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practice applications EDITOR’S OUTLOOK

Eating More . . . Nourishing Less

he obesity epidemic in this coun- metabolic syndrome. Yet, juxtaposed come mothers. The authors were in-
try continues to rage. The Na- with that prospect are recent data terested in attitudes and behaviors
tional Center for Health Statis- from the Coronary Artery Risk Devel- rather than specific dietary patterns.
tics reported that between 1980 and opment in Young Adults Study docu- Overall, less satisfaction with appear-
2002, obesity prevalence doubled in menting the absence of developing ance and enhanced nutrition knowl-
adults over age 20 years and tripled metabolic syndrome commonly asso- edge were important influences on
in children and adolescents aged 6 to ciated with aging when there is no weight loss in this population of low-
19 years (1). Data were analyzed increase in body mass index (3). In income mothers.
from the National Health and Nutri- other words, prevention of weight Also, Tinker and colleagues (p 1155)
tion Examination Survey, a com- gain is a powerful way to reduce risk present data from the Women’s Health
plex, multistage probability sample of metabolic syndrome that is often Initiative regarding the predictors of
of noninstitutionalized males and the precursor of hypertension, type 2 dietary change to maintenance of a
females across ethnic groups. The diabetes, dyslipidemia, and other car- low-fat diet. Data from over 19,500
only reported shred of hope was that diovascular diseases. women were analyzed. The women
among adult women (approximately Furthermore, if diet quality suffers who best adhered to the diet were
one third of whom are obese), no in the face of advancing obesity, as is those who attended the most sessions
significant increase in the rate of obe- reported in this month’s Journal, are and regularly self-monitored their di-
sity was observed between 1999- immunological compromises likely as ets. Another notable finding was the
2004, while the rate did increase in well? What chance is there for expe- importance of optimism regarding
men and children overall, and espe- riencing healthful aging in the face of successful outcomes.
cially among nonwhites (1). these adverse conditions? These and other topics this month
Since previous data from the Na- will add sizzle to your summer read-
tional Health and Nutrition Exami- MORE THIS MONTH ing.
nation Survey had reported that over- Do beverage patterns contribute to Best regards.
all self-reported energy intake among overall diet quality and body mass in-
children and adolescents has not sig- dex in children?
nificantly increased, it is assumed LaRowe and colleagues (p 1124) fur-
that decreased physical activity may ther explore these associations and Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD
be a major factor in the growing obe- suggest some age-related influences Editor-in-Chief
sity epidemic (2). Among the majority, that impact overall nutrient quality
intakes of total fat, saturated fat, and and bear consideration. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2007.05.026
cholesterol were in excess of recom- Roseman and colleagues (p 1139)
mended amounts for that era and soft also report on cross sectional data from References
drinks contributed approximately 8% 7-day recalls of fruits, vegetables, milk, 1. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell
of calorie intake among overweight soft drinks, and breakfast consumption MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. Prevalence of
children (2). Since milk consumption in over 4,000 middle school students overweight and obesity in the United States,
simultaneously decreased during that in Kentucky. Students with healthy 1999-2004. JAMA. 2006;295:1549-1555.
time, the overall net intake of calcium, 2. Troiano RP, Briefel RR, Carroll MD, Bialos-
weights exhibited eating patterns that tosky K. Energy and fat intakes of children
magnesium, vitamin D, and other re- included more fruits and vegetables, and adolescents in the United States: Data
lated dairy nutrients also decreased as milk, and breakfast consumption than from the National Health and Nutrition Ex-
well. overweight students. Although no causal amination Surveys. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;
This pattern suggests that among 72(suppl 5):1343S-1353S.
associations can be derived from these 3. Lloyd-Jones DM, Liu K, Colangelo LA, Yan
overweight children nutrient quality data, the associations of certain eating LL, Klein L, Loria CM, Lewis CE, Savage P.
is inferior despite adequate or exces- patterns and behavior are clearly Consistently stable of decreased body mass
sive calorie intake. This pattern fol- worth noting. index in young adulthood and longitudinal
changes in metabolic syndrome components:
lowed long term might be predicted to Similarly, Clarke and colleagues (p The Coronary Artery Risk Development in
adversely influence risk factors for a 1146) report predictors of weight loss Young Adults Study. Circulation. 2007;115:
variety of chronic diseases including in a tri-ethnic community of low-in- 1004-1011.

© 2007 by the American Dietetic Association Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 1087

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