Arts Lasapril 29 May3

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Package/Product Design
Module in MAPEH 6 - Arts
Fourth Quarter ● Week
Lesson Proper (WHAT’S NEW)

Paper Bags is globally used to secure groceries and items bought from different stores.
Paper bags are making a comeback to replace plastic bags due to environmental reasons. Many
businesses personalize their paper bags to serve double purposes; one, to carry the items they are
selling and two, to advertise their stores or products.
Not only businesses personalize paper bags. There are also people who make paper bags
out of scraps and personalize them for gift giving. The design of the paper bag brings out the artist
potential of the maker. Schools join the advocacy of contributing to mother earth by promoting the
use of paper bags thus teaching the learners how to make them using scrap materials.


A. Benefits of using a paper bag are:

1. It helps the environment from global warming caused by plastic bags.

2. It can be made from scraps thus it lessens garbage.
3. It can easily decompose thus it can be used to compose kitchen scraps for natural

B. Precaution in making paper bags:

Adults needs to supervise the children because it involves the use of scissors which are
sharp and glue which contains substance that can irritate the eyes.

C. Materials in making paper bags:

1. pair of scissors
2. wide scrap papers
3. glue

D. Steps in making paper bags:

1. The Body
a. Place the wide scrap paper in the flat surface.
b. Fold the paper in half.
c. Glue the half then paste together both sides to make the bag thicker.

d. Glue both edges together.

e. Again, fold about 1” paper from the bottom, and fold the opposite side of the paper
overlapping the previous fold.
f. Glue the fold to form the base.

g. Open the bag.

2. The Handle
a. Cut and fold another scrap paper to use as handle as shown in the pictures.

3. The decoration
a. Get scrap small colored papers then cut into a flower or any image you would like and
glue it on the bag.

4. The Contents
a. You can now put the items you wish in the bag.



I. Write True or False

_________1. Paper bag is more environment-friendly to use.
________ 2. Papers is classified as a biodegrable product/ material.
_________3. Some people buy paper bag because of its design.
_________4. Creativity is important to have a unique paper bag design.
_________ 5. Paper bag is an example of a 3-D art.

II. Write the correct word/words to complete each sentence.

Paper Bag advertise decompose design environment

garbage irritate scrap paper scissors glue

1. _______________are encouraged to be used in plastic of plastic bags.

2. Paper bags are personalized to ________________ businesses.
3. Paper bag can easily _______________ thus they aid in composting.
4. The _____________ of the paper bag brings out the artist potential of the maker.
5. Paper bags help the _____________ from global warming caused by plastic bags.
6. Paper bags can be made from scraps thus it lessens _____________.
7. Glue contains substance that can ______________ the eyes.
8. Any wide _______________ can be made into a paper bag.
9. A _______________ is used to cut paper when making paper bag.
10. _________ is an agent used to stick together materials in paper bag making.

Performance Task (WHAT I CAN DO)

If you design a paper bag to advertise your business, how would it look like? Draw
your answer in the box.

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