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Nont Mayank kauma

Sec M2

Subi 08 (HS SecB

behouicu medela ae
oiganisatisra) strict eooy an
Ans Vanious model;- ZAi msdel
haue ctmplete cintel
ien dpun deeisisn makingM
npayee saiyaein enad
Mbdel: uii medel ptistijes pasitive wsak
SuppiTouu supprt icteae a metiata
becng-Managus pieuid participatisn ane
wel empleyee
enutsenmert an enesuage
empeses temwsk coUasoratin.
MBdel :. hs medel
Coegial Msdel
making me uenydtiibuted
Poues is
an shosed doisisn autanony
Aigh dage y
andempleyus heue a and fecusu on seeudy
this medel emphesizes
* Custedial Modeli

echang es enplaye ayalty

nuisement in
Suppotiue msdel may be best yoe

wtilities , enesgy and yatsueue, ten

" Sayety : Coe seeto4 Jbs can be ieently nisky
moaL tAAt pinitipucanenplaye e-bing and testes
coniibute to a
and uquine deng-tem sonmictment
Supportiue meatl thoat tostes zes satipiosibn ard
seduees tunwy can be benyioial.

Skil Retentien,' the cee Secto. hlies n cKileol wskeu

sith spcialized needga 43uppeutive medel hat
inst in empleyu deuelep ment and cieaes a pesiçne
wLK eterumnt can AeLp aesain walAsle ealenz
"fublie seAtee Many c0u seter ongonizotint D ten
au proiding puso sosuicu t suppoutiue medel waT
amphasies empeye helrbeing can contibcte to a ore

S u u Medel Aduatag

Mstiuatisn Enployes ho quel supponteol ard valua

ne ikly tg be metiuated ard put in heiA beut

Tnssued o SotisJastisn." Apesite work eisnme

adsuypotieandmaragment can
sotijostion sedmeed tunoue:

enti inneuatien and preblem -saing

do be cmmitted to u

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