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School of Distance Education

University of Calicut

School of Distance Education

POL3E01 –Human Rights in India

MA Political Science III Semester 2019 Admission

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which of the following is the first charter of Human's rights?

a) Bill of rights

b) Constitution of media

c) The Cyrus cylinder

d) None of the above

2) Who played an important role in international human rights law?

a) Economic summit

b) World War

c) The United Nations

d) None of the above

3) Who adopted the landmark document, the universal declaration of human rights?



c) UNO

d) None of the above

4) When was the universal declaration of human rights adopted by UNO?

a) 10th December 1946

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b) 10th December 1947

c) 10th December 1949

d) 10th December 1948

5) Who was the first chairman of the commission on human rights?

a) Thomas Jefferson

b) Thomas Paine

c) Eleanor Roosevelt

d) None of the above

6) The Universal declaration of human rights was adopted under whose chairmanship?

a) Adolf Hitler

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Eleanor Roosevelt

d) None of the above

7) How many articles are there in the Universal Declaration of human rights?

a) 15

b) 30

c) 25

d) 35

8) In which of the following year, the declaration of the rights of the child passed by the UN?

a) 1949

b) 1959

c) 1969

d) None of the above

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9) The human rights day is observed on -

a) 10th December

b) 9th December

c) 1st December

d) None of the above

10) When did the NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) of India constitute?

a) 1993

b) 1992

c) 1990

d) 1991

11) In which article 'right to education' is guaranteed in India?

a) 19

b) 21

c) 21 A

d) 14

12) Which of the following can be the chairman of NHRC (National Human rights commission)?

a) Any retired chief justice of the Supreme Court

b) Anyone who is appointed by the president

c) Any sitting judge of the Supreme Court

d) All of the above

13) Which of the following article of the Indian constitution prohibits child labour?

a) Article 24

b) Article 21

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c) Article 22

d) Article 25

14) What is the full form of UNHCR?

a) United Nations high commissioner for refugees

b) United Nations high-level committee for refugees

c) United Nations health committee for refugees

d) None of the above

15) Who is the author of the book "Human rights and inhuman wrongs"?

a) V.R. Krishna Iyer

b) Upendra Baxi

c) Chiranjeev Nirmal

d) None of the above

16) NHRC consists of a chairman and -

a) Four members

b) Three members

c) Two members

d) None of the above

17) Where is the headquarter of the NHRC (National Human Rights Commission)?

a) Kolkata

b) Mumbai

c) Delhi

d) Ahmedabad

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18) Article 340 of the Indian constitution deals with -

a) Election commission

b) Union Public Service Commission

c) Backward classes commission

d) Finance commission

19) Where is an International criminal court located?

a) Geneva

b) Brussels

c) Paris

d) Hague

20) Bill of Rights was enacted in?

a) 1679

b) 1689

c) 1699

d) 1669

21) Bill of rights was introduced in which nation?

a) England

b) America

c) France

d) Germany

22) The origin of Magna Carta was in?

a) 1521 A.D

b) 1531 A.D

c) 1541 A.D

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d) 1551 A.D

23) Who championed the concept of “inherent rights of man”?

a) Bentham

b) Hobbes

c) Locke

d) Rousseau

24) Declaration of “rights of man” was enacted in?

a) 1879

b) 1869

c) 1789

d) 1769

25) Declaration of rights of man was adopted in?

a) England

b) France

c) America

d) China

26) Declaration of rights of man was introduced in the wake of?

a) French revolution

b) Russian revolution

c) American war of independence

d) Chinese revolution

27) The protection of human rights act was passed in India in?

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a) 1992

b) 1993

c) 1994

d) 1995

28) International covenant on civil and political rights was enacted in?

a) 1966

b) 1967

c) 1968

d) 1969

29) Modern school of natural law was led by?

a) John Locke

b) Hobbes

c) Rousseau

d) Hugo Grotius

30) Who held that rights are natural, because they were bestowed upon man by god himself?

a) Green

b) Paine

c) Hegel

d) Aquinas

31) Who is regarded as the greatest master of natural law?

a) Hobbes

b) Locke

c) Rousseau

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d) Mill

32) Magna Carta guaranteed?

a) Civil and political rights

b) Civil and legal rights

c) Economic and social rights

d) Social and political rights

33) The chief exponent of natural rights theory?

a) Rousseau

b) Hobbes

c) Locke

d) J.S Mill

34) Who coined the term Specie beings?

a) Karl Marx

b) Engels

c) Lenin

d) Stalin

35) European convention of human rights was signed in?

a) 1950

b) 1951

c) 1952

d) 1953

36) In which century human rights became a central concern over the issue of slavery?

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a) 16th

b) 17th

c) 18th

d) 19th

37) When did the first Geneva convention took place?

a) 1756

b) 1864

c) 1949

d) 2006

38) What is the retirement age of the chairman of NHRC?

a) 55

b) 60

c) 65

d) 70

39) Who appoint the chairman of NHRC?

a) Prime Minister

b) President

c) Supreme Court Chief Justice

d) None of the above

40) NHRC is a …………… body?

a) Quasi-judicial

b) Judicial

c) Legislative

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d) Exicutive

41) Where was the first conference on women held?

a) Nairobi

b) Mexico

c) Copenhagen

d) Beijing

42) Where was the Universal Declaration adopted?

a) London

b) Paris

c) Newyork

d) Washington

43) When was the protection of from Domestic Violence Act enacted?

a) 2003

b) 2004

c) 2005

d) 2006

44) First wave of women’s movement stood mainly for?

a) Right to education

b) Right to vote

c) Right to equality

d) Abolition of child marriage

45) According to Marxist historians, subordination of women developed with the development of?

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a) Capitalism

b) Feudalism

c) Private Property

d) Monarchical rule

46) National Commission for Women was set up in?

a) 1947

b) 1962

c) 1992

d) 1987

47) First generation rights are generally?

a) Positive rights

b) Negative rights

c) Group rights

d) None of these

48) Which of the following generation of rights known as green rights?

a) First

b) Second

c) Third

d) Fourth

49) Right to Information Act came to force in?

a) 2003

b) 2004

c) 2005

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d) 2006

50) Which one of the following categories of Fundamental Rights incorporates ‘Abolition of

a) Right to Religion

b) Right to Equality

c) Right to Freedom

d) Right against Exploitation

51) Who introduced the concept of third generation Human Rights?

a) John Finnis

b) Karel Vasak

c) Jermy Bentham

d) Tullius Cesero

52) Who coined the term ‘Genocide’?

a) Jafferson

b) P Thornberry

c) Eleanor Roosevelt

d) Raphael Lemkin

53) Who was the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross?

a) Henry Dunant

b) Rousseau

c) F. Lieber

d) None of the above

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54) The UN Sub-Commission on ‘The Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities’

wasestablished in 1947 by

a) International Court of Justice

b) Commission on Human Rights

c) Security Council

d) General Assembly

55) Who among the following propounded the modern principles of Natural Justice?

a) Locke

b) J.S. Mill

c) A.V. Dicey

d) John Rawals

56) To which one of the following categories does the Right of property belong?

a) Legal right

b) Fundamental right

c) Human right

d) Natural right

57) Right to freedom is guaranteed by

a) Article 19

b) Article 20

c) Article 21

d) Article 22

58) Which one of the following objectives is not embodied in the preamble of Indian constitution?

a) Liberty of thought

b) Freedom of expression

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c) Liberty of belief

d) Economic liberty

59) The fundamental duties of the Indian citizen have been

a) Originally provided by the constitution

b) Included in the constitution by the 44th amendmend

c) Included in the constitution by the 42nd amendment

d) Inserted in the constitution by a judgement of the Supreme Court

60) Which one of the given right is vital for the success of any democracy?

a) Freedom of expression

b) Right to religion

c) Right to judicial remedies

d) Right to property

61) Establishing a social and economic democracy is the aim of which of the following?

a) Fundamental duties

b) Fundamental rights

c) Directive principles

d) NITI Ayog

62) Which part of the constitution of India has been described as the soul?

a) Directive principle

b) Fundamental right

c) Preamble

d) Right to constitutional remedies

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63) The right to property, which was a fundamental right under the original constitution, was
dropped from the list of fundamental right by

a) 20th amendment

b) 35th amendment

c) 44th amendment

d) 52nd amendment

64) In India, a special ministry for women and social welfare was formed at the centre in?

a) 1983

b) 1986

c) 1976

d) 1981

65) The article in the constitution of India which provides for the appointment of a special officer for
SC and ST by the president of India?

a) Article 164

b) Article 341

c) Article 342

d) Article 338

66) Reservation for Scheduled Castes is provided in proportion to their

a) Social backwardness

b) Economic necessities

c) Population

d) Low ritual positions

67) The main provision of the Sixth Schedule of the constitution of India deals with?

a) Reservation in government jobs

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b) Preservation of tribal land

c) Autonomy in administration in the tribal areas of north east India

d) Reservation in educational institutions

68) Three natural rights mentioned by Locke are?

a) Right to life, Liberty and Property

b) Right to life, work and religion

c) Right to life, property and religion

d) Right to life, religion and family

69) Who of the following was an advocate of positive liberty?

a) Marx

b) Green

c) Isa Berlin

d) J.S. Mill

70) How can the fundamental rights be protected?

a) A citizen whose fundamental rights have be violated can approach the Supreme Court which will
issue appropriate writ against the authority

b) Supreme court will take note of such violation itself

c) The executive will inform the court

d) None of the above

71) The grant of franchise to women on equal terms with men is assertion of the principle of

a) Political equality

b) Civil equality

c) Natural equality

d) Social equality

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72) The person associated with PIL is

a) Justice Bhagavathy

b) Justice R.N Mishra

c) Justice Venkitachalam

d) None of the above

73) The credit for preaching the Legal theory of Rights is to

a) Locke

b) Austin

c) Hobbes

d) Grotious

74) The economic theory of Rights is associated with

a) Marx

b) Adam Smith

c) Herbert Spencer

d) J.S Mill

75) The judicial review in the Indian constitution is based on

a) Procedure establish by the law

b) Due process of law

c) Rule of law

d) Precedents and Conventions

76) Marxian approach gave more emphasis on

a) Legal rights

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b) Political rights

c) Social rights

d) Economic rights

77) Which one of the following writs is issued by the courts for the release of a person unlawfully

a) Quo Warranto

b) Prohibition

c) Habeas Corpus

d) Certiorari

78) Which one of the following Directive Principles was not originally provided in the constitution of

a) Right to an adequate means of livelihood

b) Free legal aid

c) Free and compulsory education to children under 14 years of age

d) Prohibition of slaughter of cow

79) The right to freedom of speech and expression

a) Does not include freedom of press

b) Includes freedom of press

c) Includes freedom of press only in certain respect

d) None of the above

80) When did the repressive act MISA was passed by the parliament?

a) 1971

b) 1951

c) 1961

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d) 1941

81) Which article of Indian constitution deals with cultural and educational rights of minorities?

a) Article 28

B Article 27

c) Article 30

d) Article 31

82) Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women was adopted in?

a) 1966

b) 1979

c) 1983

d) 1993

83) Guidelines for arrest of persons by the police were given by the Supreme

Court in which of the following cases?

a) Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India

b) Auto Sankar vs. State of Tamil Nadu

c) Hussainara Khatoon vs. State of Bihar

d) D. K. Basu vs. State of West Bengal

84) “Apartheid” term came to be linked with a practice of discrimination in which of the following

a) South America

b) South Africa

c) France

d) Russia

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85) UNHCR was established on

a) 10th December 1946

b) 10th December 1947

c) 10th December 1948

d) 14th December 1950

86) According to constitution of India which one of the following rights cannot be taken away during

a) Right to speak

b) Right to freedom of movement

c) Right to life

d) Right to organise

87) National Human Right commission is a

a) Constitutional body

b) Statutory body

c) Executive body

d) NGO

88) PUCL stands for

a) Peoples union for cultural liberty

b) Peoples union for civil liberty

c) peoples union for civil law

d) None of the above

89) The constitutional amendment to right to education was passed in

a) 2005

b) 2009

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c) 2002

d) 2011

90) Name the act which prescribed for the National Human Right Coimmission?

a) Human rights act

b) Protection of human rights act

c) Right to information act

d) Protection of minorities act

91) Article 17 of Indian constitution deals with?

a) Abolition of untouchability

b) Abolition of titles

c) Right to freedom

d) Right to religion

92) Right to privacy is a

a) Political right

b) Social right

c) Fundamental right

d) Economic right

93) National campaign for Dalit human right(NCDHR) was started in

a) 1997

b) 1998

c) 1999

d) 2000

94) Declaration on the Right to Development adopted by the UN General Assembly in

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a) 1986

b) 1967

c) 1956

d) 1993

95) On 24 August 1936, the All India Civil Liberties Union (ICLU) was founded in

a) Bombay

b) Madras

c) Delhi

d) Kolkata

96) Who raised the slogan of ‘Democracy versus Dictatorship’,

a) Congress

b) Janata party

c) BJP

d) CPI

97) On which anniversary of the Universal Declaration of human rights, the slogan "All human rights
for all" was adopted?

a) 10th

b) 25th

c) 50th

d) 75th

98) Helsinki Declaration, 1964 is concerned with

a) War prevention

b) Human Experimentation

c) Gender discrimination

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d) Child abuse

99) Human rights movement in India got its germination during

a) Quit India movement

b) Non-cooperation movement

c) Emergency Rule

d) India-pak war

100) Which one of the following statements is not correct about the Refugees?

a) They are outside their country

b) Fear of persecution

c) Absence of National protection

d) Poverty as reason of being outside the country


1.C 11.C 21.A 31.C 41.B 51.B 61.C 71.A 81.C 91.A
2.C 12.A 22.A 32.B 42.B 52.D 62.C 72.A 82.B 92.C
3.C 13.A 23.C 33.C 43.C 53.A 63.C 73.B 83.D 93.B
4.D 14.A 24.C 34.A 44.B 54.B 64.B 74.A 84.A 94.A
5.C 15.A 25.B 35.A 45.A 55.C 65.D 75.C 85.D 95.A
6.C 16.A 26.A 36.D 46.C 56.A 66.A 76.C 86.C 96.B
7.B 17.C 27.B 37.B 47.B 57.A 67.C 77.C 87.B 97.C
8.B 18.C 28.A 38.D 48.C 58.D 68.A 78.C 88.B 98.B
9.A 19.D 29.D 39.B 49.C 59.C 69.C 79.B 89.C 99.C
10.A 20.B 30.B 40.A 50.B 60.A 70.A 80.A 90.B 100.D

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