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Mathematics 1A Lecture Notes


April 4, 2021

1 Absolute Values
1.1 Introduction
The absolute value describes the distance from the number to zero irrespective of direction. Thus, the absolute
value of 7 is 7 and the absolute value if -7 is also 7, as they are both 7 units from zero on the number line.

1.2 Definition
The Absolute Value, or magnitude (modulus) of a number x is defined by the formula

x :x≥0
f (x) = |x| =
−x : x < 0
Example |3| = 3; | − 5| = 5

1.3 Absolute Value Properties

Properties include
1. |a| ≥ 0(non-negative)
2. |ab| = |a||b| where a, b ∈ R(multiplication)
3. | ab | = |a|
|b| where a, b ∈ R(division)
|a ± b| ≤ |a| ± |b| where a, b ∈ R( the triangle inequality)
4. √
5. a2 = |a|

1.4 Solving Absolute Value Equations

The equation |x| = D has TWO solutions, viz. x = D or x = −D
Generally |x − a| = D has TWO solutions, viz. x − a = D or x − a = −D
N.B. The equation |x| = −D has no solution, eg |x| = −2, the magnitude cannot be negative, therefore no
Examples: Solve for x
1. |x| = 22
Solution: x = 22 or x = −22
2. |2x − 1| = 5
Solution: 2x − 1 = 5 or 2x − 1 = −5
Therefore, x = 3 or x = −2 (Check your answers)
3. |x − 2| = 3x + 1, Unknown x on both sides of the equation
Using the definition we have, Case 1: x − 2 ≥ 0, i.e x ≥ 2, then

x − 2 = +(3x + 1)

x − 3x = 1 + 2
However, x = − 2 does not satisfy x ≥ 2, therefore it IS NOT a valid solution.
Case 2: x − 2 < 0, i.e x < 2, then

x − 2 = −(3x + 1)
x − 2 = −3x − 1
Since, x = − 4 satisfies the condition x < 2, therefore it is a valid solution.

1.5 Absolute Value Inequalities

Generally, the following holds true for absolute value inequalities:
1. |x − a| < D ⇒ −D < x − a < D
2. |x − a| ≤ D ⇒ −D ≤ x − a ≤ D
3. |x − a| > D ⇒ either x − a > D or x − a < −D

1.6 Examples
Solve for x
1. 2|3x + 9| < 36

|3x + 9| <
|3x + 9| < 18
−18 < 3x + 9 < 18
−27 < 3x < 9
−9 < x < 3
Interval N otation(−9; 3)

2. |2x + 3| − 8 ≥ −3

|2x + 3| ≥ 5
2x + 3 ≤ −5 or 2x + 3 ≥ 5
x ≤ −4 or x ≥ 1
Interval notation(−∞; −4] ∪ [1; ∞)

1.7 Graph
These function are defined on different parts of its Domain.
1. The Absolute value Graph f (x) = |x|

x :x≥0
f (x) = |x| =
−x : x < 0

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