Знімок екрана 2024-05-22 о 11.19.17

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Helen Weale eee RA cous od OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS pyre Oxford Exam Trainer Pr Mis teeyre) 147 BN thal] @ Ayniosannen aoctynki ana sapanTaxeHHA: www.oup.com/elt/oxfordexamtrainer Helen Weale Consultant: Alla Yurchenko Oxford Exam Trainer Oxford Exar Trainer poapobnewl is wero ponawormn yun niaroryeanwcs go TecrysaHie 3 ahrniiceKcT MOSH. Is 2018 pony exsamen TaKox BKNOUBE eKaMeNayiH] saRnaHHA 3 poaymiHn Moan Ha Cayx (aysitoeanin) Le satin Orford Exam Trainer signosiage piswio 82 srigho 3 3aransHoesponericexvany PenomeHqauinws 3 wOSHO! Oca. 3aranbHoesponeiicoxi pexomennaui ana piensa B2 Yuen Ha piel B2 * poayvie OcHoHi inet TexcTy AK Ha KOMKDETHY, TAK Ha aGcTpaKTHy Tou BKnoWaIOUN 7 TexwiWn! (cneyjaniso8aHi) awcryci * ac crinkysarca 3 HOciAMM MORN 3 7aKO}O MipoO luavaKocTiTa cnoHTaHHOCTH Wo He 3aBna€ TpyRHOUIE >xoanif si cropin, * Bulle winko, geransHo encnoanosarvcn Ha winpoKe Kono Tew, BupAMaTH CBOID AyMKy 3 NesHO! NpOBNeNM, HeBoamw pisHoMaHiT+ apryMeHTi 33 i npOTA Temn Tigoysnx mictaTs 12 poaainia, Bows slanosiaaiTs ycit Teva, wo BHB4aOTECR & Crapulih KONI. KOKA YOK pposaliny Hassae pisny acreran esr Tet: 1 Ocobucricna cepa Toacaxnenie ma Te npobineny, is km an SyCTPINGEWOCR (poRginn 1 1a 2), Cn'n Ta s2aeuce\AHOCHEN (Go3qin 1), tHaveinyanssicr (posgin 2), NosceKneHHi npaen (poanin 7, Jnoposnit croci6 msrrTa (poanin 7) py i xoxattin (poanin 1), Bzewosiqvocnnn 3 npysRian ‘Ta onHoxnacHakatas (po3ain 1), X06! (posain 9), ossinna (osaina 97a 10), OcoBucricHi npiopiena (poaninw 4 7a 5), Thani va marGyive, BaGio npodeci(poazin 5). 2 Kurta o cycninoersi(Ny6nivna ehepa) Haskonmue cepegosnwe (poaninn 3 73 12), Kurta 8 alrnomosHix xpaiax (posain 4), loopox: (o03zin 8), Kynorypa Ta mucreurao & Yxpaiii Beni BpYTaHi (posain 9), Cnopr 6 Yapaiki ta Beni Bovranil (poaain 10), ireparypa 8 Yepaiii f Benxi Bourani (poaain 9), 3aco6n wacoact infpopwau (pozain 9), Monto cysachinh ceir (posi 1 a 2), Shon Ta HaeKonAue cepegosnuye(poaainu 3 a 12), Oar (po3gin 2) Moxy (oosain 6, bx i aera (poanin 7), Hayxosul ta Tesi porpec, srnanHi asi Hayxn (posgin 11), Yxpaira 8 cairoali cninsHoni (poagin 2), Cenra 8 Yep Beran Bpwranil(poszin 8), Toagmul s8Hal 8 Yxpaini Ta Berri Bparanit(posain 9), Brgarhi oco6«cTOCT 8 icropii syneypi Yxpainn Ta Beno Bprtanil(posginn 9 ra 11), IcTopmsia Ta KynsTypHa cnanuunia YApalHA h Benito Bparanil(posninn 9 ra 11), Mysei A acrasKi (pon 9) Kino 7a teneGavenin (poanin 9), Mpava nionvn (poanin 2), Mixetapoai opranizaul (poaain 2). 3 Ocoimnn cepa Oceira (poanin 4), Ukinsite marr (poazin 4), Wikio ‘Apeawen (ooanin 4), CacteNa ocelrn 8 Yapai A Bena paranii(poanin 4) |nozeuei moe 8 NOBCEKIEHHOMY ATT (eosin) Konsni poanin nownaeTeca 3 npesenray fi TpeHysaHNn eMart nekcnns.¥ Kin iapystaca sMaxORYTECA sooBHii rnocapit (cnMacox Cra) AKOMY cnoBa srpynoeaki 3a posninawu. Koxsni poanin Oxford Exam Trainer wicrare rk Wisin Conve JopnaHi 3 winraHe, na saenaHHR APA CMARHRTTA Ha CINK, OaNe JOBABHH 3 SKODMCTOHHA MOBH Ta OnE esamenauiie S0anaHHA 3 N/CeMa Ykpalcbnut exaueHn He BknOWaE exavenaLiiny wacrHny 3 rosopinin. Ae Khu KoxHoro posainy Oxford Exam Trainer yPOk i FOBODINHA 3 NOBHOI posvO=HON NpaKTIKOH 38 “Teton posniny, Bi MOxe sHOprCTORYEATHCR B Kaci a60 Ana cawocriici poGom. Le warepian woe aoroworra ninroryearvce no unkinsriv poawosHe Tec, Tekox sit 2a6esnewye xopOUY MDAKTHRY ANA YAH, Aki 36MPHOTECA ‘nagar NbeHaponti exsaMeH 3 GHTIACDKOT MOBN. Posnostit Gaby wihul niapysiuka Bknioae HAE opiichi apa | Opasn alanosiqHo no moBHoro pies ft dep simoprcraniA ‘Tekax y niu Oxford Exam Traine en auaiiere noaeint 3830% exGaEMY, BK MOME BUKODMCTORYBATICR 8 pobre TecTysaHs nin WaC rinroTOBKM NO cry. ‘Mus 6amaewo Bam nero nigroroeKi Ta ycriuloro canapann exsavery! ‘Asropi it Oxford University Press, Kosret 2019. Family ae society pages ‘Scam Pract Etre Units 7-8 pages 76-77 Moin anc the prose Fin ‘Cestwears tertueandan Performing arts: theatre and music imate Exreme weather Fa and tuna Theenvtonment ‘5am Practice Extra Units 11-12 pages 112-113 Grammar rterence regular verbs pages tae oor 15136 What are fends for? Mute chow Cobocation with et When is trode realy far? ‘opped tet Cobocations with ake Unusuat homes Natching pect) Stucent ite Matching genera) Acareeron tv Naltlechoie Pros verbe on Collections th crow ‘A winning adver? Nutiplechoce Purpose and contrast heathy ating spect) Across the ocean Mutile- Massimedia ruses" reeme sports Conversion Professional ports Diferent ole of port in ores iors Section Popular gadgets and apps Conssation Modem techneogy O= = = Eco iendlyivemons se Jes Natural dsasters Conversion ‘Nudearenergy Oost Endangered species ure decpton Practice test pages 171-183 Family and relationships VOCABULARY 3 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. Family and society © Ace family tends similar in Ukeaine? 10 usually takes cate of children in Ukrainian families? Do you think thisis changing? re Housework and repairs 11 Workin pairs. Describe the pictures (1-2). What isthe relationship between the people in each picture? 4 Complete the questions (1-6) with the corect words a,b cord) 1 Doyou_your bed every day? a dear bdo —c take = od make 2 Who_the windowsin your horne? a deans b clears. shines polishes 3. Howofien doyouhelp__ the house? a orderin b settlefor ¢ tidyup — d makeup 4. How wailing would you be to help anew bookcase? 2 assemble b instal ¢ gather d fc 5. Would you be prepared toa eakin the roo? a complete b ix —c renovate d recover 2 Flin the gaps (1~10) in the article with words or 6 Heyauaet._etypanmng ordecntathapeog tics tron the bow: What did you do? birth rate breadwinners childbirth childcare syne” Nise emi ore caters ree Heupel CHa aan ORIG 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in regjstered partnership single-parent families WHATISA‘TYPICALFAMILY'? | °* 6 Match the words from the box with th exercise 4. ionships The Btsh dit hard to define. sboms that he conventional definitions (1-8), Use each word only once. model of an) mariod couple with chile) is not the ieee ny option people choose. Many people simply Ine togetter with 3 acquaintance dlosefriend colleague ex fiancée partner fr atime before moving onto adfferentreatonsip. And mate next of kin sibling ‘ven those who decide to live with a parer often prefer an) 2 [also refered to as civil rion) ta legal merriage 1. an informal word for a friend - conivact. Also, the number of? ids alone) has tripled inthe past 30 years Bitan also has oe ofthe highest in Europe: two 3 in very fve martiages wil rcbably fall. But sme tings are moe resistant to change, Household chores. ring) are stil (mothers or Fathers ralsing 2 someone that you know, but arent very close to someone’ former wife, husband or partner mainly cried ou by women, whl men ae the ® 4 someone that you know very well caring higher ery tan ter ema partes. nation tothe 5 someone that you work with ) mmm Lexical multiple-choice cloze ee : iz ‘out what itis about. Then read i again and choose the comrect answer 3. [SEYIEZEDD ead the text. For questions (1-10), choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D). ‘The earliest portrayals of dads on TV were simplistic, ticking tothe image of what an ideal father might be +The dads ofthe 19505 worked fulltime, While ‘mums stayed at home to”__up the children. Jim ‘Anderson from the sitcom Father Knows Best returned rom his ob, ook off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves tosolve ll the problems * home. ‘The roles of dads started to change as feminism gained ‘popularity and women began to be seen as strong and ‘independent working mothers. And in the 1970s these. shows were by new ones that mirrored changes in society. Suddenly, blended families and work-from-home ‘dads appeared on the screen, Male*___ started taking ‘esponsibility for providing emotional support at home, *__ifthey could not hope to get tight al the time. ‘Then the late 1980s featured the rise ofthe idiotic ded. ‘Homer Simpson in The Simson was the fist of many >___dads who needed more looking *__than his ctildren. ‘After moving from wise dads to clueless dads todays TV fathers are beginning to find a*_. With cuting- ‘edge shows and reality television, we are getting a more ‘ealstc "of fatherhood, Now, TV series show dads ‘who are breadwinners, nurturers and great dads! 1 Aas Biike Cor Dsuch 2 Amake Braise Ching Dake 3 Al Baround Con Dat 4 taken Bmade Copened Dreplaced 5 Aactors Bcharacters —Cdirectors._ producers 6 Aeven — Bperhaps Cdespite Djust 7 Aimpolte Bunderstandable Cimmature Dunclear 8 Ato Bround through Daftes 9 harmony B balance Cpeace — Deaim 0 Aview look Capproach Dbelief a _ True/false 5. Workin groups. Describe the pictures (1-3), then uss the questions. 1. Do you tee! ik live? Why2/ny no 2. Ifyou could organize ane community together, what 1. Work in pairs. Discuss the ques — $= @ How well do you know you @ Do you think you could ask yo help if you needed it? of the community where you bring your ould it be? ‘Understanding the station and the relationship between the speakers can be helpful in interpreting a tening text. ster cre for dues ke how people des each other whether they use formal or informal language what expressions they we, 2 DEED Listen to the beginning of a conversation. Who is Emma talking to? Choose the most likely answer (A, B, C or D).What helped you decide? A aneigh B ateacher 3 EEEMIEZETADEEDD Listen to the text. For statements (1-5) choose ifthe statement is true according to the text, Fifit is false. You will listen. to the text twice. TOF 1. Emma wants to find out how her grandmot changed. 2. Emma says there disadvantages munity has advantages 3. Emma describes online friendships as natural 4 Notall ofthe p syne shate the same living space, $. Itisvery unusual for people to ive in communes in the Us 4 complete the sentences with words from the box. The words all appeared inthe recording. business common sense space 1. Invillages, people o 2. Going through a astrong writy going out togethe! lance, but he re fre Informal em: asking a friend for a favour 1 Workin small groups. Discuss the questions. 1. Doyou ever ask your fiends to do you a favour? What do you usually ask them to do for you? 2. Which favours do you most frequently as Number thern 14, where is the most frequent, lend you money or clothes _ speak to someone for you _ sive youa it - meet you ata bus ortrain station — 2 Match the sentence beginnings (1-4) with the correct endings (a-d).. Would you mind taking to one of my fiends —_ Could you possibly meet IF you have time, could you send me Do you thinkyou could lend me = aun 2. the links you mentioned? b_ who is quite unhappy and anxious? © a.couple of jumpers during my visit? 4. usat the bus station? 3 Work in pairs. Read the exam task below and the email written by Ivan, an exam candidate. Discuss the questions. 1._Does war's ema include athe information needed? 2. What information does he include in addition to the points in the list? [EEMIEEESDD You are staying in London and have received this email from your English friend Ben. Write an email ofa least 100 words to another friend in which you: > saywhy you cant have Ben tostay, > ask your friend to put him up for the night, > describe Ben eee {im coming to London on Monday 4" October because Ive got an interview the next day, and 1 was wondering if I could stay with you that right. 'm happy o sleep on the sofa! fit isn't OK, just say, and Il ask somebody else. Ben eee DJ HiAleks, las wondering if you could do me a big favour. My friend, ‘Ben, is coming to London on Monday. He's asked ithe ‘could stay the night, but my brother's staying with me then, 0 there won't be any room for Ben. Could he stay the right with you? He's a realty nice guy ~ and he would be very happy to sleep on the sofal | know your fa's small, so i's fine if you don't have room. wan Q: (===> 4. Workin pairs. Write fuller description of Ben. Describe his personality and habits. 5 Read Ivan'semallagain. Find and underline one indirect question, Now put the wordsin the correct order to make indirect questions. 1 you //they/artving?/when be / Could / wl / ak 2 some/ you/was/adice /f/ wondering / give could/me 3 would / whether /ask/ come /me./1/t0/ with wanted / you 4 let/you/ can/Could/ know/if/ help? /you/ me EXAM STRATEG Use expressions ike those in exercise 2to make your request more polite. 6. [EEXIREESD You have received the following email from your English friend, Joanna. Write an email of at least 100 words to another English friend in which you: > explain why you cart meet Joanna atthe airport > askifyourftend could meet her, > describe Joanna coe = Hi, Sorry | haven't been in touch recently ve been so busy! 'm coming to Kyiv on Saturday 1" August and m staying fora vieek in a youth hostel inthe cy cent. | was wondering i you might be able to meet me atthe airport and come with me to the hostel. My fight gets in at 6.40 pm. you cant, no problem, Joanna 7 Check your work. D1 Have you written about all three points in the task? 1 Have you given enough detalin your description of Joanna? I Have you checked your work for grammar, vocabulary and speling mistakes? 1D Have you written at least 100 words? SPEAKING Conversation 1. Workin pair. Ask and answer the questions about teenagers, parents and grandparents 1 Describe one of your parents org stricto e35y-going with you? Give som examples of how he or se behaves toward you 2. Doyou always obey your parents les? Why/Mhy not? What happens you disobey parents find out? ever had an argu n and your he a have for them wh you chosen these 6 ‘Always following the rules means that you neve have to think for yourself’ Do you agree? Why? Why not? Debate 2. Work in pairs. Read the statement and the points inthe istand have a debate. de fyou ate going to argue for or against the ment. f you argue for the stat Stu iRyou are St Both Student A and Student B should each pointin the list about what you a and what your opponent might what you will say in reply to your opponent Student A: 5e Student B: Respond w Student As point. Student A: Respond by s smething that upports your ontinue until you have he three points in the list. in the debate with one point The best way to live as a family is for grandparents, parents and children to live together. * relationships betwee * number of people home repairs Ero ESTE i Picture description 3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A-C). Take turns to compare the pictures and talk about the different families. CED «° “ 2 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1-6) and answer the questions. What influences people's impressions of another person? w fair are these impressions? Match the correct words (a orb) with their definitions (1-7). 1 ople have of a particular ple on the basis of nationalism bra 4 the unfairt 5 behaving carefully of other people: 6 anunreasonable di with reducin lif for others @-humanitai b: upbringing Complete the sentences (1-6) with verbs from the box. bring fit look rebel stand take do you think young people should sib 2 Inwhat ways might students chan: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 3 ES ee ey | Politics 8 Match the words in bold in the sentences (1-6) with Celebrations 5 fillin the gaps (1-6) in the text with words fom the box. anniversary celebrate decorate festive reception tradition (Our family has a long-running '_____.. Each year we all come together to# my grandmother's birthday. In the morning, we® ijes-ofthe-valley. The mood is really {5 the day also happens to be both the house with hor frvourite flow my parents’ weeding $_____and my own birthday. Grandma loves this day| She's already looking forward tothe elegant*___ we're planning for her 100" birthday next year Social issues and charity 6 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences (1-8). 1 Some elderly people move to care/caring homes when their families can't look after ther. 2. Ate you going to donate/present any money to charity this month? 3. Some British schools support talented children from underprivileged/ undeserving backgrounds, nose families can't afford tuition fees 4. This organization is advertising/campaigning to raise awareness about child trafficking. 5. The government has introduced new social reforms/rules to address unemployment. 6 We are currently funding/raising money to build anew homeless sheiter. 7 Will Sam offer/volunteer as a teaching assistant at the primary school this year? 8 Corporate encouragement/sponsorship is a major source of revenue for many charities. 7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. {© What charities do you know in Ukraine? What do they do? © Look at the words in bold in exercise 6. do you think are the most important social Issues affecting Ukrainians? Why? their definitions (a-f). 1. Deputies will strongly oppose these plan 2. Our discussion focuses on three main issues. 3. Noone was persuaded by the arguments py forward by the president 4. The main objective ofthis health policy isto improve public hospitals. 5. Education isa top priority for our government. 6 Two politicians will face tough questions in the TV interview today a make somebody do something by giving them good reasons for doing it bb accept and deal with something that is cifficut or unpleasant disagree strongly with somebody's plan, policy, etc and try to change itor prevent itfrom succeeding dive attention, effort etc. to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another e something that you think is more important than ‘other things and should be dealt with fst £ something that you are trying to achieve 9 Do you know the answers to these questions about Ukraine? Discuss in pairs. 1 Who’ currently the head of state in Ukraine? 2. [s there 2 coalition government, ora single partyin power? 3. Who leads the government? 4 How many Deputies of Verkhovna Rada were elected in the last general election? 5 Which political parties form the Opposition in Verkhovna Rada? 6 Who isthe mayor of yourtown or city? 7. inthelast election, where was your local poling station? 8 How old do you have tobe to vote in a general election? 10. Workin pairs. Take turns to answer the questions. © Do you know anyone who's been a victim of. discrimination? What happened? How did the person deal with the stuation? © What steps do you think could be taken to eliminate prejudices? © Which special occasions do your family celebrate together? What do you usually do? © Would you prefer to donate money or do voluntary work to support a good cause? Why? © Do you thinks important 0 vote in elections? Why2/Why not? @ How does Ukraine benef rom membership in intemational organizations? How do you personally benefit? om Gapped text 2. Read the article ignoring the gaps. What is fair trade? 1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1-6) and discuss the question. After fling in the gaps read the whole text and check: ‘© that itis logical and easy to understand, ‘thatthe missing sentences match the text before and after the gaps grammatically Which information is most important to you when 19 Clothes, and which is least important? Why? 3 Read the text. Choose from (AH) the phrase which best fits each space 1-6).There are two choices you do not need to use. A feed, clothe and provide healthcare | B including bananas, cotton, sugar and tea | € from selected independent shops D by fair-trade groups in India and Nepal E before deciding to spend their money F take all the profits for themselves price brand name G@ and purchased on the high street HE and investment in community projects 0% NV ASO ‘ono ° au When is trade really fair? Do you ever pause to wonder, before you purchase a new T-shirt or a pair of jeans, about the people who harvested the cotton - their working conditions and rate of pay? An increasing number of people around the world are questioning such issues *__. Consequently, the clothing, industry is beginning to take note, with manufacturers producing and shops selling a wide range of fair-trade items. So, how exactly can we define fair trade? Essentially, ‘fair trade’ is the label given to products when the producers have received a price that is adequate to?__for themselves and their families. Moreover, itis expected that their working conditions meet a high standard of health and safety regulations. However, all too often, under normal trade conditions, companies that form the link between the producers and the consumers ® —. The producers are left with an income they can scarcely survive on and have to put up with unsatisfactory working conditions. Initially, fair-trade clothing was only available + _ and websites. Now, an expanding range of fair-trade items can be routinely found °_. Fair-trade clothes have become more fashionable, too. Companies like People Tree produce high-fashion items aimed at 16-24-year- olds. 80% of their products use 100%. organic and fair-trade cotton, and are handmade *__. The aim is to create clothes for teenagers that were produced fairly, but look amazing at the same time. | | } | | | Choose if the statement is ifitis false. 4 Read the text agair true according to the text, sill only be awarded able price hops tend to sel (@ How important do you think clothing brands Ns for your answer. ap pair of jeans ifyou Ovo didnt know ir deal for making it Words in context 6 Match the words from the text (1-5) with their definitions (a-e). 1 harvest 2. adequate 3. regulations 4 unsatisfactory, 5 organic a ough pick and gather crops ¢ produced without us nicals a I rules made by a government acceptable in quality or quantity ns with take Collocs 7 Find the phrase take note in the article. What does itmean? Complete the sentences (1-5) with ‘a word or phrase from the box and the verb take. [ ston. snimerest forsranted note the pressure off 1. DoTims parents __ inhis schoolwork? 2. Rectuiting new staff would 3. The players didnt______of what the coach said and lost the game. 4 Itstime we stopped talking about this - we need to 5. Most people nowadays holidays _ paid CEE “¢

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