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Možda je to samo običan list, ali lovorov list prepun je okusa, mirisa, zdravlja i blagostanja. To je
biljka koja se može pratiti do davnih vremena. Lovor (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae), sličan lovoru,
bio je glavni sastojak lovorovih vijenaca kojima su se u staroj Grčkoj krunili atletičari
pobjednici. Također poznat kao slatki zaljev ili slatki lovor, jedna je od najčešće korištenih
biljaka. Njegova povijest seže u legende o grčkom bogu Apolonu, bogu proroštva, liječenja,
snage, zaštite i energije.
Listove možete kuhati i udisati paru kako biste se riješili sluzi i ublažili kašalj. Lovorov list štiti
od srčanog i moždanog udara, jer sadrži spojeve koji štite srce i krvne žile. Bogata je kiselinama
poput kafeinske kiseline, kvercetina, eigenola i partenolida, tvari koje sprječavaju nastanak
stanica raka u tijelu. Otklanja nesanicu i stres ako se uzima prije spavanja te pomaže opuštanju i
mirnom snu. Dva puta dnevno po šalicu kuhanog lovorovog lista otapaju se bubrežni kamenci i
liječe infekcije.
Baš kao što obično palimo mirisne štapiće, lovorov list se također spaljuje u domovima i na
bogomoljama kao dio duhovnih obreda i rituala. Vjeruje se da lovorov list sadrži mnoštvo
kemikalija koje se oslobađaju gorenjem i blagotvorno djeluju na tijelo. Također je utvrđeno da
spaljivanje lovorovog lista ublažava stres i umor. Kombinacija kemikalija, točnije kemikalije
linalool u lišću stvara dim koji pri udisanju smiruje tijelo i um. Kupci također povezuju dim
lovorovog lista s fokusiranijom meditacijom. Također se kaže da udisanje ovog dima jača
imunološki sustav i liječi respiratorne probleme. Vjeruje se da redovito konzumiranje oko 1 do 3
grama svježeg lovorovog lista također može pomoći u učinkovitom rješavanju dijabetesa tipa II.

Naučite kako odagnati brige i ostvariti želje uz čarobnu upotrebu lovorovog lista. Lovorov list,
poznat i kao lovor, moćna je biljka koja je korisna za manifestaciju, prosperitet, zaštitu, čišćenje,
pa čak i psihički razvoj. Mnogima je omiljena biljka jer je lako dostupna, ima više čarobnih
namjena i lako ju je uzgajati u svom domu ili vrtu. Uzmite lovorov list i direktno na list napišite
svoje želje i želje. Dok držite lovorov list, počnite usmjeravati svoje želje, namjere i želje u list.
Odvojite onoliko vremena koliko vam je potrebno da svoju energiju, osjećaje i vizualizacije
usmjerite na list. Osjetite i vizualizirajte primanje onoga što tražite i budite otvoreni da to
primite. Nakon što ste završili s kanaliziranjem i osjećate se spremni, spalite lovorov list.
Gledajte kako dim lovorovog lista nosi vaše želje i namjere u svemir.
Lovorov list nadaleko je poznat po svojoj moći da razvije psihičke sposobnosti, a najčešće ono
što je poznato kao "klair". To znači da lovorov list može pomoći u povećanju vaših
ekstrasenzornih sposobnosti, kako biste mogli primati psihičke poruke, komunicirati sa svojim
duhovnim timom i povezati se sa Svemirom. Možete spavati s lovorovim listom ispod jastuka
kako biste u snovima primali psihičke poruke. Ova ista metoda također pomaže kod lucidnog
sanjanja ili astralnog putovanja, a obje su teške tehnike, ali kada ih jednom svladate, mogu vam
pomoći da se povežete s precima!

Pomaže ako patite od ovih bolesti:

*Kronični hepatitis B
*Moždani udar
*Čir na želucu
*Mali broj spermija
*Seksualna slabost
* Infekcije
* Problemi s prostatom
*Cista jajnika
*Začepljenja jajovoda *Neplodnost
*Nizak libido

It may be just an ordinary-looking leaf, but a bay leaf is packed with flavour, aroma, health and
wellness. It is a herb that can be traced to ancient times. The Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis,
Lauraceae), similar to the bay leaf, was the main constituent in the wreaths of laurel used for
crowning the victorious athletes in ancient Greece. Also known as Sweet Bay or Sweet Laurel, it
is one of the most commonly used herbs. Its history dates back to the legends of the Greek god
Apollo, the god of prophecy, healing, strength, protection and energy.
You can cook the leaves and inhale the steam to get rid of mucus and reduce the severity of the
cough. Bay leaf protects against heart attack and stroke, because it contains compounds that
protect the heart and blood vessels. It is rich in acids such as caffeic acid, quercetin, eigenol and
parthenolide, which are substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body.
Eliminates insomnia and stress if taken before bedtime and helps to relax and sleep peacefully.
Drinking a cup of boiled bay leaf twice a day dissolves kidney stones and cures infections.
Just as we typically burn incense sticks, bay leaves are also burned in homes and places of
worship as a part of spiritual rites and rituals. The bay leaf is believed to contain a multitude of
chemicals that are released on burning and are beneficial to the body. Burning a bay leaf has also
been found to relieve stress and fatigue. The combination of chemicals, specifically the chemical
linalool in the leaves creates smoke that, when inhaled, calms the body and the mind. Patrons
also associate bay leaf smoke with more focused meditation. Inhalation of this smoke is also said
to boost one's immune system and treat respiratory issues. It is believed that consuming about 1
to 3 grams of fresh bay leaf regularly, can also help one to effectively deal with Type II diabetes.

Learn how to take away your worries and make your wishes come true with the magical uses of
bay leaf. Bay leaf, also known as bay laurel, is a powerful herb that is useful for manifestation,
prosperity, protection, cleansing and even psychic development. It is a favorite herb of many as it
is easily accessible, has multiple magical uses and is easy to grow inside of your home or garden.
Take a bay leaf and write your wishes and desires directly on the leaf. While holding the bay
leaf, begin to channel your wants, intentions and wishes into the leaf. Take as much time as you
need to focus your energy, feelings and visualizations into the leaf. Feel and visualize receiving
what you are asking for and be open to receive it. Once you are finished channeling and feel
ready, burn the bay leaf. Watch the smoke of the Bay leaf carry your wishes and intentions out
into the universe.
Bay leaves are widely known for their power to develop psychic abilities, and most commonly,
what's known as the "clairs". What this means is that bay leaves can help to heighten your
extrasensory abilities, in order to receive psychic messages, communicate with your spiritual
team, and connect to the Universe. You can sleep with a bay leaf under your pillow to receive
psychic messages in your dreams. This same method also helps with lucid dreaming or astral
travel, both of which are difficult techniques but, once mastered, can help to connect you with

It helps if you are suffering from these ailments:

*Chronic hepatitis B
*Stomach ulcers
*Low sperm count
*Sexual weakness
*Prostate issues
*Ovarian cyst
*Fallopian tube blockages *Infertility
*Low libido

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