work
efficiency and share an annual capacity building programme with the
8/17/2023 Noted by IWAI
Ministry. Further, IWAI may also take assistance from IMU/IIT
Chennai, if required, for provision of such courses/ training inputs.
IWAI may submit replies to petitions forwarded by CVO of the
8/17/2023 Not Complied
Ministry at the earliest.

IWAI may submit the Cadre Review proposal at the earliest along
with the details of new vertical / posts in the Cadre Review for 8/17/2023 Partially Complied
Ministry's review.

Rules regarding Central data base under the IV Act may be finalized
8/17/2023 Partially Complied
at the earliest.

For capturing the data for development of 23 National Waterways,

IWAI proposed that it would be better to consider separate projects
10/28/2023 Partly Complied
count for each waterway having following 4 main components:-
a. Fairway, b. Terminal, c. Vessel, d. Others
IWAI to share the pending issues/proposals for inter-Ministerial
11/16/2023 Not Complied

IWAI to list out issues/targets in relation to IWT sector in Maritime

Indian Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkal Vision 2047 and furnish all 1/11/2024 Partly Complied
the details to Ministry by 16.01.2024.
IWAI to examine & discuss with IPRCL in connection with Bogibeel
Cargo terminal project and to fix the responsibility for missing/wrong
data of High Flood Level (HFL) leading to increase in the cost due to
land filling, since the FSR and cost Estimate is prepared by IPRCL and
1/11/2024 Partly Complied
the contract awarded on EPC mode. In the meanwhile, IWAI &IPRCL
to take necessary action for taking the work forward. Further, IWAI
to ensure that the pending works to be started immediately to catch
up the slippages of approach road, building foundation, parking etc.

IWAI to ensure that replies of the pre-bid queries to be completed

within a period of 7-8 days for minimizing the delay in tendering of 1/11/2024 (blank)
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new
posts to the Ministry which may include provision for IT, 4/4/2024 Not Complied
Environment, Business Development, PPP, Legal expert etc.
IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the anticipated vacancy
4/4/2024 Not Complied
for every year.

IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utilization and

put forth a plan/proposal for up-gradation of National Inland
Navigation Institute (NINI), Patna into a state of the art infra and
training center to enable it to meet domestic and international 4/4/2024 Not Complied
demand and meet global benchmarks. This will help in mutual
acknowledgement/ aceptance of the certificate of competencies
/CoC’s of Indian Riverfarer globally.

IWAI to design and upload more relevant short courses on iGOT.

IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for training of all the 4/4/2024 Not Complied
employees (Regular/Contract/Outsource) under iGOT.
It has been observed that largely developments in Port Sector is
visible on various social media handles. Therefore, IWAI media team
Noted for
to work in close coordination with MoPSW media team for better 4/4/2024
outreach and to increase visibility of IWT sector on Ministry’s Social
Media Platforms.
IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets in next review
4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI
meeting as currently only status is presented in the meeting.
IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and promote
purchase of other goods through GEM in all its Regional Offices & Sub 4/4/2024 Noted by IWAI

IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedings and enquiry

4/4/2024 Not Complied
on Vigilance cases within time frame stipulated by DoPT/MoPSW.
Further Update
Project sheet
updated and
provided in Excel by
No significant
progress / updates
receive yet

Proposal under

Yet to be received

Discussed during
review meeting
only, matter is
under process

Complied but sent

for review to IWAI

No Action

Proposal under

Initiatives/ issues/
targets in relation to
IWT sector in
Maritime Indian
Vision 2030 and
Maritime Amritkal
Vision 2047
provided in
Bogibeel –Extension
of the terminal
awarded on
completion by June
Responsibility Fix -
No update received
for missing/wrong
data of High Flood
Level (HFL) leading
to increase in the
cost due to land

Noted for
compliance by IWAI.

Proposal under

No updates
received yet

No updates
received yet

No updates
received yet

IWAI website is
under maintenance.

Proposal under

Proposal under

No updates
received yet
Goal Action Item Sub-action
Digital Initiatives
Centralized Database
Design and nodes
EDI system operationalization
Integration with NLP Marine
Schemes/Policies/Model Documents/Guidelines
Fairway and Navigation
Online dredging monitoring
Revised cost estimation and
Tendering and award
NL development/operationalization
NL development
NL modernization
Technical assessment
Technical assessment
Fund Utilization/Reallocation
Fund Utilization/Reallocation
Green Vessel and ecosystem
Green Vessel/ecosystem development and operational
Proposal for Green Vessels
Work Order for Green Vesse
Green Vessel/ecosystem operationalization
Fuel supply arrangement an
Operationalization of Green
Inland Vessel Ecosystem development
Utilization and redeploymen
Regulatory reforms
Ship Repair facility
Capacity Building
Cadre Review proposal
Filling vacancy
General Guidelines
State of the art infra and tra
Training and Courses
Media and Publication
General Guidelines
Action Plan
Asset Utilization
General Guidelines
Issue Resolution
Procurement through GEM
Regulatory reforms
General Guidelines
Schemes/Policies/Model Documents/Guidelines
Model Documents
River Cruise Tourism
Model MoU
Database development
Issue Resolution
Inter-Ministerial Coordinatio
Traffic enhancement
Cargo projection
Cargo promotion
Operationalization of new N
Regular Movement
Scheduled Services
Stakeholder interactions, O-
Technical and Financial asse
Centre-State coordination issues
Centre-State coordination is
Customs and Immigration
Customs and Immigration
Issue Resolution
Inter-Ministerial Coordinatio
IWT Ferry/Cruise ecosystem
Community Jetties
Project development/operationalization
Contract Signing
Rail/Road Connectivity
Technical and Financial asse
Terminal development/operationalization
Terminal development-Wor
Terminal operationalization
Total Result

Design and nodes




Online dredging monitoring
Revised cost estimation and tendering
Tendering and award

NL development
NL modernization

Technical assessment




development and operationalization

Proposal for Green Vessels
Work Order for Green Vessels; Shore power work
Fuel supply arrangement and Safety Protocols
Operationalization of Green Vessels


Utilization and redeployment


Cadre Review proposal

Filling vacancy
General Guidelines
State of the art infra and training center
Training and Courses

General Guidelines

Action Plan
Asset Utilization
General Guidelines
Issue Resolution
Procurement through GEM

General Guidelines
Model Documents

Model MoU

Inter-Ministerial Coordination


Operationalization of new NWs

Regular Movement
Scheduled Services
Stakeholder interactions, O-D based movements
Technical and Financial assessment

Centre-State coordination issues


Customs and Immigration

Inter-Ministerial Coordination

Community Jetties



Contract Signing

Technical and Financial assessment
Terminal development-Work completion
Terminal operationalization
High Priority Medium Low/Near closure General Guidleines

29 34 12 14

Goal Action Item Sub-action item Subject/Project

Traffic enhancement Cargo promotion Regular Movement IBP route

Traffic enhancement Cargo promotion Scheduled Services Various NWs

Traffic enhancement Cargo promotion interactions, O-D Various NWs
based movements

Operationalization of Madhya Pradesh

Traffic enhancement Cargo promotion
new NWs NWs

Technical and
Traffic enhancement Cargo promotion interactions, O-D
Financial assessment
based movements

Centre-State coordination Centre-State

Traffic enhancement NW-3
issues coordination issues

CN/Schemes/Policies/ IWT Cargo

Traffic enhancement Proposal/Scheme
MBD/Guidelines Promotion Scheme

Traffic enhancement Issue Resolution Monitoring

Traffic enhancement Issue Resolution IBP route

IWT Ferry/Cruise
Traffic enhancement Community Jetties NW-110

IWT Ferry/Cruise NW-68, NW-27 &

Traffic enhancement Community Jetties
ecosystem NW-111

IWT Ferry/Cruise
Traffic enhancement Community Jetties Various NWs
IWT Ferry/Cruise
Traffic enhancement Community Jetties Various NWs

IWT Ferry/Cruise
Traffic enhancement Community Jetties NW-1

IWT Ferry/Cruise
Traffic enhancement Community Jetties Various NWs

Freight Village,
Traffic enhancement MMLP/FV/ICLP Monitoring

Traffic enhancement Cargo projection Monitoring Action Plan

Traffic enhancement Monitoring (blank)

Traffic enhancement Monitoring Monitoring IBP route

Customs and
Traffic enhancement Customs and Immigration Bogibeel and

Project development/ Odisha Waterways

Traffic enhancement Monitoring
operationalization NW-5 and NW-64

Project development/
Traffic enhancement Monitoring Waterways

Penna - Godavari
Project development/
Traffic enhancement Tendering River in Andhra

Project development/ Development of 23

Traffic enhancement Contract Signing
operationalization NWs
Project development/
Traffic enhancement Monitoring Varanasi,
Sahibganj MMTs

Project development/
Traffic enhancement (blank) RWG Projects

PM GatiShakti
Traffic enhancement Rail/Road Connectivity Monitoring
CCMP list

Technical and Varanasi,
Traffic enhancement Rail/Road Connectivity
Financial assessment Sahibganj and
Haldia MMTs
Terminal development/
Traffic enhancement development-Work Bogibeel Terminal

Pandu Ship Repair

Inland Vessel Ecosystem
Ship Repair facility Monitoring Facility and
Alternate Road

Terminal development/ Jogighopa
Traffic enhancement development-Work
operationalization Terminal
Terminal development/ Terminal NW-1
Traffic enhancement
operationalization operationalization Kalughat Terminal
Inland Vessel
Inland Vessel Ecosystem CN/Schemes/Policies/ Financing and ship
development MBD/Guidelines Building Financial

Inland Vessel Ecosystem CN/Schemes/Policies/ Goa Barge

development MBD/Guidelines Association

Inland Vessel Ecosystem

Regulatory reforms Report Inland Vessel Act

Inland Vessel Ecosystem CN/Schemes/Policies/

SOP Safety Framework
development MBD/Guidelines

Inland Vessel Ecosystem Ship repair facility

Ship Repair facility Proposal
development on NW-1

Inland Vessel Ecosystem Utilization and Catamaran

Monitoring vessels/Ro-Pax
development redeployment
River Cruise Tourism Database development (blank) (blank)

River Cruise Tourism Issue Resolution Inter-Ministerial Coord Princep Ghat

CN/Schemes/Policies/ Tripartite MoU

River Cruise Tourism Model MoU
MBD/Guidelines Format
Fairway and Navigation Dredging Policies/MBD/
NL development/
Fairway and Navigation NL development Jhangipur Lock

Kosi & Gandak

Fairway and Navigation Technical assessment Technical assessment

Kalughat access
Fairway and Navigation Dredging Tendering and award

NL development/
Fairway and Navigation NL modernization Farakka Lock

Revised cost
Haldia access
Fairway and Navigation Dredging estimation and

Online dredging Haldia access

Fairway and Navigation Dredging
monitoring channel

Fairway and Navigation Dredging Monitoring General Guidelines

Fairway and Navigation Dredging Tendering and award NW-1

Fuel supply
Green Vessel/ecosystem Hydrogen Fuel
Green Vessel and ecosystem arrangement and
operationalization Vessel
Safety Protocols

Green Vessel/ecosystem Work Order for Green

Green Vessel and ecosystem development and Vessels; Shore power Catamaran Vessels
operationalization work
Electric catamaran
Green Vessel/ecosystem Operationalization of
Green Vessel and ecosystem vessels at Ayodhya
operationalization Green Vessels
and Varanasi

Green Vessel/ecosystem
Proposal for Green
Green Vessel and ecosystem development and Methanol Engine
CN/Schemes/Policies/ Harit Nauka
Green Vessel and ecosystem DCN
MBD/Guidelines Scheme

Digital Initiatives Monitoring Report
within IWAI

Data capture on
Digital Initiatives Monitoring Report/Roadmap

Fairway and Navigation Dredging Monitoring Report

Digital Initiatives Monitoring (blank) Central Database

Digital Initiatives Procurement (blank) VTS and RIS

CN/Schemes/Policies/ National River

Digital Initiatives Proposal
MBD/Guidelines Navigation System

Name for Central

Digital Initiatives Centralized Database Design and nodes

EDI system NW-3

Digital Initiatives (blank)
operationalization EDI

Integration with NLP NLP Marine

Digital Initiatives (blank)
Marine integration

Digital Initiatives Rules Central Database
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Utilization of
Reallocation Reallocation
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Utilization of
Reallocation Reallocation

Ghazipur Terminal
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Utilization of
Reallocation Reallocation

Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Monitoring General Guidelines
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring General Guidelines
Reallocation Reallocation

Others Model Documents SBD and MCA

Stage-wise project
Others Monitoring General Guidelines

Others Monitoring General Guidelines KPIs for IWT

Others Capacity Building General Guidelines Training/courses

Response to CVO
Others Monitoring General Guidelines

Cadre Review Cadre Review

Others Capacity Building
proposal proposal

Others Monitoring General Guidelines Database

Others Regulatory reforms General Guidelines

MIV 2030 and

Others Monitoring Action Plan MAKV 2047
Others Monitoring Issue Resolution

Others Monitoring General Guidelines Pre-bid queries

Creation of new
Others Capacity Building Filling vacancy

Others Capacity Building General Guidelines Filling vacancy

State of the art infra
Others Capacity Building Global acceptance
and training center
of COCs

iGoT Karmayogi
Others Capacity Building Training and Courses

Social Media
Others Media and Publication General Guidelines

Mechanical Assest
Others Monitoring Asset Utilization
Procurement through Goods
Others Monitoring
GEM Procurement
Response to
Others Monitoring General Guidelines Enquiry/Vigilance
Minuted Instruction/Action Items

IWAI to ensure commencement of regular movement in Maia-Aricha

route in collaboration with BIWTA.

IWAI to start fixed scheduled sailing service for promoting IWT based
cargo movement and instilling stakeholder confidence in the sector.
IWAI to share the outcome of meetings discussions undertaken with
various stakeholder companies and entities viz FCI, SCI, ITC, Tata Steel,
IFFCO, RINL, BPCL, NRL, OMCs, CONCOR and others for promoting and
encouraging IWT based cargo movement.
IWAI may seek comprehensive proposal from Madhya Pradesh State
Govt. for identification of new feasible NWs having cargo & passenger
movement potential.
IWAI to explore feasibility of movement of Tata Steel cargo (along IBP
and NW-2 route, Kolkata to Dhubri) and FCI (along Behrampur, Odisha
to Joghigopa/Dhubri, NW-2) cargo through IWT for optimizing overall
costs and travel time
IWAI to review the centre state coordination issues especially for NW-3
IWAI informed, basis stakeholder interactions and pilot movements,
financial support is essential in initial few years for promoting cargo
IWAI may prepare scheme for cargo promotion in NWs to provide end
to end support including provision of financial support (gap funding) to
operators to ensure competitive IWT cargo movement.

IWAI to list out all issues for discussion with concerned

Ministries/Dept./Org. and inform MoPSW where its intervention is
required to ensure increase in cargo in IWT sector.
IWAI to work out all issues and interventions in the IBP route before a
meeting is organized by the Ministry with concerned
Ministries/Dept./Org viz. MEA, CBIC, MHA, SMPK, DG Shipping in April
IWAI to share timelines for Community Jetties / terminal proposals in
Mathura (NW-110)

Timelines to be shared for planned Community jetties for starting ferry

services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa

IWAI to put pictures of uses of community jetties in the states on their

website and update MoPSW.
IWAI to expedite commissioning of floating community jetties. As
informed by IWAI, 07 nos. new community jetty work will be awarded
in Jan 2024 and 11 nos. of new jetties will be commissioned in Jan 2024

IWAI to ensure at least 50 community Jetties to be commissioned by

January 2024 as minuted in PM Sectorial review Meeting.
IWAI to provide the plans for utilization of community jetties in
coordination with State Governments. IWAI to prepare a nationwide
aggregate demand of community jetties based on inputs from State
Govts and technical feasibility.

IWAI to expedite Land acquisition, construction of boundary wall for

Freight Village, Varanasi.

IWAI to prepare a NW wise traffic plan/potential for the next three

years duly ensuring the aim to increase cargo in National Waterways
and devise a methodology including identification of O-D (Origin –
Destination) pairs for the same. The comprehensive plan may also
include information on upgrading infrastructure in NWs and be
submitted to the Ministry immediately.

IWAI to reach out to states and list out the proposals, interests or issues
with respect to cargo / passenger transportation / tourism
enhancement etc.
IWAI to develop mechanism for tracking cargo volume in Maia after the
completion of trail movement from Bangladesh side.

IWAI to work on design and DPR for making office cum guest house and
customs at Jogighopa, Bogibeel and Dibrugarh and take up the project

1. IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline for execution

for PPP Projects.
2. IWAI to submit capex breakup, viability both technical and financial
and to asses feasibility of cargo movement given modification of
existing cross structures / bridges may take 8-10 years of time period

1. IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline to Ministry for

execution for PPP Projects
2. IWAI to ensure that captive terminals in Maharashtra are accessible
for use by others
3.IWAI to award Maharashtra waterways Project by 15.12.2023

1. IWAI to publish EoI for operationalisation of Penna - Godavari River

in Andhra Pradesh by 30.11.2023
2. IWAI to take up study on operationalization of Penna -Godavari
IWAI to expedite contract signing of 7 mini projects of the umbrella
project of 'Development of 23 NWs' within one week.
As regards Handing over the operation of Varanasi and Sahibganj
terminals to SMPK, Chairman IWAI informed that they are seeking Legal
opinion and also analysing the proposal. It was directed to organise a
meeting with IWAI and SMPK in April 24 to take it forward.
IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing RWG project
which may include components such as Fairway development, Terminal
and other infrastructure facilities, Operational aspect, Legal framework
and cargo potential.
lt may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail
connectivity to IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM GatiShakti
CCMP list.
IWAI to expedite on going rail connectivity projects at Varanasi,
Sahibganj and Haldia MMTs and assess feasibility of Rail/Road
Connectivity with all IWT terminals and submit report/proposal to

IWAI to ensure completion of Bogibeel Terminal by February 2024.

IWAI to check and report actual physical progress against targets for
"Pandu Ship repair facility and Alternate road to Pandu Port".
IWAI to furnish realistic timeline for completion of these projects.

IWAI to ensure the completion of Terminal at Jogighopa in all respects

by May 2024.

IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M

Concessionaire by May 1st week

IWAI to prepare and submit a proposal on Inland Vessel Financing by

07.07.2023 for presentation to Union Minister (PSW) during 2nd week
of July, 2023.

IWAI raised the issue of the barge association from Goa and explained
that they are seeking financial support from Government for their old
barges. On this, JS (IWT) informed that at present there is no scheme to
support such financing. However, such funding may be considered
under a proposal for low-carbon retrofitting of these vessels.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for lnland Vessel Act related issues:
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. by 3lst March 2024.
An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in National waterways may
be prepared and finalised by IWAI by mid of March 2024 and shared
with the Ministry.
IWAI to explore the feasibility of establishing additional Ship repair
facility on in and around Patna (NW-1) to cater to increasing Ship
repairs demand
IWAI to present last 3 years data for utilization of catamaran
vessels/Ro-Pax Vessels and may explore the scope for redeployment in
case of under utilization.
IWAI to review the data of River Cruises plying in NWs & furnish updated
data in the next review meeting.
IWAI to submit data for the O-D pairs for the cruise movements
showcased during presentation.
The issue of land at Princep Ghat may be taken up by IWAI with SMPA
and alternate land may be identified for resolving the issues related to
jetty for River Cruise Tourism.
Model MoU to be developed for undertaking River Cruise Tourism
projects in collaboration with State Govts and Ministry of Tourism
IWAI to work on dredging guidelines for dredged material in the
Dredging channel to make sure that the dredged material should not go
back in the dredged channel.
Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines of project by
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi & Gandak
River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to the Ministry by
January 2024.
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach channel work and
approach road works of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023.

IWAI to complete the tendering procedure and ensure the award of work
by January 2024 for Modernization of existing lock at Farakka.

As SMPA has allotted site for disposal of dredged material which will
reduce distance by 40-45Km, IWAI to revise the estimate cost of Haldia
access channel dredging.

IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two nos
of dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in
consultation with NTCPWC.

IWAI is currently checking output of dredging in terms of shoal removal

only. IWAI to check on ease of vessel movement first and cargo and
passenger movement on account of dredging subsequently.

IWAI to finalise dredging tenders and award contracts by Nov end.

1. Hydrogen Fuel Vessel: IWAI in co-ordination with CSL develop:

i. Vessel Fueling arrangement and ecosystem, infrastructure, training
ii. Guidelines/ Rules-Regulations, Fuel safety protocols etc.
2. IWAI to submit proposal for procurement of 4 Hydrogen vessels

Procurement of 8 Catamaran Vessels:

IWAI to ensure place at least 2 catamarans by Dec 2023.
Shore power work should be taken in time and a firm work order to be
placed to CSL within a weeks time.
IWAI to take necessary steps for ensuring regular movement of Electric
catamaran vessels at Ayodhya and Varanasi and explore feasibility of
adopting Kochi Water Metro Model for effective utilization.

IWAI to submit proposal for development and procurement of Methanol


Draft Cabinet Note and Concept Note to be formulated for the Harit
Nauka Scheme
IWAI to prepare a presentation on digitalization within IWAI as per MIV
2030 for utilization of PANI, Car-D portal and other portals & brief their
requirements for HR supports (additional posts/institutional support
etc.), availability of funds etc.

IWAI to prepare a presentation/note for ensuring:

i. cargo, passenge, vessel data collections on various waterways and to
digitalize the data on Car-D/ PANI Portals and
ii. road-map for cargo, vessel and passengers data collectin and access
through mobile app and portal and submit to the Ministry.

IWAI to provide a detailed report on dredging data and furnish an action

plan on implementing dredging monitoring system over Departmental
Dredgers immediately.

Tendering formalities may be completed by mid of March 2024 for the

work of Central database. lt may be ensured that legacy data and other
information currently available may be migrated and incorporated on the
Central Database.

Tendering procedure may be completed by March 2024 for putting in

place a Vessel Tracking System and River Information System.

IWAI to plan and establish efficient National River Navigation System on

the lines of VTMS to track vessel movements through national
waterways at the earliest.
A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated for Centralized
database. IWAI may share more details on the design and nodes of the
database in next review meeting.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to be operationalized for

enabling movement through IWT through Kottayam Port in NW-3.

Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata to be prioritized

by IWAI initially in terms of integration wherein there is a customs
Rules regarding Central data base under the IV Act may be finalized at
the earliest.
Comprehensive Development of NW-2: IWAI to provide the plans for
utilization of the savings in the project & take up projects immediately
and start procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023.
Development of NW-16: The sanctioned amount is Rs.l48 Crores and the
amount utilized till date is about 3-4% against sanction amount, IWAI to
provide the plans for utilization of the savings & take up projects
immediately and start procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023
Ghazipur Terminal: IWAI informed that the terminal project has been
dropped as they do not have need anymore; Accordingly JS (IWT) asked
IWAI to see how the acquired land can be returned & utilize the funds in
other areas.
IWAI was also directed to ensure that final Expenditure statement must
be authenticated by Finance Head of IWAI.
IWAI to prepare an overview on the cost Savings in Various projects and
to provide the plans for utilization of these balance amount.

JS (IWT) highlighted that during the PM meeting with chief Secretaries

(held few months back), all ministries were directed to develop Standard
Bidding Document (SBD) & Modal Concessionaire Agreements (MCA) for
standardization of the bidding/tender proc.
IWAI was directed to align and to expedite draft SBD & MCA based on
their expertise and experience for terminal development, O&M,
fairway/dredging, cruise and send the same to MoPS&W for approval.

Other: Secretary (PSW) asked IWAI to submit a detailed stage-wise

presentation (Process/Approval/Tender/Execution stages) of all the
projects including their components.
IWAI to work on operational parameters and prepare presentation for a
holistic review for details of cargo volume, passenger details, vessel
details etc.
IWAI to assess training/courses needs of officers to enhances work
efficiency and share an annual capacity building programme with the
Ministry. Further, IWAI may also take assistance from IMU/IIT Chennai, if
required, for provision of such courses/ training inputs.
IWAI may submit replies to petitions forwarded by CVO of the Ministry at
the earliest.
IWAI may submit the Cadre Review proposal at the earliest along with
the details of new vertical / posts in the Cadre Review for Ministry's
For capturing the data for development of 23 National Waterways, IWAI
proposed that it would be better to consider separate projects count for
each waterway having following 4 main components:-
a. Fairway, b. Terminal, c. Vessel, d. Others
IWAI to share the pending issues/proposals for inter-Ministerial

IWAI to list out issues/targets in relation to IWT sector in Maritime Indian

Vision 2030 and Maritime Amritkal Vision 2047 and furnish all the details
to Ministry by 16.01.2024.
IWAI to examine & discuss with IPRCL in connection with Bogibeel Cargo
terminal project and to fix the responsibility for missing/wrong data of
High Flood Level (HFL) leading to increase in the cost due to land filling,
since the FSR and cost Estimate is prepared by IPRCL and the contract
awarded on EPC mode. In the meanwhile, IWAI &IPRCL to take necessary
action for taking the work forward. Further, IWAI to ensure that the
pending works to be started immediately to catch up the slippages of
approach road, building foundation, parking etc.

IWAI to ensure that replies of the pre-bid queries to be completed within

a period of 7-8 days for minimizing the delay in tendering of works.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new posts to
the Ministry which may include provision for IT, Environment, Business
Development, PPP, Legal expert etc.
IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the anticipated vacancy for
every year.
IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utilization and put
forth a plan/proposal for up-gradation of National Inland Navigation
Institute (NINI), Patna into a state of the art infra and training center to
enable it to meet domestic and international demand and meet global
benchmarks. This will help in mutual acknowledgement/ aceptance of
the certificate of competencies /CoC’s of Indian Riverfarer globally.

IWAI to design and upload more relevant short courses on iGOT.

IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for training of all the
employees (Regular/Contract/Outsource) under iGOT.
It has been observed that largely developments in Port Sector is visible
on various social media handles. Therefore, IWAI media team to work in
close coordination with MoPSW media team for better outreach and to
increase visibility of IWT sector on Ministry’s Social Media Platforms.
IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets in next review
meeting as currently only status is presented in the meeting.
IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and promote purchase
of other goods through GEM in all its Regional Offices & Sub Offices.

IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedings and enquiry on

Vigilance cases within time frame stipulated by DoPT/MoPSW.
Further Update

5 Pilot movement undertaken

basis pilot movements, Bangladesh Customs
to prepare report for regular movements

Schedules services lkely to start along NW-1


Partial report received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Proposal under process

Proposal under preparation

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Work awarded for construction of 8

community jetties in March 2024.
Likely commissioning by Nov 2024
Tender to be awarded for construction of 10
community jetties by 17 May 2024. Likely
completion in 10 months.
11 Jetties inaugurated on 15 Feb 24
West Bengal – Tender cancelled due to bid
received is 30.61% higher than the estimate.
Re-tendering is done and technical
evaluation is under progress.

40 Completed and remaining 10 by June


Yet to be received

2.65 Ha of private land acquired, balance

25.58 Ha to be acquired by 16 June 2024
1.11 Ha of Govt. land acquired, balance 1.25
Ha being pursued with UP Govt.
Boundary wall work to be awarded by 15
June 2024, likely completion in 60 days

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Dibrugarh – Work awarded to IPRCL on

Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on
Jogihopa - Work awarded in April 2024

Plan shared during weekly review

Equity contribution of PPA into SPV for NW-
5 completed
DPR under preparation by NTCPWC

Restructuring of transation and floating of

new bid underway

No further update is available.

No update available with Ministry

T be pursued in alignement with the results
of current tendering process.

Steering Committee constituted in Apr 2024

EoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC is
under process

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Bogibeel – Completion by June 2024

Alternate Road at Pandu 57% physical

progress, Scheduled completion Mar 2025
Ship Repair Facility: 33% physical progress,
Scheduled completion Dec 2024

On the path of achieving

Likely to be Handed over by 15 Jul 2024

To be subsumed within IWT Cargo

promotion scheme being prepared by IWAI

This may be considered under Harit Nauka


Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
E&Y engaged by IWAI for devising
methodology for data capture

Yet to be received

Draft Model MoU under preparation

Yet to be received

DPR is under preparation by IWAI

Yet to be received

Two bids received

Bid evaluation under Process
Tender floated but later on Cancelled due to
L-1 bid being 47% high
New tender to be floted by 3-4th week of

Earlier tender cancelled and new tender is

being prepared based on revised estimate.

NTCPWC has also been requested for

customizing the online dredging monitoring
application to suit IWAI requirements.
A proposal was submitted by NTCPWC worth
INR 30 lakhs. IWAI observed the technique
was not real time online monitoring and
hence the process has been called off

General Guideline

All awarded except following, Likely Award

Kalughat Access Channel: 4th week of May
Ghazipur-Varanasi: Aug 2024
Haldia Access Channel : Mid July
1. In discussion with CSL
2. One proposal for procurement of 4
Hydrogen fuelled vessels is under
consideration of MoPSW. Commi

A -2 Catamaran successfully delivered. 1 in

Ayodhya, 1 in Varanasi. Delivery schedule
received for remaining 06 vessels.
B- No update received for shore power work.
Being pursued by IWAI

Yet to be received

Draft Cabinet Note and Concept Note under


Yet to be received

E&Y appointed
Mobile app being developed by NICSI

After MoPSW intervention, IWAI has evolved

a daily monitoring system, post which there
has been substantial improvement in
dredging output.
Tender opened on 9th February 2024.
Technical bids being evaluated. Financial bid
opened on 27 Mar 2024 and L1 finalised.
Award of contract post MCC.
Pre-Bid Meeting held on 12.02.2024 and
tendering procedure expected to be
completed by end of May 2024
Proposal received from IWAI and under
review. Inputs provided to modify the

Yet to be received

Customs notification issued.

EDI system in place.
Port not operational, pending eqipment

New requirement request with respect to

NLP-Marine pending for approval with IPA

Complied but sent for review to IWAI

Yet to be received
Proposal under examination at MoPSW

Issue not sorted yet. The IWAI Varanasi has

requested the Dist. Administration to resolve
the issue and to recover the cost

2 proposal received and under examination

at MoPSW

Yet to be received

Project sheet updated and provided in Excel


Yet to be received

Proposal under process

Yet to be received

No Action

Proposal under process

Initiatives/ issues/ targets in relation to IWT

sector in Maritime Indian Vision 2030 and
Maritime Amritkal Vision 2047 provided in
Bogibeel –Extension of the terminal awarded
on 28.03.2024, completion by June 2024
Responsibility Fix - No update received for
missing/wrong data of High Flood Level (HFL)
leading to increase in the cost due to land

Noted for compliance by IWAI.

Proposal under process

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

IWAI website is under maintenance.

Yet to be received

Compliance report awaited from IWAI

Compliance report awaited from IWAI


Action Item
Capacity Building
Cargo promotion
Centralized Database
Customs and Immigration
Database development
EDI system operationalization
Fund Utilization/Reallocation
Green Vessel/ecosystem development and operationalization
Green Vessel/ecosystem operationalization
Integration with NLP Marine
Issue Resolution
IWT Ferry/Cruise ecosystem
Media and Publication
NL development/operationalization
Rail/Road Connectivity
Regulatory reforms
Schemes/Policies/Model Documents/Guidelines
Ship Repair facility
Technical assessment
Project/Terminal development/operationalization
Total Result
- all -

Sub-action item

Design and nodes

Technical assessment
Centre-State coordination issues
Community Jetties

Customs and Immigration

General Guidelines
Inter-Ministerial Coordination

Operationalization of new NWs

Regular Movement
Scheduled Services
Stakeholder interactions, O-D based movements
Technical and Financial assessment

Terminal development-Work completion
Terminal operationalization
Cargo projection
Cargo volume tracking

Name for Central Database

Kosi & Gandak River

RWG Projects
NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111
Various NWs

Jogighopa, Bogibeel and Dibrugarh

State proposals/issues
IBP route
Freight Village, Varanasi.
Inter-Ministerial Coordination
Maharashtra Waterways
NW-1Varanasi, Sahibganj MMTs
Odisha WaterwaysNW-5 and NW-64
PM GatiShakti CCMP list
Madhya Pradesh NWs
IWT Cargo Promotion Scheme
IBP route
Various NWs
Various NWs
NW-1Varanasi, Sahibganj and Haldia MMTs
Stakeholder interactions, O-D based movements
Penna - Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh
Jogighopa Terminal
NW-1Kalughat Terminal
Action Plan
IBP route
Minuted Instruction/Action Items

A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated for Centralized database. IWAI may share more details on the design and

IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi & Gandak River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to th
IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing RWG project which may include components such as Fairway deve
IWAI to review the centre state coordination issues especially for NW-3 (Kerala.)
IWAI to ensure at least 50 community Jetties to be commissioned by January 2024 as minuted in PM Sectorial review Meeting
IWAI to share timelines for Community Jetties / terminal proposals in Mathura (NW-110)
Timelines to be shared for planned Community jetties for starting ferry services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa
IWAI to provide the plans for utilization of community jetties in coordination with State Govts and prepare nationwide aggrega
IWAI to put pictures of uses of community jetties in the states on their website and update MoPSW
IWAI to work on design and DPR for making office cum guest house and customs at Jogighopa, Bogibeel and Dibrugarh and tak
IWAI to reach out to states and list out the proposals, interests, issues with respect to cargo / passenger / tourism enhanceme
IWAI to work out all issues and interventions in the IBP route before a meeting is organized by the Ministry with concerned M
IWAI to expedite Land acquisition, construction of boundary wall for Freight Village, Varanasi.
IWAI to list out all issues for discussion with concerned Ministries/Dept./Org. and inform MoPSW where its intervention is req
1. IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline to Ministry for execution for PPP Projects2. IWAI to ensure that captiv
With respect to the operation and maintenance of Varanasi and Sahibganj MMT, IWAI was directed to organise a meeting wit
1. IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise execution timeline for PPP Projects2. IWAI to submit capex breakup, technical a
lt may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail connectivity to IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM Gati
IWAI may seek comprehensive proposal from Madhya Pradesh State Govt. for identification of new NWs with cargo & passeng
IWAI informed, basis stakeholder interactions and pilot movements, financial support is essential in initial few years for promo
IWAI to ensure commencement of regular movement in Maia-Aricha route in collaboration with BIWTA.
IWAI to start fixed scheduled sailing service for promoting IWT based cargo movement and instilling stakeholder confidence in
IWAI to share the outcome of meetings discussions undertaken with various stakeholder companies and entities viz FCI, SCI, IT
IWAI to expedite on going rail connectivity projects at Varanasi, Sahibganj and Haldia MMTs and assess feasibility of Rail/Road
IWAI to explore feasibility of movement of Tata Steel cargo (along IBP and NW-2 route, Kolkata to Dhubri) and FCI (along Behr
1. IWAI to publish EoI for operationalisation of Penna - Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh by 30.11.20232. IWAI to take up stud
IWAI to ensure the completion of Terminal at Jogighopa in all respects by May 2024.
IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M Concessionaire by May 1st week
IWAI to prepare and submit NW wise and O-D wise traffic plan/ potential for next 3 years for ensuring increase in IWT cargo.T
IWAI to develop mechanism for tracking cargo volume in Maia after the completion of trail movement from Bangladesh side.
Further Update (empty)

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
Steering Committee constituted in Apr 2024EoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC is under process
Proposal under process
40 Completed and remaining 10 by June 2024.
Work awarded for construction of 8 community jetties in March 2024. Likely commissioning by Nov 2024
Tender to be awarded for construction of 10 community jetties by 17 May 2024. Likely completion in 10 months.
Yet to be received
Dibrugarh and Bogibeel – Work awarded to IPRCL on 28.03.2024Jogihopa - Work awarded in April 2024
Yet to be received
Yet to be received
2.65 Ha of private land acquired, balance 25.58 Ha to be acquired by 16 June 20241.11 Ha of Govt. land acquired, balance 1.25
Yet to be received
Restructuring of transation and floating of new bid underway
To be pursued in alignment with the results of current tendering process.
Plan shared during weekly reviewEquity contribution of PPA into SPV for NW-5 completedDPR under preparation by NTCPWC
Yet to be received
Yet to be received
Proposal under preparation
5 Pilot movement undertakenBangladesh Customs to prepare report for regular movements basis pilot runs
Schedules services likely to start soon along NW-1
Partial report received
Yet to be received
Yet to be received
No further update is available.
On the path of achieving
Likely to be Handed over by 15 Jul 2024
Yet to be received
Yet to be received
tion in 10 months.

ovt. land acquired, balance 1.25 Ha being pursued with UP Govt.Boundary wall work to be awarded by 15 June 2024, likely completion in

under preparation by NTCPWC

asis pilot runs
ne 2024, likely completion in 60 days
High Priority Medium Low/Near closure General Guidleines
29 34 12 14

Goal Action Item Sub-action item Subject/Project

Traffic enhancement
Cargo promotion

Regular Movement IBP route

Scheduled Services Various NWs

interactions, O-D Various NWs
based movements
Operationalization of Madhya Pradesh
new NWs NWs
Technical and
interactions, O-D
Financial assessment
based movements
IWT Ferry/Cruise

Community Jetties NW-110

NW-68, NW-27 &

Community Jetties

Community Jetties Various NWs

Community Jetties NW-1

Community Jetties Various NWs


IWT Cargo
Promotion Scheme

Issue Resolution
coordination issues
IBP route

Freight Village,


Cargo projection Action Plan

Cargo volume tracking IBP route

General Guidelines

Odisha Waterways
NW-5 and NW-64

Monitoring Waterways

Penna - Godavari
Tendering River in Andhra

(blank) RWG Projects

Terminal NW-1
operationalization Kalughat Terminal
Monitoring Varanasi,
Sahibganj MMTs
Terminal development- Jogighopa
Work completion Terminal

Rail/Road Connectivity
PM GatiShakti
CCMP list
Technical and Varanasi,
Financial assessment Sahibganj and
Haldia MMTs
Customs and
Customs and
Bogibeel and
Fairway and Navigation Dredging Policies/MBD/
NL development/
Fairway and Navigation NL development Jhangipur Lock
Kosi & Gandak
Fairway and Navigation Technical assessment Technical assessment
Kalughat access
Fairway and Navigation Dredging Tendering and award

NL development/
Fairway and Navigation NL modernization Farakka Lock

Revised cost
Haldia access
Fairway and Navigation Dredging estimation and

Online dredging Haldia access

Fairway and Navigation Dredging
monitoring channel

Fairway and Navigation Dredging Monitoring General Guidelines

Fairway and Navigation Dredging Tendering and award NW-1

Pandu Ship Repair

Inland Vessel Ecosystem
Ship Repair facility Monitoring Facility and
Alternate Road
Inland Vessel
Inland Vessel Ecosystem Financing and ship
Policies/MBD/ Proposal
development Building Financial

Inland Vessel Ecosystem Goa Barge
Policies/MBD/ Proposal
development Association

Inland Vessel Ecosystem

Regulatory reforms Report Inland Vessel Act
Inland Vessel Ecosystem
Policies/MBD/ SOP Safety Framework
Inland Vessel Ecosystem Ship repair facility
Ship Repair facility Proposal
development on NW-1
Inland Vessel Ecosystem Utilization and
Monitoring vessels/Ro-Pax
development redeployment
River Cruise Tourism Database development(blank) (blank)

River Cruise Tourism Issue Resolution Inter-Ministerial CoordinPrincep Ghat

Tripartite MoU
River Cruise Tourism Policies/MBD/ Model MoU
Green Fuel supply
Hydrogen Fuel
Green Vessel and ecosysVessel/ecosystem arrangement and
operationalization Safety Protocols
Work Order for Green
Green Vessel and ecosys Vessels; Shore power Catamaran Vessels
development and
Green Electric catamaran
Operationalization of
Green Vessel and ecosysVessel/ecosystem vessels at Ayodhya
Green Vessels
operationalization and Varanasi
Vessel/ecosystem Proposal for Green
Green Vessel and ecosys Methanol Engine
development and Vessels
Harit Nauka
Green Vessel and ecosysPolicies/MBD/ DCN
Digitaization within
Digital Initiatives Monitoring Report

Data capture on
Digital Initiatives Monitoring Report/Roadmap

Fairway and Navigation Dredging Monitoring Report

Digital Initiatives Monitoring (blank) Central Database

Digital Initiatives Procurement (blank) VTS and RIS

National River
Digital Initiatives Policies/MBD/ Proposal
Navigation System
Name for Central
Digital Initiatives Centralized Database Design and nodes

EDI system NW-3

Digital Initiatives (blank)
operationalization EDI
Integration with NLP NLP Marine
Digital Initiatives (blank)
Marine integration
Digital Initiatives Model Rules Central Database
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Utilization of
Reallocation Reallocation
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Utilization of
Reallocation Reallocation

Ghazipur Terminal
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Utilization of
Reallocation Reallocation
Fund Utilization/
Monitoring Monitoring General Guidelines
Fund Utilization/ Fund Utilization/
Monitoring General Guidelines
Reallocation Reallocation

Others Model Model Documents SBD and MCA

Stage-wise project
Others Monitoring General Guidelines

Others Monitoring General Guidelines KPIs for IWT

Others Capacity Building General Guidelines Training/courses

Response to CVO
Others Monitoring General Guidelines
Cadre Review Cadre Review
Others Capacity Building
proposal proposal

Others Monitoring Issue Resolution

Others Monitoring General Guidelines Pre-bid queries

Creation of new
Others Capacity Building Filling vacancy

Others Capacity Building General Guidelines Filling vacancy

State of the art infra
Others Capacity Building Global acceptance
and training center
of COCs

iGoT Karmayogi
Others Capacity Building Training and Courses

Social Media
Others Media and Publication General Guidelines

Mechanical Assest
Others Monitoring Asset Utilization
Procurement through Goods
Others Monitoring
GEM Procurement
Response to
Others Monitoring General Guidelines Enquiry/Vigilance
Minuted Instruction/Action Items

IWAI to ensure commencement of regular movement in Maia-Aricha route

in collaboration with BIWTA.
IWAI to start fixed scheduled sailing service for promoting IWT based
cargo movement and instilling stakeholder confidence in the sector.
IWAI to share the outcome of meetings discussions undertaken with
various stakeholder companies and entities viz FCI, SCI, ITC, Tata Steel,
IFFCO, RINL, BPCL, NRL, OMCs, CONCOR and others for promoting
and encouraging IWT based cargo movement.
IWAI may seek comprehensive proposal from Madhya Pradesh State
Govt. for identification of new NWs with cargo & passenger potential
IWAI to explore feasibility of movement of Tata Steel cargo (along IBP
and NW-2 route, Kolkata to Dhubri) and FCI (along Behrampur, Odisha to
Joghigopa/Dhubri, NW-2) cargo through IWT for optimizing overall costs
and travel time

IWAI to share timelines for Community Jetties / terminal proposals in

Mathura (NW-110)

Timelines to be shared for planned Community jetties for starting ferry

services in NW-68, NW-27 & NW-111 in Goa
IWAI to put pictures of uses of community jetties in the states on their
website and update MoPSW
IWAI to ensure at least 50 community Jetties to be commissioned by
January 2024 as minuted in PM Sectorial review Meeting
IWAI to provide the plans for utilization of community jetties in
coordination with State Govts and prepare nationwide aggregate demand
based on inputs from State Govts and technical feasibility

IWAI informed, basis stakeholder interactions and pilot movements,

financial support is essential in initial few years for promoting cargo
IWAI may prepare scheme for cargo promotion in NWs to provide end to
end support including provision of financial support (gap funding) to
operators to ensure competitive IWT cargo movement.

IWAI to review the centre state coordination issues especially for NW-3
IWAI to work out all issues and interventions in the IBP route before a
meeting is organized by the Ministry with concerned Ministries/Dept./Org
viz. MEA, CBIC, MHA, SMPK, DG Shipping in April 24.
IWAI to list out all issues for discussion with concerned
Ministries/Dept./Org. and inform MoPSW where its intervention is required
to ensure increase in cargo in IWT sector.

IWAI to expedite Land acquisition, construction of boundary wall for

Freight Village, Varanasi.

IWAI to prepare and submit NW wise and O-D wise traffic plan/ potential
for next 3 years for ensuring increase in IWT cargo.
The comprehensive plan may include information on upgrading
infrastructure in NWs.
IWAI to develop mechanism for tracking cargo volume in Maia after the
completion of trail movement from Bangladesh side.
IWAI to reach out to states and list out the proposals, interests, issues
with respect to cargo / passenger / tourism enhancement.

1. IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise execution timeline for PPP

2. IWAI to submit capex breakup, technical and financial viability and
asses feasibility of cargo movement given modification of existing cross
structures / bridges may take 8-10 years
1. IWAI to prepare and submit an activity-wise timeline to Ministry for
execution for PPP Projects
2. IWAI to ensure that captive terminals in Maharashtra are accessible for
use by others
3.IWAI to award Maharashtra waterways Project by 15.12.2023
1. IWAI to publish EoI for operationalisation of Penna - Godavari River in
Andhra Pradesh by 30.11.2023
2. IWAI to take up study on operationalization of Penna -Godavari River.
IWAI to study and develop an ecosystem for implementing RWG project
which may include components such as Fairway development, Terminal
and other infrastructure facilities, Operational aspect, Legal framework
and cargo potential.
IWAI to handover the IWT Kalughat terminal to the O&M Concessionaire
by May 1st week
With respect to the operation and maintenance of Varanasi and
Sahibganj MMT, IWAI was directed to organise a meeting with SMPA

IWAI to ensure the completion of Terminal at Jogighopa in all respects by

May 2024.

lt may also be checked whether the road connectivity and rail connectivity
to IWT terminals as proposed is included in PM GatiShakti CCMP list.
IWAI to expedite on going rail connectivity projects at Varanasi, Sahibganj
and Haldia MMTs and assess feasibility of Rail/Road Connectivity with all
IWT terminals and submit report/proposal to Ministry.
IWAI to work on design and DPR for making office cum guest house and
customs at Jogighopa, Bogibeel and Dibrugarh and take up the project
IWAI to work on dredging guidelines for dredged material in the Dredging
channel to make sure that the dredged material should not go back in the
dredged channel.
Jhangipur Lock - IWAI to share activity wise timelines of project by
IWAI to assess the technical aspects to start navigation in Kosi & Gandak
River for connecting to Nepal and submit report to the Ministry by January
IWAI to ensure the completion of the approach channel work and
approach road works of Kalughat Terminal by December 2023.

IWAI to complete the tendering procedure and ensure the award of work
by January 2024 for Modernization of existing lock at Farakka.

As SMPA has allotted site for disposal of dredged material which will
reduce distance by 40-45Km, IWAI to revise the estimate cost of Haldia
access channel dredging.

IWAI to immediately start online dredging monitoring initially for two nos of
dredgers deployed for the dredging of Haldia Access Channel in
consultation with NTCPWC.

IWAI is currently checking output of dredging in terms of shoal removal

only. IWAI to check on ease of vessel movement first and cargo and
passenger movement on account of dredging subsequently.

IWAI to finalise dredging tenders and award contracts by Nov end.

IWAI to check and report actual physical progress against targets for
"Pandu Ship repair facility and Alternate road to Pandu Port".
IWAI to furnish realistic timeline for completion of these projects.

IWAI to prepare and submit a proposal on Inland Vessel Financing by

07.07.2023 for presentation to Union Minister (PSW) during 2nd week of
July, 2023.
IWAI raised the issue of the barge association from Goa and explained
that they are seeking financial support from Government for their old
barges. On this, JS (IWT) informed that at present there is no scheme to
support such financing. However, such funding may be considered under
a proposal for low-carbon retrofitting of these vessels.
IWAI to furnish detailed report for lnland Vessel Act related issues:
Registration, Regulation, Security, Safety etc. by 3lst March 2024.
An SOP on Safe plying of vessel and boats in National waterways may be
prepared and submitted by IWAI by mid of March 2024
IWAI to explore the feasibility of establishing additional Ship repair facility
on in and around Patna (NW-1) to cater to increasing Ship repairs
IWAI to present last 3 years data for utilization of catamaran vessels/Ro-
Pax Vessels and may explore the scope for redeployment in case of
under utilization.
IWAI to review the data of River Cruises plying in NWs & furnish updated
data in the next review meeting.
IWAI to submit data for the O-D pairs for the cruise movements
showcased during presentation.
The issue of land at Princep Ghat may be taken up by IWAI with SMPA
and alternate land may be identified for resolving the issues related to
jetty for River Cruise Tourism.
Model MoU to be developed for undertaking River Cruise Tourism
projects in collaboration with State Govts and Ministry of Tourism
1. Hydrogen Fuel Vessel: IWAI in co-ordination with CSL develop:
i. Vessel Fueling arrangement and ecosystem, infrastructure, training
ii. Guidelines/ Rules-Regulations, Fuel safety protocols etc.
2. IWAI to submit proposal for procurement of 4 Hydrogen vessels
Procurement of 8 Catamaran Vessels:
IWAI to ensure place at least 2 catamarans by Dec 2023.
Shore power work should be taken in time and a firm work order to be
placed to CSL within a weeks time.
IWAI to take necessary steps for ensuring regular movement of Electric
catamaran vessels at Ayodhya and Varanasi and explore feasibility of
adopting Kochi Water Metro Model for effective utilization.

IWAI to submit proposal for development and procurement of Methanol


Draft Cabinet Note and Concept Note to be formulated for the Harit
Nauka Scheme
IWAI to prepare a presentation on digitalization within IWAI as per MIV
2030 for utilization of PANI, Car-D portal and other portals & brief their
requirements for HR supports (additional posts/institutional support etc.),
availability of funds etc.
IWAI to prepare a presentation/note for ensuring:
i. cargo, passenge, vessel data collections on various waterways and to
digitalize the data on Car-D/ PANI Portals and
ii. road-map for cargo, vessel and passengers data collectin and access
through mobile app and portal and submit to the Ministry.
IWAI to provide a detailed report on dredging data and furnish an action
plan on implementing dredging monitoring system over Departmental
Dredgers immediately.
Tendering formalities may be completed by mid of March 2024 for the
work of Central database. lt may be ensured that legacy data and other
information currently available may be migrated and incorporated on the
Central Database.
Tendering procedure may be completed by March 2024 for putting in
place a Vessel Tracking System and River Information System.
IWAI to plan and establish efficient National River Navigation System on
the lines of VTMS to track vessel movements through national waterways
at the earliest.
A name of public appeal may be coined/ propagated for Centralized
database. IWAI may share more details on the design and nodes of the
database in next review meeting.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to be operationalized for

enabling movement through IWT through Kottayam Port in NW-3.
Integration with NLP Marine: Dhubri, Pandu and Kolkata to be prioritized
by IWAI initially in terms of integration wherein there is a customs
Rules regarding Central data base under the IV Act may be finalized at
the earliest.
Comprehensive Development of NW-2: IWAI to provide the plans for
utilization of the savings in the project & take up projects immediately and
start procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023.
Development of NW-16: The sanctioned amount is Rs.l48 Crores and the
amount utilized till date is about 3-4% against sanction amount, IWAI to
provide the plans for utilization of the savings & take up projects
immediately and start procurement activities by Jul / Aug 2023
Ghazipur Terminal: IWAI informed that the terminal project has been
dropped as they do not have need anymore; Accordingly JS (IWT) asked
IWAI to see how the acquired land can be returned & utilize the funds in
other areas.
IWAI was also directed to ensure that final Expenditure statement must
be authenticated by Finance Head of IWAI.
IWAI to prepare an overview on the cost Savings in Various projects and
to provide the plans for utilization of these balance amount.
JS (IWT) highlighted that during the PM meeting with chief Secretaries
(held few months back), all ministries were directed to develop Standard
Bidding Document (SBD) & Modal Concessionaire Agreements (MCA) for
standardization of the bidding/tender proc.
IWAI was directed to align and to expedite draft SBD & MCA based on
their expertise and experience for terminal development, O&M,
fairway/dredging, cruise and send the same to MoPS&W for approval.
Other: Secretary (PSW) asked IWAI to submit a detailed stage-wise
presentation (Process/Approval/Tender/Execution stages) of all the
projects including their components.
IWAI to work on operational parameters and prepare presentation for a
holistic review for details of cargo volume, passenger details, vessel
details etc.
IWAI to assess training/courses needs of officers to enhances work
efficiency and share an annual capacity building programme with the
Ministry. Further, IWAI may also take assistance from IMU/IIT Chennai, if
required, for provision of such courses/ training inputs.
IWAI may submit replies to petitions forwarded by CVO of the Ministry at
the earliest.
IWAI may submit the Cadre Review proposal at the earliest along with the
details of new vertical / posts in the Cadre Review for Ministry's review.
IWAI to examine & discuss with IPRCL in connection with Bogibeel
Cargo terminal project and to fix the responsibility for missing/wrong data
of High Flood Level (HFL) leading to increase in the cost due to land
filling, since the FSR and cost Estimate is prepared by IPRCL and the
contract awarded on EPC mode. In the meanwhile, IWAI &IPRCL to take
necessary action for taking the work forward. Further, IWAI to ensure that
the pending works to be started immediately to catch up the slippages of
approach road, building foundation, parking etc.
IWAI to ensure that replies of the pre-bid queries to be completed within a
period of 7-8 days for minimizing the delay in tendering of works.
IWAI to expedite the submission of proposal for creation of new posts to
the Ministry which may include provision for IT, Environment, Business
Development, PPP, Legal expert etc.
IWAI to prepare immediately panel for filling the anticipated vacancy for
every year.
IWAI to look into the Management structure, Infra, utilization and put forth
a plan/proposal for up-gradation of National Inland Navigation Institute
(NINI), Patna into a state of the art infra and training center to enable it to
meet domestic and international demand and meet global benchmarks.
This will help in mutual acknowledgement/ aceptance of the certificate of
competencies /CoC’s of Indian Riverfarer globally.
IWAI to design and upload more relevant short courses on iGOT.
IWAI to prepare a year wise training calendar for training of all the
employees (Regular/Contract/Outsource) under iGOT.
It has been observed that largely developments in Port Sector is visible
on various social media handles. Therefore, IWAI media team to work in
close coordination with MoPSW media team for better outreach and to
increase visibility of IWT sector on Ministry’s Social Media Platforms.
IWAI to submit the utilization of Mechanical assets in next review meeting
as currently only status is presented in the meeting.
IWAI may explore option of procurement of fuel and promote purchase of
other goods through GEM in all its Regional Offices & Sub Offices.
IWAI to complete enquiry of departmental proceedings and enquiry on
Vigilance cases within time frame stipulated by DoPT/MoPSW.
Further Update

5 Pilot movement undertaken

Bangladesh Customs to prepare report for
regular movements basis pilot runs
Schedules services likely to start soon along

Partial report received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Work awarded for construction of 8

community jetties in March 2024.
Likely commissioning by Nov 2024
Tender to be awarded for construction of 10
community jetties by 17 May 2024. Likely
completion in 10 months.

40 Completed and remaining 10 by June


Yet to be received

Proposal under preparation

Proposal under process

Yet to be received
Yet to be received

2.65 Ha of private land acquired, balance

25.58 Ha to be acquired by 16 June 2024
1.11 Ha of Govt. land acquired, balance 1.25
Ha being pursued with UP Govt.
Boundary wall work to be awarded by 15
June 2024, likely completion in 60 days

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Plan shared during weekly review

Equity contribution of PPA into SPV for NW-5
DPR under preparation by NTCPWC

Restructuring of transation and floating of

new bid underway

No further update is available.

Steering Committee constituted in Apr 2024

EoI for traffic study & engagement of PMC is
under process

Likely to be Handed over by 15 Jul 2024

To be pursued in alignment with the results of

current tendering process.

On the path of achieving

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
Dibrugarh and Bogibeel – Work awarded to
IPRCL on 28.03.2024
Jogihopa - Work awarded in April 2024

Yet to be received

DPR is under preparation by IWAI

Yet to be received

Two bids received

Bid evaluation under Process
Tender floated but later on Cancelled due to
L-1 bid being 47% high
New tender to be floted by 3-4th week of
Earlier tender cancelled and new tender is
being prepared based on revised estimate.
NTCPWC has also been requested for
customizing the online dredging monitoring
application to suit IWAI requirements.
A proposal was submitted by NTCPWC worth
INR 30 lakhs. IWAI observed the technique
was not real time online monitoring and
hence the process has been called off

General Guideline

All awarded except following, Likely Award

Kalughat Access Channel: 4th week of May
Ghazipur-Varanasi: Aug 2024
Haldia Access Channel : Mid July
Alternate Road at Pandu 57% physical
progress, Scheduled completion Mar 2025
Ship Repair Facility: 33% physical progress,
Scheduled completion Dec 2024

To be subsumed within IWT Cargo promotion

scheme being prepared by IWAI

This may be considered under Harit Nauka


Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received

Yet to be received
E&Y engaged by IWAI for devising
methodology for data capture

Yet to be received

Draft Model MoU under preparation

1. In discussion with CSL
2. One proposal for procurement of 4
Hydrogen fuelled vessels is under
consideration of MoPSW. Commi
A -2 Catamaran successfully delivered. 1 in
Ayodhya, 1 in Varanasi. Delivery schedule
received for remaining 06 vessels.
B- No update received for shore power work.

Being pursued by IWAI

Yet to be received

Draft Cabinet Note and Concept Note under


Yet to be received

E&Y appointed
Mobile app being developed by NICSI

After MoPSW intervention, IWAI has evolved

a daily monitoring system, post which there
has been substantial improvement in
dredging output.
Tender opened on 9th February 2024.
Technical bids being evaluated. Financial bid
opened on 27 Mar 2024 and L1 finalised.
Award of contract post MCC.
Pre-Bid Meeting held on 12.02.2024 and
tendering procedure expected to be
completed by end of May 2024
Proposal received from IWAI and under
review. Inputs provided to modify the

Yet to be received

Customs notification issued.

EDI system in place.
Port not operational, pending eqipment
New requirement request with respect to
NLP-Marine pending for approval with IPA

Complied but sent for review to IWAI

Yet to be received

Proposal under examination at MoPSW

Issue not sorted yet. The IWAI Varanasi has

requested the Dist. Administration to resolve
the issue and to recover the cost

2 proposal received and under examination

at MoPSW

Yet to be received

Project sheet updated and provided in Excel


Yet to be received

Proposal under process

Yet to be received

Bogibeel –Extension of the terminal awarded

on 28.03.2024, completion by June 2024
Responsibility Fix - No update received for
missing/wrong data of High Flood Level
(HFL) leading to increase in the cost due to
land filling.

Noted for compliance by IWAI.

Proposal under process

No updates received yet

No updates received yet

IWAI website is under maintenance.

Yet to be received

Compliance report awaited from IWAI

Compliance report awaited from IWAI

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