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Term End Examination May/June 2024-25
Class: IX Time Allowed: 3Hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages
1. Read the following text. 10M
1. Every event a person sees, and every noise he hears are in every instance a part of a life that
has been created for him as a unit. Whether major or insignificant, no event in the universe
happens by coincidence. No flower blooms or fades by chance. No man comes into existence or
dies out of pure coincidence. No man becomes sick by mistake and neither does his sickness
develop in an uncontrolled manner. In each case these occurrences are especially predestined by
God, from the very moment they were created.
2. Destiny is something that you have been creating unconsciously. You can also create it
consciously. You can rewrite it; all that we do in the form of a spiritual process is just that. If you
can touch the core within you, if you can experience that the source of creation is within you and
then shift your whole focus on yourself, you can rewrite your own destiny. This is true as far as I
3. All the time your focus is scattered because what you consider as ‘myself is your house, your
car, your wife, your children, your education, your position and you’re other identities. If I strip
you of all these things, including your body and mind, which are just accumulations, you will feel
like a nobody.
4. Once you become a true individual, your destiny is yours. Individual comes from ‘indivisible’
– it cannot be divided any more. It cannot be here and there. Why people in the spiritual process,
who are in a hurry for spiritual growth, are not getting into marriage, children and relationships,
is because the moment you have a wife or a husband, you fall into a trap. ‘Me’ gets identified
with the others. The significance of Sanyasi and Brahmacharya is just shifting your focus on you.
When I say ‘you’, it is just ‘you’, not your body or mind.
5. If you are unable to be like that, you just choose one identity. When you say ‘you’, make it you
and your Guru. You attach yourself to the Guru without any hesitation because you can get as
entangled as you want with him but he is not going to get entangled. The moment you are ‘ripe’
you can drop the attachment. With other relationships, it is never so. Even if you want to get free,
the others will not let you go.
6. So, just create a longing to grow, to dissolve, to know. What has to happen will happen? Once
you become an individual, your destiny becomes yours. Once your destiny is happening in
awareness, the next step will happen by itself, because life within you has the intelligence to
choose freedom.
i. Answer any ten of the following questions: [1]
The greatest lesson being taught by the author is that
(a) Destiny can be changed and re-written if one focuses on one's surroundings.
(b) Destiny can never be changed by selfish people like Sanyasis and Brahmacharyas.

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(c) Every person creates their own destiny.
(d) Every person's destiny is already set in stone by God.
ii. Which of the following sentences from the above passage is not an example of 'happenstance"? [1]
(a) "This is true as far as I know."
(b) "Once you become a true individual, your destiny is yours."
(c) "What has to happen will happen."
(d) "No man becomes sick by mistake and neither does his sickness develop in an uncontrolled
iii. (a) Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘trival’. [1]
(b) Find the word from the passage which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘material’.
iv. "The moment you are ripe you can drop the attachment. [1]
'Ripe in the above expression has been used as a metaphor. Ripe stands for
(a) Developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.
(b) having arrived at the fitting stage or time for a particular action or purpose
(c) Having reached a stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult.
(d) Used euphemistically to describe someone middle-aged or old.
v. Study the following statements [1]
(A)When one becomes a true individual, their destiny is theirs.
(B) Individual comes from 'indivisible' - it cannot be divided any more.
(a) (A) is right (B) is wrong
(b) (B) is right (A) is wrong
(c) Both (A) and (B) are right and (A) was the conclusion
(d) Both (A) and (B) are right and (A) was not the conclusion
vi. Select the qualities from the passage that the author wants us to imbibe. [1]
(1) Atheist
(2) Anti-social
(3) Individualistic
(4) Introspective
(5) Confining
(a) 1, 3 and 4
(b) 1, 3 and 5
(c) 2, 4 and 5
(d) 3 and 4
vii. Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage. [1]
(a) When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the
disturbance going on around you. (Stephen Richards)
(b) To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. (Lao Tzu)
(c) It is not until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are, not necessarily a religious
feeling, but deep down, the spirit within, that you can begin to take control. (Oprah Winfrey)
(d) You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There
is no other teacher, but your own soul. (Swami Vivekananda)
viii What qualities do the Sanyasis and Brahmacharyas imbibe on their quest of spiritual growth? [1]
ix According to the passage, which practice shifts your focus to yourself? [1]
x State whether the following statements are True or False: [1]
(a) People, who are in the spiritual process, are in a hurry for spiritual growth.
(b) From the very moment they were created, occurrences are predestined by God.
xi On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following: (1 x 4 = 4) [1]
(a) Each event is ………. by God.
(i) ignored

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(ii) overlooked
(iii) pre-decided
(iv) performed
xii Destiny is created by us ………. [1]
(i) consciously
(ii) unconsciously
(iii) both (i) & (ii)
(iv) none of these
2. Read the following text. 10M
1. India has already commissioned two nuclear power stations, one at Tarapur and the other at
Rana Pratap Sagar. Each one has the installed capacity of producing 420 M. W. of electricity.
Two other stations, one at Narora and the other at Kalpakkam, are operational. This energy will
be able to meet the power shortage throughout the country. lf industries work at their full capacity,
production will be higher and so per capita income will increase and inflation will be neutralised.
2. With the help of controlled nuclear explosions, artificial dams can be made. In fact for building
a dam there should be two huge mountain walls enclosing a deep valley just near the course of a
river. These conditions are not available at all the places. So with the help of controlled nuclear
explosions mountains can be blown up. This can also help in laying roads in the mountainous
areas. In fact, some of the borders of India have mountainous terrain and the movement of the
army is quite difficult. So even for the sake of national security it is necessary to have roads in
those areas.
3. With the help of radiation the shelf life of vegetables and fruits can be increased. In the tropical
countries like India, it is necessary that the perishable fruit stuffs are preserved for a long time.
Radiation can check the sprouting of onions and potatoes which are much in demand in foreign
Similarly, fruits like bananas and mangoes which have much export potential can be preserved
for a very long time. The texture and taste of the fruit do not undergo any change.
4. Nuclear technology can also be harnessed for medical purposes. It is said that radioactive iodine
is used for detecting the disease of the thyroid glands. Similarly, India has been able to prepare,
with the help of UN experts, radiated vaccine which can immunise sheep from lungworm disease,
which used to take a heavy toll of sheep every year.
5. Properly processed nuclear fuel is also used for artificial satellites in space. Weather satellites
can predict cyclones and the rainfall with extreme accuracy. Communication satellites can help
in conveying the message to very long distances. In a huge country like India, communication
satellites are necessary.
6. Radiation is also used for preparing the mutant seeds. Many varieties of rice and some cereals
have been prepared at Tarapur laboratory. This will increase our agricultural production and help
India to become economically better off. So for India it is necessary to make peaceful uses of
nuclear energy.

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i. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the following questions. [1]
Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
1. With the help of controlled nuclear explosions, artificial dams can be made.
2. With the help of radiation, the shelf life of vegetables and fruits can be increased.
(a) (1) is the result of (2)
(b) (1) is the reason for (2)
(c) (1) is independent of (2)
(d) (1) is true (2) is false
ii. In the line, "...has already commissioned", the word 'commissioned'. DOES NOT refer to [1]
(a) be opened or established
(b) create something new
(c) a rank conferred by a commission
(d) Bring (something newly produced) into working condition.
iii. Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the uses of nuclear [1]
1. Creation of artificial dams
2. Development of space theories
3. Increasing shelf life of food
4. Mutation of different flowers
5. Medical facilities
6. Weather predictions
(a) 1,3 and 6 (b) 2,4 and 5
(c) 1,3,5 and 6 (d) Only 5
iv. Which of the following is a use of weather satellite? [1]
(a) Predicting average temperature
(b) Predicting rainfall and cyclones with accuracy
(c) Predicting heat waves
(d) Predicting ozone gaps
v. Which of the following are the medicinal purposes of nuclear technology? [1]
(a) Creation of vaccine for sheep against lungworm disease
(b) Detection of the disease of the thyroid glands
(c) Creation of small pox vaccines
(d) Both (a) and (b)
vi. Radiation is helpful in ________ [1]
vii Which of the following fruits can be preserved for a very long time? [1]
(a) Bananas
(b) Mangoes

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(c) Apricots
(d) Both (a) and (b)
viii India is building nuclear power stations to [1]
. (a) become rich (b) become self-reliant
(c) increase industrial production (d) help the poor
ix What is being prepared at Tarapur laboratory? [1]
x State whether the following statements are True or False: [1]
(a) Communication satellites help in conveying the message to short distances.
(b) The texture and taste of the fruits undergo chemical changes when radiated.
xi Coal, another source of energy, cannot be extracted commercially because [1]
(a) it lies very deep
(b) the cost of extraction is very high
(c) it lies very deep and the cost of extraction is very high
( d) it is risky for the miners to extract it
xii India needs nuclear energy in order to [1]
(a) gain status in the community of nations
(c) increase her might
(b) meet her power shortage
(d) frighten the hostile countries
3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 1X10
i. Fill in the blank with the correct tense: [1]
The chief guest , with his wife,______
a. has left
b. have left
c. are leaving
d. left
ii. Identify the tense used in the tense used in the sentence: [1]
While he was in the military, he still regularly wrote to me.

a. simple past tense

b. past perfect tense
c. simple present tense
d. past perfect continuous tense
iii By the next month, we shall __________ the project. [1]

a. has completed
b. completing
c. completed
d. have completed
iv Identify the tense used in the following sentence. “When I reached the bookstore, all the copies [1]
had already been sold.”
a. Past perfect tense
b. Past indefinite tense
c. Present perfect tense
d. Present indefinite tense
v Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line: [1]

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As a true patriot, I ………………lay down my life for my motherland.
(a) might
(b) could
(c) will
(d) should
vi. Choose the correct option: [1]
I ____ appreciate your presence there.
a. Can
b. Will have
c. Should
d. Would
vii. You really______ stop driving so fast or you’ll have an accident. (obligation) [1]
a. Can
b. Will
c. Have to
d. must
viii Choose the correct modal verb to go in the gap. [1]
.__________ Anybody attend the lecture or is it just for registered students?
a. Will
b. Can
c. Must
d. could
ix Choose the correct modal verb for each of these sentences. [1]
Lindsay watched the movie in French and ________ understand very much of it.
a. didn't have to
b. can't
c. couldn't
x. Reported speech: [1]
“I get up every morning at seven o’clock”, Peter said.

a) Peter said he got up every morning at seven o’clock.

b) Peter said I got up every morning at seven o’clock.
c) Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o’clock.
d) None of these.
xi. Susan said, “I am going to the store”. This sentence into Reported Speech becomes: Susan said [1]
that she … to the store.

a) going
b) am going
c) was going
xii She said, “Bring a glass of water, please.” [1]
a. She commands me to bring a glass of water.
b. She requested me to bring a glass of water.
c. She asked me to bring a glass of water.
d. She ordered me to bring her a glass of water.

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4. Describe your best friend in 100-120 words. 5
4.B Last Summer vacation you went to your friend’s native place. His grandmother looked after you
as if you were her grandchild. Describe her in 100-120 words.
5. Write a short story in 100 – 120 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title 5
A to the story.
Sathish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in
the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened … ……
5.B You found a collared cat wandering near your home. It was searching for food and looked scared.
Write a diary entry expressing your feelings about it.
6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
A. Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed 17 May 2157, she
Wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!” It was a very old book. Margie’s grandfather once
said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all
Stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it
was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were
Supposed to — on a screen, you know. And then when they turned back to the page before,
it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.. ( The Fun they Had )
i. Tommy left while carrying the _____________ book under his arm. 1
a. Torn
b. Dusty
c. Imaginary
d. Both B and C
ii. Margie claims that schools were ________ in earlier times. 1
a. Big
b. Brown
c. Funny
d. Stupid
iii. Whose father knew as much as a teacher? 1
a. Tommy
b. Margie
c. Blair
d. Evelyn
iv. How many different subjects are covered in this chapter? 1
v. “Why would anyone write about school”. Who said this? 1
a. Tommy
b. Margie
c. Mrs. Jones

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d. Blair
B. She never looked back from that point onwards. She toured the United Kingdom with a youth
orchestra and by the time she was sixteen, she had decided to make music her life. She auditioned
for the Royal Academy of Music and scored one of the highest marks in the history of the academy.
She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo performances. At the end of her three-year course,
she had captured most of the top awards..( The sound of Music )
i. Why did these men give trouble to Evelyn? 1
a. Evelyn couldn’t read their eyes
b. Evelyn couldn’t read their lips
c. Evelyn couldn’t read their smile
d. They spoke very low
ii. When did Evelyn start to feel like life was so dark? 1
a. When she was told to enrol in a deaf school
b. When instructed to use hearing aids and enrol in a deaf school
c. Whenever she didn’t do well on the test
d. When she failed in her music audition
iii. What did Ron Forbes advice Evelyn to do? 1
a. To score well in the exam
b. To play the guitar
c. To hear the music using the body’s other organs rather than the ears
d. To travel the world
iv. Who is the renowned percussionist who praised Evelyn? 1
a. James Brown
b. James Blades
c. James Horn
d. James Woodson
v. Which foreign languages did Evelyn learn? 1
a. French
b. Chinese
c. Basic Japanese
d. Both A and C
7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
“Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.”( The road not Taken)

i. How was the other road? 1

A) It was as fair as the first one, but more grassy and less used.
B) It was as grassy as the first one.
C) It was equally used as the first one.
D) It also diverged at one point.
ii. The second road presented a better claim than the first because : 1
A) It has been used by many travelers.
B) It was still grassy and had not been used by many travelers.

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C) It was more beautiful than the first one.
D) It had less bends in it.
iii. The rhyme scheme of the given lines is : 1
A) abaab
B) aabb
C) abab
D) abba
iv. In what sense were the two roads similar : 1
A) Both the roads were equally grassy and worn out.
B) Both the roads were appealing to the poet.
C) Both the roads led to the same destination.
D) Both the roads were unattractive.
v. Who is the poet of this poem? 1
A) James
B) William James
C) William Wordsworth
D) Robert Frost
B. You're very clever at poking fun at weaklings. 1
Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,
crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,
crumbling hearts-
The wind god winnows and crushes them all. ( Wind )
i. "You're very clever ". Who is very clever? 1
(a) The reader
(b) The poet
(c) The wind
(d) The weaklings
ii. Who are weaklings? 1
(a) They are weak and decaying men and things
(b) Plants and animals
(c) School-going children
(d) Domestic animals
iii. Who winnows and crushes whom? 1
(a) The wind winnows and crushes the weak and decaying men and things.
(b) The powerful people crush the weak.
(c) Men crush one another.
(d) None of the above.
iv. Is the fun poked by the wind kind or cruel? 1
(a) The fun poked by the wind is kind.
(b) It is cruel.
(c) It is neither kind nor cruel.
(d) It is cruel and kind both.
v What is the attitude of the wind towards men and his things? 1
(a) The wind is kind to weak men and their week things.
(b) The wind likes to be friends with weak men and their weak things.
(c) The wind does not care for weak men and things. He crushes them all.

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(d) None of the above.
8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. 4X3=12
i. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music? Why was she nervous on 3
her way to the academy?
ii. What does the poet say the wind god winnows? 3
iii. What is the theme of the poem The Road Not Taken? 3
iv. What is the impact of the tinkle of the raindrops on the poet’s heart? 3
v. Did Margie like the printed book? Why/Why not? 3
9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2X3=6
i. How did the mother distract the child’s mind from the toy seller? 3
ii. How many pets did the author’s grandfather have? Where were they kept? 3
iii. What happened when the little child entered the grove? How did he enjoy there? 3
10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1X6=6
A. Imagine yourself to be Kezia. Write a diary entry expressing your feeling for being beaten and
punished for tearing your father’s great speech. ( 100-120) words
B. The wind is a symbol of power and strength. How can we befriend it and survive in our struggle
for existence?
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1X6=6
A Imagine you are the grandfather who owns a private zoo in the chapter “Adventures of Toto”.
Write a diary entry expressing your feelings on selling Toto?
B. When does the child realize that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been

********************************The End*******************************

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