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group 6
Distinctive Features
A distinctive feature comes about by distinguishing of
one phoneme from another, hence one word from
another. Distinctive features analysis is one of the
theoretical approaches in phonology which is based on
the principle that phonemes should be regarded as
combination of different features and not as
independent and indivisible units.
According to Roach (2000), Distinctive Features are
based on the principle that phoneme should be regarded
not as independent and indivisible units, but instead as
combinations of different features
The Part Of Distinctive
Major class Place of Manner of
features Articulation articulation Laryngeal
Major class features
1. Syllabic (syl): forms a syllable peak (and thus can be
2. Sonerant (son): sounds produced with a vocal tract
configuration in which spontaneous voicing is possible.
3. Consonantal (con): sounds produced with a major
obstruction in the oral cavity.
Place of Articulation
1 22
Vowel place features Consonant place
Manner of articulation
·Continuant : continuous airflow
·Delayed release : tongue is slow to release the air
·Nasal (nas) : air flows through nasal cavity
•Lateral (lat) : air flows through the side of the
Laryngeal features
A. Spread glottis (s.g.): the vocal folds are
spread far apart.
B. Constricted glottis (c.g.): the vocal folds are
tightly constricted.
C. Voice (voi): the vocal folds vibrate

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