10 - 5 Notes

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[Example 2]
A stone is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 20m/s. Air resistance is ignored. (g = 10m/s2)
(a) How far does it take to reach the top?
(b) How long does it take to reach the top?
(c) What is its velocity just before reaching the ground?
(d) How long does it take to reach the ground?
(a) DATA Solution
u = 20m/s v2 = u2 +2ax
v = 0m/s u = 0m/s v = 0m/s throwing v2 - u2 02 - 202 -400
a = -g = -10m/s2 x= = =
up 2a 2×(-10) -20
Throwing x=? = 20m
up Free fall
(b) DATA Solution
x = ?(a) u = 20m/s v = u + at
t = ?(b) v = 0m/s throwing v-u 0-20
t = =
a = -g = -10m/s2 up a -10
u = 20m/s v = ?(c) t=? = 2s
Total time taken =? (d) (c) DATA Solution
2 2
x = 20m v = u +2ax
u = 0m/s Free fall = 02 + 2×10×20
a = g = 10m/s2 =400
v=? v = 20m/s
Total time taken (t) =t1 +t2
(d) DATA Solution
t1: time taken from the ground to the top
u = 0m/s v = u + at2
t2: time taken from the top to the ground a = g = 10m/s2 free fall v-u 20-0
v = 20m/s t2 = = = 2s
a 10
t1 = 2s, t2 = ?, t = ? t = t1 + t2 = 2+2 = 4s

Speed (velocity) – time graph

– Speed (velocity) – time graphs tell stories about the movement of an object.
– The gradient of the speed – time graph is equal to the acceleration of the object.
– The area under the speed – time graph represents the distance traveled by the object.
The diagrams below show the speed – time graphs for different kinds of motion.
(a) Constant speed (no acceleration) (b) Uniform acceleration

speed speed

Horizontal straight line Straight line sloping

upward to the right
time time
(c) Uniform deceleration (d) Non-uniform acceleration (or deceleration)

speed speed

Straight line sloping

downward to the right Curved line
time time

A car moving from rest acquires a velocity of 20m/s with uniform acceleration in 4s. It moves with this velocity for 6s and
again accelerates uniformly to 30m/s in 5s. It travels for 3s at this velocity and then comes to rest with uniform deceleration
in 12s.
(a) Draw a speed – time graph.
(b) Calculate the total distance covered.

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