Armstrong Et Al 1999 Modeling Growth and Maturation Changes in Peak Oxygen Uptake in 11 13 Yr Olds

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Modeling growth and maturation changes in peak oxygen

uptake in 11–13 yr olds

Children’s Health and Exercise Research Centre,
University of Exeter, Exeter EX1 2LU, United Kingdom

Armstrong, Neil, Joanne R. Welsman, Alan M. Nevill, onstrates the failure of per body mass ratios to produce
and Brian J. Kirby. Modeling growth and maturation a size-independent exercise variable (4, 5). Scaling
changes in peak oxygen uptake in 11–13 yr olds. J. Appl. techniques based on allometric principles have been
Physiol. 87(6): 2230–2236, 1999.—The influence of gender, shown to produce size-free performance measures when
growth, and maturation on peak O2 consumption (V̇O2 peak) in
applied to data derived from young people, have yielded
11–13 yr olds were examined by using multilevel regression
modeling. Subjects were 119 boys and 115 girls, aged 11.2 6 mass exponents less than the value of 1.0 assumed by
0.4 (SD) yr at the onset of the study. Sexual maturation was the simple ratio method, and in cross-sectional studies
classified according to Tanner’s indexes of pubic hair. V̇O2 peak have produced results that challenge conventional inter-
was determined annually for 3 yr. The initial model identified pretations of the growth and maturation of V̇O2 peak
body mass and stature as significant explanatory variables, (7, 34).
with an additional positive effect for age and incremental The application of allometric techniques to the inter-
effects for stage of maturation. A significant gender difference pretation of longitudinal data is not straightforward
was apparent with lower values for girls, and an age-by- and may provide an incomplete interpretation of the
gender interaction indicated a progressive divergence in boys’
performance measure under investigation. Two recent
and girls’ V̇O2 peak. Subsequent incorporation of the sum of two
skinfold thicknesses into the model negated stature effects, studies (15, 27) have employed an ontogenetic allome-
reduced the gender term, and explained much of the observed tric approach (19), in which individual body mass
maturity effects. The body mass exponent almost doubled, exponents are calculated from each subject’s longitudi-
but the age-by-gender interaction term was consistent with nal body mass-V̇O2 peak regression relationship. Indi-
the initial model. vidual values may be averaged subsequently to de-
aerobic fitness; growth; maturation; multilevel modeling; scribe, for example, gender- or maturity-specific group
gender exponents. This approach has been criticized on the
basis that the interpretation of within-individual and
between-group responses requires a statistically ineffi-
cient two-stage process (25). Moreover, as the longitu-
AEROBIC FITNESS SERVES as a functional index of the dinal analysis centers on describing the body
pulmonary, cardiovascular, and hematologic compo- mass-V̇O2peak relationship, limited information is gained
nents of oxygen delivery and the oxidative mechanisms regarding the nature or magnitude of the pattern of
of the exercising muscles. Peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2 peak), change in aerobic fitness.
the highest oxygen uptake elicited during an exercise Two studies have applied one or both of the theoreti-
test to exhaustion, is recognized as the best single cally proposed mass exponents of 0.67 and 0.75 (28) to
indicator of young people’s aerobic fitness (4). However, examine the longitudinal tracking of and age-related
V̇O2 peak is highly correlated with body size, and, for the changes in V̇O2 peak (21, 27). Although individual cross-
effects of chronological age, maturation, and gender on sectional studies in large, homogeneous subject popula-
V̇O2 peak to be elucidated, the confounding influence of tions have derived mass exponents approximating these
body size must be accounted for. Inappropriate analy- values (1, 7), there is considerable evidence to show
ses have clouded our understanding of growth and that exponents are highly sample specific (5), often
maturational changes in V̇O2 peak (4, 5). deviating markedly from theoretical expectations, par-
Although always controversial (32), the expression of ticularly in small samples. Although producing results
V̇O2 peak in simple ratio to body mass to account for body that may better reflect underlying changes, the applica-
size differences has been, and to a large extent remains tion of a theoretical exponent may not provide an
(20), the method of choice for normalizing V̇O2 peak data. accurate representation of true longitudinal changes
However, the recent literature reflects a resurgence of within a given subject group.
interest in issues concerning the validity of ratio scal- Few longitudinal studies have considered the influ-
ing and the discussion of alternative means for control- ence of covariates other than body mass despite indica-
ling for body size differences. There is accumulating tions from cross-sectional studies in both adults and
evidence to refute the validity of conventional ratio young people that factors such as stature and body
methods derived from both convincing theoretical and fatness may be significant independent predictors (20,
statistical arguments and empirical evidence that dem- 24). Neither has the separate influence of age vs.
maturity on the growth of V̇O2 peak been elucidated
comprehensively, in part because of the limitations of
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby
traditional analytic techniques.
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 Multilevel regression modeling (18) is a statistical
solely to indicate this fact. technique that enables a flexible and sensitive interpre-
2230 8750-7587/99 $5.00 Copyright r 1999 the American Physiological Society

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tation of longitudinal data while avoiding many of the and skinfold thickness over the triceps and subscapular
pitfalls associated with the analyses described above. regions was measured by using Holtain skinfold calipers
In contrast to traditional analytic approaches, multi- (Holtain) according to the techniques described by Weiner
level modeling not only describes the underlying popu- and Lourie (33). Sexual maturity was visually assessed by
lation mean response but also recognizes and describes using Tanner’s indexes for pubic hair development (31).
Anthropometric and maturity measures were taken once on
variation around the group mean. Furthermore, both each measurement occasion due to time and ethical restric-
the number of observations per individual and the tions. However, the same trained research team made the
temporal spacing of the observations may vary within a anthropometric measures and the same trained research
multilevel analysis as individual growth trajectories nurse made the maturity assessments throughout the dura-
are modeled. tion of the study. Blood hemoglobin concentration was deter-
In a reanalysis of the data from a longitudinal study mined from duplicate fingertip blood samples. Blood samples
of V̇O2 peak in young elite athletes (12), Nevill et al. (25) were immediately assayed by using a HemoCue Photometer
used an allometric approach within a multilevel regres- (Clandon Scientific, Farnborough, UK), which was calibrated
sion analysis to demonstrate age and, in boys, matura- against a control cuvette before each measurement.
tional, influences on V̇O2 peak that were over and above The children had visited the laboratory on several occa-
those explained by the overall increase in body size. sions and were habituated to both the general environment
and the experimental procedures. After a 3-min warm-up at
Unfortunately, the participation of boys and girls in
1.67 m/s (6 km/h), V̇O2peak was determined during an incremen-
different sports precluded a detailed examination of tal treadmill running test on a motorized treadmill (Wood-
differential growth between the genders. The present way, Cranlea Medical, Birmingham, UK). Belt speed was
study sought to extend our understanding of the devel- increased to 1.94 m/s (7 km/h, year 1) or 2.22 m/s (8 km/h,
opment of aerobic fitness by using a multilevel regres- years 2 and 3) for the initial stage and then increased by 0.28
sion modeling approach to interpret chronological age-, m/s (1 km/h) for each 3-min stage until a speed of 2.78 m/s (10
gender-, and maturity-associated changes in V̇O2 peak in km/h) was reached. Subsequently, belt speed was held con-
a healthy, untrained population of subjects tested for stant, and the gradient was increased by 2.5% each stage for
three consecutive years, commencing at a mean age of further increments. A 1-min rest period separated the exer-
11.2 yr. cise stages. The test was continued to voluntary exhaustion.
If the young person showed signs of intense exertion (hyper-
pnea, facial flushing, unsteady gait, sweating) and if his or
her heart rate had reached a value within 5% of age-predicted
Subjects. All of the children in year 6 (age 10–11 yr) of the maximum or the respiratory exchange ratio was at least 1.0,
15 state schools in the city of Exeter, United Kingdom, were the V̇O2 peak attained was accepted as a maximal index. All
invited to participate in a longitudinal study of physical subjects included in this paper satisfied these criteria on all
activity patterns, physiological responses to exercise, and test occasions.
body composition. Some 745 children (70% of those eligible) Throughout the test expired gases were monitored continu-
volunteered, and written consent was obtained from both the ously by using an Oxycon Sigma on-line gas-analysis system
children and their parents and/or guardians. The project (Cranlea Medical), which was calibrated before each test by
received ethical approval from the Exeter District Health using gases of verified concentration. Heart rate was moni-
Authority Ethical Committee. In an attempt to detect sample tored by using an electrocardiograph (Rigel, Morden, UK).
bias, the stature and body mass of the volunteers were Statistical methods. Descriptive statistics (means and SDs)
compared with the stature and body mass of those who for anthropometric variables, blood hemoglobin concentra-
declined to participate. No significant difference (P . 0.05) tion, and V̇O2 peak were computed for subjects on the first test
was detected in either gender. Twenty-five percent of the occasion. Gender differences within each year of the study
eligible children in each school were randomly selected from were calculated by using analysis of variance.
those who volunteered. Previous publications have described Factors associated with the longitudinal development of
the V̇O2 peak of boys and girls who were prepubertal in the first V̇O2 peak (gender and maturity), adjusted for differences in
year of the project (1) and analyzed cross-sectional changes in anthropometric measures and age, were investigated by
V̇O2 peak by maturity group by using data from the second year using the multilevel modeling program MLwiN (17). Multi-
of the project (7). The present study involves a longitudinal level modeling is an extension of multiple regression, which is
analysis of the development of V̇O2 peak during the first 3 yr of appropriate for analyzing hierarchically structured data. In
the study. The subject sample thus comprises those young longitudinal data sets the hierarchy can be seen as the
people who satisfactorily completed the V̇O2 peak test and repeated-measurement occasions (defined as level 1 units),
associated anthropometric measures and for whom maturity grouped within the individual subject (defined as the level 2
assessments were available. Subject numbers for year 1 are unit).
n 5 119 boys, n 5 115 girls; year 2, n 5 94 boys, n 5 88 girls; Multilevel modeling is preferable to traditional analytic
and year 3, n 5 93 boys, n 5 81 girls. There were no approaches (e.g., repeated-measures analysis of variance) for
significant differences (P . 0.05) between those who failed to longitudinal data as, in addition to describing the population
return for a subsequent test occasion and the rest of the group mean response, this method recognizes and describes varia-
on key measures including stature, body mass, skinfold tion around the mean at both levels. For example, at level 2,
thicknesses, hemoglobin concentration, and V̇O2 peak. individuals are allowed to have their own growth rates, which
Experimental methods. Age was computed from date of vary randomly around the underlying population response
birth and date of examination. Anthropometric apparatus and, at level 1, each individual’s observed measurements may
was calibrated according to the manufacturers’ instructions. vary around his or her own growth trajectory. Furthermore,
Stature was measured by using a Holtain stadiometer (Hol- in contrast to traditional methods that require a complete
tain, Crymych, Dyfed, UK), body mass was determined by longitudinal data set, both the number of observations per
using Avery beam balance scales (Avery, Birmingham, UK), individual and the temporal spacing of the observations may

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vary within a multilevel analysis as individual growth trajec- mass, stature, or hemoglobin concentration at any
tories can be modeled. point of measurement. Boys had significantly higher
In this study a multiplicative, allometric approach was (P , 0.001) V̇O2 peak than did girls on each measurement
adopted on the basis of the model proposed by Nevill and
occasion. The sum of skinfolds for boys was signifi-
associates (25) as follows
cantly lower (P , 0.05) than that for girls on the first
y 5 massk1 · staturek2 · exp (aj 1 bj · age 1 c · age2)eij two measurement occasions.
The results of the initial modeling of V̇O2 peak over the
where all parameters were fixed, with the exception of the three measurement occasions are presented in Table 2.
constant (intercept term) and age parameters, which were
allowed to vary randomly at level 2 (between individuals), and
In this model, mass and stature proved to be significant
the multiplicative error ratio e (which varied randomly at covariates with exponents of 0.48 6 (SE) 0.03 and
level 1). Subscripts i and j denote random variation at levels 1 0.81 6 0.12, respectively. There was a significant
and 2, respectively. The variable ‘‘age’’ was centered around positive effect for age that was larger for boys than
the group mean age of 12.0 yr. girls, as indicated by the significant age-by-gender
This model can be linearized by logarithmic transforma- interaction term that would be deducted from the age
tion and multilevel regression analysis on loge(y) used to term for the girls. A small but significant term for age
solve for the unknown parameters. Once transformed, the
squared was also identified for both genders, although
equation above becomes
girls’ V̇O2 peak was shown to be significantly lower than
loge y 5 k1 · loge mass 1 k2 · loge stature 1 aj 1 bj · age that for boys’ as reflected by the negative term for
gender (20.15 6 0.01). In addition to these anthropo-
1 c · age2 1 loge(eij) metric, age, and gender effects, there was an incremen-
From this baseline model additional explanatory variables
tal effect of maturation that was consistent for boys and
were investigated, including the sum of triceps and subscapu- girls. The maturity-by-gender effects investigated are
lar thicknesses, blood hemoglobin concentration, gender, and not included in Table 2 as they were nonsignificant
stage of maturity (stages 1–5 for pubic hair development). throughout all models.
The latter two variables were incorporated into the model as These fixed estimates describe the population mean
indicator variables (e.g., for gender, boys 5 0, girls 5 1), which response, whereas the random parameters describe
set the boys’ constant as the baseline from which the girls’ variation around this response at both level 1 (within
parameter may deviate. Similarly, the baseline model reflects individuals) and at level 2 (between individuals); i.e.,
the responses of a prepubertal child from which any addi-
tional effects of later maturity may be quantified. Interaction these parameters reflect the variance that remains
terms ‘‘age by gender’’ and ‘‘maturity by gender’’ were also unaccounted for by the fixed part of the model. Within
constructed to investigate whether age and maturational model 1 there was significant random variation at level
effects on V̇O2 peak differed for boys and girls. Age was also 2 for age, reflecting differential individual growth rates
allowed to vary randomly at level 1 to investigate within- in V̇O2 peak. Allowing each individual his or her own mass
individual variation around the individual growth trajectory. exponent proved unnecessary as there was no random
The need to allow each individual his or her own mass variation between individuals around the fixed (mean)
exponent was examined by letting body mass vary at level 2.
As demonstrated for cross-sectional data (34), this multipli-
cative, allometric modeling approach has been shown to be The independent effect of introducing the sum of two
theoretically and statistically superior for longitudinal analy- skinfold thicknesses into the model was examined, with
ses (25) to an additive, polynomial model (12) as the former the results summarized in Table 2, model 2. The
accommodates the skewness and heteroscedasticity that of- addition of skinfolds to the baseline model rendered the
ten characterize size-related exercise performance data (34). stature and age squared terms nonsignificant and re-
duced the magnitude of the gender term, whereas the
mass exponent was almost doubled to a value of 0.86 6
The subjects’ physical characteristics in each year of 0.03. Inclusion of skinfolds also explained much of the
the study are presented in Table 1. There were no observed maturity effects, with the parameter estimates
significant (P . 0.05) gender differences in age, body for maturity stages 3–5 almost halved. Furthermore,

Table 1. Physical characteristics and peak V̇O2 peak data for subjects in each year of the study
Boys, Year 1 Girls, Year 1 Boys, Year 2 Girls, Year 2 Boys, Year 3 Girls, Year 3
(n 5 119) (n 5 115) (n 5 94) (n 5 88) (n 5 93) (n 5 81)

Age, yr 11.2 6 0.4 11.2 6 0.4 12.1 6 0.4 12.2 6 0.4 13.1 6 0.04 13.1 6 0.04
Stature, m 1.46 6 0.06 1.46 6 0.08 1.51 6 0.08 1.51 6 0.08 1.57 6 0.09 1.57 6 0.08
Mass, kg 36.7 6 6.5 38.1 6 7.8 41.1 6 7.4 43.2 6 8.3 46.4 6 9.1 48.4 6 8.8
Skinfolds, mm 19.9 6 10.5 22.8 6 8.6* 19.7 6 8.8 22.6 6 8.8* 21.3 6 10.7 23.5 6 8.1
Hemoglobin concentration, g/l 13.5 6 0.6 13.6 6 0.6 13.5 6 0.7 13.4 6 0.7 13.7 6 0.07 13.6 6 0.07
V̇O2 peak , l/min 1.81 6 0.26 1.63 6 0.28† 2.11 6 0.34 1.89 6 0.29† 2.39 6 0.44 2.10 6 0.30†
Heart rate at V̇O2 peak , beats/min 200 6 7 202 6 7 201 6 8 203 6 7 200 6 7 202 6 7
RER at V̇O2 peak 1.06 6 0.07 1.05 6 0.06 1.04 6 0.05 1.05 6 0.05 1.03 6 0.06 1.05 6 0.05
Values are means 6 SD. n, No. of subjects; V̇O2 peak , peak O2 uptake; RER, respiratory exchange ratio. * P , 0.05, † P , 0.001 (boys vs. girls
within yr group).

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Table 2. Multilevel regression analysis for V̇O2 peak ing V̇O2 peak has therefore been the focus of much debate
in exercise science (5), but few studies have considered
Parameter Model 1 SEE Model 2 SEE the likelihood that the value of the mass exponent is
Fixed dependent on not only sample size (4, 5) and homogene-
Constant 21.2526 6 0.0978 21.8735 6 0.0945 ity (20) but also the effect of other confounding covari-
Loge mass 0.4765 6 0.0320 0.8629 6 0.0317 ates. For example, with stature included as an addi-
Loge stature 0.8105 6 0.1172 NS
Loge skinfolds 20.1704 6 0.0134 tional covariate the value of the mass exponent has
Age 0.0428 6 0.0116 0.0450 6 0.0108 been reduced in several data sets (20, 34). Conversely,
Age2 20.0073 6 0.0035 NS inclusion of a measure of body fatness tends to raise the
Gender 20.1495 6 0.0094 20.1340 6 0.0084 value of the mass exponent (21). The present study
Age 3 gender 20.0177 6 0.0068 20.0177 6 0.0065
Maturity level 2 0.0382 6 0.0090 0.0301 6 0.0086
demonstrates these effects clearly. When, for illustra-
Maturity level 3 0.0548 6 0.0106 0.0372 6 0.0105 tive purposes, the data in the present study were
Maturity level 4 0.0902 6 0.0140 0.0571 6 0.0138 analyzed with mass as the sole body size variable, a
Maturity level 5 0.0892 6 0.0221 0.0435 6 0.0212 mass exponent of 0.67 6 (SE) 0.03 was obtained,
Level 2
reflecting the values reported in cross-sectional investi-
Constant 0.0042 6 0.0005 0.0029 6 0.0004 gations of these children at prepuberty (1) and 12 yr of
Age 0.0008 6 0.0003 0.0006 6 0.0003 age (7). The value of the mass exponent decreased to
Covariance 0.0004 6 0.0003 0.0003 6 0.0002 0.48 6 0.03 with the addition of stature (model 1) and
Level 1 increased to 0.86 6 0.03 when a measure of body
Constant 0.0024 6 0.0003 0.0025 6 0.0003
Age 0.0004 6 0.0005 0.0004 6 0.0005 fatness was incorporated (model 2), illustrating the
Covariance 20.0006 6 0.0002 20.0007 6 0.0002 interdependence of covariates and supporting the view
22 3 log(likelihood) 21359.6270 21432.6730 that a lack of statistical control over known covariates
Values are means 6 SE of the estimate (SEE). NS, not significant. is a factor underlying the variability in reported mass
Age was centered around group mean of 12.0 yr. exponents (20). These findings also illustrate that it is
inappropriate to assume that scaling to either the
traditional per body mass ratio or to one of the theoreti-
the addition of this measure of body fatness explained a cal mass exponents (i.e., 0.67 or 0.75) will control
considerable proportion of the remaining level 2 (be- adequately for body size differences in children and
tween-individuals) variance associated with the con- adolescents.
stant in model 1; i.e., the estimate was reduced from Welsman et al. (34) used log-linear analysis of covari-
0.0042 6 0.0005 to 0.0029 6 0.0004. ance to partition out body size from V̇O2 peak in groups of
Blood hemoglobin concentration was introduced as preteen and teenage boys and girls and adult men and
an additional explanatory variable, but a nonsignifi- women. These data challenged the conventional inter-
cant parameter estimate was obtained. pretation of V̇O2 peak during growth by demonstrating
that V̇O2 peak increases progressively in boys from prepu-
berty through puberty into adulthood, whereas in girls
The V̇O2 peak data in liters per minute are in accor- increases are observed from prepuberty into puberty
dance with the extant literature (4). The present data, with no significant decline into adulthood (34). Subse-
however, offer further insights into the growth of quently, the same group examined the relationship
V̇O2 peak, with body size appropriately accounted for. The between maturation and V̇O2 peak, with body mass con-
conventional interpretation of V̇O2 peak ‘‘corrected’’ for trolled by using allometry (7). Twelve-year-old boys and
body mass (ml · kg21 · min21 ) is that, during the teen girls were classified into maturity stages 1–4 (31), and
years, boys’ values remain remarkably consistent, the results demonstrated significant increases in V̇O2peak
whereas girls’ values progressively decline (4). How- across maturity stages that were over and above the
ever, although it has been argued that there is no need changes attributable to increased body mass alone (7).
to abandon the use of the above-mentioned unit of These maturational effects had been masked in previ-
measure to normalize V̇O2 peak for body size (29), the ous cross-sectional studies by the use of the ratio
recent literature reflects a growing awareness of the standard (ml · kg21 · min21 ) to partition out body-size
theoretical and statistical limitations of this approach effects (10, 17). The present study has sought to further
(4, 20). clarify age, growth, and maturity effects on V̇O2 peak in
There is increasing empirical evidence to refute boys and girls studied longitudinally by using appropri-
the assumption that scaling V̇O2 peak to a mass exponent ate multilevel regression modeling techniques.
of 1.0 produces a size-free variable (1, 7, 21, 34), and Most longitudinal studies have analyzed age-,
theoretical arguments based on considerations of geo- growth-, or maturity-associated changes in V̇O2 peak by
metric similarity or surface law predict that V̇O2 peak correcting data for a single body-size indicator within
should scale to mass raised to the power 0.67 (28). each analysis, usually body mass (15, 27) or anthropo-
Nevertheless, when V̇O2 peak is modeled in subject groups metrically predicted lean body mass (21, 27). However,
heterogeneous for factors such as body size and age, a more comprehensive understanding of developmental
several studies have reported mass exponents close to changes in V̇O2 peak should ideally investigate simulta-
the power 0.75 (20). The numeric value of an alterna- neously the influence of other known covariates. For
tive ‘‘universal’’ or ‘‘true’’ mass exponent for normaliz- example, despite valid concerns regarding issues of

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collinearity among covariates (11), stature has been The data from the first year of the study support
shown to be a significant, independent predictor of evidence of gender differences in V̇O2 peak at age 11 yr
V̇O2 peak in both adults and young people when incorpo- (4). In fact, a significant gender difference in V̇O2 peak
rated alongside mass in an allometric analysis (20, 25, was demonstrated even when prepubescent girls (n 5
34). This was confirmed in the baseline model pre- 53) and boys (n 5 111) were compared, and with this
sented here (Table 2, model 1) with a significant subsample there was no significant gender difference in
exponent for stature of 0.78 6 0.12. skinfold thicknesses (1). Explanations for girls’ lower
The addition of the sum of two skinfolds (Table 2, V̇O2 peak at a young age are speculative but the lower
model 2) to the baseline model made the terms for both values may be due to a lower exercise stroke volume
stature and age squared redundant. Incorporating this than in boys. Boys have consistently demonstrated
measure of body fatness also explained a large propor- higher stroke volumes than girls at the same submaxi-
tion of the observed maturity effects, with the magni- mal oxygen uptake or exercise intensity, although
tude of the effect increasing with progression through differences have been small and in some cases statisti-
maturational stages. A similar effect was observed cally insignificant (26). Comparative data at V̇O2 peak
when the development of mean power obtained during appear to be limited to one published study (23), which,
a Wingate Anaerobic Test in 12–13 yr olds from the by using carbon dioxide rebreathing, reported boys’
present population (9) was modeled. In the present stroke index to be 15% higher than those in girls at
study, differences in skinfold thickness also explained 9–10 yr of age and 5% higher at 11–12 yr of age.
part of the gender difference observed in addition to a However, recent work by Rowland (26), using Doppler
considerable proportion of the residual between- echocardiography, provides supportive data, with 12-yr-
individual variance (level 2). old boys reported to have 13% higher maximal stroke
Studies investigating age, growth, and maturational indexes relative to lean body mass than similarly aged
changes in the body mass-V̇O2 peak relationship by using girls.
ontogenetic allometry (15, 27) have noted extreme The results of the multilevel regression models exam-
variability in individual mass exponents with, for ex- ined here confirm previous cross-sectional indications
ample, values ranging from 0.18 to 1.74 in one study (34) in showing increases in size-related V̇ O2 peak
(27). The flexibility of the multilevel modeling proce- that contrast with conventional interpretation of V̇O2peak
dure used in the present study enables the underlying during growth (4). Furthermore, the significant age-by-
mean response to be described while concurrently gender interaction term in the present data set indi-
allowing individuals to have their own mass exponent. cates a progressive divergence in boys’ and girls’ values
The need for this was examined by fitting a random over the age range examined. The increasing gender
component for mass at level 2 of the analysis (i.e., difference in V̇O2 peak during childhood and adolescence
between individuals). When this was done, however, has been attributed to the greater accumulation of body
the model failed to converge, indicating that the fixed fat in relation to body mass in girls, boys’ higher
(mean) parameter adequately described this popula- hemoglobin concentration, and girls’ lower levels of
tion. Individual variation in overall growth rates was habitual physical activity (4).
evident, as indicated by the significant random variance The addition of the sum of skinfold thicknesses to the
at level 2 associated with the age term. The variability baseline model reduced the magnitude of the gender
in overall rates of change in V̇O2 peak during the 3 yr of term. This may be reflective of boys’ relatively greater
this study is clearly evident from the individual growth increase in muscle mass, which would not only facili-
trajectories illustrated in Fig. 1. tate the use of oxygen during exercise but may also
supplement the venous return to the heart and there-
fore augment stroke volume, through the peripheral
muscle pump (6, 26).
During puberty there is a marked increase in hemo-
globin concentration and hence oxygen-carrying capac-
ity in boys, whereas girls’ values plateau (16). It might
therefore be expected that differences in hemoglobin
levels between boys and girls would be a contributory
factor to the observed gender difference in V̇O2 peak, and
this has been demonstrated with 14 and 15 yr olds (10).
Hemoglobin levels were determined routinely in the
present study at each laboratory visit, but, when inves-
tigated as an additional explanatory variable, a nonsig-
nificant parameter estimate was obtained with these
11–13 yr olds. This is not an unexpected finding given
the minimal change in hemoglobin concentration across
the 3 yr of observation in both boys and girls (see
Fig. 1. Examples of individual predicted changes in peak O2 uptake
Table 1).
(V̇O2 peak) adjusted for body mass skinfold thicknesses and maturity Boys have been consistently demonstrated to have
(see Table 2, model 2). higher levels of habitual physical activity than girls,

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but the evidence relating habitual physical activity to We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Jenny
V̇O2 peak is conflicting (5). In parallel studies the physical Frost, Alison Husband, and Sue Vooght.
The work was supported by the British Heart Foundation and the
activity patterns of the present children were moni- Healthy Heart Research Trust. Alan Nevill is with the School of
tored over 3 days, using continuous heart rate monitor- Human Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
ing, and no significant relationships were detected Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: N. Arm-
between V̇O2 peak and heart rate indicators of level of strong, Children’s Health and Exercise Research Centre, Univ. of
Exeter, Heavitree Rd., Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK (E-mail: N.
physical activity in either the first (3) or second year (8)
of the study. In a multilevel regression analysis of the
Received 27 April 1999; accepted in final form 10 August 1999.
3-yr heart rate data, V̇O2 peak was examined as an addi-
tional explanatory variable, but a nonsignificant param-
eter estimate was obtained (2). Habitual physical activ- REFERENCES
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