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The incandescent light bulb is a bulb with a wire filament that is heated until it glows. It
is enclosed by a vacuum glass bulb to prevent the filament from oxidizing. Electricity is
transferred whenever the light bulb is screwed into a socket and hooked up to a power supply.
A. What is the Invention?

-The invention is called the incandescent light bulb, a light bulb that Thomas Edison improved
upon and made for commercial use in the 1880s. It was the first practical light bulb that burned
long enough to be practical for commercialization. It allowed people to travel safely after
sundown and is one of the most important inventions since the discovery of fire.

B. What came before your chosen invention? What tool existed prior it or how was the activity
carried out before its invention?

-There are many other sources of light that were created before this invention, such as candles,
gas lighting, and early versions of electric lights. Before the incandescent light bulb, these were
the norm, but the creation of efficient light bulbs gave way to an alternative that was safer, more
reliable, and much cheaper compared to others.

C. What was the social, political, cultural, or economic context within which the invention was
-The era of the 1880s is characterized by great economic growth and prosperity in Europe,
America, and other parts of the world. It was at the peak of the second industrial revolution and
was the era where the foundations of many large corporations and franchises were established.

D. What had been the social, political, cultural, or economic impacts of your chosen invention?
-The light bulb transformed the world by making it possible to safely work at night. It allowed
factories to run for longer hours, it extended the time of work to the night, and allowed others to
safely travel and take a walk in the dark. Without lightbulbs, society would’ve been less efficient
and productive, and there would basically be no nightlife.

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