Fake or For Real Log

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A documentary about streetwear and how counterfeits affect
business and consumers.

08.05.24 On the Wednesday I went to London with Naome Thomas to help me film
an interview and some B-roll, we used her camera because mine is still
broke. We started in Soho because this was one of the locations I had
planned to film in and I went into different streetwear shops including
palace, Carhartt, supreme and billionaire boys club to ask if there was
anyone I could interview for my documentary and I was very scared to do
this but the second shop I went into I approached one of the managers
named Grace and she allowed me to interview which was very kind and I
learnt a lot of information from her as she had informative and explanatory
answers to my questions. Naome recorded this interview which took place
inside the shop and we both attached lav mics which I had borrowed from
Louisa Reid. I also spoke to an employee in trading desk which is a shop
which resells streetwear in London but he did not want to be recorded but
he had an interesting opinion on counterfeits because he said that he
believes it gives brands more publicity and I hadn't thought about the aspect
of counterfeits helping with publicity. The staff in billionaire boys club were
also very friendly but were not willing to be interviewed but they allowed
me to take B-roll in their shop and one f the employees spoke to me about
the Pharrell Williams collaboration with billionaire boys club which was
helpful because I researched into that topic in my secondary research and I
would like to include it into my production.
12.05.24 I travelled to Oxgate House NW2 to complete an interview with Ben
(Angrygeeza) the crew that helped me with this process were Naome
Thomas who recorded from camera two, handheld without a tripod which
captured a closer view of the interview. Felix Fergus who helped me set up
the tripod and recorded on camera one from a central viewpoint. Lastly,
Alec Eddis held the LED light to brighten the frame because I needed the
extra artificial light because the natural light was not bright enough snd the
shot was very underexposed. This interview was very successful and Ben
was very informative and we discussed some interesting points and he had
different views on the topic of counterfeits in comparison to the employees
in the streetwear shops, that I had spoken too as he competently disagrees
with it and thinks it only affects streetwear brands negatively instead of
seeing the side that its good promotion for a brand.

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