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Wesleyan University-Philippines

Mabini Ext., Cabanatuan City

Ethics 7 10/27/2023

Summary on Brainstorming Session

This is the summarization from the previous discussion that happened during the brainstorming
session that took place:

From the first question stated the belief of Aquinas that acting according to the natural
inclination of one is something sort of virtuous while acting opposite of it displays a vicious act
from the person. Three subquestion fall in Question number one; the first one stated whether
their relationship, in this case the Polyamorous relations, is natural. First one stated that
perhaps it is natural, for open relationships as such as there can be circumstances for people to
share intimate relationships with multiple people. However, some think otherwise as it was out
of the norm especially in our own homeland. Considering that the Philippines is such a
conservative country that is mostly dominated by morality based on religion and even without
religion is a question, the country is mostly dominated by people who believe in the sanctity of
marriages between one man and a woman. It is out of the normal sight for people to know that
two or more people share the same intimacy and romantic inclination within one another,
certainly not a topic mostly touched in terms of society.

The second sub question asked whether what does it mean for an activity to be unnatural or
what makes an activity unnatural. Our opinions are divided yet we arrived at the same
conclusion. For instance, to make an activity unnatural, it means going against the natural law
or what is against natural law; for subjected actions such as murder, theft, etc. In this instance, it
is questioned whether polyamorous relationships are unnatural. Based on our discussion, it
deeply depends solely on the person or people involved within that relationship. If we were to
weigh it out on the natural law, as according to that thought and from them; their relationship is
somewhat natural and no questions be asked. However, the same cannot be said from other
people’s perspective, as discussed earlier; not all of us share the same sentiment as the topic of
polyamorous relation is an alienated topic within our society.
An activity is unnatural if it is illegal, that’s the point as after all; human history based the
morality of justice according to the natural law. Consent is a must to every party, even if one is in
an open relationship, out of respect to your partner and the law itself. To enter into a
polyamorous relationship without the consent of one or even one going against it is downright
wrong and if anything, an act of infidelity. One more example is taking in spouses or partners of
improper age; as some may tend to know, child marriages are a thing most frowned upon yet a
culture to some; most specially as taking them in as one of their many partners.

The third sub question, as we see it, is whether if something is labeled unnatural is a justification
to call that activity as morally wrong? As we see fit and in accords to the natural law, yes; our
own morality is based in our own inherent values and not bridled to any customs or culture, not
even religion; however, due to the fact that polyamory is not a much touched topic nor is it a
celebrated subject, it is seen a morally wrong for people that grew upon the hindsight of
monogamous relationship, believing in the sanctity of a relation to stay and be shared upon two
people of the opposite gender. As crass as this sounds, same sex relationship isn’t
acknowledged; what more to things such as polyamory and polygamy?

The second and final question centers about the moral status of different relationship
spectrums, about how specific we should be about our thoughts and opinions about them, and
whether we should separate our questions to each relationship. In our perspective, we should
be specifically exclusive about our question when pertaining to different kinds of relationships.
Out of respect for people and their preferences. Some people may see some question entirely
different and may come off as offensive and crass all while if the same question was asked on
the other side, it may come off as normal. It is bound out of respect for people who may seem to
have different perspectives.

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