Romanian Nautical College

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Romanian nautical college


Welcome to the Romanian Nautical College! Taking into consideration the current financial crisis, it is more and more difficult for young people to choose the right way in life. Today, even if its hard for them to take a decision, young people should rely on their aspirations, talent, passion, with other words on their own vocation. Generally, their expectations are big and depend fundamentally on the government systems offer, which in its turn - is in a deep institutional crisis. Unfortunately, most of the young bachelors live with small salaries or accept any other job without connection with their qualifications, or even worse, are unemployed. It is a sad reality the fact that in the last decade a part of our national education system has been massively focused on issuing highest degree diplomas instead of being concentrated on professional qualification and practical training. However, there are still domains where the education process is effective and productive, but in the areas where the Romanian educational standards are high, our graduates - as an effect of globalizationare tempted to work abroad, for a bigger income.

Nevertheless, maritime domain represents one of the economical areas less affected by the current economical crisis, recovering signs being already visible. Maritime labor market has constantly had a deficit of tens of thousands of maritime officers. Following a labor market stratification phenomenon, European ratings (including Romanians) can hardly find a job onboard of a ship; for most of them, professional specialization and/or re-conversion seems to be the only chance to continue a career. Short and compact educational programs, practiceoriented, the so-called vocational education and training might represent the only one solution in hand. The Code of STCW Convention (1978) provides, at the international level, minimum competencies deck and engine room officers must comply with. The STCW Codes prescriptions explicitly encourages vocational education and training, more focused and more efficient, addressed to those wishing to become officer in charge of a navigational (or engineering) watch. Recognizing the necessity to develop vocational programmes for (but not restricted to) the Romanian seafarers, Romanian Nautical College offers the opportunity to become officer in charge of a navigational or engineering watch on commercial ships in a short period of time (20 months of theoretical studies), instead of 4 years (university degree) not only to all


high school graduates, but also to all ratings, with the same result: the internationally recognized certificate of competency and, subsequently, the chance to have a decent salary in a decent working environment. Romanian Nautical College was build up by a group of professionals and experienced professors from the two Romanian maritime (state) universities, having a long background at sea, opening a new educational alternative and a quick access to a well paid job. In the following period, our goal is to become a Centre of Excellence, covering the competencies provided by the STCW standards. Our level of ambition is to create a new maritime educational system, much shorter and more accessible, reducing the period of theoretical training from 4 years to 20 months. This kind of approach is well known at the European level, being successfully applied by traditional maritime nations as Great Britain, Netherlands, Italy, etc. The Romanian Nautical College is fully aware that a segment of the international maritime market may be filled only by well prepared cadets, whose license is supported by real competencies. To those who are attracted by sea and want to become a merchant marine officer at both operational and management level, we address a warm welcome! Captain (Ret.) Stelian Cojocaru, Ph.D., AFRIN President Romanian Nautical College

We created Romanian Nautical College having in view the necessity to promote maritime vocational programs in this part of the world. Our faith is that only this kind of programs will deal with youths dynamism, rigid requirements of life onboard ships and increasingly demanding work market. In this context, our main goal is to successfully develop qualification programs for the professional maritime officers, at European level. Subsequent objectives include: Development of educational programs focused on the specific competencies strictly necessary for maritime officers; Elimination of the redundancies from the existing training programs; Establishment of high professional standards, based on thorough maritime English knowledge, in strict accordance to STCW Code requirements;


Impose proper attitude of cadets, multinational- and multicultural - oriented; Impose proper attitude of cadets, multinational- and Development of new professional models; Impose proper attitude of cadets, multinational- and Help cadets to access programmes developed in coordination with other colleges, ship owners, managers and crewing agencies; Impose proper attitude of cadets, multinational- and Continuous adaptation of educational programmes to the current maritime realities; Impose proper attitude of cadets, multinational- and Financial support for cadets.

The first naval Romanian school preparing specialized personnel for both navy and merchant marine was founded in the city of Constanta in 1901. Later on, in 1920, it became Naval School. In 1948, it was re-organized and its commercial component was temporarily suspended. In 1959/1960 the commercial maritime branch (deck and technical) was set up again and then, in 1972, it became Merchant Marine Institute; the following year, it merged with Maritime Active Officers School Mircea cel B`trn. In 1990 Merchant Marine Institute became Naval Academy Mircea cel B`trn. Next year, a part of Naval Academy split and became Constantza Maritime University. Orientated to technical disciplines, both universities offer B.Sc. diplomas in transports, mechanical and electrical engineering. However, recognized certificates of competencies are issued by the Romanian Naval Authority (RNA) provided the graduates successfully pass the official RNA examination package. In the last 30 years Great Britain, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, etc., developed a very efficient system to educate and train maritime officers, the so-called vocational system. Basically, this system is much shorter and practice-oriented,


giving the graduates real opportunities to better penetrate the labor market. Recently, maritime education process has significantly intensified in Romania, clearly discriminating between the B.Sc. degree and the STCW competences required for officers in charge of a navigational/engineering watch onboard of ships. In the fall of 2009, a group of enthusiastic professors and instructors from Constantza Maritime University and Naval Academy created the Romanian Nautical College, a private project aiming to offer maritime vocational programs.

The idea was promoted by dr. Stelian Cojocaru, former head of Navigation Department of the Romanian Naval Academy and Mr. Mihai Marcu, owner of Medlife and Nauticlife, who both benefited by a huge support coming from people wishing efficiency, professionalism and quality in the Romanian maritime education system. Undoubtedly, this beautiful story will continue

The Romanian Nautical College is an authorized educational provider for maritime environment, having a flexible structure, tailored on the similar colleges from UK and Netherlands. The college is organized on two departments Deck and Engineering. It is in our intention to run 6 professional programmes, for both officers and ratings levels, for deck, mechanical and electrical engineering respectively. On graduation, our cadets will be able to successfully pass the Romanian Maritime Authority examination, in order to get the international certificate of competency. Deck programmes are open from September 2010, while the mechanical/electrical engineering department will be active from April 2011. All these programmes are open for both people without sea experience and for experienced ratings.



Programs 1. Officer in charge of a navigational wach 2. Ordinary Seaman

Programs 1. Officer in charge of an engineering watch 2. Motorman

Programs 1. Officer electric and electronic systems 2. Electrician

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INSTRUCTORS There is an essential true discovered by only those working in an education system: theres no education without human models. In the classroom or in the lab, a true naval instructor will not limit to transmit knowledge, but will convince cadets to fall in love with their future job. This is the spirit promoted in the Romanian Nautical College by a special team of nationally -recognized instructors and professors. Gathering an elite team of instructors is the key of our success. All trainers have an extensive experience in maritime academic system, are well-known authors of essential books and personalities of the Romanian navy and merchant marine: Captain (Ret) Pavel Ioan SUCIU - navigation professor since 1976 and Head of the Navigation Department of the Romanian Naval Academy (1990-2000). {tefan CRAVCENCO, Master Mariner, chief of the Maritime Transport Branch of the Romanian Naval Academy. Captain (Ret) Stelian COJOCARU, Ph.D., AFRIN* - senior lecturer since 1991 and Head of Navigation Department of the Romanian Naval Academy (2000-2003). Captain (Ret) Viorel MAIER, Ph.D., Professor, member of Technical Science Academy, academic dean of the Romanian Naval Academy. Captain (Ret) Alexandru DRAGALINA, Ph.D. Professor, academic dean of the Romanian Naval Academy. Captain (Ret) Ovidiu IONESCU, lecturer with the Romanian Naval Academy. Adrian DRGU{AN, Ph.D., active Chief mate with CMACGM. Captain (ret) Marian SRBU, Ph.D., extensive experience in maritime education system. Nicolae DUDU, former head of Legal Department of the Romanian Naval Authority (2002-2008).

INFRASTRUCTURE AND SIMULATION EQUIPMENTS Undoubtedly, the logistic support is one of the most important elements of the vocational educational system in maritime field. The Romanian Nautical College pays the right importance to the practical part of training, as an essential request coming from the real labor market; in this spirit, all Colleges equipments are meant to support the practical training. TRAINING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DECK CADETS: 1 classroom, 25 seats; 1 chartworking lab, 25 seats; 1 SOLAS lab, 25 seats; 1 lab with 25 networked laptops; 1 amphitheatre, 150 seats 1 library room; 4 admin rooms.



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FULL MISSION NAVIGATION BRIDGE TRANSAS MARINE NTPRO 5000: The bridge simulates a real commercial ships bridge environment, the last generation of simulators made by Transas Marine one of the worlds leaders; Areas allocated for simulator include an obscure room 5x5m for electronic equipment and an instructor/debriefing room; The bridge allows a great variety of practical training courses as: radar /ARPA, ship maneuvering, electronic charts/ ECDIS, naval communications, Bridge Team Management. Crisis management, etc.;

NTPRO 5000 open architecture allows the board equipments to be connected in different configurations, or to be extended with supplemental hardware; Training with NTPRO 5000 meet all the needs requested by A-II table from STCW convention (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers), e.g.: use of radar and ARPA system for safe navigation; the procedures for responding to an emergency at sea; ships maneuvering; maintaining safety of navigation by using radar, ARPA, ECDIS and other modern decision support systems on the bridge, others;

The simulator is able to emulate real scenarios navigation in five geographic areas, with 10 types of ships; The bridge behaves identically with real ships, using thorough mathematical models; Software updates periodically, keeping up with real dynamic of the coastal environment in the chosen maritime areas. SHIP SIMULATOR PROFESSIONAL The simulator is a product of Vstep Company Netherlands, donated us by Poseidon Shipping Ltd. It is designated to individual training for ship maneuvering subjects and radar navigation simulating audio and video effects from over 30

types of different ships, having the opportunity to navigate some of the most important channels (New York, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Southampton) and to use the helm and the telegraph in real time. CURRICULA The first program developed by the Romanian Nautical College has been the Officer in charge of a navigational watch, designed in full compliance with the IMO Model Course 7.03. It successfully started on 13 Sep 2010 with two classes (50 cadets), the ongoing schedule comprising 5 theoretical modules, 14 weeks each, 20 months of theoretical studies in total.


13.09.2010 20.12.2010 05.01.2011 11.04.2011 25.04.2011 01.08.2011 16.09.2011


9 10 11 12 13 14


9 10 11 12 13 14


9 10 11 12 13 14 1

3 ... 6


Module 2

Module 3






9 10 11 12 13 14


9 10 11 12 13 14




RNA exam

Module 4

Module 5

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THEORETICAL COURSES Module 1 14 weeks 392 hrs C NAVIGATION - at the operational level HANDLING AND STOWAGE - at the operational level CONTROL AND OPERATE THE SHIP AND CARE FOR PERSONS ON BOARD - at the operational level MARITIME ENGLISH Total Curs / seminar TOTAL ORE GMDSS
147 -

Module 2 14 weeks 392 hrs C

168 -

Module 3 14 weeks 392 hrs C

210 -

Module 4 14 weeks 392 hrs C

42 70

Module 5 14 weeks 392 hrs C

154 -

84 -

105 -

84 -

42 28

70 1106 98

811 48










14 245 392 -

42 147 -

28 224 392 -

56 168 -

28 238 392 28

70 154 7

28 210 392 42

70 182 14

28 238 392 28

70 154 28



1960 147

1367 140

According to STCW Code, deck cadets have to perform two additional seagoing periods of 6 months each. With a total of 32 months, the Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch

Program reduces to less than 3 years the duration necessary to get the international license (comparing to the existing 5-year program, at the university level).

Model course 7.03

Total hours



5 theoretical modules, 14 weeks each, 28 hours per week (1960 hours in total), 20 months, daily courses, mandatory for all cadets, no absence allowed; 2 international voyages, 6 months each, based on the agreement convened between the College and crewing agencies or representatives of ship owners. Deck Officer Certificate awarded by the Romanian Naval Authority, upon STCW examination. Planning the voyage, conducting the ship and determining the ship position Executing a safe watch Using the radar and ARPA system for safe conducting of the ship Responding to the emergency situations at sea Executing the standard procedures in case of receiving an emergency signal at sea Using the Standard Marine Communication Phrases Sending and receiving information by visual signs Ship maneuvering Monitoring the cargo handling, stowage and securing Ensuring standards for pollution prevention Maintaining ships navigability Prevention, control and fight against fire on board Operating the life saving appliances Give the first aid on board Checking the legal conformity MANDATORY: 1. Navigation (operational level) - 1106 hours (including mathematics and physics) 2. Cargo handling and stowage (operational level) - 98 hours 3. Ship operating control and personnel safety on board 322 hours 4. Maritime English - 434 hours (for the cadets who pass the initial English language tests). OPTIONAL: 1. Maritime English 378 hours (for the cadets who didnt pass the initial English language tests).



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Seagoing period, minimum 12 months, including on board preparation, according to STCW requirements, Section A-II/1, with a program confirmed by an approved journal, or On board period, including watchkeeping service under supervision for 6 months


theoretical module, 8 weeks, 30 hours per week (240 hours in total) training onboard, 12 weeks, based on the agreement convened between the College and managers, shipping agencies or management representatives

Ordinary Seaman Certificate

Receiving / Transmitting information in English Language Using the protection equipment Learning and applying legal procedures in case of emergencies Applying the environment protection rules and regulations Preparation, verification and using of lifeboats Executing operations for keeping ship functional Executing the watch Executing maintenance on ship hull and on the equipments on board The use of cargo handling equipments Handling the ropes Maneuvering the rescue boats and life boats

Maritime English - 48 hours Maritime activities - 72 Relationship and social behaviour 24 hours Maritime legislation - 24 hours Rescue and firs aid - 40 hours Seaworthiness of the ship, prevention, control and fight against fire on board

Onboard training for minimum 12 weeks, confirmed by an evaluation report


Admission in officers programs is based on an initial three -folded evaluation examination: 1. Medical fitness 2. Mathematics 3. English language ADMISSION SCHEDULE Summer session 2010 is closed; Autumn session 2010 is closed; inter session 2010 is now open: 15-16 Dec 2010 (Deck W Officer Program only); pring session 2011 is now open: 4-5 Apr 2011 S (Deck&Mech&Electrical Officer Program); ummer session 2011 is now open: 19-20 Jul 2011 S (Deck&Mech&Electrical Officer Program); utumn session 2011 is now open: 9-10 Sep 2011 A (Deck&Mech&Electrical Officer Program); inter session 2011 is now open: 15-16 Dec 2011 W (Deck&Mech&Electrical Officer Program). NEXT ADMISSION FOR DECK OFFICER PROGRAM ntil 14 Dec 2010: on-line registration, (www. U or directly to the College; 5 Dec 2010, 09.00: medical examination; 1 6 Dec 2010, 09.00: admission tests in mathematics and 1 English language; Jan 2011, 08.00: theoretical training starts. 5 Next admission session for Deck Officers (25 seats): Spring 2011 session, 8-9 Apr 2011 NEXT ADMISSION FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING OFFICER PROGRAM ntil 7 Apr 2011: on-line registration, (www.colegiulnautic. u ro) or directly to the College; Apr 2011, 09.00: medical examination; 8 Apr 2011, 09.00: admission tests in mathematics and 9 English language; 6 Apr 2011, 08.00: theoretical training starts. 2

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DETAILS OF ADMISSION EXAMINATION: PRE - CONDITIONS At least 18 years age; High school graduation diploma; Adequate mathematics and English language knowledge. INITIAL EVALUATION: Mathematics (subjects from 9th and 10th high school grades). The test consist in 9 items with 3 alternative answers, only one correct: Allocated time: 120 minutes; Each correct answer = 1 point; This is a NO GO test, minimum grade is 5; he result could be contested in 24 hours after the result T communication. English Language test (subjects from 9th and 10th high school grades) he test consists in 9 items with 3 alternative answers, only T one correct; Allocated time: 60 minutes; Each correct answer is 1 point; It is not mandatory to pass this test; he cadets evaluated under 5 points will have an T additional Maritime English Module, consisting in 378 hours, according to IMO Course Model 3.17, section I.

The result could be contested in 24 hours after the result communication. Bibliography and samples of test for Mathematics and English Language could be downloaded from college site: ADMISSION FOR RATINGS Registration for Ordinary Seaman, Motorman and Electrician programs is continuous, with no admission evaluation. GRADUATION Graduation examination is divided into two phases: 1. graduation paper work-oral dissertation (in English language) 2. complex chartworking application - written exam Following the graduation examination, the College organizes a two-week period of intense training for the RNA license examination. SEAGOING TRAINING The Romanian Nautical College makes all possible efforts to provide apprenticeship periods to our cadets. Our College assumes the responsibility to carefully select and train our

cadets and to arrange the two 6-month seagoing periods; in this respect, our philosophy is the best, the first, encouraging cadets to train better and better in order to go at sea as soon as possible. FEES Tuition fee for the training totaly taught in English language is: Officers programs: 4000 euros the complete package. atings programs: 1000 euros the complete package. R The tuition fee covers: heoretaical training (5 modules/20 months); seagoing periods; asic Safety Training package (4 courses), plus B GMDSS course;

books; navigation instruments and charts. Although the most of our cadets pay their tuition fee prior beginning the theoretical training, we are open to the 3-step alternative, permitting cadets to pay the tuition fee as follows: 1600 euros, on the first day of module 1; 1600 euros, on the first day of module 3; 800 euros, on the first day of module 5. Worth to be noted, in the case of cadets withdrawal, the tuition fee corresponding to remaining modules will be payed back to the cadet.

1. Edited in 1999, the four IMO Model Courses (7.01, 7.02, 7.03 and 7.04) represent the references that any College in the world must respect in the training planning process, both for Operational Level and for Management Level of their graduates career. Implementing Model Courses will insure the college that competencies imposed by STCW Code will be fulfilled. For DECK DEPARTMENT: IMO Model Course 7.03 Officer in charge of a navigational watch comprises the minimum required theoretical disciplines, with the corresponding minimum resources that any College must allocate in order to allow their graduates to access the National Naval Authority official STCW examination which, if

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successful, will result in international certificate of competence, as an Officer in charge with a navigational watch. IMO Model Course 7.01 Master and Chief Mate comprises the minimum required theoretical disciplines, with the corresponding minimum resources that any College must allocate in order to allow their graduates to access the National Naval Authority official STCW examination which, if successful, will result in international certificate of competence, as a Chief Mate and, later on, Master Mariner. For ENGINE DEPARTMENT: IMO Model Course 7.04 Officer in charge of an engineering watch comprises the minimum required theoretical disciplines, with the corresponding minimum resources that any College must allocate in order to allow their graduates to access the National Naval Authority official STCW examination which, if successful, will result in international certificate of competence, as an Officer in charge of an engineering watch. IMO Model Course 7.01 Chief and Second Engineer Officer comprises the minimum required theoretical disciplines, with the corresponding minimum resources that any College must allocate in order to allow their graduates to access the National Naval Authority official STCW examination which, if successful, will result in international certificate of competence, as an Second Engineer Officer and, later on, as a Chief Engineer.

2. Training programs accreditation process is conducted in accordance to the four IMO Model Courses. Following IMO Model Course 7.03 provisions, the Romanian Nautical College was accredited for Deck Officer Program DOP (resulting in Officer in charge of a navigational watch Certificate) in September 2006. Similarly, the accreditation process for the Mech-engineering Officer Program (MOP) and Elec-Engineering Officer Program (EOP) is now under development, in accordance to IMO Model Course 7.04. As already presented in ADMISSION button, starting with Spring 2011 Session, the two programs will be available in our College. 3. How to advance to management level after 1 year at sea as OOW (Officer of the Watch)? You have to simply come back to the College and apply for IMO Model 7.01 course for Chief Mates and Masters, which will be modular (3 modules, 8 weeks each), you may easily take one module between two subsequent sea contracts. For Engine Room Department you may proceed in the same manner: The Romanian Nautical College is ready to authorize the 7.02 IMO Model Course, which will permit you to advance to Second Engineer and then to Chief Engineer.


Our strong points, comparing to other similar maritime institutions in the area: the best possible trainers for deck cadets; small number of cadets (50); high rate of cadets access to the simulation facilities; financial support for our cadets; focused curricula, containing only the courses stipulated in IMO Model Course 7.03; private environment (motivation, flexibility, openness); quality system certified by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance, the oldest and probably the best in the world; benefiting from a non-refundable 5 million euro EU project designed for professional re-conversion and human resources development (trans-national and regional project, in partnership with 3 robust institutions). LEGAL BASIS STCW Code/1995 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, London, 1978, as amended in 1995. Directive 2001/25/EC on the minimum level of training of seafarers, 4th April 2001. Ministry of Transports Order no. 1627 / 2006 - minimum level of training for Romanian seafarers and for recognition of professional certificates. Ministry of Transports Order no. 214/2007 - minimum training level for Romanian seafarers certificates non-compliant to STCW Convention.

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Concept: BrandIN Signs&Design Art Direction & Dtp: Virgil Manole Romanian Nautical College mai 2010

2nd bis Chitila P`dure Street, 077135, Mogo[oaia, Romnia Phone / Fax: (+40) 21 350 50 84; Mobile: (+40) 75 353 53 53 E-mail:;

Romanian nautical college

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