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Course summary and reflection

Learning review: make your notes here My questions or points to

clarify here

1. The multifaceted nature of studying human aspects in cybercrime:

The significance of the human

factors in studying and
combating crime and
cybercrime, motivations of
criminals, and the context of

Consideration of victims'
behavior, reactions to offensive
behaviors, and human
limitations in combating

The underlying reasons for the List some reasons:

manifestation and success of
the most important attack
vector in cybercrime: social

2. Attackers, Victims, and Law Enforcement:

The interaction and behaviors

of attackers, victims, and law
enforcement in the cybercrime

Insights into the reasons behind

committing crimes,
susceptibility to exploitation,
and detection/prevention by
law enforcement.

3. Attacker Motivations and Incentives:

Understanding why individuals

engage in cybercriminal
activities and commit offenses.

The ways to study the modes of 1.
operations of cybercriminals.

Outline the two ways: 2.

4. Victimisation:

Understanding why certain

individuals are more susceptible
to specific types of attacks.

The shared characteristics for

the purposes of minimising
vulnerability to exploitation. .

5. Law Enforcement (LE):

The limitations and challenges Limitations:

faced by law enforcement
officers in dealing with

Understanding LE interaction
with cybercrime and the need
to overcome obstacles for more
efficient confrontation.

6. Rationality, Decision-making, Biases, and Heuristics:

The different types of

rationality, biases, and
heuristics in human behavior.

Understanding how these

factors influence behaviors and
decisions related to cybercrime.

7. The individual: Personality and Character:

The role of personality traits in

understanding cybercriminals
and victims.


The Five Factor Model (OCEAN)
and the Dark Triad personality E

8. Cultural Dimensions

Cultural dimensions and their

influence on individual,
organisational, and societal

Cybercrime manifestations in How cybercrime is manifested in your country?

different countries and their
relation to political, social, and
economic factors.

9. Security Culture:

The role of security culture in

combating cybercrime.

Components of security culture List the component:

within organisations.

Understanding the importance

of security training, awareness,
and behavior change in
minimizing cyberattacks.

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