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TOBB University of Economics and

Foreign Languages Department


PART A. Choose the option that is grammatically correct.

1. Alice: Are you happy about living in Istanbul, d) a few

John: I have ....... friends in Istanbul, so I feel lonely 7. John works ........ hours every day, which
from time to time. is why he always comes home late.

a) a few a) any
b) many b) little
c) few c) much
d) lots of d) a lot of

2. There is ........ evidence that he is guilty, so I'm sure 8. Although ....... parts of the lawn are
he will be found innocent by the judge. open to the sun, there are ....... of shade
trees to make it comfortable.
a) plenty of
b) several a) many/plenty
c) a couple of b) little/ a lot
d) little c) a lot of/ little
d) several/ few
3. There were .........vegetables at home, so I didn't
buy any when I went shopping. 9. We're close to the project deadline, and
there is ....... time left.
a) lots of
b) much a) few
c) a bit of b) a couple of
d) few c) several
d) little
4. There is ......... of concern about underage drinking
in our country. 10. ....... sheep escaped from Farmer Gile's
a) a lot field last week, and so far, only .......of
b) a few them has been found.
c) a little a) several / one
d) many b) many / a few
c) some / little
5. We didn't bring anything to eat but, fortunately, d) a little / plenty
we've got ......... of food from yesterday.
a) much 11. Unfortunately, our local library had
b) plenty ....... books on the subject, so I’m going to
c) a few the city library tomorrow hoping to find
d) several more.

6. Although she is very weak, she did not take ....... a) x

medicine. b) many
a) many c) few
b) any d) a bit of
c) some
TOBB University of Economics and
Foreign Languages Department

12. If we don't move faster, we'll miss our 14. Sarah took ...... books with her while
transfer to Munich. There isn't ....... time to going on holiday but she read only a few
waste. of them during her stay.

a) little a) much
b) any b) an
c) many c) plenty
d) few d) a lot of

13. With hard work and ...... luck nothing can 15. Although there are ....... brilliant
stop you in your way to success. students in this state, only a few will
choose to remain in the state after
a) little graduation.
b) a little
c) plenty a) lots
d) few b) much
c) many
d) few

PART B. Fill in the gaps with A, AN, THE if necessary.

16. Yesterday, I bought ....... blouse and ....... skirt. .......... blouse was reasonably cheap, but .......... skirt was rather

17. I found ......... gold chain on ......... seat at New Castle restaurant where I work. We haven't found out who it
belongs to yet.

18. ......... old people are usually looked after by their children in our country.

19. Tom bought ........... small house in the country after his retirement, and is now living there.

20. ............ newly married couple moved into the flat next to ours last week. ........... man looks over fifty and ............
woman can't be more than forty-five.

21. Once upon a time, there was .......... green and beautiful planet. It was .......... third planet out from ......... sun in
stellar system in ...... remote part of the galaxy. Members of the Galactic Council knew that ......... planet was
between 4 and 5 billion years old, but no one was sure exactly how long life had existed there.

22. ........ laptops generally cost more than ........... desktop computers of similar qualifications even though their
performance is usually lower.

23. She served us .......... meat and ........... rice at the dinner last night. ........... rice was really delicious but .............. meat
wasn't very well-cooked.

24. Sarah was reading ........... book which I'd given her when I went to see her.

25. ........ earth is becoming hotter because of .......... hole in the ozone layer.

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