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Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter


Step 0: Open your web browser and go to SharePoint with this

link: (Figure 0A)

Then click on Plant 1 Red Bin Data (Figure 0B)

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 1: After the Plant 1 Red Bin Data file

opens. Scroll down the data to find the most
recent dates.


Step 2: Highlight all of the data from the date

range required for the plotting (Figure 2A),

Then copy it. (Figure 2B) 2A

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 3: Go into the V: Drive and open the

“PLT 1 Data for weekly trend” file

Note: The File path is

V:\Information for Everyone\QMS

Dashboard\Data Accumilate top 5 scraps

Step 4: After opening the file, click on

“Enable Editing”
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 5: Right Click the empty cell below the

recent date. (Figure 5A)

5A Then click on the paste option “Keep Source

Formatting” (Figure 5B)


Step 6: Your copied Data will appear

Now Save the file.

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 7: Open Start Menu then click on “Jupyter


Note: If you do not have Jupyter Notebook installed,

please follow the directions for installation in the
“How to Install Jupyter” How-to Guide.

Step 8: Double Click on “plt 1 code top

5.ipynb” to open the code.

Note: The code will be shared with those

who need it after Jupyter Installation.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 9: Change the Start and End Dates

(Figure 9A)
Then click on the run “>>” arrows (Figure 9B)


Step 10: Click on “Restart”

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 11: Scroll down the page and your

graph will appear.

Note: Please be patient for the graph to


Step 12: Take a screenshot of this graph with

the “Snipping Tool.”

Note: You may have to type “Snipping Tool”

in the search bar to find it.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 13: Right Click your screenshot, then

left click “Copy”
Send to >
Save As

Step 14: Open the V Drive folder again.

Then double click “Accumulated Scrap

Chart 2024” to open.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 15: After the file opens, Click on “Enable Editing”
15A (Figure 15A)

Then select and delete the old 5 daily graphs and data
tables. (Red Highlights) (Figure 15B)

15B DO NOT delete the yellow date labels.

Instead, change the dates on the yellow labels. (Figure 15C)


Step 16: Scroll down the page and do the

same for the top 5 scrap summary.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 17: Right Click the empty cell, then left click Paste.

Step 18: Your data chart will appear.

Note: You may have to adjust the size of

the chart to fit on the page.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 19: To get the data table, enter the V Drive again and
open the “plt1_grouped_data” file

Step 20: After the file opens, click on

“Enable Editing.”
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 21: Click on “Sort & Filter”
(Figure 21A)

Then click on “Filter” (Figure 21B)



Step 22: Click on the filter arrow under
column B. (Figure 22A)

Then click on “Sort Largest to Smallest”

(Figure 22B)
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 23: Right Click on Row 7. (Figure 23A)

Then click on “Insert” (Figure 23B)

Note: This will make the top 5 rows easier to see.


Step 24: Click on a column letter where 24A

there is 0 scrap for the top 5 rows. (Figure

Then hold down the “ctrl” key and click any

other column letters with 0 scrap for the
top 5 row as well.

Once all target columns have been

highlighted, right click one of the 24B
highlighted column letters (Figure 24B)

Then click “Delete” (Figure 24C)

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 25: Use the Snipping Tool again to take a
screenshot of the top 5 rows.

Then Copy it.

Step 26: Open the Accumulated Scrap

Chart again.

Then right click the empty space to the

right of the chart (Figure 26A)
Then click on Paste (Figure 26B)
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 27: The Data table is now posted.

Reminder: Don’t forget to update the yellow

highlighted dates.

Step 28: IMPORTANT! After you’re done

posting information from the 28A
“plt1_grouped_data” file, you must close
out the file!

Click the “X” button at the top right corner

(Figure 28A)

Then click “Save” (Figure 28B)


If you do not close out this file, the next

time you run the Jupyter Script it will
FAIL to work correctly.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Step 29: Scroll up the Accumulated Scrap Chart.

You will now have to create and post 5 or more daily scrap
charts and data tables to show a trend.

This means you will have to create a chart and data table for
each day of your target date range.
For example: Saturday
Monday Sat-Mon
Mon-Tues Sat-Tues
Mon-Wed OR Sat-Wed
Mon-Thurs Sat-Thurs
Mon-Fri Sat-Fri

All you have to do is follow the same steps shown with one
exception. You must change the start and end date in

Step 30: To create a chart and Data Table for only Monday
Open Jupyter again and adjust the start and end date to
the same date (Figure 30A)

Then Run the Code.

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 31: After following steps (9-14),(17-28). You

should have a graph and data table for just Monday.

Step 32: Repeat the process but for Monday

to Tuesday.

Remember, all you have to do is adjust the

dates in Jupyter (Figure 32A)

Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

Step 33: When all 5 graphs and data

tables are posted. Your sheet should
look like this.

The Daily Trend on the top (Red


The Total Summary from the week on

the bottom (Green Zone)

Please print 2 copies of the red zone

and the green zone in 11x17” paper
and deliver to the Quality Manager.
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter

A Plant 2: For Plant 2 Scrap data you will follow the exact same steps
shown but using Plant 2 excel data files and using the Plant 2
Jupyter Code.

For Plant 2 Jupyter, just double click the plt 2 code (Figure A)

For Plant 2 Red Bin Data, please post this link in your web browser:
B (Figure B)

For Plant 2 Excel Data. Open the following in the V Drive: (Figure C)
Accumulated Scrap Chart 2024 (Red)
PLT 2 Data for weekly trend (Yellow)
Plt2-grouped_data (Green)
Scrap Data Accumulation Process with Jupyter
Plant 2 Scrap Charts: After opening the Accumulated Scrap Chart 2024 File, remember to click on the WEEKLY Scrap Plant 2 sheet/tab at the bottom.
(Figure A)

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