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(Tribhuvan University)

Date: 2021/03/21

The Project deals with the development of the computerized system for maintaining the regular

records and services that are undertaken in the furniture business. This project titled “Web Based

Integrated Furniture Showroom Management System” has been aimed to design and

computerized system that can handle various activities are been carried out at the Furniture

Showroom. This application has been developed using PHP Programming Language as its front end

and the back end is MYSQL Server

In the existing system all the activities and record maintenance of the furniture showroom are

done manually by the manager. The Project deals with the development of the computerized system

for maintaining the regular records and services that are undertaken in this most important and large

business oriented furniture business.

This Project also enables the users to perform all the day to day business operations in the

furniture showroom business most efficiently.

This Project consists of the following modules

 Authentication Module

 Sales module

 Purchase Module

 Stock Module

 Helpline Module

 Report Module


The Project deals with the development of the computerized system for maintaining the regular

records and services that are undertaken in the furniture business. This project has been aimed to

design and computerized system that can handle various activities are been carried out at the

Furniture Showroom. In the existing system all the activities and record maintenance of the furniture

showroom are done manually by the manager. The Project deals with the development of the

computerized system for maintaining the regular records and services that are undertaken in this

most important and large business oriented furniture business.

In this project the retail has reached a new level, with the scope of activities widening from
traditional transactions and inventory management to strategic alignment of multiple delivery
channels, inventory levels, store layout and promotions to suit individual customer preferences. The
information details are stored in database manager. The solution for furniture showroom can be
identified and implemented. The updated details are stored in stock.

The objective of this project is to aid in the optimum processing of data. This is intended to
provide the basic for the design and development of a software product that will encompass
recording maintenance and reporting of data relating to the various stages of the process.


Hard Disk : 160 GB.
Mouse : Wired
Key Board : 108 Keys Keyboard

Web server : XAMPP Server

Front end : PHP
Back end : MySQL
Designing Tools : Dreamweaver
Scripting Language : JavaScript

PHP is expanded as “Hypertext Pre-Processor”. It is widely-used Open Source general-
purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and it can be
embedded with HTML.
Apache Web Server:
Apache is the most widely used HTTP-server in the world today. It surpasses all free and
commercial competitors on the market, and provides a myriad of features; more than the nearest
competitor could give you on a UNIX variant. It is also the most used web server for a Linux
system. A web server like Apache, in its simplest function, is software that displays and serves
HTML pages hosted on a server to a client browser that understands the HTML code. Mixed with
third party modules and programs, it can become powerful software, which will provide strong and
useful services to a client browser.
MySQL Server:
Databases are a great way to store information they can store your personal contact list, your
financial records, your household inventory, or even a listing of your favorite websites. Databases
are able to store large amounts of useful information in a logical structure that allows for quick
retrieval in any user defined format. Community libraries are renowned for their use of large
database systems to store the mass amounts of usable information that they collect and share.
One of the easiest ways to interface and administer your SQL database is through a web
application that’s running on the local SQL server. phpMyAdmin is an open source PHP based web
application designed specifically to allow remote management of MySQL using nothing more than a
standard web browser. The phpMyAdmin application provides an easy to use graphic interface for
users that are not too familiar with SQL commands by providing easy to follow instructions.

Open Source
Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open-
source software must comply with the following criteria:
Free Redistribution:
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a
component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources.
The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.
Rationale: By constraining the license to require free redistribution, we eliminate the temptation to
throw away many long-term gains in order to make a few short-term sales dollars. If we didn't do
this, there would be lots of pressure for cooperators to defect.
Source Code:
The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as
compiled form. Where some form of a product is not distributed with source code, there must be a
well-publicized means of obtaining the source code for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost
preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The source code must be the preferred form
in which a programmer would modify the program. Deliberately obfuscated source code is not
allowed. Intermediate forms such as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.
Rationale: We require access to un-obfuscated source code because you can't evolve programs
without modifying them. Since our purpose is to make evolution easy, we require that modification
be made easy.
Derived Works:
The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be
distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
Rationale: The mere ability to read source isn't enough to support independent peer review and
rapid evolutionary selection. For rapid evolution to happen, people need to be able to experiment
with and redistribute modifications.
Integrity of the Author's Source Code:
The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the
license allows the distribution of "patch files" with the source code for the purpose of modifying the
program at build time. The license must explicitly permit distribution of software built from
modified source code. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version
number from the original software.

Rationale: Encouraging lots of improvement is a good thing, but users have a right to know who is
responsible for the software they are using. Authors and maintainers have reciprocal right to know
what they're being asked to support and protect their reputations.
Accordingly, an open-source license must guarantee that source be readily available, but may
require that it be distributed as pristine base sources plus patches. In this way, "unofficial" changes
can be made available but readily distinguished from the base source.

PHP is a language that has outgrown its name. It was originally conceived as a set of macros
to help coders maintain personal home pages, and its name grew from its purpose. Since then, PHP's
capabilities have been extended, taking it beyond a set of utilities to a full-featured programming
language, capable of managing huge database-driven online environments.
As PHP's capabilities have grown, so too has its popularity. According to Net Craft
(, PHP was running on more than 1 million hosts in November 1999. As of
February 2000, that figure had already risen to 1.4 million hosts. According to E-Soft, PHP is the
most popular Apache module available, beating even ModPerl.
PHP is now officially known as PHP: Hyper Text Preprocessor. It is a server-side scripting
language usually written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML page, a PHP script is not
sent directly to a client by the server; instead, it is parsed by the PHP binary or module. HTML
elements in the script are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script
can query databases, create images, read and write files, talks to remote servers - the possibilities are
The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the result sent to the
How Did PHP Evolve?
The first version of PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 as a set of Web publishing
macros. These were released as the Personal Home Page Tools and later rewritten and extended to
include a package called the Form Interpreter (PHP/FI). From a user's perspective, PHP/FI was
already an attractive proposition, and its popularity grew steadily. It also began to attract interest
from the developer community. By 1997, a team of programmers was working on the project. The
next release— PHP3— was born out of this collaborative effort. PHP3 was an effective rewrite of
PHP, with an entirely new parser created by Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, as well as differences
in syntax and new features. This release established PHP as one of the most exciting server scripting
languages available, and the growth in usage was enormous.
PHP's support for Apache and MySQL further secured its popularity. Apache is now the
most-used Web server in the world, and PHP3 can be compiled as an Apache module. MySQL is a
powerful free SQL database, and PHP provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with it.
The combination of Apache, MySQL, and PHP is all but unbeatable. That isn't to say that PHP is not
designed to work in other environments and with other tools. In fact, PHP supports a bewildering
array of databases and servers.
The rise in popularity of PHP has coincided with a change of approach in Web publishing. In
the mid-1990s it was normal to build sites, even relatively large sites, with hundreds of individual
hard-coded HTML pages. Increasingly, though, site publishers are harnessing the power of databases
to manage their content more effectively and to personalize their sites according to individual user
The use of databases to store content, and of a scripting language to retrieve this data, will
become further necessary as data is sent from a single source to multiple environments, including
mobile phones and PDAs, digital television, and broadband Internet environments. In this context, it
is not surprising that a tool of PHP's sophistication and flexibility is becoming so popular. At the
time of this writing, PHP4 is in its final beta stage and is due for release shortly. By the time you
read this book, PHP4 will be making waves!
Why Choose PHP?
There are some compelling reasons to work with PHP4. For many projects you will find that
the production process is significantly faster than you might expect if you are used to working with
other scripting languages. As an open source product, PHP4 is well supported by a talented
production team and a committed user community. Furthermore, PHP can be run on all the major
operating systems with most servers.
Speed of Development
Because PHP allows you to separate HTML code from scripted elements, you will notice a
significant decrease in development time on many projects. In many instances, you will be able to
separate the coding stage of a project from the design and build stages. Not only can this make life
easier for you as a programmer, it also can remove obstacles that stand in the way of effective and
flexible design.

PHP Is Open Source
To many people, "open source" simply means free, which is, of course, a benefit in itself. To
quote from the official PHP site at This may sound a little foreign to all you
folks coming from a non-UNIX background, but PHP doesn't cost anything. You can use it for
commercial and/or non-commercial use all you want. You can give it to your friends, print it out and
hang it on your wall or eat it for lunch. Welcome to the world of Open Source software! Smile, be
happy, the world is good. For the full legalese, see the official license. Well-maintained open source
projects offer users additional benefits, though. You benefit from an accessible and committed
community who offer a wealth of experience in the subject. Chances are that any problem you
encounter in your coding can be answered swiftly and easily with a little research. If that fails, a
question sent to a mailing list can yield an intelligent, authoritative response.
You also can be sure that bugs will be addressed as they are found, and that new features will
be made available as the need is defined. You will not have to wait for the next commercial release
before taking advantage of improvements. There is no vested interest in a particular server product
or operating system. You are free to make choices that suit your needs or those of your clients,
secure that your code will run whatever you decide.
Because of the powerful Zend engine, PHP4 compares well with ASP in benchmark tests,
beating it in some tests. Compiled PHP leaves ASP far behind.

PHP is designed to run on many operating systems and to cooperate with many servers and
databases. You can build for a UNIX environment and shift your work to NT without a problem.
You can test a project with Personal Web Server and install it on a UNIX system running on PHP as
an Apache module.

Apache Web Server
Apache is the most widely used HTTP-server in the world today. It surpasses all free and
commercial competitors on the market, and provides a myriad of features; more than the nearest
competitor could give you on a UNIX variant. It is also the most used web server for a Linux
system. A web server like Apache, in its simplest function, is software that displays and serves
HTML pages hosted on a server to a client browser that understands the HTML code. Mixed with
third party modules and programs, it can become powerful software, which will provide strong and
useful services to a client browser.
Once you have DNS correctly setup and your server has access to the Internet, you'll need to
configure Apache to accept surfers wanting to access your Web site. The Apache web server is a
highly scalable product capable of running on many platforms and serving thousands of pages a
minute. It provides a stable and secure environment for the host server, and is the industry leader in
the web server market. The server package comes bundled with most Linux distributions and only
requires little configuration changes (if any) to be up and serving pages immediately. If you're
serious about your web development and its a fully dynamic hosting environment you need, then
Apache, PHP and MySQL are perfectly suited together, and are also provided with most
MySQL Server
Databases are a great way to store information they can store your personal contact list, your
financial records, your household inventory, or even a listing of your favorite websites. Databases
are able to store large amounts of useful information in a logical structure that allows for quick
retrieval in any user defined format. Community libraries are renowned for their use of large
database systems to store the mass amounts of usable information that they collect and share.
Databases also play a major role in today’s web applications by storing complete inventories
of products and services and making these accessible through a programmed web front-end. A
database has the ability to provide dynamic content to a web shop by providing the content to web
pages. Many Linux distributions implement PHP, MySQL, and Apache as a perfect combination for
full featured dynamic.



The Maintenance of the details in a furniture retail outlet has become a more complicated
task. Because the data and customer are in high level. This information’s in furniture retail sector is
done by the managers and staffs manually which is a difficult process.

At present all records are maintained in Excel sheet format. It is initial stage so parallel
computerization is take place. The furniture information was processes maintained in work sheets
format for its ledgers and files. This will have a lot of confusion in future references and producing


 High labour cost

 No Secrecy
 The data are maintained manually in a not efficient manner
 Accessing of information in very slow
 Frauds cannot be easily identified.
 Cash Collection and Processing are difficult one.

This project titled “Web Based Integrated Furniture Showroom Management System”
has been aimed to design and computerized system that can handle various activities are been
carried out for customer by the sales team at the furniture sales unit. In this application, activities
in the furniture shop are carried out systematically. In the existing system all the activities and record
maintenance of the furniture showroom are done manually by the manager and staffs.
The proposed system will help them to manage day to day operation very smoothly. It is
having different modules to pull fill the requirement of the organization. The user is given necessary
guideline so that even a person with least computer interlay will able to entry the transactions. This
Project will be developed to meet the following requirements.


 The required information can be shared easily.

 Time will not be wasted in the process.

 Frauds can be avoided and prevented.

 Cash Collection and Payment are done transparently.

 Good Guidance.

 Efficient Monitoring Mechanism.

 Leads to fast completion of work.

The most creative and challenging phase of the life cycle is system design. The term design
describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers to the technical
specifications that will be applied in implementations of the garments waste recycling system. The
designer’s goal is how the output is to be produced and in what format. Samples of the output and
input are also presented. Second input data and database files have to be designed to meet the
requirements of the proposed output.
 File Design
 Input Design
 Output Design
 Database Design


The File design enables the system to organize the files that are collected for our system to
perform the operation. The file design focuses on the much and most important component of file
management in the system.
It has the following activities that are to be taken into consideration

 Data Collection mechanism

 Collected data that are to be processed in the way for better usage and understanding.
 This includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the
new system.


Input designs are done in such a way that it caters to the requirement of the end user.
Extensive care has to be taken to ensure the validity of the input data. Online error messages are
displayed. Various screens are used to serve as data entry screens in order to input data into the
system and to retrieve data from the system. The login screen is loaded and verifies the user
authentication. If user Id and password are valid then the users enter into the project. Once the user is
found to be a valid user, the local IP and Local machine name and local port are stored in the

Output design has been an ongoing activity from the very beginning of the project. The
objective of the output design is to convey the information of all past activities, current status and to
emphasize important events. The output generally refers to the results and information that is
generated from the system. The output design is used to give reports. They are used to communicate
the result of processing hard copy of the result.

A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and presents the
information clearly. In any system results of processing are communicated to the users and to other
system through outputs.
In output design it is determined how the information is to be displaced for immediate need
and also the hard copy output. It is the most important and direct source information to the user.
Efficient and intelligent output design improves the system’s relationship to help user decision-
1. Designing computer output should proceed in an organized, well thought out manner; the
right output must be developed while ensuring that each output element is designed so that people
will find the system can use easily and effectively. When analysis design computer output, they
should Identify the specific output that is needed to meet the requirements.
2. Select methods for presenting information.
3. Create document, report, or other formats that contain information produced by the


A database is a collection of inter-related data store with a minimum of redundancy to serve

many application. It minimize the artificiality embedded in using separate file.the primery objectives

are fast response time to inquire more information at low cost, control redundancy, clarity and ease

or use accuracy and fast recovery.The over all objective in the development of a database is to treat

and organizational resource and as an integrated whole.



Authentication Module:
This module for the purpose of providing authentication to the user and an organization by
the way of different login method.
Sales Module

This module of the system is used to control the all process about sales which enables the
sales person to perform all the sales operation of the furniture sales unit.

Stock Module

This module of the system which enables the sales person and management team members to
access all the furniture showroom stock related details. This modules is used to give the attention
message to the admin when the stock is reduced

Purchase Module

This module of the system is used to control the all process about purchase which enables the
sales person to perform all the purchase operation of the furniture sales unit.

Report Module

This module of the application enables the users to have all the reports. This report module to
generate all the report related to like sales, stock and management.

Software testing is a critical element and represents the ultimate view of specification,
design, and coding. The user tests it developed system and changes are made according their needs.
The testing phase involves it testing of developed system using various kinds of data.

System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise
the computer-based system. System testing is the stage of implementation that is aimed at assuring
that the system works accurately and efficiently before live operation commerce. Testing is the vital
to the successor of the system. System testing makes it logical assumption that if all the parts of the
system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. The garments waste recycling system is
subject to variety of tests. A series of testing is performed for the proposed system before the system
is ready for user acceptance test.

Unit Testing

Unit testing focused the verification effort on the smallest unit of the software design
module. This is known as module testing. The systems are better separately. The testing was
concerned out during the programming stage itself. In this testing step each module was found to be
working satisfactory with to the expected output module.

Integration Testing

Data can be lost across an interface, one module can have an adverse effect on another, sub
function when combined, may not produce the desired major function. Integration testing is a
systematic technique for constructing the program. Structure, which at it same time conducting tests
to uncover errors associated with in the interface. The objective is to take unit tested module s and to
build a program structure. All the modules are combined and tested a whole.

Here correction is difficult because the isolated of causes is complicated by the vast expanse
of the entire program. Thus is the integration-testing step, all the errors uncovered for the next
testing steps.

Validation Testing

At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package,

interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected and a final series of software upon which
validation tests begin. Validation testing can be defined in many was but a simple definition id that
validation succeeds when the software function is a manner that can be relationally expected by the

After validation test has been conducted one of the two possible condition exits the function
or performance characteristics conform to specification and are expected. A deviation from
specification is uncovered and a deficiency list is created.


Implementation is used here to mean the process of converting a new or revised system
design into operational one; conversion is one aspect of implementation. The other aspect is post
implementation review and software and maintenance
System Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into
a working system. At this stage the main work load, the greatest upheaval and the major impact on
the existing system shifts to the user department. If the implementation is not planned and controlled
it can cause chaos and confusion.
It includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new one.
The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automated system or it may be
a major modification to an existing system. Proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable
system to meet the organization requirements. Successful implementation may not guarantee
improvement in the organization using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it.
The process of putting the developed system in actual use is called system implementation.
This includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new system.
The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is found to be working
according to the specifications. The system personnel check the feasibility of the system.
The most crucial stage is achieving a new successful system and giving confidence on the
new system for the user that it will work efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning,
investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of methods to
achieve the changeover. The more complex the system being implemented, the more involved will
be the system analysis and the design effort required just for implementation.



To conclude, this project is very flexible and user-friendly. This project is developed such
that it can be executed in any system. Security is also maintained. This system is protected from any
unauthorized person to access the system. The software was tested thus providing maximum load to
the server and was found working fast and effective.

The proposed system is developed keeping in mind all the demerits of existing system. It is
developed to eliminate all the demerits and adding some extra features. The system has been
designed and developed flexibly according to the current requirement of the user. As the information
requirements may still increase in the near future. Further such development can be attempted.


Several areas are to be developed in future, so the application must be upgraded for the new
ones required and it is possible to the modifications according to new requirements and
specifications. The modular approach and the programming techniques incorporated during the
development of system will be of great help for future enhancements.

This project work is planned to cover all the stepwise process that takes place in a software
development environment. The basis of the project is well analyzed and prepared, so that any
changes in the future can be updated to the project.

1. Professional PHP Network Programming
2. PHP Complete Reference
3. E. Altman, T. Boulogne, R. E. Azouzi, and T. Jimenez, “A survey on networking games,”
Telecomm. Syst., Nov. 2000.
4. D. O. Awduche, “MPLS and traffic engineering in IP networks,” IEEE Comm. Mag., vol.
37, no. 12, pp. 42–47, Dec. 1999.
5. I. Castineyra, N. Chiappa, and M. Steenstrup, “The Nimrod Routing Architecture,” RFC
1992, 1996.


SYSTEM." Authorea Preprints (2023).
Acharya, Kamal. "Library Management System." Available at SSRN4807104 (2019).
Acharya, Kamal. "Online bus reservation system project report." Authorea
Preprints (2024).
Acharya, Kamal. "Online bus reservation system project report." (2024).
Acharya, Kamal. “Online Bus Reservation System.” SSRN ElectroNIC ASIA
Journal (2024): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal. “Student Information Management System Project.” SSRN
ElectroNIC ASIA Journal (2024): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal. “ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.” International
Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
Science (2023): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal. “College Information Management System.” SSRN ElectroNIC
ASIA Journal (2024): n. pag.
Acharya, Kamal, Attendance Management System Project (April 28, 2024).
Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online Food Order System (May 2, 2024). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, University management system project. (May 1, 2024). Availableat
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online banking management system. (May 1, 2024). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online Job Portal Management System (May 5, 2024). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Employee leave management system. (May 7, 2024). Available
at SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online electricity billing project report. (May 7, 2024). Available at
SSRN: or
2023). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online job placement system project report. (January 10, 2023). Available
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Software testing for project report. (May 16, 2023). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, ONLINE CRIME REPORTING SYSTEM PROJECT. (August 10, 2022).
Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Burber ordering system project report. (October 10, 2022). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Teachers Record Management System Project Report (December 10,
2023). Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Dairy Management System Project Report (December 20, 2020). Available
at SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Electrical Shop Management System Project (December 10, 2019).
Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Online book store management system project report. (Febuary 10, 2020).
Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Paint shop management system project report. (January 10, 2019).
Available at
SSRN: or
Acharya, Kamal, Supermarket billing system project report. (August 10, 2021). Available at
SSRN: or





Sales Purchase Stock


sales Details Purchase Details Stock Details


Available Update
Stock Stock

Sales Report
Balance Stock Report



Id View Furniture
Admin Login


Furniture shop



Level 1:
Displa Failure
User Invalid
yy Message


Valid Error Report


Check Access Details







Fur ID SuName

User id Date

Admin View Purchase


Price details

Fur Id

Fur Id Product


Folio No


1. Stock Details

Primary Key: Fur Id

S.No Variable Name Data Size Constraints

1 Fur Details Varchar2 50 Not Null

2 Fur Id Varchar2 100 Not Null

3 Price Vrachar2 10 Not Null

4 Quantity Number 10 Not Null

2. Sales:

Foreign Key:Fur Id
Primary Key: Folio no
S.No Variable Data Type Size Constraints

1 CName Varchar 50 Not Null

2 Product Varchar 100 Not Null

3 Price Number 55 Not Null

4 Folio no Number 5 Not Null

5 Date Date&Time 13 Not Null

6 Fur Id Vacrchar2 10 Not Null

3. Purchase:-

Foreign Key:Product
Primary Key: Folio no
S.No Variable Data Type Size Constraints

1 Mob ID number 10 Not Null

2 SupName Varchar 50 Not Null

3 Product Varchar 100 Not Null

4 Qty Number 55 Not Null

5 Sno Number 5 Not Null

6 Date Date&Time 13 Not Null


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opened */
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<!--if lte IE 8>


/* IE8 specific CSS */

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<nav id="rightsidemenu">

<li><a href="index.html"><span>Home</span></a></li>
<li><a href="user login.html"><span>Staff</span></a></li>
<li><a href="creator login.html"><span>Hod</span></a></li>
<li><a href="management

<!--<li><a href="javascript:window.close()"><span>Exit</span></a></li>-->

<label id="closex" for="sidemenucheckbox" onClick="legacybrowsertoggle()">Close</label>

<div class="overlay"><label for="sidemenucheckbox"></label></div>

<div align="center">

<td width="1250"><table width="1200" border="1">


<td width="973"><h1 align="center"><strong>Web Based Mobile Information System


<p><h1 align="justify" dir="ltr">

<div align="center">Management Module </div>
<p align="center"><a href="message.html">Post Message</a></p>

<p align="center"><a href="view management.php">View Message</a></p>


<p align="center"><a href="view circular.php">View HoD Message</a></p>


Log in

Entry Module

I .Sales Person Module

II . Billing Portal

III. Stock Module

IV. Management Module

I .Sales Report

II .Stock Report

III .Bill Report


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