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1) The first step in the startup process is often the – A – Idea Generation

2) Which one is not an advantage of entrepreneurship – D – Taking business decision alone

3) The GST act 2017 have the following features – B – Streamlining & cross
4) In which of the following valuation methods various metrics like number – C – Scorecard
Valuation method
5) _ is a person within an organization – C - Intrapreneur
6) A group of companies or individuals hat invests money in new – C – Venture capital firms
7) Idea generation cannot be done – C – Framing a problem
8) Team domain analysis using mullin’s seven – B – What are the reasons
9) Which of the following factors are/is not essential attribute of an entrepreneur – D – Only ii & iv
10) _ is conducted to solve an immediate problem – A – Action Research
11) Which one of the following is not an attribute of an entrepreneur – D – Risk Averter
12) Innovation can be promoted in an organization by – D – All of the above
13) The business plan will help in identifying the – C – Purpose and feasibility
14) Having more than 50% ownership – A – Majority interest
15) A new venture’s business plan is - D – All of the above
16) Artistic work under the design act – B – Calendars
17) In a _ there is a legal separation of ownership – C – Company
18) _ scheme is promoted by government – B – MUDRA
19) According to peter drucker – D – All of the above
20) _ governs the policies related to foreign trade policy – A – The foreign trade 1992
21) Which of the following factor will help a new venture – C – Innovative Idea
22) Consider the two statements related to startup funding – C – i is correct, ii is incorrect
23) Commercial viability of product & scalability – A – Financial
24) Strength and weakness of a business – A – Market domain
25) Risk and uncertainty is high in case _ - B – Creation of venture
26) Which of the following statement is/are correct – C – A business plan is prepared
27) _ is a working model of a product & its – B – Prototype, higher
28) A venture in its early stage – D – Family & angel
29) Which of the following statement is/are correct about Indian startups – D – Only i & ii
30) Consider the two statements ITC, On mobile Infosys – C – Both intrapreneurship
31) _ Refers to focus & systematic identification – A – Managerial succession
32) What are the factors influencing – D – Structural and behavioural
33) _ manages money – A – Venture capitalist, Angel
34) Which of the following is least likely – D – Weather conditions
35) The stage at which a company reaches – D – Death
36) Motivation to entrepreneurship is due to – D – Risk-taking
37) _ is the stage when the new competitors – B – Hyper
38) Which of the following statement is/are correct for startup india program – C -_ ii & iii
39) When customer expectations regarding – A – Customer satisfaction
40) Which of the following parameters is not considered in behavioral – D – Talent management
41) Which of the following is/are reason(s) for business failure – D – All of these
42) GST is a consumption – D – Destination
43) According to peter drucker sources of – C – Process needs
44) Which one the following is not a factor of the macro – B – Suppliers of raw material
45) In which exit strategy, employees – c – ESOPS
46) Entrepreneurial ventures of India attract – D – All of these
47) Which of the following is a challenge in the valuation – D – Uncenainity
48) Entrepreneurs are best as – D – Creators
49) Raman started a venture – C – Both
50) Which of the following are correct? Entrepreneur is an individual or group of people who
innovate – B – i & ii
51) Five C’s – D – Character, coll, capa,condi,capital
52) Which of the following is incorrect – D – Many players
53) Major disadvantage(s) – A – Family
54) Difference between an “entre” & “manager” – B – Entrepreneur innovator
55) For startups, one typical source – C – Angel
56) _ is/are the critical success – D – All
57) A _ refers to a startups that is rapidly – C – Soonicorn
58) One of the following is not a feature od “design” – B – Non pattern
59) Radical candor – B – Both i&ii
60) Which of the following is/are levied – C – IGST
61) _ is a business with two or more – B – Partnership
62) According to Schumpeter - D – All
63) Startups boom in – D – All
64) Funds are generally – B – When the product is in the early
65) Good sources of information – D – All
66) The final step in the start-up – B – Launch of IPO
67) Case 1 – The case refers to _ of – A – Planning stage
68) Simran depicted the attribute of – Visionary ability
69) Following problem solving technique is not – D – All of the above
70) Idea generation – A – Market research

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