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The 5th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2015

Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaúi, Romania, November 19-21, 2015

Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence in Medical

Adriana ALBU1, Loredana STANCIU2
Affiliation 1: Automation and Applied Informatics Department, Politehnica University Timiúoara,
Timiúoara, România,
Affiliation 2: Automation and Applied Informatics Department, Politehnica University Timiúoara,
Timiúoara, România,

Abstract − Medicine is a domain where predictions are very they bring to medical decision-making. There are also
important. This paper encourages the use of artificial discussed some weak points of each mechanism; it is
intelligence (AI) as technological support for decision-making in necessary to underline them in order to determine the most
medical life. Not because the human intelligence would not be
enough, but because the mechanisms of artificial intelligence
suitable AI method for a specific task. The mechanisms that
have several benefits that are suitable for this area. These are described in this paper are applied to decisional systems
positive features come as a result of combining two strong developed for liver’s diseases in order to emphasize the
qualities in the same systems: the precision of mathematics and features of these mechanisms [6]. Some of these features
the power of current technologies. It would be a real waste to (advantages or disadvantages) can be found in the domain’s
ignore them. literature and they are evidenced by the decisional systems
presented here. Some others have been noticed once these
Keywords − decision-making, inference, Bayes theorem,
prediction. systems were developed.

First of all, a decisional system is not intended to replace
Artificial intelligence domain contains mechanisms that
the physicians (however, it would be impossible). It only
behave in a way considered intelligent if a human would act
makes suggestions. The final medical decision belongs to
so [2]. The work in AI field started after the Second World
humans. But some automatic systems are useful for two
War; therefore, it is a new field beside other domains of
important reasons:
science, an area that can still be exploited by the researches.
⎯ to avoid simple, usual things that are time
The mechanisms of this field can be successfully used to
consuming and overload the medical stuff with a
solve problems connected to a large variety of applications
lot of activities that could be easily performed by
that need to have an intelligent behavior. This behavior can
a machine (for instance, to verify if the medical
be related to the capacity of perception and learning, to the
features of a patient recommend that person for a
ability to make decisions (e.g. in a game, when a car must be
certain job, or to predict when is the optimal time
driven, when a medical diagnosis or a treatment scheme must
to supply the store for a specific medicine);
be set) or to other aspects that involve intelligent reasoning.
⎯ to point out medical conditions which can be
The intelligent reasoning is a feature of human beings. The
hardly detected by humans; a suggestion or an
artificial intelligence comes with a rationalist approach. This
alert can make the difference between life and
doesn’t mean that the human approach is irrational [3], but
death (for instance, to detect some cancerous cells
there are a lot of other mechanisms that should be involved.
in an image, or to predict the risk of a genetic
These mechanisms are part of mathematics (including logic
and probabilities) and engineering and they are using the
A medical decision-making system can benefit of some
power of computer science. Therefore, this lead to the main
important advantages of technology: it is not perturbed by
benefit of artificial intelligence: it creates tools that should
causes that are specific to human beings (stress, fatigue,
function better than humans.
reduced attention), it has a superior speed, it is efficient, it can
However, even if technology provides power and speed,
be repeated, it can quickly store huge amounts of data being
features that exceed the human ability to perform calculation,
able to make complex connections between them. These
the technology is far away from the human judgment. For this
systems can select or can generate important data, very useful
reason, humans are still the best standard for the intelligent
for the physicians.
systems [1].
This paper presents several mechanisms from the large
domain of artificial intelligence, emphasizing the benefits

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The artificial intelligence domain provides a large variety
of solutions for problems that require reasoning. This paper
presents two approaches suitable for medical predictions: a
knowledge-based system that involves logic and a system
based on probabilistic reasoning.
A. The Knowledge-Based Solution
This approach comes to implement the human process of
reasoning applied to a representation of knowledge. The most
important part of this type of decisional systems is the
knowledge base. It consists of a set of sentences that are
related, but not identical, to the sentences of a natural
language [3]. Here comes the first advantage of knowledge-
based systems: knowledge representation using a language
that is very close to the natural one makes them easy to Fig. 1. Structure of the knowledge-based system
understand and easy to create.
Therefore, this mechanism represents the things that an representation – Fig. 1). The nodes (vertices) of the graph
automated decisional system should know in order to contain knowledge pieces or logical operators. An arc (edge)
generate a solution to the problem it was developed for. The connects a pair of nodes and carries a truth value.
example presented here comes from medical diagnosis [6]. Unfortunately, a problem can be expected here: the graph
This area is very suitable for the use of automated prediction becomes too complex if the task that must be solved implies
systems; it needs a suggestion regarding a conclusion (this many interconnected premises (many data with complex
case, a diagnosis) starting from well-defined prior states. The connections). Another weak point is that sometimes it is
initial information constitutes the system’s premises. These difficult to express the logic that should be used by the
are connected through logical operators, creating the system’s system to draw its conclusions. It is also possible to encounter
rules. one more problem: the information content could be damaged
The aim of the knowledge-based system presented here is when the natural knowledge is transformed into rules [5].
to diagnose three different types of hepatitis: B, B+D and C. However, this type of decisional system still has the main
The premises follow the values of some laboratory tests that advantage that it is easy to be implemented for a knowledge
analyze three markers involved into these diseases: AgHBs, base with simple rules. The results it offers are very clear;
anti-VHD and anti-VHC. These markers can be positive or using logic, it decides whether the output is true or false. And
negative; therefore, they have a binary representation and the it has also a great chance to be accepted by those who are
premises have a truth value (true or false). It thus fulfills an involved in the medical field because its mathematical
important requirement of such systems: that premises must be support is closely related to the natural language, offering a
standardized [4]. high level of trust to the medical stuff who use it.
In order to create the rules for this system, the following A discussion around a mechanism from artificial
logical connectives have been used [3]: intelligence domain is not completed without presenting the
⎯ ¬ – not (negation) – unary operator; accuracy of the system described. This is a measure of the
⎯ ∧ – and (conjunction) – binary operator; results’ precision. The simple system, which was presented
⎯ ∨ – or (disjunction) – binary operator; here, always produces a correct result; it is obvious, for
⎯ Ÿ – implies (implication or conditional) – it needs instance, that if the marker AgHBs is positive, then the
some premises and produces a conclusion; it is hepatitis B virus is present. But if the graph becomes too
also known as rule or if-then statement. complex, then unexpected results can be encountered.
The following rules have been created for the decisional
B. The Probabilistic Reasoning
When the information that should be represented by the
AgHBs ∧ ¬ anti-VHD Ÿ Hepatitis B
decisional system is too complex to use a knowledge-based
AgHBs ∧ anti-VHD Ÿ Hepatitis B+D
solution, the probabilistic approach can be a choice for the
¬ AgHBs ∧ anti-VHC ŸHepatitis C
problem. For example, once a patient is diagnosed with
These rules can be written in sentences closer to the natural
hepatitis B, his medical investigations continue. The problem
language this way:
that rises is connected to the evolution of the patient’s
if AgHBs and not anti-VHD then Hepatitis B
medical condition. There are three evolutionary types of this
if AgHBs and anti-VHD then Hepatitis B+D
disease (usual, with relapses and with de-compensations) and
if not AgHBs and anti-VHC then Hepatitis C
six severity levels (easy, medium, serious, prolonged,
In fact, the knowledge base has an oriented graph
cholestasis and comatose). It would be very useful to have
structure [4], and the system becomes clearer (having a visual

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some predictions regarding the evolution of the patient during the patient’s medical status and to his evolution. If other
the treatment, but unfortunately the influence of premises features must be added to the database, a physician should
(symptoms and laboratory tests results) on the patient’s analyze them in order to decide which will be their
evolution is difficult to be represented in clear rules as those standardized form.
that are required by a knowledge-based system. As (1) shows, Bayes’ theorem expresses a probability
The solution could be provided by statistical methods. based on three other probabilities. This choice could be
Thus, in a database will be stored all the standardized considered a disadvantage, but it is useful in practice, because
premises for as many patients as possible. Then, for a new the three probabilities can be easily calculated, as (2) to (6)
patient, the database is processed by statistical methods in demonstrate. This is because the probability in the causal
order to calculate the probability of each evolutionary type direction (p(S|Dk)) is more evident than the probability in the
and severity level of hepatitis B. Therefore, the solution diagnosis direction (p(Dk|S)) [3].
offered by this method is more accurate compared to the The probability p(Dk) is very simple to be calculated (and
previous one (based on logic), which establishes whether a (2) proves this). It is the frequency of a disease in the
statement is true or false. The statistical approach associates a statistical population Ω (in fact the number of records r that
probability to each possible output [6]. have the diagnosis Dk equal to 1).
One of the most suitable methods used in decisional cardinal{r ∈ Ω | Dk ( x) = 1}
systems that implement probabilistic reasoning is Bayes’ p ( Dk ) = (2)
cardinal Ω
theorem. It is a formula with conditional probabilities and (1)
The probability p(S|Dk) is calculated assuming the
presents it [4].
conditional independence of all symptoms for a disease Dk.
p ( S | Dk ) ⋅ p( Dk ) This is an important restriction that Bayes’ theorem imposes
p( Dk | S ) = (1)
p( S ) and sometimes it is difficult to fulfill it. In (3), which
This theorem describes the connection between two events calculates this probability, n is the number of symptoms
Dk and S, Dk being a diagnosis (among many possible stored as binary values in the input vector S (34 for this case),
diseases) from available evidence S, which here is a vector and σi is a symptom.
that stores the patient’s symptoms and laboratory test results n n
p(σ i , Dk )
in a standardized form (binary values). Some of the patient’s p( S | Dk ) = ∏ p(σ i | Dk ) = ∏ p ( Dk )
features have a binary form from the beginning: sex (M/F), i =1 i =1
living conditions (town/village), had contact with other The probability p(σi,Dk) is called compound probability
infected persons (yes/no), made transfusions during the last and means that both events σi and Dk happen at the same time
twelve months, made injected treatments during the last (a patient with the symptom σi also has the disease Dk). This
months and a lot of symptoms or subjective signs (anorexia, probability, calculated by (4), is the frequency of σi and Dk in
nausea, queasiness, asthenia, fever, hyperchrome urine, the statistical population Ω (number of records r that have
tegument jaundice, arthralgia, myalgia, skin eruption). Other these two parameters equal to 1).
features must be processed in order to decide whether they cardinal{r ∈ Ω | Dk (r ) = 1,σ i (r ) = 1}
p(σ i , Dk ) = (4)
belong to a particular range or not: cardinal Ω
⎯ Age, a feature that was divided into four intervals
The last probability, p(S), is calculated considering that the
(< 20 years old / [20, 30) / [30, 45) / > 45).
diseases are mutually exclusive (only one disease is present at
Therefore, a patient that is 34 years old will have
a moment) and that it is sure that one disease is present. This
the following binary values stored in the fields
restriction is not a problem for the example presented here,
that belong to this feature: 0, 0, 1, 0.
because it is obvious that hepatitis B cannot evolve in two
⎯ Starting time was split into three ranges (”7 days /
different directions for the same patient at the same time, it
[8, 21] / • 22). If, for instance, the starting time
cannot have two different severity levels, and also it is sure
was 21 days, then the values connected to this
that the disease will have an evolutionary type and a severity
feature are: 0, 1, 0.
⎯ Jaundice, the color of the skin, was also divided
Equation (1) is used again (in (5)) to calculate, for the same
into three intervals ([0, 1] / 2 / [3, 6]) associated to
vector of symptoms (S), the probability of not having the
different intensities of color.
particular disease Dk (¬ Dk).
⎯ Liver is measured in centimeters and has two
p( S | ¬ Dk ) ⋅ p(¬ Dk )
possibilities ([0, 2) / •2). p(¬ Dk | S ) = (5)
⎯ Bilirubin is a laboratory test which was divided p(S )
into three ranges (<1 / [1, 10) / •10). It can be noticed that both (1) and (5) contain the term
⎯ Tymol has two alternatives ([0, 4) / •4). 1/p(S). It is considered a normalization constant [3] and it
⎯ TGP has two intervals ([0, 400) / •400). ensures that the sum of probabilities is 1. This should be 1,
All these ranges are established by a physician, not by the because it represents all possible cases, the certain event,
system’s developer, because they have a strong connection to which has the probability 1. For the system presented, the

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hepatitis B has three evolutionary types; the patient will is the physician’s responsibility to decide how will be treated
evolve to one of these and nothing else is possible. Therefore, a patient with 72.23% risks to develop a serious form of
if the term 1/p(S) is ignored in (1) and (5), the obtained partial hepatitis B.
probabilities are still in the correct relative proportion. Their
sum is not 1 anymore, but this can be solved dividing each CONCLUSIONS
one by their sum [3]. Thus, this sum can replace p(S) (as (6)
shows). This paper described two important mechanisms of
p( S ) = p( S | Dk ) ⋅ p( Dk ) + p( S | ¬ Dk ) ⋅ p (¬ Dk ) (6) artificial intelligence domain that can be used to develop
Equation (7) is the final form of the Bayes’ theorem. It will decisional systems for medical predictions. There were
be applied for each of the three evolutionary types of hepatitis emphasized general features of these mechanisms, advantages
B and for each of the six severity levels of this disease. The and disadvantages of each one.
results will be numbers in the range [0, 1] (because they are The benefits provided by these systems are obvious. On
probabilities). Their sum will be 1 for all the evolutionary one hand they can simplify the physicians’ work, saving their
types and also 1 for all the severity levels of hepatitis B. time and energy (which otherwise would be wasted on too
many things they have to do). This way, the physicians can
p( Dk | S ) =
focus on more important activities. On the other hand, an
automated system can detect imperceptible things (things that
p ( Dk ) ⋅ ∏ p(σ
i =1
i | Dk )
(7) are hardly noticed or that are the result of complex
n n computation and reasoning, things that are not evident or that
p( Dk ) ⋅ ∏ p(σ
i =1
i | Dk ) + p(¬ Dk ) ⋅ ∏ p(σ
i =1
i | ¬ Dk ) are the effect of too many factors involved).
It is difficult to decide where should be the limit between
The database that was investigated by this mechanism artificial and human reasoning, but one thing is sure:
contains 165 patients, 15 of them being reserved for the automated systems can be of much help with their
system’s validation. The accuracy of this decisional system is suggestions, even though the final decision belongs to the
73.33%. A physician can decide, according to the medical humans.
domain where the system is used, whether this accuracy is
acceptable or not. If, for instance, this type of decisional ACKNOWLEDGMENT
system is used to predict the evolution of a particular
medicine store in a pharmacy, then the accuracy could be This work was supported by a grant from the Partnerships
enough. But if the system should predict a diagnosis for a in priority areas – PN II program of the Romanian Ministry of
patient, then its performances must be improved. This can be Education and Research (MEdC) – the Executive Agency for
done through a couple of ways. First, the statistical Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation
population Ω should be large enough in order to include Funding (UEFISCDI), project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-
uncommon diseases [4]. Second, a better accuracy is obtained 2013-4-0544.
if the number of analyzed inputs (symptoms and laboratory
test results) is increased. These two features of the database REFERENCES
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