B - Idioms Set 3 Student

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University of Economics and Technology

Foreign Languages Department

Student Copy

1.Out of the frying pan into the fire:
Said when you move from a bad or difficult situation to one that is worse
Example: If you use credit cards to pay off a debt, you're jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

2. The end justifies the means:

Said about a situation in which the final aim is so important that any way of achieving it is acceptable
Example: I know you think that the end justifies the means, but stealing to feed the poor is just wrong.
3. Be lost for words:
To be so surprised, confused, or upset that you cannot think what to say
Example: Mary was lost for words when she was awarded the prize.
4. Not be born yesterday: Not to be stupid or easy to deceive
Example: You can’t fool me - I wasn't born yesterday.
5. Bury your head in the sand:
To avoid, or try to avoid, a particular situation by pretending that it does not exist
Example: Lou, you can't bury your head in the sand about your health—
please, make an appointment with your doctor and get that rash checked out!


1. Carry out: to do or complete something 1. Ring a bell: to sound familiar

Example: Example:
The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what’s The name rang a bell but I couldn’t remember
wrong with her. where I heard it.

2. Chip in: to give some money to help pay for 2. Call it a day: to stop what you are doing
something, to contribute because you do not want to do any more or think
you have done enough
The three of us chipped in and bought the boat for Example:
dad. I am getting a bit tired now. Let’s call it a day.

3. Turn in: to give something to the person who 3. Keep one’s fingers crossed: to wish for luck

University of Economics and Technology
Foreign Languages Department
Student Copy
has officially asked for it or who is in charge for someone or something, sometimes by
actually crossing one’s fingers, to hope for a
Example: good outcome
Students have to turn in a final research paper to
complete the course. Example:
I hope you win the race Saturday. I’m keeping
my fingers crossed for you.
4. Tear up: to destroy something such as 4. Have the time of my life: to have a very fun,
a piece of paper or cloth by pulling it into pieces exciting or enjoyable time (doing something)

Example: Example:
I tore up all the photos of my ex-boyfriend. I travelled to France for the first time last
summer, and I had the time of my life!

5. Stick with: to stay close to someone, or to 5. Have (someone or something) in mind: to be

continue to do something thinking of someone or something as a candidate
for something
When Stephen starts a hobby, he sticks with it Example:
until he becomes an expert. Do you have anyone in mind for the job?

EXERCISE 1: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and question in the
recording program, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should be particularly
careful with idioms and two-or three-part verbs.

1) What does the woman mean? a) He hates the bank credit agent calling
a) Being graduated is the best thing he has him.
ever done. b) He is smart enough not to believe in the
b) He should find a place before finding a bank’s offers.
job. c) He gets the woman to answer the phone.
c) Finding a job seems more difficult than d) He thinks the bank can only fool young
finding a place. people.
d) He will experience more difficult
situations in the future. 4) What does the man mean?
a) Marco went silent after calling the boss
2) What does the woman mean? stupid.
a) Mark refuses to admit that he still has b) The boss did not show any respect to
feelings for her. Marco.
b) Mark went to holiday and enjoyed the c) The boss was too shocked to say a
sand. word.
c) Laura hasn’t talked to him since they d) It was the first time Marco had been
met at the pub. disrespectful.
d) Laura doesn’t want to face her feelings
towards Mark.

5) What does the man mean?

3) What does the man mean? a) The way she prepared her surprise was risky.

University of Economics and Technology
Foreign Languages Department
Student Copy
b) People should do everything to achieve a) They couldn’t afford to buy a boat.
what they want. b) They didn’t have money, but her
c) The end is always more important than mother helped them to buy.
the steps. c) They wanted to buy a boat, but it
d) Pam was upset that she broke up on was too expensive.
Valentine’s Day. d) Each of them gave some money
6) What does the woman mean? and bought the boat together.
a) She broke her desk and threw all the
books. 9) What does the man mean?
b) She focused on the documents on her a) He stops working on the paper, because
desk. he doesn’t have time.
c) She burnt all the documents and books b) He doesn’t agree with the woman about
that Jacob gave her. collecting data.
d) There has been some damage on c) He does his best to submit the
documents and books. assignment on time.
d) He already finished and submitted his
7) What does the man mean? assignment.
a) He warns her to be careful about the
people around her. 10) What does the man mean?
b) He is relieved that she has some people a) Sarah will complete the project instead
that she can feel close to. of her.
c) He wants to hear more about her friends. b) She is not sure if they will be able to
d) He thinks it is not easy to make friends finish the project on time.
in London. c) She thinks she will accomplish the task
on time thanks to Sarah’s support.
d) She is happy to have him and Sarah
8) What does the woman mean? in her team.

EXERCISE 2: Fill in the gaps with the correct expression. Make necessary grammatical

Call it a day Have the time of one’s life Ring a bell

Keep one’s fingers crossed Have in mind

1) Whenever I see a bee, it ____________________. I remember the day when I was stung
by one.
2) We have looked over a lot of documents. I am about to pass out here. Why don’t we
3) Alice and Frankie went to Maldives for their honeymoon. They keep saying they
4) I don’t know why this candidate constantly calls me and leaves messages. I’ve already
told him I ____________________his application ____________________.
5) My sister has applied to Columbia University. She is very nervous, and looking forward
to getting the final decision by the university. We all need to ____________________.

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