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Nama Kelompok:

1. Calvin Leonardo (74190365)

2. Delva (76200301)
3. Frasya Aniq Arthamevia (70200161)
4. Nabila Auliya Ramadhani (71200139)
5. Tarsicia Tanya Tessalonica (79200012)


Porter’s Generic Strategies

Toyota Motor Corporation’s generic strategy is a combination of the cost leadership generic
strategy and the broad differentiation generic strategy. Cost leadership entails minimizing
cost of operations and selling prices. On the other hand, the broad differentiation generic
strategy requires developing business and product uniqueness to ensure Toyota’s competitive
advantage. The combination of these generic strategies supports Toyota’s global reach in all
market segments.

Tipe Tipe Strategi Menurut David

Strategi Intensif (Strategi Pengembangan Produk), karena Toyota melakukan modifikasi

atau memperbaiki produk yang ada saat ini.

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