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AIaddin and the magic Iamp

Long time ago there lived an impoverished boy named Aladdin. He found it difficult to
meet ends as he lived it utter poverty. Until one day an old man walked up to him and
said he was his uncle. As Aladdin had lost his father and did really have an uncle he had
never seen, his mother welcomed this old man home. The next day, the uncle gave
Aladdin good clothes to wear and a tour of the city gardens. Impressed with the
makeover of her son, the mother readily agreed to Aladdin working for the uncle.

But this old man was no uncle, infract he was a wicked magician who wanted to use the
services of the boy. So he took him along with him though cities and gardens, until they
reached a mountain. The magician lit a fire and mumbled some words which Aladdin did
not understand and with a swish of the powder the ground beneath them opened.

Aladdin was afraid with the happenings but the magician assured him that nothing would
happen to him but he would have to listen to every word he said. The magician told
Aladdin to alight through the tunnel, he would then come to a forked path with three
ways, and he should take the right and lead on until he came to fresh gardens. Right in
the centre of it would be a lamp that is glowing. Put off the light, remove the oil from it
and bring the lamp back. But do not touch anything else said the magician and led the
boy down.

Oblivious of the essence of the lamp, Aladdin scampered through the way and found the
lamp. On his way back, he pocketed some fruits that were shiny like he had never seen
before. When he reached the opening, the magician was glad and reached out his hand to
take the lamp. Pull me out first, said Aladdin but the magician refused. So Aladdin too
refused to give the lamp before being out in the open. So the angry old man closed the
ground above him.

Sobbing away, Aladdins hand rubbed the lamp by mistake and out came a genie. You are
my master and I will do anything you command, it said. Take me home said Aladdin and
before he knew it, he was with his mother. Instantaneously he related the entire story to
look at his mothers widened pupils. She summoned the genie to bring forth those shiny
fruits and food. And the two feasted for the first time in their life. Life went well for a few
years as their every wish came true.

Then one day he saw Jasmine, the daughter of the king and fell in love with her. His
mother made proud presentations to the king with rich gifts and fanfare. Looking at the
magnanimous gifts the king readied to give his daughter in marriage. Aladdin wished for
a palace and the same was granted for the newly married couple.

The news of the grand palace spread far & wide and soon the evil magician got to know
of it. So one day he went with a cart full of new lamps shouting new for old. As Jasmine
did not know the value of the old lamp she exchanged it for a new one. And soon the
magician transposed the palace and the princess to Africa. Hearing this Aladdin set out to
rescue his love. With the help of the flying carpet and his beloved monkey pet he found
the lamp and summoned the genie to redo the act.

He then punished the magician by adding poison to his drink that led to the death of the
old wicked man. Thereafter Aladdin his mother and Jasmine lived happily ever after.
1. Exposition
Long time ago there lived an impoverished boy named Aladdin. He Iound it diIIicult to
meet ends as he lived it utter poverty. Until one day an old man walked up to him and
said he was his uncle. As Aladdin had lost his Iather and did really have an uncle he had
never seen, his mother welcomed this old man home. The next day, the uncle gave
Aladdin good clothes to wear and a tour oI the city gardens. Impressed with the makeover
oI her son, the mother readily agreed to Aladdin working Ior the uncle.

But this old man was no uncle, inIract he was a wicked magician who wanted to use the
services oI the boy. So he took him along with him though cities and gardens, until they
reached a mountain. The magician lit a Iire and mumbled some words which Aladdin did
not understand and with a swish oI the powder the ground beneath them opened.

Analysis : because in this paragraph the author introduces the character and setting oI the

2. Raising Action
Aladdin was aIraid with the happenings but the magician assured him that nothing would
happen to him but he would have to listen to every word he said. The magician told
Aladdin to alight through the tunnel, he would then come to a Iorked path with three
ways, and he should take the right and lead on until he came to Iresh gardens. Right in the
centre oI it would be a lamp that is glowing. Put oII the light, remove the oil Irom it and
bring the lamp back. But do not touch anything else said the magician and led the boy

Oblivious oI the essence oI the lamp, Aladdin scampered through the way and Iound the
lamp. On his way back, he pocketed some Iruits that were shiny like he had never seen
beIore. When he reached the opening, the magician was glad and reached out his hand to
take the lamp. Pull me out Iirst, said Aladdin but the magician reIused. So Aladdin too
reIused to give the lamp beIore being out in the open. So the angry old man closed the
ground above him

Analysis : because in this sentence started to Iorm a climax, we know that When he
reached the opening, the magician was glad and reached out Alladin`s hand to take the
lamp but the magician reIused

. Climax
Sobbing away, Aladdin`s hand rubbed the lamp by mistake and out came a genie. You
are my master and I will do anything you command, it said. Take me home said Aladdin
and beIore he knew it, he was with his mother. Instantaneously he related the entire story
to look at his mother`s widened pupils. She summoned the genie to bring Iorth those
shiny Iruits and Iood. And the two Ieasted Ior the Iirst time in their liIe. LiIe went well
Ior a Iew years as their every wish came true.

Then one day he saw Jasmine, the daughter oI the king and Iell in love with her. His
mother made proud presentations to the king with rich giIts and IanIare. Looking at the
magnanimous giIts the king readied to give his daughter in marriage. Aladdin wished Ior
a palace and the same was granted Ior the newly married couple.

The news oI the grand palace spread Iar & wide and soon the evil magician got to know
oI it. So one day he went with a cart Iull oI new lamps shouting new Ior old. As Jasmine
did not know the value oI the old lamp she exchanged it Ior a new one. And soon the
magician transposed the palace and the princess to AIrica. Hearing this Aladdin set out to
rescue his love. With the help oI the Ilying carpet and his beloved monkey pet he Iound
the lamp and summoned the genie to redo the act.

Analysis: because these sentences are the peak oI the story.

4. Falling Action
He then punished the magician by adding poison to his drink that led to the death oI the
old wicked man.

Analysis: because in this sentence we Iind eIIects/results oI climax, he magicion was
killed by Aladdin.

5. Resolution
ThereaIter Aladdin his mother and Jasmine lived happily ever aIter.

Analysis: because in this sentence we can Iind the conclusion oI the story, that Alladin
married Jasmine and live happily

1. Aladdin (complex-protagonist character, direct characterization)
Analysis : we can see all sides oI character oI the Aladdin. He is kindly, curious,
bravely also impoverished people.
2. The magician (simple antagonist character, indirect characterization)
Analysis : we can see one side oI the magician`s characterization. He is bad magician,
envious person, and jealous person.
. Jasmine (simple protagonist, indirect characterization)
Analysis: beautiIul princess, care with the people.

4. Genie (Simple minor character, indirect characterization)
Analysis : Because we are able to see only one side oI the genie`s characterization.

5. The king (simple minor character, indirect characterization)
Analysis : because the king only can see Irom one side oI the king`s characterization.

6.Aladdin`s mom (simple minor character, indirect characterization)
Analysis : because we Iind out the characteristic oI the character by seeing her Look or
occurrence, speech or word and then action also their interaction with another

7. Aladdin`s monkey (simple minor character, indirect characterization)
Analysis : because we just see the monkey as Aladdin`s beloved pet.

8.Aladdin`s Ilying carpet (simple minor character, indirect characterization)
Analysis : because it helped when Aladdin got a problem.

- Neutral setting: 'Long time ago there lived an impoverished boy, until they reached a
Analysis: because we only get simple/general inIormation where and when the story
takes place.
- Spiritual setting: 'The magician told Aladdin to alight through the tunnel, the uncle gave
Aladdin good clothes to wear and a tour oI the city gardens, The news oI the grand palace
spread Iar & wide and soon the evil magician got to know oI it, And soon the magician
transposed the palace and the princess to AIrica.

Analysis: because we only get speciIic inIormation about the story takes place.

The point oI view oI this story is the Iirst paragraph until the last paragraph.
Analysis: the author uses the
personal pronoun 'he and the author uses the omniscient
narrator, because the author simply knows everything and tell the readers directly what the
character is thinking.

- Diction. using denotation
Analysis: all oI the words in the story use words which has dictionary/real
- Imagery. Literal imagery
Analysis: no necessary changes or extension in the meaning oI the words.
- Syntax: the author uses simple sentences likes` past tense.
- Tone: understatement
Analysis: the author treats his subject less seriously than most the author would.

-The theme in this story is Aladdin journey to Iind happiness.
Analysis: because Irom the theme we can know how diIIiculty Aladdin journey to Iind

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