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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity |

Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Metchell M. Manlimos Date Started:

Course & Section: BTLEd-HE, 3-A Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 1 Rating:

OBE Framework

Instruction: In your own perception, discuss the given framework below in not less than 300
words. You may use separate sheet of paper if necessary.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity |
Professionalism | Spirituality

In the context of outcome-based education, the process of aligning and

progressing learning outcomes from broader institutional goals to specific course
objectives is crucial for creating a meaningful and unified educational experience. This
journey starts with what we call institutional intended learning outcomes (ILOs), which
represent the overall educational aspirations and desired competencies for graduates of
a particular program or institution.

These intended learning outcome’s act as a guiding framework that shapes the
development of program intended learning outcomes (PILOs), which are more focused
and tailored to the objectives of a specific academic program. PILOs are designed to
outline the essential knowledge, skills, and attributes that students should acquire by the
time they finish the program.

Further down in this hierarchy are course intended learning outcomes (CILOs), which are
directly derived from and aligned with the PILOs. CILOs are meant to be achievable within
the scope of individual courses and contribute towards meeting the broader program
objectives. They specify what students are expected to learn, do, or demonstrate upon
completing a particular course.

The foundation of this structured approach lies in outcome-based learning tasks, which
are carefully planned activities aimed at engaging students, encouraging exploration, and
facilitating the application of knowledge and skills. These tasks are essential building
blocks for achieving the CILOs. By involving students in active learning experiences that
promote exploration and practical application of concepts, educators can effectively
connect theoretical knowledge with real-world scenarios.

Assessment plays a critical role in this process by evaluating how well students have met
the CILOs. Assessment methods are aligned with the intended learning outcomes,
ensuring that students are evaluated based on the specific knowledge, skills, and
competencies outlined in the CILOs.

In summary, aligning ILOs with PILOs and CILOs, supported by outcome-based learning
tasks and appropriate assessment strategies, provides a coherent and systematic
framework for achieving educational goals. This structured approach ensures that
students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to meet institutional expectations
and excel in their academic and professional pursuits. It also offers educators a roadmap
for designing curricula, delivering instruction, and assessing student progress in a
purposeful, transparent, and student-centered manner.

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