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Review any background facts or issues that must be understood.

Grade 10 - ENGLISH 3. Briefly summarize the argument of the author. Be as objective as

Learning Activity Sheet possible so that the reader understands what the article said.
Third Quarter 4. Analyze the author’s presentation based upon points presented and
MELC – Quarter 3 - # 3: Compose an independent critique of a chosen whether or not the author succeeded.
selection (EN10WC-IIIg-14) 5. Respond to the presentation or focus upon the assumptions the author
makes. State your reaction to, opinion of, and evaluation of these
A critique is a genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and assumptions or assertions. Clearly support any reactions so that they
critically evaluates a work or concept. Critiques can be used to carefully do not appear to be arbitrary judgments.
analyze a variety of works such as: creative works (novels, exhibits, film, 6. Finally, state your conclusions about the overall piece reviewing
images, poetry), research (monographs, journal articles, systematic the strengths/weaknesses.
reviews, theories) and media (news reports, feature articles).
“A critique is not a listing of complaints or faults, but a careful analysis of Guide on How to Critique a Literary Text
an argument to determine what is said, how well the points are made, In writing your critique, you should use the following guides or
what assumptions underlie the argument, what issues are overlooked and elements:
what implications can be drawn from such observation” (Behrens and 1. Context - What genre, type or category of literature is the given literary
Rosen 37-38). text or selection? Is it a science fiction, literary fiction, adventure, realist
A critique, therefore, is a reader’s personal reaction (positive or negative) literature, thriller, romance, drama, horror, mystery etc.
or an evaluation of what an author has to say. The writer of a critique has 2. Author’s Intention/Purpose - It is the written motive or purpose of
a responsibility to explain how they reached their critical conclusions the writer in the text or selection. Such as:
about the piece. A critique should differ substantially from a summary. a. To Persuade - is the author’s purpose wherein the writer is writing
Critique writing or critiquing a story is usually in the form of an essay. well enough to encourage or convince every reader to change his
It is a detailed review or in-depth evaluation of the story in order to or her mind about a significant issue in the text.
provide the reading public insight into the story. Writing a critique b. To inform - is the author’s purpose wherein the writer provides
allows you to reassemble the elements in such a way that your target information, facts or data in order to inform the readers about the
audience has a better understanding about the strengths, flaws and use, relevance, value, and significance of the issues tackled in the
highlights of the story. text.
c. To entertain and inspire - are author’s purpose in his writing in order
Here are some helpful tips in writing a critique: to give pleasure, enjoyment as well as touch the readers’ imagination
1. Read the whole text carefully. and give them the idea what to do.
2. Introduce the subject of the critique and identify the author. Give some 3. Your Reactions - It pertains to your own possible reactions as well as
preliminary information indicating the main point to be discussed. your attitude as a reader and a critic when you read the entire literary
piece or text. As a reader, you simply describe your reactions such as
agree or disagree, approve or disapprove, like or dislike, believe or
not, affirm or negate about the details, facts and other elements
presented by the writer on his/her literary text.
4. Literary Devices -are tools used by the authors to create impact on
their writing, to help readers understand their writing at a deeper
level. Example: simile, metaphor, personification, allegory, irony,
idioms, onomatopoeia, imagery, symbolisms and other figure of speech
5. Literary Techniques - are techniques that writers use in their written
texts to help convey or heighten meaning. Rather than writing in plain
language, writers give more emphasis to their ideas by utilizing literary
devices to make them stand out. As a reader, you simply ask yourself if
these literary techniques through the use of literary devices make your
reading experience more enjoyable or it strengthens the entire text. the skills and competency of the learners in speaking, as well as in
6. Ending of the Story - As a reader, you decide how the ending relates reading, writing and listening”, Ma’am Diaz reminded herself. “For
both to the story as a whole and to its beginning. Does the ending me, this is a challenge. If I could help Marco and change him into a
resolve the plot and bring closure to the crisis of the characters? person with enough self-confidence to speak and become better
Activity1: Read the story, “The Transformation” carefully. After speaker…. then, it could be one of my great accomplishments”, she
reading, accomplish the task that follows. added.
Ma’am Diaz had made a strategic intervention plan. Without
The Transformation Marco’s awareness, she talked with his parents for moral support. She
Last year, before the CORONA Virus pandemic spread the entire discussed about the plan with Marco’s classmates for cooperation. She
nation, teacher Ella added a new name of a transferee on her class record. even showed the class record to Marco and told him, “You got a very low
He was Marco, the only transferee in English class of Mrs. Ella Diaz for performance in speaking activities and that could affect your grade
that year. He transferred from one of the public high schools in Valenzuela for the second grading in English.” Without any reply, he only gave a
City. His family moved to Bulacan due to a transfer of residence and a new sad look and apologetic expression of the eyes. With determination on the
found job of his father. teacher’s mind, Ma’am Diaz asked his class adviser for follow-up and
It was in the middle of September, 2019 that Mrs. Diaz met Marco monitoring.
in one of her English classes in Grade 10. He looked shy, timid, and During English classes, Mrs. Diaz talked with Marco and gave him
melancholic. But if you looked straight to his eyes, you could feel the pieces of advice and encouragement. She always assigned Marco as spoke
expression of curiosity and eagerness to learn, interact and mingle. person or reporter in group activity. For daily recitation, she called Marco
But she didn’t pay attention to it. Since for her as a seasoned first to answer her question. She borrowed reading materials in the
English teacher, Marco’s behavior was just normal since he was a new library and assigned Marco for home reading. She saw to it that Marco
student. She couldn’t forget the day when the entire class had welcomed could speak and share his ideas about the lesson. At first, there was a
Marco and asked him to introduce himself. The entire class was waiting refusal and resistance, but gradually he was forced to say a little.
and Mrs. Diaz had repeatedly asked him to stand for self-introduction. But After several weeks and months of doing the routine, alas! there was
Marco just gave them a smile and bowed his head down while remain a wonderful transformation. “Good day Mam!” Marco greeted her
seated. Nobody in the class could notice that he initiated an action to English teacher confidently. Mrs. Diaz was surprised when Marco
stand or heard a single word from his mouth. He looked down and greeted her and managed to talk to her. He started to consult her about
remained quiet. his assignment. She noticed that Marco had managed to exchange ideas
His English teacher talked to him privately and Marco’s with his groupmates. He volunteered to present the group outputs in front
explanations were, “I am very sorry Ma’am. I am not good in English of his classmates. He raised his hands to recite and answer questions even
speaking. I know what to say about myself but I’m afraid to speak his name was not called. Mrs. Diaz and his classmates noticed the
in front of or amidst many people. And besides, my voice may stutter changes to Marco’s performance in English class. She immediately
while I am speaking.” Although feeling exasperated for his failure to reported the good news to the parents and they were very thankful about
respond, Ma’am Diaz had admired Marco for his sincere and honest it. Mrs. Diaz and Marco’s classmates were very proud and happy about his
reasons. achievement.
Several days and weeks of classes had passed by, students were There were unforgettable moments when Marco had delivered a
heavily pre-occupied with school and classroom activities such as oral poem in English class. He was even invited as host during the teachers’
reports, in-class reading, joint projects, assemblies, sports, school plays, day celebration. He also delivered a Christmas message during the
and school clubs. However, Marco was never spotted to participate in classroom Christmas party. When asked him about what he did to
speaking activities. Even in usual oral recitation and participation in class overcome fear in speaking in front of people, he said, “Keep on reading,
discussion, he never did. “At least he joined the group or peer activity. familiarize the lines, say it aloud, keep on practicing, and push
Knowing him as a naive type, it’s already a sort of improvement”, yourself.” With feeling of amazement, Mrs. Diaz gave him with a smile of
Mrs. Diaz said to herself. As a language teacher, she was worried about admiration. She congratulated him. “Indeed, Marco was right,” she
Marco’s performance in English. “It is always my main goal to develop said.
Activity 2: The Summary Activity 3: Critique Writing
Directions: Write a summary of the story, “The Transformation. In Directions: In an essay style or form, write a critique of the story, “The
writing a summary, you have to take note of the key ideas Transformation”. Follow the guide in writing a critique of a
and important details presented by the writer from the literary text. Write your output at the back of this page.
beginning to end of the story. The length of a summary must
be brief or short but it must be concise or complete with Example:
important details. Write your summary on the space below. After reading the entire story, I found out that the story is
categorized as science-fiction because
The story is about a .
The author’s intention or purpose in writing the story is to
inform and at same time to inspire because

As a reader, my reaction towards the story is…. or …… As a
reader, I strongly agree to the central idea or theme of the story. Because

The author uses literary devices such as simile and metaphor.
These are shown in the lines from the story like

It means that

The literary techniques used by the writer are the literary
devices such as . It
made my reading experience so wonderful because

The ending of the story is about
It expresses about .
It states the resolution to the problem of the character which is

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