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• General project management life cycle consist of 4 distinct phases as 1) Project initiation

2) Project Planning 3) Project Execution and 4)______________

• Project closure
• A project ___________creates damages or adverse effects to either project activities or to
project deliverables
• Failure b) Undertaken c) Risk☑️d)Analysis
• Risks Originating due to interest rate fluctuations or poor investment proposals or
mistakes in accounts/Audits are known as ___________
• Financial risks☑️b) Economic risks c) Marketing risks d) Legal Risks
• Risks originating due to non availability of man power or shortage of man power inter
group politics etc are known as _____________
• Social risks b) Human risks c) Political risks d) Operation risks.
• Sensitivity analysis ,scenario analysis, and simulation analysis are called
a ) Marketing b) Advertising c) Risk assessment d) Project Monitoring
• _____________ is called a condition where in construction or manufacturing project does
not complete well within its prescribed or allocated time schedule
a)cost overrun b) time analysis c) Time over Run d) time estimate
7) __________is called condition where in construction or manufacturing project does not
complete well within its described or allocated budget cost
a)cost overrun b) time analysis c) Time over Run d) time estimate
8) Project administration can be thought in terms of___________
i) Project planning ii)Project Execution iii)Project management iv) Project Administrator.
a) project administration b) Project Execution c) none of the above d) all of the above
9) “Project work system” and “project control system” are 2 component systems
a) project work b) project planning c) project management d) project execution

10) Preparation of project charts gives rise to ____________

a) project manual b) project plan c) WBS d) PEP
11) WBS,PEP and PMM are the tools used to design ______________
a) Project plan b) project Diary c) project work system d) project direction
12) Project team usually consist of___________
i) Project manager ii) project stakeholder iii) project advisors iv) process facilitators
a) None of the above b)project advisor c) all of the above d) project manager
13) Project Team types include_____________
i)Initial project team ii) core project team iii) full project team
a) All of the above B) none of the above c) Initial and full project team d)core project
14) PEP consist of_____________ sub plans.
i) Constructions plan ii)work packing plan iii ) Organizational plan iv) systems and
procedure plan
a)None of the above b) all of the above c) organization plan d)work packing plan
15) Contract management , fund and time management components are examples
a) systems and procedure b) work c) contract d) project
16) Instructions to handle project activities as per the terms of contract are recorded and
available in________.
a) Project Diary b) project plan c) project direction d) project procedure manual
17) All ongoing activities of project like meetings held ,decisions etc date wise are available
and recorded in_____________.
a) PPE Manual b) project diary c) WBS d)PEP
18) Project execution system will be in the form of i) Project control ii) project coordination
iii) project communication iv) project organization
a) None of the above b) project control c) all of the above d) project coordination
19) __________ Is required while handling simultaneous project activities
a) Project coordination b) scheduling c) project direction d) project diary
20) __________ Illustrate total project work into divisions of major work packages.
a)PERT b)CPM c) WBS d) PEP

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