IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) - Level 2 Quiz - Passed - OK

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Started on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 2:39 PM

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Completed on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 3:45 PM
Time taken 1 hour 6 mins
Grade 24.00 out of 25.00 (96%)
Feedback A minimum of 19 correct answers is required to pass.
Congratulations, you passed the quiz for the IBM Cloud Object Storage cou
Question 1
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Object storage gained its popularity because of its unique characteristics. Which of the
following is NOT an object storage characteristic?
Select one:
High performance for transactional data workloads
Remotely accessible through Wide Area Network (WAN)
Support for custom metadata defined by creators of an application
The ability to scale up in terms of storage capacity and number of data elements that
can be stored in a single namespace

Question 2
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

One of the use cases using IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) is storage for internet
applications, such as video streaming, cloud digital video recording (DVR), social
media, cloud storage for mobile devices, public cloud object storage as a service, and
internet of things (IoT) workflows, which need to consolidate all of the data from a
large number of devices in a single repository for analysis. Which of the following use
cases is being described?
Select one:
Secondary Storage: Active archive
Secondary Storage: Data protection / Data management
Primary Storage: Remote file access / collaboration
Primary Storage: Internet / IOT / Cloud Storage / Big Data

Question 3
1.00 points out of 1.00
Question text

Existing data is difficult to leverage and often trapped. What percentage of mid-size and
large enterprises state they have data stored in too many different silos?
Select one:

Question 4
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) is software defined storage. Which of the following
statement is correct in terms of the supported hardware that IBM COS can run on?
Select one:
IBM provides a list of vendors that IBM COS supports. Clients are free to choose any
hardware from the vendors listed
IBM COS only supports IBM hardware, since IBM can add value as a single vendor
for the entire IBM COS system
Clients are free to choose any hardware in the market today, as long as it meets the
minimum specification requirements
IBM COS is flexible to mix and match approved hardware from IBM and third-party

Question 5
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) is software defined storage. Which of the following
statements is NOT a benefit of this software-defined architecture?
Select one:
The same IBM COS software provided to IBM Storage clients is used by IBM Cloud
to deliver the COS service, ensuring unmatched commitment to the ongoing stability
and improvement of the software
A complete IBM COS system can be deployed as VMWare virtual machines
Upgrading IBM COS is a seamless software upgrade process that ensures production
operations are not disrupted regardless of what hardware IBM COS is installed on
IBM COS software can be deployed on either IBM COS hardware or third-party
hardware from Cisco, Dell, HPE, Seagate and others

Question 6
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following solutions is currently NOT considered a top competitor to IBM
Cloud Object Storage by IBM?
Select one:
Pure Cloud Block Store
Cloudian Hyperstore
Dell/EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS)
NetApp Storage Grid

Question 7
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Object storage is a good fit for receiving most large data sets, including log file
repositories, sometimes requiring years of availability. Which #1 rated Security and
Incident Event Management (SIEM) software is certified with IBM COS to ensure
reliable, economical log file storage?
Select one:
IBM Qradar

Question 8
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Security and data protection are paramount in organizational awareness today. Which of
the following is NOT one of the IBM Cloud Object Storage features that bring
recognized best-in-class data protection to clients?
Select one:
SecureSlice encryption of data at rest which guarantees that no data exposure is
possible via individual hard drives or storage nodes
FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Compliance with IBM COS hardware & software
Data immutability (Write Once, Read Many WORM functionality) with full policy
management capabilities
Mobile App for monitoring and alerting of any non-recognized data access methods

Question 9
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Which storage protocols does IBM Cloud Object Storage natively communicate with?
Select one:
Object protocols (S3 compatible REST API)
Block protocols (SCSI, SAS)
File protocols (NFS, SMB, CIFS)
Container Storage Interface (CSI)

Question 10
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

What is the general competitive advantage of IBM Cloud Object Storage?

Select one:
Highest level of AWS S3 compatibility
Lowest Cost
Most feature rich
Market reputation as a mature and reliable system that can scale to any level required

Question 11
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following use cases is the best fit for Object Storage, leveraging its
support cloud storage?
Select one:
Lowest cost storage for long term data archive
AWS-like private cloud supporting Cloud Native applications in the corporate data
Data center backup
Satellite image repository

Question 12
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following is the most likely reasons for a client to purchase Object
Select one:
Relevance to their "Journey to Cloud" via increasing use of Cloud Native architecture,
Hybrid Cloud, and Cloud or Mobile applications for their clients
They have so much unstructured data that only an object storage system can scale to
meet their requirements
Performance advantages over block and file storage
It offers lower storage cost than NAS

Question 13
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

All IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) systems consist of a number of nodes, where each
node has one of three functions. What are the three functions?
Select one:
Mirroring node, Accesser node, or Slicestor node
Manager node, Access node, or Storage node
Manager node, Accesser node, or Slicestor node
Management node, Compute node, or System node

Question 14
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text
IDC states that clients can achieve what ROI over 3 years using object storage?
Select one:

Question 15
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Object storage systems are applicable across a wide range of industries and market
segments. Object storage opportunities for the secondary storage use cases, including
backup, cloud data management, and active archives, exist in all industries. However,
the largest opportunities often can be found in which 3 industries?
Select one:
Aerospace, utilities, and transportation industries
Health care, finance and insurance, and manufacturing industries
Service providers, telecommunications, and media and entertainment industries
Advertising, telecommunications, and retail industries

Question 16
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

IBM Cloud Object Storage has four main use cases, two of which are classified as
primary storage use cases, and the other two as secondary storage use cases. What is the
main difference between primary and secondary storage in this context?
Select one:
Primary data is used for structured data; whereas secondary storage is used for storing
unstructured data
Primary storage is for data that is used directly to create business value; whereas
secondary storage is storage for the purpose of preventing data loss
Primary storage is used for data that is managed by a metadata cataloguing software
such as Spectrum Discover; whereas secondary is used for storing uncatalogued data
Primary storage is used for "hot data" (frequently accessed data) only; whereas
secondary storage is used to store "cold data" (infrequently accessed data) using older
Question 17
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) supports various site deployment choices, such as a
single site, across two sites or across three or more sites. If the client requires resiliency
against drive, server AND site level failures, which site deployment option provides the
best cost per usable terabyte (TB)?
Select one:
Three or more sites deployment with a single copy of data
A single site deployment with a single copy of data
Three or more sites with two copies of data
Two sites deployment with vault mirroring

Question 18
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

How is data stored in an IBM Cloud Object Storage system protected against loss?
Select one:
Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA)

Question 19
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

What is the key value of the unique support object storage provides for custom metadata
associated with objects?
Select one:
Fast metadata-based search
Increased performance
It gives application developers a powerful new way to work with attributes that are
specific to their application
Ability to access objects using the NFS protocol

Question 20
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Clients may express concern or confusion around why IBM Cloud Object Storage
(COS) is a best-in-class Object Storage solution. Which of the following reason is NOT
an accurate response towards such a concern or inquiry.
Select one or more:
IBM COS provides a unique geo-dispersal capability when three or more data centers
are envisioned for deployment
IBM COS was purpose built and refined from day one to never experience downtime,
slowdowns or product impact, even with multiple disks or nodes unavailable
IBM COS is often the lowest cost solution across all on-premises object storage
vendors globally
IBM COS, as of today, boasts the largest single-namespace object storage installations
in the world across all on-prem object vendors installations in the world across all on-
prem object vendors

Question 21
0.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

What deployment architecture allows IBM Cloud Object Storage to be used in smaller
capacities (less than ~500TB)?
Select one:
Concentrated Dispersal Mode
Concentrated Disposal Mode
Configured Dispersal Mode
Consolidated Dispersal Mode

Question 22
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Active archive is an important use case of IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS). Which
key characteristics makes IBM COS the suitable solution for active archive?
Select one:
Scalability, custom metadata, and data stays accessible
Higher performance than block storage, cost effective, and global access to data
Long term data reliability, cost effective, and data stays accessible
Higher performance than file storage, cost effective, and data stays accessible

Question 23
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Which of the following options is NOT a purchasing option offered by IBM Cloud
Object Storage?
Select one:
Software only license with either perpetual or monthly license, priced by number of
A Storage Utility Offering (SUO) aligning payments and consumption of capacity
Software only license with either perpetual or monthly license, priced by raw terabytes
Fully configured hardware and software appliance

Question 24
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text

Data management products, such as Spectrum Protect Plus, Actifo, Rubrik, and
Cohesity were designed to take advantage of object storage today, typically
complimenting higher performance block or file storage. These products are examples
of which use case for IBM Cloud Object Storage?
Select one:
Secondary Storage: Active archive
Primary Storage: Internet / IOT / Cloud Storage / Big Data
Secondary Storage: Data protection / data management
Primary Storage: Remote file access / collaboration

Question 25
1.00 points out of 1.00

Question text
Customers are modernizing applications and accelerating cloud adoption. Roughly what
percentage of enterprises are expecting to modernize existing applications over the next
three years?
Select one:

Save the state of the flags

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