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No Questions Answers
Which of the following is not a valid ground for lifting the corporate veil under judicial
1 D - Ultra vires acts

A resolution shall be special resolution when the votes cast in favour of the resolution
2 C - Three Fourth of
by the members are not less than

3 Which of the following transactions does not fall in the ambit of bailment ? C - Placing of ornaments in a bank locker

4 A company may be in the form of C - Both of the above

5 A contract stands discharged D - By all of these
6 The shorter versions of a prospectus are also known as D - red herring prospectus
A - The transfer of a bill of exchange, prom
7 The term negotiation in section 14 of the Negotiable instruments act, 1881 refers to
note or cheque to any person,
8 Who among the following can demand Performance? D - All of the above
is the resolution which is passed, at valid called general meeting, by special majority of
9 A - Special Resolution
the meeting
10 Infringement in relation to copyright implies A - Breach
11 The dividend on preference capital is paid D - only when the directors recommend it
A share certificate once issued by the company binds in two ways, namely by estoppel
12 A - By estoppel as to payment
as to title and
13 As a general rule, an agreement made without consideration is A - Void

14 In respect of reciprocal promises the agreement as to the illegal promise is C - Void

Which of the following is true as regards delivery of goods in installments as provided

15 C - only if agreed between the parties.
under sale of goods Act
16 Towards the fulfilment of their fiduciary duty, the promoters D - All of the above
A hired a music hall to b for performing concerts. The hall accidentally burnt before
17 A - Void
beginning of the concert. The contract becomes
18 issue of prospectus by a company is C - invitation to offer

19 A contract is discharged by novation which means the C - Substitute of existing contract for a new

When prior to the due date of performance, the promisor absolutely refuses to
20 D - anticipatory breach of contract
perform the contract, it is known as

a agrees to pay rs 500 to be if it rains and the promises to pay like amount to an if it
21 C - wagering agreement
does not run his agreement is called:

A Past member can also be placed on the list of Contributories of he has ceased to be a D - 12 months before the commencement
member within winding up

Which of the following are true about conditions according to Sale of Goods? 1. Title 2
23 C - A, C & D Only
Description 3 Quite Possesion D Encumbrances.
24 In India, unauthorised lottery is C - Both A & B
How much time a holder must , if so required by the drawee of a bill of exchange
25 B - 48 hours (exclusive of public holidays)
presented to him for acceptance …. Accept it

26 Where a party is restrained from breach of a negative term of a contract, this refers to B - Injuction

27 The jurisdiction of state commision is B - 20 Lakhs to 1 Crore

28 A minor, by misrepresenting his age, borrows some money. He B - he cannot be sued for the fraud

29 Which of the following is correct? An agreement with a - An agreement with a minor is always vo

30 A Contract creates A - Right in personam

31 In case of illegal agreements, colleteral transactions are A - Also void
32 The Person to whom goods are delivered according bailment is called B - Bailee
33 is a not document of title of goods? D - Performa Invoice
Consumer has the right to present before the appropriate forum or authorities all those
34 B - Heard
mailers which affect his interests the right of the

A in consideration that b will employ c in collecting the rent of b’s zamindari, promises
35 b to be responsible, to the amount of 5000 rupees for the due collection and payment B - continuing guarantee
by c of those rents. This is a

36 Who cannot demand performance of a Promise? D - Stranger to the contract

37 Minimum number of dorectors in private conpany B-2
38 The other name of indoor management is D - Tarquand Rule
39 The essence of a righ of lien is to B - Retain the possesion
Which of the following cannot be said to be included in the term goods defined under
40 D - Actionable Claims
section 2(7) of the sale of goods ACT, 1930

In commercial and business agreement, the intention of the parties to create legal
41 A - Presumed to exist
relationship is .

If / In an instrument the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid is stated diffrentaly

42 C - the instrument is void due to uncertain
in figures and in words

.a applies to a banker for a loan when the money market is very stringent. Banker says
43 A - not obtained by under influence
that the loan could be provided only at such high interest a consent is:

44 Capacity to contract means D - All of these

Which of the following statement is incorrect? All illeagl agreements are void but all
45 D - All of the above

A promise to paint picture for b. A die before painting picture. Which one of the
46 B - the agreement becomes impossible
following is the correct legal position?
47 Minimum--- and maximum ---- constitute a private limited company C - 2 and 15
48 An illegal agreement renders all the incidental transactions B - illegal
49 A promisee is C - A person to whom the promise is made
The quorum for a meeting of the board of directors shall be of its total
50 D - 1 by 3
strength or 2 directors, whichever is higher.

agreements to do an unlawful immoral or illegal act like smuggling or murdering a

51 A - cannot be enforceable by law
52 Roma along with her 6 friends has incorporated Roma Trading Ltd. B - the concept of small company
An agreement is void if it is opposed to public policy which of the following is not
53 D - contract to do an impossible act
covered by the head of public policy

A - a person whose name is recorded as su

54 Beneficial owner means
55 essential element of a valid contract D- All of these
56 A stipulation essential to the main purpose of the contract A - Condition
57 cases the rule no consideration no congtract does not apply D - All of the above cases
B - extends to authority to do all acts neces
58 According to Section 189 of the contract ast, an agent's authority in an emergency
prudent to protect
59 Holder of an instrument is a person who holds the instrument B - before maturity

When a person signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain from doing anything,
60 with a view to obtaining the assent of that person to such an act or abstinence, he is B - Make a proposal

61 Stranger to contract means C - third party to contract

Case Study - Ketan has written a new book
Who can fill the case related to unauthorised publishing of this book? C - Both
Under new amendments a copyright is valid for_ years: C - 60 Years
By which method writer of book get royalty in during copyright period: C - fix percentage
Under which act/law ketan can file case D - copy right protection act and civil suit

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