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1. How do you normally travel to school? What is the journey like?

I usually go to school on foot. The journey was short and it was
interesting to see everyone starting a new day in an energetic way.
2. What’s your favorite way to travel? Why?
I like traveling by motorbike. Because it's cheap and convenient
3. What is the most famous city in your country?
In my opinion i think Hà Nội is the most famous city in my country.
Because the local foos is cheap and delicious, the local people is
friendly and kind.
4. Tell me about the town/city you come from.
I come from Long An, a place famous for its delicious and sweet
5. Which city you know is the most expensive?
I think Hà Nội is the most expensive city in Việt Nam. Because Hà
Nội has a high standard of living and cost of living.
6. What is the most beautiful place in Vietnam?
I think Sapa is the most beautiful place in Vietnam. Because it has
majestic natural landscape and rich cuisine.
1. Tell me about a festival in your country.
I will tell you about the Hung Temple festival. It is an opportunity for
Vietnamese people to commemorate the contributions of the Hung
Kings to building and defending the country
2. Have you ever been to an amazing festival?
Yes I have. I have been to Ba Den Mountain festival in Tây Ninh, it
attracts many tourists for sightseeing tours.
3. What are your favorite clothes?
My favorite clothes are t-shirts and pants, because they are suitable
for everyday wear.
4. When you buy clothes, what is the most important for you?
The most important thing when I buy clothes is comfort because it
will help you feel confident and comfortable when moving.
5. Have you had long/short hair?
No, I haven’t.
1. Do you enjoy going to the cinema? Why (not)?
Yes, I do. Because I will enjoy it more fully than when watching it on
my phone.
2. How often do you watch videos online?
I watch it every day when I have free time.
3. What was the last film you saw?
The last film I saw is One Piece.
4. What type of film do you like the most?
The type of film I like the most is animation. Because it has more
vivid graphic scenes than live-action.
5. What are your plans for your next vacation?
Next vacatian I going to travel to Dà Lạt with my family.
6. What kind of music do you like?
I like pop music, because it has a simple, catchy and easy to
memorize melody.
7. What kinds of games do you play?
I play simulation game. Because I can learn many useful things from
1. Which school subjects were most interesting for you?
The school subjects were most interesting for me is history. Because
it can help me better understand my country and people.
2. What methods do you use to remember things?
I try repeating it a few times in your head and practice memorizing it
quickly without looking at the paper.
3. Have you every learned to play a musical instrument?
No, I haven’t.
4. How can good habits help you do something well?
It helps me reduce stress and anxiety.
5. What advice would you give to help someone save money?
You should cook at home and limit shopping.
6. How long do you study each day?
I study 8 hours a day.
1. Have you ever gone camping?
No, I haven’t.
2. Where do people in your country usually go on holiday?
They usually go to beach on their holiday. Because they want to have
relaxing days after stressful and tiring days
3. When you travel, do you take a lot of luggage with you?
No, because I’ll buy a lot of clothes and local food during travel.
4. Tell me about the best holiday you’ve had.
Last year when I went to Đà Lạt with my family, in there we had a lot
time together.
5. What do you look for when choosing a hotel?
When I choose a hotel I usually rely on location, hotel type,
amenities, services and price.
6. Do you prefer traveling alone or with your friends? Why?
I prefer traveling with friends because it helps us create a lot of fun
and beautiful memories
7. What Vietnamese food should tourists try?
They should try bún bò Huế because it is one of Vietnam's specialties
and it is very tasty
1. Do you think the climate will change in the future?
Yes, I do. Because the earth's temperature is increasing, sea levels are
2. Do you think people will ever live on another planet?
No, I don’t. Because environmental changes on the new planet can
negatively affect humans.
3. Would you like to explore the deep sea?
Yes, I would. Because I want to know all about the fish in the sea.
4. Have you ever met a famous person? Who? When?
No, I haven’t
5. Do you recycle anything?
I often recycle bottle of water
6. What work will you do in the future?
In the future I will be a marketing specialist.
7. What kind of home will you live in?
In the future I will live in a smart house. Because it help me improve
quality of life.

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