Open Day 4 SS

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a Coens a ‘Simple Pest ‘Theveagle wes hungry I flaw to find dome feed Comparative and Superative Adjectives Newridge is busier than where David lived before ‘There are mare interesting things to do thon in Oistown ieee er rasent Perfect fr Experiences Have you ever ted gymnastics? Yes, I Rove. / No, haven't earn my dn fantesy core ‘Sophia has never won a prize for her cake, Present Perfect ve Simple Past "hove run iots af races Last sommer wor ¢ prize Making and Responding te Suggestions Wy don'syau jain the rama elu? That's @ good idea!/No,t don ike drama, Peeks Deserising Objects What it made of I's made of plastic Present Perfect with For end Since How lang have you been interested in sports? Since | wosa baby, ow ang have you worn glosses? Only for ‘wo month ee Topic 2_ FutureLi al for Promises, Pregietions and Decsions Iwill obways help you ot home. Lins peopie wil ve on Mars one dey! Wellgo anc se the robot exhibit ret, Probabiity with Will May and Might Frm sure there willbe robot pete Peopie may use thom os toxis soon ‘We might nave rebots, but. Giving Opinions agree. / don agree, Ithine. / Fre sure ee cates Going to for Predictions Bared on Evidence eso to rein 1 going to [ook ike the First chick Indefinite Pronouns: Ever Some, Any end No ‘Body or Thing Everybody eal app. Nobody is eating the coke Our Futures Vocabulary (Club Activities fct mploys bud robots, do experiments, frou plants, moke sculptures, part Dictures, ploy musical instruments, play baer gomes, “unin a race, {eke photos ‘School Clubs rt and photogrephy, beard games, ‘roma. gordening, science ond technciogy athletics Materials ‘atdboard clay cloth, elas, leather, ‘otal, poper, poste, uber, wood Hobbies baking. collecting model planes, eyling, looking after pets, making crafts, playing computer games snowbserding Space Tevel ostronout. Earth, loot, grouity, ond, Moon, rocket, satelite, space station, Space, spaceship, stor sake ff Numbers 4101-2000, thousand, millon ‘obs ‘nist businessmarywomen, designer, ngineer journalss mechan, pat, poles officer, scientist server Inthe city depart bridge, college, escalator, Factory, highway offic, pole station, Sidewale skyscraper Adjectives bbeovtful dangerous, delicious, Tantastig tebe Food Dartecue, choose ish, fut, ham, hamburger ie crear, ily sandwich, sausage ce Ce Mindfulness Expiorng Our Brain Sounds Fun! Pronounce consonant blond uh wo when, where, whe, whet, ‘why whose, which ‘Sounds Fon! Pronounce Sichthong a! prize, climb, be, dive, fine. sigh cu Geogrephy Citizenship Developing Your Skis, Home Connection Mate c famiy Rebbies Seropboole Mindfulness Recognizing ond Responcing toEmotions Sounds Fun! ‘ond sounds believe, ace, fan, Fine, Frating, fete, hal, hav leave, fe, lve, safe, Surface, ‘Sounds Fun! Sentence stress ond weok fe (echo) 3) cu Science Citizenship Soving Problems Home Connection Mate «pledge Predictions Timeline Language aclu Past Continuous and Past Simple Twas fying aver te town when heard ‘crash She wos looking out af the window when shesaw a strange old women se zounds ks. What's that I sounds ike © window breaking Present Perfect with Already and Yet ‘There has eready been alot of wamage ‘The free nat under contol yet Too...and Not..Enovugh Isao scary Ifien"eintoresting enough It makes me. Irmakes me ough It makes me sod. Topic 4 Science and Nature) Coe ron Zero Conditionel ‘When tho sun heats water, it evoporotes! When warm, wet ai meets cold ai, the opour condenses Quantity ith Little and A Few Puta few jolly sweets into a bow! Pour a litle hot water over the sweets, Se for Resuts and Becouse for Reason fom excited about my presentation because Fn aworking wit Amy ‘There isa whole oor on technology, £0 wil zoslats of exhib, Used to Weeidn’tuse to eat ehickens ‘There used tobe 10,000 of us. (Not) 5.05 Gur population isn't as big a8 it was 200 ‘yeors 90 ‘Tog questions That's ood news iste? a Vocabulary Genres ‘edventure, cartoon, comedy, ‘Socumentary, drome, mystery Adjectives ‘excting, Tightening, funny, wonderful Technology app, computer downloed, e-book ‘at'srean home theatre cinema, fine, online, smartphone, tblet News Stories fctident, Fire fire station, fire engine, frefightor, loehight. mdnigns, ‘missing, save, suraise ‘ecidents ‘ombulance, bandoge, break, look ofr hurse, operation, pain pyle, sp, Cnform Agjectives big, tightening, high hot. sofe, wild Scientific Experiments Bicorsonate of soda, bottle, cover, loves, jr lab coo i mi pou put, Sofety classes, scence lab, shake, Scientific Processes burn, exoana, explode, freeze, gos ie, Tgutd sit seid, turn into Nature Butterflies, forest. glacier, habitat, hormicane lake, evan, river wld fe Environmental lesves imate change, cut down, Soforestation, destroy disappear, fentne,Foctory, pestis, palton, protect worry bout ee Cee Mindfulness Paying Recension Sounds Fun! Word endings tion fond =sian/3) Seton, fiction, teovision, Sounds Fun! Shantletters at the beginning of wores nal and wr cu, ‘Technology Digital Storyceling citizenship q Being Curis Home Connection ro x ‘Waten a fm in English \ ‘and share opin A storyboard Tee Mindfulness Making Geod Decisions Sounds Fun! Spaling of dohthong eu wegh, bok, play gome, ain My Town Poster Sounds Fu Speling of diphthongs av fonda sound cu History: The lee Age Citizenship Toking Core of Natur Home Connection Planta soe ond moke observations

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