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Uttie Nooring Fivaprilani Halodoc

Soeratman MPH, Sp.THT-KL 31 May, 2022
Speciality: Ear Nose and Throat Physician

Digital Prescription

Please contact the nearest health provider if your condition has not improved

R/ Episan Suspensi 100 ml 1 Per Botol

3 X 1 Sendok Takar 5ml daily - Sebelum makan
Time: Pagi,Siang,Malam
Notes: 30mnt sblm makan
R/ Sanexon 4 mg 10 Tablet 1 Per Strip
2 X 1 Tablet daily - Setelah makan
Time: Malam,Pagi
Notes: n/a
R/ Lansoprazole 30 mg 10 Kapsul 1 Per Strip
1 X 1 Kapsul daily - Setelah makan
Time: Malam
Notes: n/a

This digital prescription is only applicable to be redeemed at Halodoc app

Patient Name: rifki ardika male , 21 years old

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