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Background of study

The induction motor is widely used in manufacturing industries due to its robust
construction and ease of operation. However, it is susceptible to various issues
such as under voltage, overvoltage, overheating, and phase reversal. Operating
the motor above its maximum temperature rating can significantly reduce its
lifespan. Therefore, it is crucial to protect the motor from these faults to ensure
uninterrupted operation. While there are parameter controlling and monitoring
systems available for other types of machines, they are not extensively used for
induction motors due to high installation costs and physical limitations. To
overcome these limitations, a cost-effective solution is required. This is where a
microcontroller-based system comes into play, offering simplicity and
affordability. Additionally, induction motor speed control has become easier and
more versatile with advancements in power electronics, making it a viable
alternative to expensive and controllable motors. Protecting the induction motor
is vital for its long-term service, and researchers have developed costly and
limited protection methods for stator windings, broken rotor bars, thermal
protection, and more. Small-scale industries, in particular, rely on affordable
protection solutions as they cannot bear high capital costs. Therefore, a cost-
effective and compact design has been developed to safeguard the induction
motor against unbalanced voltage, under voltage, over voltage, short circuit, and
thermal issues. This design is also capable of handling critical loads that need to
operate even under single phasing conditions. In small-scale industries, where
power quality is often poor, protecting induction motors from damage is crucial.
Furthermore, the proposed design can be utilized for speed control and efficiency
improvement, manually activated through the introduction of a single two-way
switch. While extensive research has been conducted in this area, many existing
solutions are expensive and impractical for our specific conditions. To ensure
cost-effectiveness, the proposed design takes into consideration that the total
cost of the protection equipment should not exceed 15% of the actual machine
cost. This is achieved by utilizing components such as microcontrollers, relays,

small current transformers, and power transformers, which are relatively
inexpensive. However, it is important to note that while cost is a priority, the
efficiency of the protection scheme should not be compromised.

Motor protection is crucial due to the widespread usage of induction motors in

various applications. These motors are commonly employed as industrial drive
motors. To minimize size and cost, large-capacity motors are designed with
magnetic and current densities close to their limits. As a result, these motors are
sensitive to abnormal operating conditions such as overvoltage or overloading,
necessitating a reliable and high-speed protection scheme. Digital relays based on
microprocessors or microcontrollers offer precise and rapid protection

This project focuses on implementing a protection scheme for induction motors

using microcontroller. The scheme aims to detect incipient faults in the motor,
such as over/under voltage, over/under current, and overheating. These electrical
faults can cause the motor windings to overheat, leading to insulation failure and
a reduced motor lifespan. By utilizing the microcontroller, the project seeks to
provide accurate and timely protection for the induction motor, mitigating
potential damages caused by electrical faults.

2. Literature Review
In the literature review, several papers related to the detection and diagnosis of
faults in induction motors are discussed. Here is a summary of the key points and
drawbacks of each paper:

- William H. Kersting: The paper highlights the issue of single phasing in three-
phase induction motors and the need for protection. However, the main
drawback is that the proposed solution is based on classical methods, while the
project aims to modify it using a microcontroller.[1]

- Sutherland P. E. and Short T.A.: The paper discusses the use of three-phase
reclosers for single-phase faults on distribution feeders. It provides statistical data
on fault occurrences but focuses only on single phasing, which is a limitation. The
project aims to design a system for multiple faults.[2]
- Sudha M. and Anbalagan: The paper proposes a technique to protect three-
phase induction motors from single phasing, under voltage, and over voltage
using a microcontroller (PIC16F877). It involves sampling and converting phase
values, comparing them with reference values, and controlling the contactor. The
drawback is that it only covers specific faults and does not address a
comprehensive range of fault conditions.[3]

- Faiz J. The paper focuses on the negative impact of unbalanced voltages
on the performance of three-phase induction motors. It compares the voltage
unbalance definitions provided by NEMA, IEEE, and IEC. The study concludes that
the definitions by NEMA and IEEE are simpler to calculate compared to IEC.
However, it notes that all three definitions only provide an idea about the
percentage unbalance and need modification.[4]

- Javed A. and Izhar T.: The paper proposes protection for three-phase induction
motors based on voltage measurement. However, it acknowledges that voltage
measurement alone is not sufficient to protect the motor if the fault occurs at the
distribution transformer or substation feeder. For effective protection, current
measurement devices should be implemented within the protective device. The
paper also suggests using a phase measurement device to measure the phase
difference of voltages. When a fault occurs at a location other than the motor
terminals, the faulted phase draws negative sequence current and acts as a
voltage generator. The voltage developed is close to the line voltage, but the
measurement scheme is not able to detect the fault. However, the phasor
difference of the faulted phase changes.[5]

The literature review provides insights into different approaches for induction
motor protection and fault detection. While some papers focus on specific faults
or employ classical methods, the project aims to modify the protection system
using a microcontroller and address multiple fault scenarios.

3. Problem Statement:
Nowadays, issues arising in the operation of AC induction motors are common
and can lead to serious consequences if left unmonitored. Therefore, it is
essential to implement a reliable protection system that monitors the motor's
performance under normal and fault conditions. The system aims to detect
various faults that commonly occur in induction motors, including stator faults,
rotor faults, and bearing faults.

When faults are detected, the protection system offers two possible courses of
action. Firstly, it can adjust the input voltage and current to restore the motor to
its normal operating condition. Alternatively, if the faults pose a significant risk to
the stator and rotor components, the system can shut down the motor to prevent
irreversible damage. This proactive approach ensures the motor's longevity and
prevents unexpected failures that could disrupt an entire industrial process. Such
sudden shutdowns can be hazardous to personnel working in the vicinity and can
result in unforeseen expenses.

In this project, a fault detection and protection method utilizing microcontroller

technology will be developed. This method will enable the detection of external
faults experienced by the induction motor. By promptly identifying and
addressing these faults, the protection system will enhance the motor's reliability,
improve safety conditions, and prevent unnecessary financial burdens associated
with motor failure.

4. Objectives:
4.1General Objective:
The main objective of this project is to develop Microcontroller based protection
and monitoring of induction motors.

4.2 Specific Objectives:

- To design the system using a microcontroller.

- To design temperature, current, speed, and voltage sensing circuits that can be
interfaced with the microcontroller.

- To identify and prevent faults in induction motors through proactive monitoring
and protection measures.

- To implement and simulate the program using software simulation tools.

- To test the performance and reliability of the new protection system.

5. Methodology:
To successfully complete this project, the following steps will be followed:

- Review relevant literature and collect data on the condition and control
parameters of induction motors.

- Design a system model based on the collected parameters.

- Select appropriate software tools for programming and development.

- Develop a software program that utilizes a microcontroller and sensors to

measure key parameters such as current, voltage, temperature, and speed
related to the induction motor.

- Implement the designed system using the microcontroller and sensors.

- Test the functionality and effectiveness of the system in detecting and

preventing faults in the induction motor.

- Analyze the performance and reliability of the system.

- Make improvements and refinements to the system based on the test results
and analysis.

- Validate the system through simulations and practical experiments.

By following this methodology, the project aims to design and implement a

system that can effectively monitor and protect induction motors by utilizing a
microcontroller and various sensors to measure important parameters. This
alternative method of fault prevention will enhance the operational efficiency and
lifespan of induction motors.

problem literature data system model software
identification review collection design design

Figure : methodology block diagram

6. Work plan and time schedule

Activities February March-1 March-11 to April-12 to May-3 to may-

TO April-11 May-2 (20 18 (15 days)
MARCH-10 (30days) days)
(10 days)

Ch1: Project

Ch2: Literature
review and data

Methodology of
system design
and analysis

Ch4: Result and


Ch5: conclusion
and future

Table : Work plan and time schedule

7. Material Requirements and Financial Requirement
1. Software Components:
- MikroC: This software will be used for programming the microcontroller
(Arduino Uno) and developing the necessary code for the project.

- Proteus: This software will be utilized for circuit simulation and testing purposes.

2. Hardware Components:
S/n Components Application Cost

1 Microcontroller Arduino Uno (or any compatible

microcontroller) will be used as the
central processing unit for the project.

2 Current Sensor

3 Voltage sensor

4 Temperature sensor

5 Speed sensor(meter)

6 Capacitors Capacitors will be used for filtering and

power factor correction purposes.

7 Resistors Resistors will be employed for voltage

division and current sensing.

8 Induction Motor An actual induction motor will be used

for testing and implementation

9 Diodes

10 Transistors

11 Relays

12 Connectors and wiring

[1] Kersting W.H., "Causes and effects of single-phasing induction motors," IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1499-1505, Dec. 2005.
[2] Sutherland P.E. and Short T.A., "Effect of Single-Phase Reclosing on Industrial
Loads," Industry Applications Conference, 2006. 41st Annual Meeting. Conference
Record of the 2006 IEEE , Vol.5, pp.2636-2644, 8-12 Oct. 2006, Tampa, FL.
[3] Sudha M. and Anbalgan P., "A Novel Protecting Method for Induction Motor
Against Faults Due to Voltage Unbalance and Single Phasing," 33rd Annual
Conference of the IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society, 2007, pp. 1144-1148, 5-8
Nov. 2007, Taipei.
[4] Faiz J., Ebrahimpour H. and Pillay P., "Influence of unbalanced voltage on the
steadystate performance of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor," IEEE
Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 657-662, Dec. 2004
[5] Javed A. and Izhar T., "An improved method for the detection of phase failure
faults in poly phase Induction machines," Third International Conference on
Electrical Engineering, 2009, ICEE '09, pp. 1-6, 9-11 April 2009, Lahore

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