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โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 51 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.

2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม


A. Complete the sentences with and, but, or, so or because.

1- My father always drives the car slowly ……………………………… carefully.
2- My mother, on the other hand, is very reckless, ………………………………, strangely
enough, she hasn't had any accidents so far.
3- My sister is going to attend university in Ankara. She is going to stay in a dormitory,
……………………………… rent a flat if she can find a suitable flatmate.
4- I'm afraid I can't go to work tomorrow ……………………………… I'm not feeling very well.
5- The manager, ……………………………… the secretary, said that we were having the monthly
meeting at the headquarters, ……………………………… I can't remember which.
6- I thought their house was too far from the station to walk, ……………………………… I took
a taxi.
7- The mission was very important ……………………………… secret, ……………………………… he didn't
even tell his wife anything about it.
8- We had to leave the party in a hurry ……………………………… we only had five minutes to
catch the last bus home.

B. Choose the right answer.

1- You have to be persistent, (so/ or) you won't achieve anything in life.
2- (Either / Both) we get better conditions (and / or) we'll all resign.

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 52 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

3- Our health is the most important thing we have. (Neither / Either) money (or / nor)
a career is as important.
4- She left home in a hurry (while / after) she'd made a phone call to her mother.
5- I would like my flatmate a lot better (if / when) she were a little tidier.
6- (Until / As soon as) the manager came in, we all understood that there was
something wrong.
7- I'm afraid we can't replace our car (until / because) I find a better - paid job.
8- My parents never let me go out (if / unless) I've finished all my homework.
9- (After / Just as) we were leaving home, some friends came round.
10- (The more/ As soon as) we tried to dissuade her from her decision, (the sooner /
the more) obstinate she became.
11- Rapunzel's hair was (more / so) long (than / that) her lover could use it to climb up
the tower.
12- (While / When) the guests arrived, Mum had finished all the cooking.

C. Combine the sentences using the words in parentheses.

1- The book was interesting. I couldn't put it down. (so ... that)
2- I enjoy travelling overseas. I wouldn't even consider settling in another country. (but)

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 53 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

3- I saw them. They had just finished decorating the room. (when)
4- I always brush my teeth. Then I go to bed. (before)
5- My brother enjoys all kinds of water sports. So do I. (both ... and)
6- There was very little demand for the tickets. They cancelled the concert. (so)
7- She telephoned me last night. She invited me to a concert. (and)
8- He doesn’t' t really like opera. I doubt that he'll want to come with us. (because)
9- I won’t see him again. He gets back from holiday next month. (until)

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 54 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

10- I was doing the washing-up. I cut my finger on a knife. (while)

11- He has a huge selection of books. I'm sure he can't have read all of them. (such ...
12- We finished work. Immediately, we rushed to the beach for a quick swim. (as soon
13- The play we saw wasn't well-written. It wasn’t well-acted, either. (neither ... nor)
14- The painting she did was brilliant. It's not surprising that she won first prize in the
competition. (because)
15- A book will make a good present for Mike. So will a computer game. (either ... or)

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 55 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

although / because
Although states an unexpected result.
It was rainy. We went on our picnic.
Although it was rainy, we went on our picnic.
Because states an expected result.
It was rainy. We didn't go on our picnic.
Because it was rainy, we didn't go on our picnic.

D. Complete the sentences with because or although.

1- Lucy failed her final exams ………………………………………… she didn't study hard for them.
2- Mark passed all of them ………………………………………… he didn't study at all.
3- Her cold got worse ………………………………………… she took her medicine regularly and
took great care of herself.
4- It took Jeff more than a week to get rid of his cold ………………………………………… he
didn't take good care of himself.
5- Isn't it strange? ………………………………………… the prices in that shop are extremely high,
it's always full of customers!
6- I really want to buy that dress ………………………………………… the price is reasonably
7- ………………………………………… Phil hadn't organised his trip with enough care, a lot of
things went wrong.

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 56 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

E. Combine the sentences using because or although.

1- She didn't get the job. She wasn't well-qualified enough.
2- We missed the train. We still managed to get to the meeting on time.
3- She gets ill very frequently. She's very careful about what she eats and what she
4- I'd really like to do something for him. He was so kind to me in the past.
5- He didn't win the match. He played brilliantly.
6- No one survived the car crash. The two cars collided with great force.
7- There was a power-cu t. The video didn't record the film I wanted to see.

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 57 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

8- She won't actually attend the conference. She is going to help us with the

In spite of
In spite of gives the same meaning as although, but the structure is different.
although + a clause (a subject + verb)
in spite of + a noun/ pronoun
It was raining heavily. Susie played in the garden.
Al though it was raining heavily, Susie played in the garden.
In spite of the heavy rain, Susie played in the garden.

Because and because of have the same meaning, but the structure is different.
because + a clause
because of + a noun/ pronoun
I didn't let her play in the garden. It was raining heavily.
I didn't let her play in the garden because it was raining heavily.
I didn't let her play in the garden because of the heavy rain.

F. Complete the sentences with although, in spite of, because or because of.
1- …………………………………………… he is not a particularly stingy man, he gives very little
pocket-money to his children.

โรงเรียนกวดวิชาภาสกร 58 วิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ ม.2 กลุ่มพิเศษ
“พัฒนาการเรียนรู้อย่างยั่งยืน” เทอม ตุลาคม

2- ……………………………………………his regular study habit, Mike always gets very low marks in
the exams.
3- Turkey is a popular holiday destination for European tourists mainly …………………………
it's sunny and warm.
4- …………………………………………… its tourist attractions, Puket is always full of visitors.
5- …………………………………………… man has been cruel to certain species of animals, they
are now facing extinction.
6- …………………………………………… the danger from the flood waters, some of the villagers
didn't abandon their houses.
7- …………………………………………… man's mishandling of the environment for centuries, we
are now suffering serious ecological problems.
8- The villagers warned the mountaineer not to climb without a guide. …………………………
this, he decided to do it alone.
9- …………………………………………… she had plenty of money on her, she didn't lend any to
her friend to go out for lunch.
10- She is an excellent violinist now …………………………………………… she started to play the
violin at a very young age.
11- The driver of the car was seriously injured …………………………………………… he was wearing
his seat-belt at the time of the accident.
12- …………………………………………… the increasing prices, it's becoming more and more
difficult to buy even the essentials.


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