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The aim of this study is to reflect the development and direction of research on economic issues in Scopus-indexed
publications. The study uses bibliographic analysis techniques to examine the entire publication indexed in the scopus
database on violent economics from 1948 to 2023.The data obtained is analyzed using Excel and R/R Studio. VOSviewer
is used to visually analyze the appearance of keywords and document quotes. The author found 1,770 publications that
matched the features, topics, and criteria specified. The results of this study show that in 2016 there were the most
publications on violent economics, with an annual growth rate of 5.3%. The United States was the country that delivered
the largest number of publications related to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Miller, T.R. They're
the most productive writers in the field of violent economics. The bibliographic analysis is only a scope of Scopus data.
Other national and international databases are not included in this study. The study provides an overview of the literature
available to researchers in the field of economic issues and provides recommendations for future research.

Keywords: Violence, economic, bibliometrik


Economics, as one of the most important fields of science in human life (Çelik et al., 2007), has undergone significant
development over time. These changes are mainly influenced by technological developments (Begum et al., 2012; Costa
et al. 2021; Dumont et al.; 2022) and social changes (Farias & Lopes, 2022; Oubiña, 2003; Tang, 2022) that occur over
time. Nowadays, we live in an era where information and communication technology (Alsawalqa, 2021; Xu et al., 2022)
has revolutionized the way economies operate, creating unprecedented efficiency in various sectors. Quoted from (El
ashfahany et al., 2022)On the other hand, small and medium-sized enterprises, or UMKM, are becoming increasingly
active online business actors over time. KUHP is part of the codification of Indonesian law. This is the basis of the law
to determine whether a man's deeds are righteous or not. Those who violate may be punished according to the law.
(Rizka et al., 2022)How the economic-legal analysis of the legal acts of officials in contact with national civil and
administrative law is linked to legal policies aimed at eradicating corruption and criminal offences (Isman, 2019). The
welfare of the people is not apart from the economic welfare.(Muthoifin, Fakhruddin & Ainurahmad, 2022)

Although significant economic developments (Foshee et al., 2015; Hutchings & La Salle, 2015; Loinaz & de Sousa,
2020; Rees et al, 2013) have been achieved, societies are also facing a variety of complex economic challenges. One of
the prominent challenges is "economic violence" (Jack et al., 2019; Jong et al, 2008; Misago, 2019; Omelicheva &
Webb, 2021; Pujol Robinat & Mohíno Justes, 2019) or forms of abuse of financial power that can harm individuals,
families, and even entire communities. The idea of cultural relativism assumes that culture is the only source of validity
of rights and moral rules. The worst part is the assumption that violence in a country's economy is normal for an
individual, which is why bad culture emerges.
This economic violence can take various forms, ranging from controlling individual financial resources by others to
government policies that undermine economic stability.(Isman, 2019)

The importance of an in-depth understanding of the impact of economic violence and efforts to address it has driven a
lot of research in the economic and social domain. However, to what extent this research has digged the problem of
economic violence, created a better understanding of its critical aspects, and identified effective solutions.
Socialization and education enhance public understanding of the economy (El ashfahany et al., 2022)

This article aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the development maps and directions of research on the impact of
economic violence on the Scopus database from 1963 to 2023. With this approach, we aim to identify research trends,
key topics that have been explored, and potential research gaps that could be the basis for further research development.
This bibliometric analysis is expected to provide valuable insights for researchers, academics, and practitioners in
understanding the issue of economic violence more comprehensively.
This article is structured as follows: The next section will discuss the methodology used in bibliometric analysis,
followed by the main findings of our analysis. Finally, this article will present the conclusions and implications of this
research in the context of understanding and dealing with the increasingly pressing issue of economic violence.


The study uses a bibliometric analysis method used to provide a comprehensive insight into the development maps and
directions of the research on the impact of economic violence on the Scopus database from 1948 to 2023. Data obtained
through searches in the Scobus database using the Boolean search engine on July 22, 2023 at 11:15 PM. The researchers
used analytical devices such as R and Rstudio, VOSviewer, and Microsoft Excel to analyze situations, document
contents, and network visualizations. The analysis phase is divided into three stages. The first phase involves a library
study to determine keywords and ensure the relevance of research papers. The second phase includes the search and
filtering of documents according to specific criteria. The third stage is data analysis, covering an understanding of the
number of documents per year, the distribution of the journal, the identification of the author, affiliation, country of
origin of the researcher, and field/subject of research. Document grid visualization is also done using the VOSviewer
device. All analytical data is managed with Microsoft Excel. This method provides an in-depth understanding of research
trends and potential for further research related to economic violence. The second phase, at this stage, the researchers
used the boolean operator TITLE-ABS-KEY (Violence and Economics) to perform a search on Scopus that produced
2,701 documents. Next, the filtering was done with the Boolean (TITLE -ABS - KEY (violence) AND TITle -ABs -
KEy (economics) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "ar" ) AND ( LIMIT -TO ( LANGUAGE, "English" ) ) AND( LIMITO
( SRCTYPE, "j" ) to restrict only articles as document types, the source document only journals English-language
articles, thus producing a final document of 1,770.
The third phase, the analysis is carried out against the final document search using Scopus analyzer and R as well as
Rstudio to find out the number of documents per year, documents based on the journal, author, affiliate, country and
subject/field. Next, we analyze the level of document networking with visualization through VOSviewer and Microsoft
Excel data processing.
This research procedure can be seen in the following picture:
Result and Discourse
a. Document Analysis
Main Information About Data(Take from Bib-Shy)
Table 1 provides an overview of the 1,770 documents collected over 60 years. Includes 4,706 authors, 703 singles,
13.45% international authorship collaboration, 56.673 references with an average citation per document of 21.24

Description Results
Timespan 1948:2023
Sources (Journals, Books, etc) 962
Documents 1770
Annual Growth Rate % 5.3
Document Average Age 14.2
Average citations per doc 21.24
References 56673
Keywords Plus (ID) 5405
Author's Keywords (DE) 2905
Authors 4706
Authors of single-authored docs 703
Single-authored docs 730
Co-Authors per Doc 3.01
International co-authorships % 14.52
article 1770

Document by year (diambil dari Scopus)

Figure 2 shows that 2017 was the highest year of publication, with 94 publications. In 2015 it also reached the second
highest in publication year, with 91 publication. Between 1963 and 1993, publications were stagnant. By the year 2023
his chart dropped enough to be just 93 publications. Based on bibliometric analysis of the descriptions, a number of
implications that are relevant to the publication trends in a given period can be identified. In 2017, there was a significant
increase in the number of publications, reaching the highest peak with 94 published, marking the potential for increased
research activity or focus on specific topics in the year. While 2015 also reached the second highest number of published,
91 published, indicating a sustained trend of increase, although not as high as in 2017.

On the contrary, the period between 1963 and 1993 showed stagnation in the number of publications. Possibly factors
such as a lack of focus on research, financial constraints, or changes in institutional policies could be the cause of such
stagnation. By 2023, there was a significant decline, with the number of publications dropping to just 93. Implications
can vary, such as financial constraints, changes in research policies, or a decrease in interest in a particular research

The bibliometric analysis above shows publication trends from year to year that may reflect decision-making. A year
that shows a positive trend indicates insight into a research topic of interest, while a drastic decline indicates the need to
change the strategy or focus of research.

By extending the analysis to factors such as the quality of publications, their impact in the field of research, and the
involvement of researchers, we can understand the dynamics of these changes more comprehensively. ecoIt is important
to note that factors beyond bibliometric data may also influence these trends, and further research or in-depth analysis
may be necessary for better understanding.











Most relevant authors
Figure 3 shows the ten most influential authors in publications about Violence Economics Miller, T.R leading with the
number of publications as many as 8 documents followed by Heise, L and Patel, V with the next 7 journals with Florence,
C and Jawkes, R with the 6 publications and so on

Affiliate-based documents
Figure 3 shows the 10 most influential affiliates in a publication on Violence Economics. The data shows that the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine produced the same number of affiliates of 32, while the lowest affiliation was
achieved by the Jhons Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in a total of 28. From the data, it appears that the
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine dominates with a total of 32 publications, marking the institute's
significant contributions to related research. On the other hand, the Jhons Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
has the lowest number of publications, 28.

The dominance of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the number of publications indicates that
the institution has a strong interest in the issue of "Violence Economics", so that the institute has a central role to play
in supporting research in the field. Variations in the number of publications between top and bottom affiliates provide
indications of differences in research contributions and focus between the institutions.

The bibliometric review also provides a deeper insight into inter-agency collaboration. Identifying the most influential
affiliates can be the basis for planning further partnerships or collaborations. Institutions with a significant number of
publications can be considered strategic partners for other institutions wishing to expand or deepen their research in the
field of "Violence Economics."

Affiliates with lower number of publications, such as the Jhons Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, indicate
the institutions' opportunities to increase and expand their contributions to economic violence research. A bibliometric
analysis of affiliation provides a better understanding of the dynamics of collaboration, relative contributions, and
potential for further development in a specific field of research.


Documents based on country

Figure 4 shows publications based on countries. The continental countries of Europe dominate with a number of
countries 4, while the continental states of America and Asia dominate second, it shows that research on the theme of
Violence Economics marks conducted by the countries of the continent of Europe adheres to the first order.

Document based on source

Figure 5 shows that the highest source of publication was taken in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence with 30
documents, while other sources experienced an average stagnation of 20 documents.


Three-Field plot
Figure 6 contains three observed elements; the journal's publication name, the author's name and the theme/ topic used.
Those three elements are then connected by a gray plot line linked to each other. Based on the name of the journal, each
journal indicates any author who has contributed most frequently to its publication, especially those who raised the theme
of Violence Economics namely Postmus, Jl.

The size of the plot shows how many publications are related to the theme. Based on the above image there are nine
journals. The journal that mostly publishes research on the theme of Violence Economics is Computer and Education
which is displayed in old red and connected with several authors such as Postmus, Jl and in second order Caetano, V.

Based on the picture above, there are 14 authors. The size of the bar diagram shows how much research results are
published by each author. Among the 10 authors who have written the most articles on the topic of Violence Economics
are Postmus, Jl and in second place are Caetano, V.

On the third element, each research topic is connected to a writer who writes a lot about the topic of ICT literacy. From
the analysis results there are 10 keywords ICT Literacy and Digital Literacy are in the top position. This shows that the
word is very closely related to research related to ICT literation.

Corresponding Author's Countries

In Figure 7 above, based on SCP data, the countries that dominate the publication of articles are the USA, while below
are the United Kingdom and Canada. The continent of Europe became the most dominant country in publication,
followed by the continent of America. Furthermore, according to the MCP, there are countries in the US that have the
highest access, then there are the United Kingdom and Canada that have a similar access position. Seeing from the
picture above is shown the color red for MCP and blue for SCP.

Most Global Cited Document

In table 2 data, obtained data that indicates that the paper by the author Hsiang SM published in 2013 and through the
journal Science has the paper with the most number of citations is 958, the Paper also has the largest TC per year of

Paper Total Citations TC per Year Normalized

HSIANG SM, 2013, SCIENCE 958 87.09 24.10
GOLDSTEIN PJ, 1985, J DRUG ISSUES 768 19.69 3.95
PATEL V, 2002, AM J PSYCHIATRY 518 23.55 9.04
KIM JC, 2007, AM J PUBLIC HEALTH 403 23.71 11.42
BELLIS MA, 2019, LANCET PUBLIC HEALTH 367 73.40 23.05
WAGENAAR AC, 2010, AM J PUBLIC HEALTH 352 25.14 11.74
BERMAN E, 2011, J POLIT ECON 317 24.38 10.56
FINKELHOR D, 2018, CHILD ABUSE NEGL 307 51.17 13.98
ANDRÉ C, 1998, J ECON BEHAV ORGAN 306 11.77 21.16

Most Local Cited Documents

In table 3, the data obtained showing paper based on local research data found a number of only 1 citations for all
documents. Then in the highest global citation data received a total of 184 citations is the document Verlinden, 2000,
Clin Psychol Rev. From the data below shows that there is a comparison of LC and GC at a highest number of 5.26%.

Document Year Local Global LC/GC

Citations Citations Ratio
BAZZI S, 2021, AM ECON J APPL ECON 2021 1 14 7.14
VAN BESOUW B, 2016, J ECON BEHAV ORGAN 2016 1 8 12.50
BENNETT B, 1997, ABORIG ISL HEALTH WORK J 1997 1 4 25.00
NA, 1995, AFR POPUL NEWSL 1995 1 1 100.00
O'BRIEN C, 2023, SOC SCI MED 2023 0 0
RAGHAVENDRAN S, 2022, J INT DEV 2022 0 1 0.00
VÉLEZ-TORRES I, 2022, WORLD DEV 2022 0 2 0.00

b. Network Analysis
The picture above is an occurance analysis of the study on Violence Economics, with a minimum cluster size of 20 and
formed as many as 3 clusters. The first cluster is 92 items, the second cluster 69 items and the third cluster 36 items.
The above illustration shows an overlay-based keyword grid analysis. Apparently the keywords Psychology, young
adult, and intimate partner violence have been used in recent years, while Hostility, behavior, and psychological aspects
have been in use for a relatively long time since 2015.

The picture above is a density analysis of the research. The keywords economics, humans and female have high density,
while crime victim, political system, and battered women have been rarely studied.

keyword Occurrences cluster

1. Human 1021 1
2. Adolescent 335 1
3. Female 646 1
4. Prevention and Control 117 1
5. Partner Violence
6. Midle Aged 179 1
7. Mortality 222 1
8. Safety 87 1
9. Major Clinical Study 46 1
10. Mental Disease 143 1

64 1
1. Behavior 132 2
2. Child Abuse 47 2
3. Evaluation 68 2
4. Rape 43 2
5. Sexual Behavior 66 2
6. Women’s Right 198 2
7. Politics 124 2
8. Social Class 68 2
9. Rural Population 44 2
10. Marriage 45 2
1. Article 1147 3
2. Crime Victims 82 3
3. Religion 53 3
4. United Kingdom 70 3
5. Goverment 91 3
6. Social Psycology 110 3
7. Homicide 123 3
8. Gender Identity 51 3
9. Economics 1310 3
10. Violence 824 3

The above table shows the occurance on each cluster that represents the main theme on the research field of Violence
Economics The topic on the first cluster is Humanity The theme on cluster two is economics The theme of cluster
three is law

Based on the above research, it is known that there is a positive growth of research on Violence Economics with peak
publications occurring in 2016 seen the most relevant author Miller,T.R is the author most relevant with productivity
with number of publications 8, the most influential affiliate is the University of California and as 96, United States is the
country top publication of 700 and followed by the United Kingdom, based on research with the theme of Violence
economics popular in the continent of Europe, Scopus is the most pertinent source with as many as 1770, Postmus jl is
the more influential author with production with 9 main keywords of the analysis of three field plot. Hsiang SM is the
document with the largest total citation of 985 with an average citation per year 87.09. Whereas at the highest global
index citation obtained documents with the greatest total of citations of 14 by Bazzi S, 2021, Am Econ J Appl Econ with
the presence of LC and GC comparison of 300,00%.

In network analysis, Violence and Economics are the most widely used human keywords and can be indicated
innovations in the field of law. Co-currency analysis shows that on the study Violence Economics is closely linked to
economic, and legal aspects. First, the keyword identification "HUMAN" is the most dominant in the network
highlighting the importance of understanding the impact of violence on human aspects. It shows that research in this
field is not only focused on the economic aspects but also detailed the human implications of the violent phenomena.

Through co-currency analysis, the main theme "ECONOMICS" emerging in the legal context gives an insight that the
involvement of economic aspects in the issue of violence is also related to the legal consequences. Implications, this
research creates a foundation for understanding the complex interactions between economics, violence, and the legal
systems involved in the topic "Violence Economics."

Third, the focus of most influential authors such as Postmus jl and Hsiang SM, who have high quotes, indicates that their
works make significant contributions and help renew knowledge in the field of Violence Economics. Support for research
that integrates economic and violent aspects with the legal context has become essential to bringing change and further
progress in this field.

Fourthly, the research findings note the limitations in the selection of Scopus and English-only databases. This gives
impetus for further research to explore alternative database and consider analysis in more diverse languages, to broaden
the coverage and representation of research on Violence Economics.

The five co-currency analyses describe the complexity of violence phenomena by emphasizing the importance of
comprehensively understanding the interactions between major variables such as economics, violence, and human
aspects. Its implications, this research leads to an opportunity for further research that not only involves the economic
and violent dimensions but also takes into account their impact on humanitarian and legal aspects.

This research has the limitation of only performing analysis on the scopus database without taking into account other
databases and only calculating English-language documents, further research is expected to export other databanks such
as WOS and consider analysis with more complex languages.

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