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IPA Pronunciation Guide

Vowels Diphthongs
iː ɪ ʊ uː ɪə eɪ
teacher sit put cool ear skate
e ə ɜː ɔː ʊə ɔɪ əʊ
pen about girl talk fewer boy know
æ ʌ ɑː ɒ eə aɪ aʊ
hat come car from hair my now

p b t d tʃ dʒ k g
pencil blue ten dog chair jump colour green
f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ
family five three father ask lizard sheep television
m n ŋ h l r w j
milk nose long hat sleep grey swim yellow

Student’s Book Audioscript

Welcome Unit Ms. Jackson: OK, go on. Woman: The diggers are moving in
Jim: Hi, I'm Jim. this weekend. Everything is ready.
Track 1
Ms. Jackson: Nice to meet you, Jim.
Ms. Jackson: OK, class. Let's get Mr. Diamond: What about
Jim: I'm going to reuse all my
to know one another. Have you permission? It's a National Park,
plastic bags and bottles. Recycling
thought about your promises for isn't it?
is important. We need to produce
this year? Woman: Don't worry about that.
less rubbish.
Class: Yes, Ms. Jackson. I'm sure we'll get permission. I have
Ms. Jackson: Yes, that’s very
Ms. Jackson: Remember, your a contact who can help us out.
important. Did you learn about
promises can be about school, Mr. Diamond: Ha, ha. We're going
recycling last year?
home, or free time, but they must to be rich!
Class: Yes.
be something you think you can
Ms. Jackson: OK, one more Creak!
really do. OK, you can go first.
volunteer... Yes, what's your name? Businessman: Shhh! What was
What's your name?
Katya: Hi, Ms. Jackson, I'm Katya. that noise? Did you hear it?
David: Hello, I'm David. I promise
My promise is about home. I Mr. Diamond: It was just the wind.
to be less impatient with my
promise to be more careful with
friends this year. We should work They complete the deal and leave
my things. Last year, I broke my
together and help each other. the building.
Ms. Jackson: That's a good idea. Mr. Diamond: When are you going
Ms. Jackson: Oh. That sounds like
We'll all work together as a team to Vladivostok?
a sensible promise. OK, everyone.
this year. Who's next? Businesswoman: I fly to Vladivostok
Now I want you to think about how
Amy: Me! on Saturday at 6 p.m. I'll check
you will keep your promises...
Ms. Jackson: OK. that everything is going according
Amy: My name's Amy. I want to Track 2 to plan.
do all my homework on time. And Good Buddies Mr. Diamond: You do that.
I'll keep a journal to practise my The Deal
writing skills. It's 9 p.m. at the Amur Energy offices. One week later. In the Land of the
Ms. Jackson: Great! Now, does Woman: The pipeline will run from Leopard National Park, Russian
anyone have a promise that Siberia to the Sea of Japan. Far East, the chase is on...
doesn’t have to do with school? Man: Amur Energy will be in control Swish! Crack!
Jim: Yes! Me! Grrr...
of all of the oil.

A1 Audioscript
Suddenly, the deer enters a Graham: Well, they are carnivores. the window. Maybe you could see
clearing... And gets away. Their favourite food is deer. They what’s going on, but everything
might also eat rabbits, mice, dogs was perfect.
The Amur leopard is caught in the and even bears! Receptionist: Thank you for the
lights and is terrified... And as Radio Presenter: Wow! When was report. We’ll have someone check
quick as a flash, it is gone. the first Amur leopard skin found? that.
Graham: The first skin was found
Track 3 Four
in 1857 in Korea.
Radio Presenter: Welcome to your Man: Excuse me.
Radio Presenter: How many are
Daily Fast Facts podcast. Today's Waitress: Yes, sir. What’s the
there in the wild?
featured animal is the Amur problem?
Graham: Around 80.
leopard. Zoologist Graham Burn is Man: I’ve been waiting for over 50
Radio Presenter: Only 80! Wow!
here to answer the questions you minutes for my order. Where’s my
Why are they critically endangered?
sent. Are you ready, Graham? food? I’m hungry!
Graham: The main threats are
Graham: Sure! Waitress: I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll see
habitat destruction, conflicts with
Radio Presenter: OK. So, the Amur what’s going on right away.
humans, illegal hunting for fur and
leopard is one of the world's most Man: Thank you, but what a
an already small population size.
endangered cats. It is a solitary disappointment! The service at this
Radio Presenter: Last question:
animal that sleeps in the day and restaurant is terrible.
who works to save Amur leopards?
hunts at night.
Graham: Conservationists have Five
Graham: That's right. Its scientific
fought to protect the Amur Man: This is the final boarding call
name is panthera pardus orientalis.
leopards' habitat for years. Then, for passengers Emma Robinson
Radio Presenter: Where do they live?
in 2012, the Russian government and Peter Hawthorne flying to
In the mountainous forest of eastern
created the Land of the Leopard Tokyo on flight Y543. Your flight is
Russia and northern China. Each
National Park. Also, the Wildcats about to leave. Please go to gate
leopard can have a territory of up
Conservation Alliance was created 25 immediately. The doors of the
to 200 kilometres! They used to
in 2018 to save both Amur plane will close in five minutes.
live in Korea, but there has been no
leopards and wild tigers. Final boarding call for passengers
evidence of one there for a few years.
Radio Presenter: Thank you, Emma Robinson and Peter
Radio Presenter: Really? That's
Graham! You answered all the Hawthorne...
a shame. I heard their name is
listeners' questions... Again!
related to the place where they Track 5
live. A river, I think. Which river are
they named after?
Unit 1 Communication Expert: When we
Track 4 talk to others, there are generally
Graham: Most live in the Amur three different communication
River basin of eastern Russia, in styles. We all communicate in these
Boy: You’re late again! Everyone
forests and mountain regions. ways at different times.
has already left.
That’s how they got their name. The best type of communication
Radio Presenter: How big are they? Two is assertive communication. This
Graham: On average, they are Julia: I know you’re having a good is where we talk face to face. We
around 1.2 metres long and 75 time, but I’m trying to study for a make eye contact and take turns
centimetres high. That's to the very important exam. Could you listening. We speak up, but we
shoulder, not the top of the head. turn the volume down a bit? don't shout. We ask questions,
Radio Presenter: How much do Woman: Come on, Julia! You know show interest and give reasons
they weigh? it’s my birthday. for our ideas. This helps clear up
Graham: Between 30 and 50 Julia: I know, I’m sorry. Let’s celebrate misunderstandings. We don't
kilograms. tomorrow. What do you think? avoid arguments with assertive
Radio Presenter: OK. How long do Woman: OK… You win. communication, but we try to solve
they live? problems in a positive way.
Graham: In the wild, they can live Assertive communication is different
Receptionist: Was everything OK?
up to 15 years. from aggressive communication.
Woman: Yes, everything was OK…
Radio Presenter: What do they eat? That is where one person shouts or
Oh, by the way, I couldn’t open

Audioscript A2
takes control of the conversation. Mr. Diamond: Vicky, can you write a Track 8
Aggressive communicators cut in press release about the deal? For each item, write the correct
when someone else is talking and Vicky: Oh... Sure. answer in the blank. Write one or
don't listen to what that person Mr. Diamond: Is everything OK? two words or a number or a date or
is saying. If you are an aggressive How are Greta and Dylan? a time. There is one example. Look
communicator, it's important that Vicky: They're fine, thanks. at the questions now. You have 20
you take a few moments to calm Everything's fine. seconds.
down before you start talking.
This type of communication makes That night... You will hear an advertisement for
others feel upset and bored. News Presenter: In today’s news… young people’s courses at DAME
The last type of communication Greta: Have you seen that van? It's School.
is passive communication. It been standing there for two hours.
Radio Presenter: If you want
is the opposite of aggressive Dylan: What van? I've just sat to improve your English
communication, but just as bad. down! I didn’t see anything. communication skills in a fun and
Passive communication is what Greta: There, look! practical way, DAME School is the
happens when communication News Presenter: Amur Energy has place for you. We have been offering
breaks down completely. Speakers signed a renewable energy deal to high-quality classes in dramatic arts
might turn away from each other provide electricity from wind and and music for more than 20 years.
or cut off the conversation. If this solar projects. Our speech and drama classes
happens often, it might be a good Bzzz! Bzzz! have been getting more and more
idea to have a third person present
popular, and we are pleased to
for conversations. Vicky: Hello.
announce that our latest offering
Jim: They’re lying! It's nonrenewable
Track 6 is a musical theatre class for 11- to
energy. They are going to build an oil
Good Buddies 15-year-olds. Very soon we will have
pipeline through the national park. I
An Anonymous Call musical composition courses, too,
need your help.
Greta and Dylan have just arrived but they are not available yet!
Vicky: Who is this?
at school. These courses help young people
Vicky: See you tonight, guys. I Track 7 become more confident and
might be late getting home. We Dylan: What have you been doing, convincing, especially when using
have a lot of work at the office. Greta? You've been sitting at this English as a second language. You
Greta: OK, Mum. See you later. table for a long time. don't need any previous acting or
Greta: I've been working on my musical skills! Our drama classes
At the office... school project for three hours. I've give practice in written as well as
Mr. Diamond: Vicky! We've been almost finished, but I feel tired. spoken communication. One special
waiting for you since 8 a.m. Have Dylan: You should take a break. skill you will learn is how to write a
some cake. Greta: Yeah. Haven't you been play with your classmates before
Vicky: Thanks, Mr. Diamond. working in your room, Dylan? you act it out.
Mr. Diamond: We've just signed a Dylan: No, I've already finished all For effective communicators, how
big new international eco-energy my homework a while ago. you sit, stand and look at people is
deal a while ago! I’m so happy! Let’s Greta: You look happy. as important as what you say. For
celebrate. Dylan: I am! I've been chatting with this reason, you will also develop
my friend. We had a video call for skills in positive body language
Later that day... and how to pay attention. This will
Ping! the first time!
Greta: Cool... What's up, Mum? help you speak up in a clear and
Vicky: What's that?
You look puzzled. confident way, even when using
An oil pipeline will destroy the Land
Vicky: Hmm... Yes. That was English as a second or foreign
of the Leopard!
another strange phone call. I've language.
Vicky: What pipeline?
been getting anonymous calls and Classes take place twice a week for
The Amur leopard has been fighting messages all day. 12 weeks. We also offer intensive
for survival. Help us stop the pipeline Dylan: Really? That's weird. summer camps. These last for five
and save the leopard! Vicky: Yes... I wonder who it could be. or ten days. Five-day courses are

A3 Audioscript
$100 and ten-day courses are who is checking their phone or Track 12
normally $180! We have a new watching TV? It feels like they are One
price this year for that last set of not listening to you. We should The goat was very expensive.
classes: only $130. Don’t miss this stop doing other activities when
opportunity! There are 90 openings someone is talking to us.
The crowd jeers every time he kicks
available in each course, but they It's also important to show
the ball.
have been going fast. If you are interest. When the person who has
interested, get in touch soon. been speaking finishes their story, Three
You can visit our website to see you can ask them questions. Ask The frog is wet because it has been
videos of activities and student how they feel or what they are raining all day long.
performances. You will also hear going to do next. It's not necessary
what students who have been to say what your personal feelings
There are lots of peas in the
attending our classes have to say. are. Remember, your objective is to
For answers to specific questions, understand what the other person
please drop us a line to jsweeney is saying. Five
@ That’s J-S-W-E-E-N- Finally, when we speak, it is Don't touch the tart! It's not yours.
E-Y at important to be careful with
Or, you can talk to someone the words that we use. Will they
The prize is $100.
directly at 1 5, 2 7, 2 7! See you at upset the person we are talking
DAME soon! to? In everyday communication, Track 13
Now listen again. it is never necessary to make For each question, choose the
another person angry or sad. correct answer. There is one
Track 9 We should remain kind when we example.
Communication Expert: There are communicate. What time is it?
lots of ways to practise mindful
Girl: Hey, Sam. What are you doing
communication, but the most Track 10
important is to pay attention. Man: What would you like for your
Boy: I'm waiting for my friends.
When I was 12 or 13 years old, I birthday?
We arranged to play football,
always cut in when people were Woman: Oh! Well, I need a new coat.
but I think there has been a
talking to me. I never let the others Man: OK...
finish talking! Soon, I noticed that A few days later...
Girl: Why?
people didn't want to talk to me. Man: Happy birthday!
Boy: Well, I thought we were
That's when I decided to listen and Woman: I said coat, not goat!
meeting at 10 o'clock. I got here at
let people finish what they were
Track 11 10, but I've been waiting here for
saying. It showed that I was paying
One half an hour.
coat, goat Girl: Oh!
Another lesson I learned was not
Boy: Yeah. I've just texted Matt.
to judge people. We all have our Two He's coming at 11!
own ideas and often there is no cheer, jeer Girl: So, you were supposed to
right or wrong. I remember having
Three meet at 11 then?
a lot of arguments, especially with
frock, frog Boy: Yes. Oh well, only another half
my parents, because we couldn’t
an hour to wait.
see each other's point of view. Four Now listen again.
We have to accept each other's peas, bees
points of view. It's a good idea One
to say, "I understand," or "I see Five What food did the girl bring to the
what you mean," even if you don't tart, dart party?
completely agree. Six Boy: Did you enjoy the party last
It can be very annoying to try to price, prize weekend?
communicate with someone who is Girl: Yes, but I made a mistake with
not present. For example, have the food.
you ever tried to speak to a friend Boy: What?

Audioscript A4
Girl: Well, we all agreed to bring Four become more confident, so my
some food to the party. I wanted Why can't the boy sleep? mum suggested joining the drama
to bring a cake, but Emily's mum Girl: Hi, Dan. What's up? club. She likes acting, but I'm not
made her one, so I didn't need to. Boy: I'm so tired. I haven't been so sure. I hate dancing, so I'm
We were talking about what to sleeping at night. definitely not doing that! I like
bring, but I wasn't really listening Girl: Why not? singing in the shower, but I don't
because I was late for basketball Boy: My neighbours are so noisy. want to do it on stage. I will give
practice. I was sure we agreed Their music is very loud. I don’t acting a try. Yeah, why not!
that I should bring cookies, but mind about the music, but it wakes Now listen again.
Daniela brought cookies too. I was my baby brother up, and then
supposed to bring sandwiches! So, he starts crying. He sleeps in the Unit 2
there were no sandwiches at the next room, so I can hear him. Dad Track 14
party, but lots of cookies. shouted at the neighbours last Radio Presenter: The way we
Now listen again. night, but they didn't hear him. communicate today is completely
He calmed down this morning and different from what it was like in
talked to them. the past. E-mails have replaced
How did the boy feel yesterday?
Girl: How did that go? letters, and text messages have
Girl: You look happy.
Boy: It went fine. They were very replaced phone calls.
Boy: Yes, I am. I've just spoken to
friendly. They hadn’t realised that Today, 69 percent of 12-year-olds
David. He said he was sorry for
their music was so loud. Hopefully in the USA own a smartphone, and
what happened yesterday.
I'll get some sleep tonight now that the number is rising. Other devices,
Girl: What happened?
my baby brother won’t wake up! such as computers and tablets,
Boy: Oh, we fell out about
Now listen again. are also popular. In fact, in some
something silly. I said “sorry”
too because I got mad at him Five countries, the majority of 4-year-
yesterday. I calmed down this What is Aida doing now? olds already own a tablet!
morning. That’s why I decided to Boy: Hey, Aida. Have you finished Smartphone technology has
call him. The problem was that eating? had a big effect on how fast we
we were both cutting in and not Girl: Yes, I've just finished my dinner. communicate. For example, it
listening to each other. Boy: Can you help me with my usually takes just a second for a
Now listen again. homework? It's hard. text message to travel across a
Girl: … phone network from one place to
Three another.
Boy: Look, it's maths. I don't
Which platform is the train to We also use smartphone
really understand it. You're good
Fairfield leaving from? applications for other things, like
at maths, aren't you? Aida...
Man: Here we are. Platform 4. The watching films, playing games, and
Aida! Come on, help me with my
train should be here in a minute. learning languages. Around the
Woman: Are you sure? There is a world, 200 billion applications are
Girl: What? Oh, sorry. I was just
train over there at platform 5. downloaded each year. In fact, most
checking out this video on my phone.
Man: Yes, I'm sure. I checked on the children say that watching videos is
Now listen again.
board. The train to Fairfield leaves their favourite smartphone activity.
at 4.40. Six However, people in the US still send
Announcer: The train arriving What club does Dan want to join? and receive an average of 94 text
at platform 4 is the 4.40 from Girl: Did you have a good weekend, messages a day. Does this kind of
Fairfield. Calling at Morton and Dan? communication bring any negative
Sandford. Boy: Yeah. I've been thinking effects? What about the amount
Woman: This train is the one from about joining a club. I went to of screen time young people have?
Fairfield! the community centre to look at On average, 12- to 14-year-olds
Announcer: The train leaving some options. There were a lot are using different devices for
platform 6 is the 4.40 to Fairfield. of different choices, like singing, 6 hours per day, not including
Calling at Lime Street and Fairfield. dancing and acting. homework! Does this leave time for
Man: Oh... Girl: What club do you want to join? real face-to-face communication
Now listen again. Boy: I'm not sure yet. I want to with friends and family? Another

A5 Audioscript
concern is security. Are we careful Businessman: Shhh! What was Track 17
enough about the information we that noise? One
share and who we share it with? Jim: Then they heard me, so I hid. talk
Viruses can attack databases that Greta: Who was it? Two
hold our personal information. In Jim: I'm not sure. The next day, I listen
fact, 24,000 dangerous apps are heard about the renewable energy
blocked each day. deal on the news. Three
What do you think? It's true that
global communication has become Jim: My organisation wants to Four
faster and easier, but is it better stop this deal before it's too late. dialogue
than before? But they need more evidence that
a pipeline is planned. Will you help?
Greta: Do you want us to help you? Track 18
Track 15 One
Good Buddies Vicky: Well, I'm not sure...
chalk, should, sold, would
Jim, the Volunteer
Dylan asks his mum to show him Track 16 Two
the latest message. Vicky: Can you give us more castle, faster, whistle, often
Dylan: Look, there is a link to a information about it, Jim? Amur
Energy is an eco-company. It Three
website. It says there used to be lamb, climber, mumble, thumb
thousands of Amur leopards, but doesn’t build pipelines.
people would hunt them for their fur. Jim: I promise that is what I Four
heard. But someone needs to find build, tongue, guess, under
Greta: How did they get away with more evidence and take it to the
that? newspapers. Track 19
Dylan: Well, it's illegal now. But Vicky: Well, I’m still not sure. Would Teacher: OK. A lot of you are
they are still in danger. you like a drink? You look tired. Dylan, starting to use digital devices
Greta: Why? can you bring Jim some coffee? much more than you used to do, so
Jim: No, it’s OK. I’m fine. it's time to learn how to be good
Dylan: The leopards go to deer Greta: You know, you can raise digital citizens. In the past, people
farms to get food, but farmers awareness of the Land of the would communicate by talking,
try to protect the deer and hurt Leopard by showing more pictures using telephones and even writing
the leopards. The leopards used to and videos on your website. I had letters! But you will all be digital
chase the deer in the wild. no idea it existed! citizens. Your teachers will ask you
Greta: Someone sent you this Dylan: Yeah, World Conservation’s to send work to them online, you
information for a reason, Mum. website needs an upgrade. You can will communicate by text and so
Ding dong! spread information very quickly. on. Digital citizens are people who
Vicky: Who's that? Jim: Yes, I know. But we have to be develop skills to use the Internet
Greta: It's the man from the van! careful. We need to make sure we and technology effectively.
have our facts exactly right before Being a good digital citizen means
Vicky: Who are you? we say anything. Vicky, I’m sorry using technology responsibly. A
Jim: My name's Jim. I've been I sent you those messages, but I good rule is to never post anything
sending you messages. I volunteer didn’t want to contact your bosses online that you would not say to
for World Conservation, but I used yet. Can you just look and listen to someone in person. Writing rude
to be a security guard at Amur see if anyone says or does anything messages about a friend in chat
Energy. strange? groups is an example of bad digital
Vicky: Well, I suppose I can do that. behaviour. If people use digital
Jim: Every night, I would lock the Dylan: We can keep researching, devices to make others feel sad
office. On my last night working can’t we, Greta? I know! We or angry, it is called cyberbullying.
there, I heard voices. It sounded like can have a chat group and send Good digital citizens report
they were planning something. messages to each other! cyberbullying to their parents or
Woman: The pipeline will run from teachers.
Siberia to the Sea of Japan.

Audioscript A6
Other ways of being good digital tiny tubes in bones that make your don't agree with protecting the park.
citizens have to do with security. tongue stick to them. So, if your I think they are cutting down trees.
Make sure you have a strong tongue doesn't stick to the bone, Male Volunteer 2: Let's put the
password–not something obvious it's probably just a rock. camera up first, and then go
like your birthday or your pet's Once we find a fossil, we have to and see.
name. Never share personal dig. We spend a lot of time digging
in mud. It's still unlikely that we'll Male Volunteer 1: I'm so interested
information like phone numbers or
find a whole bone, and even less in learning more about the leopar
addresses online. You never know Brrrrr-rrrrugh!
likely that we'll find a complete
who might get this information in Female Volunteer 2: I'm concerned
skeleton. But sometimes we do! We
the future. about finding out what is making
use large shovels to dig a hole in
Finally, you can also be a good that noise.
the ground around the bones. Then,
digital citizen with your homework.
when we get close, we use small Brrrrr-rrrrugh!
When you do research for projects
hand trowels, brushes and knives
or writing assignments, always Male Volunteer 1: Me too. I hope we
to carefully remove the bone from
check your facts. Don't just copy find out more about its behaviour.
the ground without damaging it.
the first piece of information you Male Volunteer 2: We’re getting
Obviously, the bones are very old,
find online! closer to the noise. We should be
and sometimes pieces fall off.
there soon. It must be a digger.
But paleontologists are experts
Unit 3 at using glue to stick them back Male Volunteer 1: What are you
Track 20 together. We often put a plaster doing?
Paleontologist: It's true that cast around the bone to transport Man in Digger Cabin: My job!
sometimes fossils are found by it. We're like doctors putting a cast
Don't think about trying to stop
chance, but usually we know where on a broken arm or leg. Then we
me! More diggers are coming
to look for them. We use geological take the fossils, bones or skeletons
tomorrow! Ha, ha.
maps of rocks to find out where back to the laboratory to look into
Female Volunteer 2: But this land is
to go. These maps tell us how old their history. When we find a new
the rocks are, so we know it might species, we need to come up with a
be possible to find fossils of plants name for it! The volunteers are upset about
or animals from a particular time seeing the digger.
there. Track 21 Male Volunteer 2: Who would profit
When we turn up at the site, we Good Buddies from clearing this land?
look for pieces of bone on the In the Land of the Leopard Female Volunteer 1: We have to
ground. If we find some, we know At the Leopard National Park… stop them. We should come back
that there may be fossils nearby. Male Volunteer 1: The Amur leopard tomorrow with more people and
Of course, we have to pick up the is afraid of going anywhere near protest.
bones we find and check them humans. Male Volunteer 1: And let's put a
closely to make sure that they're Female Volunteer 1: Yes. It's hard
not small stones after all. Even notice on the website.
to keep track of their numbers.
experts like me need some luck to That night, Jim checks World
find a fossil. Sometimes, I have to Male Volunteer 2: Let's concentrate Conservation's website.
walk around looking at the ground on getting to the clearing. We can Diggers seen in national park. Join
for a long time before I come hide the camera in a tree near our protest!
across anything. Sometimes, I there. Jim: I knew it!
don't find anything at all! The most Brrrrr-rrrrugh!
exciting moment is when I see part Female Volunteer 2: What was Track 22
of a fossil on a rock sticking out of that? It could be a machine. Male Volunteer 1: Jane, come here
the ground! Male Volunteer 1: It might be a bear! quickly!
Most experts can figure out
Female Volunteer 1: It can't be a Female Volunteer 1: What is it?
whether a rock is a fossil just by
bear. There are no bears in this Male volunteer: The leopard is on
looking at it. But there is another
way of knowing whether a rock is part of the forest. camera!
a fossil. You can lick it! There are Female Volunteer 2: Some people Female Volunteer 1: Oh, wow!
What is it doing?

A7 Audioscript
Male Volunteer 1: It's walking Look at questions 1 to 6 now. You Sometimes my granddad comes
across the clearing. It looks like it's have 45 seconds. with me, and he brings a shovel,
going to sit down right in front of but that's not really necessary. I've
the camera! Presenter: Today, we have 12-year- walked up and down the beach 100
Female Volunteer 1: It's sunset. old Andy Roberts in the studio. times now, so when the detector
Remember that it goes hunting at His hobby of metal detecting put makes a beeping noise, I know it
night. It might be getting ready to him in the news this week. Andy, can't be anything that big.
hunt. how long have you been a metal Presenter: So why were you in the
Male Volunteer 1: Maybe. Now, detectorist? news this week? Tell us the story.
what is it doing? It's crouching down Andy: I first got interested in Andy: One of my friend’s neighbours
and... getting a metal detector two years was working in his garden and
Female Volunteer 1: Shhh! What's ago when I saw a programme lost his ring. He put a post online
that noise? about paleontology on TV. I wasn't to ask if anyone had a metal
Male Volunteer 1: It's growling! so interested in fossils, but I thought detector to help him find it. So, my
Female Volunteer 1: Do you think it would be fun to look for valuable
it’s getting ready to attack? friend told me about it. When we
or historical objects. I eventually got to the man's house, he was
Male Volunteer 1: There are no received a metal detector last
other animals there. It can't be already thinking about digging up
Christmas, but I didn't use it for the whole garden, but when he
getting ready to attack.
a few months because it was too saw my detector he decided not
Female Volunteer 1: Hmm. Well, it's
cold outside. I started using it in the to. We searched everywhere, and
stopped now. It’s resting.
spring on a sunny day. I just picked eventually I found the ring behind
Male Volunteer 1: It could be
up the box and figured it out. a tree. The man was so happy he
enjoying the sunset. It's beautiful.
Presenter: Metal detectors are called the local papers, and they
Female Volunteer 1: Oh! Now it's
rolled onto its back. It’s playing. pretty big. They must be heavy. Is came and took a picture!
Male Volunteer 1: It must have an that right? Presenter: It must be exciting when
itchy back. I’m sure. My cat does Andy: I was concerned about you find something. Is that the
that, too. carrying the metal detector for best thing you have found?
Female Volunteer 1: Now it's long distances, but actually it is Andy: It's probably the most
picking up that branch with its pretty light and easy to use. Also, important one, but what I really like
paws. How clever! I can't believe I don't go very far from the house, is to find something and not know
we're seeing all of this. I think it so I have no problem using it. what it is. When that happens, my
should leave that branch and go Presenter: So, where do you usually granddad and I talk about what
soon. The Amur leopard doesn't look for treasure? it might be, and we look into it
stay in the same place for long. Andy: I used to look for things in when we get home. Of course, I
Male Volunteer 1: That's true. Yes, our garden. We have a big garden, find a lot of junk too, like cans that
it's sitting up, now. but I never came across anything people leave on the beach. I always
Female Volunteer 1: Hmm, it’s interesting. So, I tried the fields at pick them up and put them in the
probably about to leave. the back of the house. Mum told rubbish bin.
Male Volunteer 1: Oh! No, it isn't. me to stop because there was too Presenter: Well, good luck in your
It's staring straight at the camera. much mud! So now I usually go to future searches and thanks for
Female Volunteer 1: Yes, it is! It the beach. We live near the beach
can't know that we're watching it! coming on the show.
and I always go at low tide. Andy: You're welcome!
Male Volunteer 1: Surely not!... Presenter: And what other
That’s impossible!
equipment do you need to take Track 24
with you? Teacher: OK, class. Today we're
Track 23
Andy: When I started, I usually looking at techniques for learning
You will hear a radio interview with
turned up with just my detector. to learn. Remember we talked
a young metal detectorist called
But then I realised that the things about how it is important to be
Andy. For each question, choose
I found were usually buried under curious. That is, always ask lots
the correct answer. There is one
the ground. So now I take a of questions. You don't need an
hand trowel to dig a small hole. answer immediately. In fact, it's

Audioscript A8
better to look into a topic further have to do. Why does the boy somewhere. I'm sure they will turn
before deciding on answers. want to research the Tomb of up. I'll help you look for them if
It's not important whether you Tutankhamun? you like.
are right or wrong. What's more Boy: So, have you started the Jenny: Yes, please. It's a little hard in
important is the process of project on great discoveries? this sand, though. I'm sad because
finding out. Girl: Not yet. Have you come up they were a birthday present.
Remember that learning should be with any good ideas? Harry: Wait a minute... What are
fun. Keep an open mind and look Boy: Well, I thought about these shiny things on your towel...
for information from different researching the Tomb of Earrings!
sources. Every detail helps when Tutankhamun. There must be lots Jenny: Oh, thanks! Maybe they fell
you make connections between of websites about it because it's off when I was drying my hair. I'll
different ideas. You don't need really famous. put them in my purse. I'm afraid of
to come to a conclusion right Girl: Sounds like a good idea. Can losing them again.
away. Finally, remember to react you imagine finding an Egyptian Now listen again.
personally. That means expressing mummy? Amazing! And all that
your feelings or saying what you treasure!
You will hear two friends talking
can see, hear or taste. For example, Boy: That's why I'd like to do my
about a news item. What does the
when you visit a new place, do project about it. They came across
boy say about the archaeologist?
a new activity or see something all kinds of things in the tomb, like
Boy: Did you see that amazing
interesting, you will get to know gold, jewelry and even furniture!
story on the news last night?
yourself better and learn more Now listen again.
Girl: What story?
while you are doing it.
One Boy: Archaeologists in Guatemala
Track 25 You will hear two conservation have found an old Mayan city in
mad, made workers discussing something they the forest. But they didn't do it
well, wheel have found on the ground. What by digging with shovels. They flew
sit, site does the man say about the bones? over the forest in a plane and
sock, soak Man: Come here. Look! What do scanned the ground with lasers.
tub, tube you think that is? They found out that there were
Woman: Where? On the tree? thousands of buildings under the
Track 26 Man: No, down there in the mud. trees.
Fred the archaeologist took his Woman: Hmm. They look like Girl: Wow! That sounds awesome.
plan and got on a plane. bones. What animal was it? They Boy: And they say there must be
When he arrived at the site, he might be chicken bones. other cities nearby, so they are still
looked for a well. Man: They can't be! There aren't looking for more.
When he looked down it was dim, any chickens around here. They're Now listen again.
but he managed to see a dime at quite small bones, though. They
the bottom. must be from some kind of bird.
You will hear a paleontologist
He climbed down and his tube Woman: One thing is for sure. The
talking about his job. How does he
socks got wet. leopard has been here! I can see his
feel at the moment?
He took note of his findings so that pawprints.
Paleontologist: I've been at the
he would not forget anything. Now listen again.
archeological site all day. I need a
The coin had a picture of a beast Two rest.
inscribed on it. This finding was the You will hear two friends talking Woman: It sounds like a difficult job.
best. about something one of them lost. Paleontologist: It is. I've been on
Where did Jenny lose her earrings? my knees all day and my back
Track 27
Harry: What's the matter, Jenny? hurts. It would be OK, but we
For each question, choose the
Jenny: I lost my earrings, Harry. I haven't found anything yet. It can
correct answer. There is one
hope they didn't fall off when I was be frustrating, but we have to be
You will hear two friends talking swimming in the ocean. patient. It will be exciting when we
about a school project they Harry: No, they must be here find what we are looking for.

A9 Audioscript
Woman: Why don't you go to the fire from spreading to towns and asked them not to cut down any
doctor about your back? She'll look cities. Although most wildfires are more trees, but they said they were
into it. caused by people, it is believed that just doing their job.
Paleontologist: No, it's OK. I'll be this latest one was caused by a flash Female Volunteer: So, now we are
fine. I just need a bath and then bed. of lightning that set fire to a tree not moving.
Now listen again. during a recent storm.
Geologists studying the Mauna Protesters: Protect the leopards!
Five Protect the leopards!
Loa volcano in Hawaii have raised
You will hear two friends talking Protester: I think we’ll have to
the alert level from "advisory"
about when they were younger. move soon. Look, it’s clouding over!
to "watch." This means that the
What sometimes happened during Female Volunteer: That’s going to
possibility of a volcanic eruption
the game? turn into a typhoon. Let’s take cover!
is higher than normal although no
Man: Did you have any birthday
one is sure when it will happen. Whoosh!
parties when you were a child, Kate?
The last big explosion was in Crash!
Kate: Yes, just a few friends would
1984, when lava suddenly burst Man in the Digger: Don't leave!
come for cake, and we'd play
out of the top of the volcano and They told us to stay with the
games in the garden. My favourite
moved towards the city of Hilo. machines! Arrgh!
game was called Scavenger Hunt.
Fortunately, no one was injured.
Man: What was that? The next day…
Finally, there were an incredible
Kate: Dad used to organise it. He Male Volunteer: Look at all this
1,000 flashes of lightning in only
left questions around the garden. damage. They said it would be bad
three hours over Seattle last night.
We would answer the questions, on the news, but not this bad.
After that, heavy storms caused
and they would lead us to a prize. Man in the Digger: Don't go near
floods and some streets were
Sometimes it could be difficult, and the machines, please. They are
covered in over one metre of water.
we couldn't always figure out the ruined and the workers have left.
Forecasters say that the storms and
answers. I’m going to get into trouble.
lightning are part of a typhoon that
Man: What happened then? Female Volunteer: Never mind
is moving away from the coast and
Kate: Oh, I still got a prize. It was that! We’re taking you to a doctor.
across the Pacific Ocean. People
my birthday, remember!
need to be careful; typhoons bring In the offices of Amur Energy...
Now listen again.
high winds and floods. Now for Mr. Diamond: What? All the workers
sports, with Jeff.
Unit 4 and machines? Then get some
Track 28 more. This project has started now,
Track 29
News Reporter: Good evening, and and we can’t stop it!
Good Buddies
here is the 6 o'clock news. There Vicky: Hmm...
The Protest
was a 7.4 earthquake in Indonesia Greta: Hey, Mum. Some volunteers That night…
this morning. The earthquake came across some diggers in the Vicky: He said that the project had
caused buildings and roads to shake Leopard National Park. started, and they couldn’t stop it. I
and there was some damage, but Vicky: It must be the pipeline! think he knows something.
the biggest concern is that there Maybe Jim is right. Greta: Jim asked us to call him if
might be a tsunami. You remember we learned anything.
the consequences of the tsunami in Greta: Well, they aren’t digging at
Vicky: Greta, could you pass me the
the region two years ago, when the the moment. There is a protest.
last big wave flooded thousands of Dylan: I don’t think they’ll be
houses and a lot of people lost their digging for a few days. There is a Track 30
lives. As a result, people in coastal typhoon in the area. The weather Radio Reporter: Franklin Primary
towns are leaving their homes and forecaster is telling people not to School was evacuated today after
moving up into the mountains. go out. the roof collapsed during a heavy
Meanwhile, in California, the thunderstorm. The head teacher
At the national park, things are said that students had been in
wildfire that has been burning for
getting tense... classes when the storm started.
three weeks is finally under control. Protester: Who are they? The accident happened in a sixth-
Firefighters managed to stop the Male Volunteer: We don’t know. We year classroom. One student said

Audioscript A10
that there had been a crack in the Fourteen Boy: Eating fruit and veggies and
roof where water had come in. A Two, T-W-O. drinking water.
concerned parent said that she had Teacher: Good. You should also
reported the problem before. The Fifteen
eat grains and cereals and protein.
students were taking their books Know, K-N-O-W.
Don’t forget to cut back on sweet
out of their bags when there was a
Sixteen snacks. They are delicious but can
loud crash at the back of the room.
Things got worse when floodwaters To, T-O. be harmful. You should also pay
began to rise in the school yard. At attention to when your stomach
that point, the head teacher decided is full. Don't eat and drink too
Sale, S-A-L-E.
to close the school. The storm died much. OK, what's the third piece of
out this afternoon, and teachers Eighteen advice?
have helped to clear the water. Buy, B-U-Y. Girl: "Get Active"
Builders are making repairs to the Teacher: Are you all active?
roof now, but they said it would Nineteen
Class: Yes!
take a week to fix it completely. Blue, B-L-U-E.
Teacher: Every day?
However, the head teacher said
Twenty Class: Yes.
that the school could reopen
tomorrow, and students would Night, N-I-G-H-T. Teacher: The important thing
share classrooms. is to do things you enjoy. Some
options for looking after yourself
Bye, B-Y-E.
Track 31 by working out can be karate, yoga,
One Twenty-two baseball, anything that gets you
Reign, R-E-I-G-N. Sail. S-A-I-L. moving around! Limit your screen
time to no more than two hours a
Two Track 32 day—not including homework, of
Ate, A-T-E. Whether the weather be cold, course!... What's the last one?
Three Or whether the weather be hot, Boy: "Get Enough Zzzs"
Blew, B-L-E-W. We'll weather the weather Teacher: Yes, rest is important.
Whatever the weather Do you feel active or worn out?
Four Whether we like it or not. Sometimes, some of you look tired.
Sun, S-U-N.
Are you getting enough sleep? How
Five Unit 5 much do you think you need?
Eight, E-I-G-H-T. Track 33 Boy: About 6 or 7 hours?
Teacher: OK, everyone. We're Teacher: Well, everybody is
talking about getting fit today. different, but experts agree that
Son, S-O-N.
Let's take a look at the poster 12-year-olds still need about ten
Seven “Healthy Mind, Healthy Body!” hours a night. If you are tired
See, S-E-E. Getting fit is about your brain as all the time, you might get sick.
much as your body. There are four Coming down with the flu, for
main ways to get fit. What's the example, is a normal situation,
Sea. S-E-A.
first one? but if you look after yourself using
Nine Girl: "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" these tips, you can get over any
Hear, H-E-A-R. Teacher: That's right. That means illness. Are there any questions you
staying positive. If we are feeling would like to...
No, N-O. low, sometimes the smallest
actions can make us feel better. Track 34
Eleven For example, play with your pet or Presenter: Hello, and welcome to
Here, H-E-R-E. go for a walk. This is a good chance this week's podcast. Today we're
to work out. What's the next one? discussing how to take care of
Twelve yourself. We have four guests here
Knight. K-N-I-G-H-T. Boy: "Eat Well," that means having
a balanced diet. to tell us about difficult situations
Thirteen Teacher: What's a balanced diet? in their lives and what they did
Too, T-O-O. about them. Let's meet them and

A11 Audioscript
hear about their stories. Presenter: Thanks, everyone. Now, Mr. Diamond: Yes... Well, we're
Jim: Hi, I'm Jim, and I'm 15 let's talk about your stories in very busy at the moment. Actually,
years old. Three years ago, I was more detail... I need some help with jobs around
in a road accident that left me the house. Maybe Greta and Dylan
disabled. I can't walk, and I have Track 35 would like to earn some money
to use a wheelchair. For the first Good Buddies next weekend?
year after my accident, I couldn't At the Sports Centre Greta and Dylan: Cool!
leave home for any reason. I was Greta and Dylan are bored.
completely housebound and felt Dylan: What can we do today? On the way home...
very frustrated. Eventually, when Vicky: You need to do more exercise. Greta: Hey, Mum. We might find
I could move around again, my How about going swimming? some evidence of the pipeline!
friend told me about a wheelchair Greta: Swimming is a good idea! Vicky: I don't want you to get in
basketball team. I went to some trouble. It was kind of Mr. Diamond
practice sessions and started Outside the sports centre... to offer you work. Just do your jobs
getting confident. I loved it! Vicky: You have to put your things and come home. We have to be
Sheila: I'm Sheila, and I'm 70 years in a locker. If I were you, I'd leave careful.
old. Last year, my husband died. your tablet with me.
I was very lonely for a long time, Dylan: OK, Mum. I was just Track 36
as all of my three children live in checking if there was any more Sports Teacher: Fitness is
other countries. Then, last month, news from Jim. important for everyone, but
I decided to join a gym. It has Vicky: I ought to call him... OK, I'll for 12-year-olds a combination
changed my life! I go every day and pick you up in a couple of hours. of cardiovascular exercise and
have lots of new friends. I still miss Greta: Bye, Mum! strength training is most effective
my husband, but I feel much better. and fun!
In the pool... Preteens need to do cardiovascular
Erika: My name's Erika. Last year, I
Dylan: Hey, Greta. Look at that exercise three or four times a
was bullied at school. Three of my
guy near the diving board. Check week for 30 minutes at a time.
old friends started saying horrible
out the cool leopard design on his Swimming and running are good
things about me, and I didn't
swimming trunks! options. You could also try hiking.
know what I had done wrong.
Greta: And his hat! Walking in the mountains will also
They gossiped about me in the
classroom and said things about give you plenty of fresh air.
Dylan: Raaaargh! You are still growing, so you don't
my personal life that weren't even Greta: Ha, ha. Come on! We need
true. I started to get very sad, but have to do too much strength
to go. Why don't we race to the training at the moment. Training
then another student invited me other end?
to an after-school drama club. It's that works all the muscles will help
great fun, and I have lots of new Later... balance your overall fitness. If you
friends now. I even think my old Vicky: How was it? Dylan, you are on a sports team, you ought
friends are jealous of me because ought to dry your hair! You'll come to be getting strength training,
one of them spoke to me again and down with a cold. like doing push-ups for your upper
asked about the club! Dylan: Mum... Leave me alone! body and squats to get strength in
Tom: Hi, I'm Tom. I had a simple your lower body.
problem. I got stressed about end- Vicky: Oh, hello Mr. Diamond. I With this combination, you will be
of-year exams. I ate a lot of junk didn't know you enjoyed swimming. on the way to a fit and healthy
food and started to feel depressed. Mr. Diamond: Hello, Vicky! Yes, I life! Why don't you set yourself
I was so sad I just used to sit in love it. Swimming is good for my some goals? Are you on a team
front of my laptop and look at health. These must be Greta and or are you going to take part in a
the screen. Finally, I decided to do Dylan. Nice to meet you. competition?
something. I stopped eating junk Greta and Dylan: Hello! Finally, always remember that the
food and started playing sports activities you choose should be fun
Mr. Diamond: I have to get to the for you. If you like doing exercise,
with my friends at the weekend. I
office. you will probably continue doing it
thought about things not related
Vicky: On a Saturday? throughout your life.
to studying, and I felt much better.

Audioscript A12
Track 37 Boy: Eating salty or sugary food Five
For each question, choose the correct isn't good for you. You will hear a doctor describing an
answer. There is one example. Girl: Yes, I know. I'm trying to cut injury. What does the girl need to do?
back on them. Doctor: Hmm. Well, it looks like
You will hear two friends talking
Boy: If I were you, I'd bring my own you've sprained your ankle. You
about an illness. What advice does
the girl give? won't be able to play football for a
Girl: Can I do that?
few weeks.
Girl: You don't look very well, Boy: Yes! But if you bring your own
Girl: Oh, no. We have the finals
lunch, you can't have anything
Jim. Are you coming down with next week. Now I'm depressed.
from the school menu.
something? Doctor: Also, you cannot walk on
Girl: That's OK, I wouldn't miss it.
Jim: I think I've got a stomach it for five days. You need to stay
Now listen again.
infection. I feel sick. in bed with your leg raised for
Girl: I usually drink lots of water Three three days. I'm afraid you will be
when I've got a stomach infection. You will hear two friends talking housebound.
Jim: Yeah. Drinking water is good. about a new hobby. How does the Girl: Oh, no.
I'm not drinking milk! girl feel now? Doctor: The good news is that you
Girl: Why don't you get some rest? Girl: Well, I've joined a club. will make a full recovery. When you
You look worn out. Boy: What club? get over the injury, you can start
Jim: That's a good idea. Girl: A sports club. I do yoga. It's playing football again. Now, I'll ask
Now listen again. great fun. You know I've been the nurse to get you a wheelchair
feeling lonely since my friend you can borrow.
Emma moved away. Well, I've Now listen again.
You will hear two friends talking
made lots of new friends at
about a hygiene problem. What Track 38
the club. Plus, it's a really good
instructions does the boy have to i /aɪ/ – high, light, right, night,
workout. I'm really tired after each
follow? might, sigh, fight
Boy: I bought some new shampoo. ei /eɪ/ – eight, neighbour
Boy: I've never tried yoga. Does it
Girl: Why? ough /u:/ – through
make you feel relaxed?
Boy: My hair is starting to get oily ough /ɒf/ – cough
Girl: That's the best thing about it.
and dirty. Ugh, it's disgusting! ough /ʌf/ – rough, enough
Before I started yoga, I used to get
Girl: You should look after your hair. aught /ɔːt/ – caught, ought, brought
really stressed about everything.
Washing it every day helps. You ough /əʊ/ – although
But now I feel relaxed.
ought to comb it, too. Ha, ha.
Now listen again.
Boy: Very funny. On the bottle, it Track 39
says I have to use the shampoo Four A Terrible Cough
every two days. You will hear two friends talking Man: I caught a cold,
Girl: Do you need to wash it twice? about what they did last night. My temperature's high.
I always have to wash my hair What is Jack’s problem? I can't stop coughing,
twice with my shampoo. Girl: Are you OK, Jack? And my throat is dry!
Boy: No, it doesn't say that I need Jack: Hmm… Yeah. I was working Woman: I know you have a cough!
to do that. on the science project until late last I could hear you through the night.
Now listen again. night. It was really hard. I'm glad I You ought to take some medicine,
finished it! And turn off the light!
Girl: Yeah, I had trouble with it, too. Man: But I caught a cold,
You will hear two friends talking
Jack: Then I started playing a I feel really rough.
about school lunch. What does the
computer game. It took me two I want to take some medicine,
boy suggest?
Girl: I don't know. It's chicken hours to reach the next level. I got But there isn't enough.
again, or a salad. I'm getting bored to bed really late. I've only had five Woman: Not enough medicine?
of these school lunches. I always hours of sleep. That's not right!
get hungry later in the day, then Girl: Five hours? No wonder you I brought you some cough syrup,
I eat chips or sweets when I get look so worn out! In the middle of the night.
home. Now listen again. Man: I took eight spoonfuls,

A13 Audioscript
Although I wanted more. have to use one, don't you? stop at the end of the street. It's
Now I might be sick, Doctor: Well, yes. Everybody ought actually a really long walk! If we
Who's at the door? to wear one for their safety. I do have a lot of rubbish, my brother
Woman: It's the neighbour, when I cycle to work. OK, let's helps me. We take the rubbish
They're complaining, change the subject. If you have from the kitchen and off the
They can hear you through the wall, a problem, who do you talk to? rubbish bins in the garden.
Coughing and sighing, Friends or family?
It's no good at all. Tom: Both. But it depends what the Five
Man: But I have a cold, problem is. Some things I tell my Boy: I help my dad mow the lawn.
I don't want to fight, mum, others my best friend, Dave. To be honest, I don't enjoy it
I’ll take the syrup you brought, Doctor: Do you have any concerns because we have a big lawn and
And turn off the light! about diet, exercise, sleep or the lawn mower is heavy. I get rid
homework? of the grass cuttings by putting
Track 40 Tom: I have too much homework, them on the compost pile. I throw
Doctor: OK, Tom. I'm just going to so that makes me tired. I them on top of all the old fruit and
ask you some general questions sometimes stay up late, so I don't vegetables.
about your health and how you Six
get enough sleep.
feel, OK? Girl: My only job is to keep my room
Doctor: Yes, it's important to get
Tom: Sure. clean. That means hanging up my
enough sleep. You should try to
Doctor: How often do you work clothes in my closet. It drives my
get more. OK, last question. What
out? mum crazy that my clothes are
makes you the happiest?
Tom: I try to do exercise every day. always on the floor. I also have to
Tom: Uhm… Hanging out with
I play football at the weekends and put away my computer games and
friends is my favourite activity,
go swimming during the week. But magazines. I usually just put them
I think.
I have more homework now. I used under my bed.
to go swimming every day, but Unit 6 Track 42
now I can't. So maybe three to five Track 41 Good Buddies
times a week. One Mr. Diamond’s House
Doctor: OK. You ought to keep Boy: I always help out with housework. It's Saturday, and Greta and Dylan
exercising every day if possible. For example, I clear the table and are earning some pocket money.
Can you run for ten minutes do the dishes. Then I get on with Dylan: Remember that you asked if
without stopping? my homework! we could help you?
Tom: I think so. Our football games
Two Mr. Diamond: Oh... Yes. You're
are an hour long, and I run around
Girl: I earn money by washing my right, I did. I wonder if you could
for the whole time. I'm worn out at
mum's car every Sunday. I also mow the lawn, Dylan.
the end, though.
Doctor: OK. Let's talk about do it to thank her because she
Mr. Diamond: OK, Greta. What can
nutrition. How often do you eat takes me to school in it every day.
you help out with? Can you wash
sugary foods? First, she drops off my brother at
my car?
Tom: I love desserts! I always have preschool, and then me.
Greta: Yes, of course. Could you tell
dessert after every meal. And I me where the sponge and bucket are?
usually eat some sweets every day, Dylan: Oh... And do you know
Girl: I walk the dog every evening
too. Sorry. where the lawn mower is?
after dinner. Her name's Pica. I
Doctor: If I were you, I'd cut back Mr. Diamond: Don't worry. I'll get
take her on a leash because, if I
on sugary foods a little. You need everything.
didn't, she would run off! She's
to look after your teeth. But we'll
always trying to pull in different
talk about that later. Do you Half an hour later...
directions. She's difficult to control!
always wear a helmet on a bicycle Greta: What's that? It says,
or skateboard? Four "Pipeline project."
Tom: Well, I don't have a skateboard, Boy: I always take out the rubbish.
and I don't ride a bike often, but The sanitation workers come on Greta: Dylan, come here!
when I do, yes, I use a helmet. You Saturday mornings, and they Dylan: This lawn mower's heavy!

Audioscript A14
Dylan: Can you see what it says? Boy: Shep. I love Shep. He’s a great it. I have a job for you. Will you help
Do you think we can take a picture? dog. I like walking him. me produce it?”
Mum: Where do you usually go? Jean: “No, I refuse!” said Jean.
Greta: There is a record of Boy: To the big park behind Aunt “Unless you give me a present.”
everything. It's not an eco-energy Lucy’s house, remember? John: “Here’s an apple,” said John.
deal. Jim is right. Mum: Oh yes, of course. Jean: “I don’t like fresh produce!”
Dylan: Mr. Diamond is going to make Boy: Anyway, my last sponsor of said Jean and threw it in the
a lot of money. Quick, take a picture. the day was Mr. Wilkins. He was in refuse.
Click. his garden when I walked past his John: “Don’t desert me, Jean!”
house. I told him about Job Week, shouted John. But Jean had
Greta: Wait a minute... Look!
and he asked if I wanted to water already gone.
Dylan: It's Jim! And what's that?
his plants. That took a long time.
Do you know where "Leopard
Designs" is?
He's got a lot of plants and no Unit 7
hose. I had to use a watering can! Track 46
Click, click.
Mum: So, who gets the money you One
Mrs. Diamond: What are you two
raise? Woman: You need to take off your
doing? Why are you looking inside
Boy: The Children’s Hospital. sweater before you can try this
the car? Don’t do that!
Mum: That’s good. When does Job one on.
Greta: Sorry, Mrs. Diamond. We Man: OK, I don't think it will fit.
Week finish?
won’t do it again. Woman: I think it will. Pass me
Boy: Tomorrow.
Mrs. Diamond: Hmm, OK. You look your old sweater and let's find out.
Mum: Great! Because I have lots of
thirsty. What do you want to drink? If it doesn't fit, you can try on a
things for you to do now!
different size.
Later that day...
Track 44
Greta: Look what we found before One Two
Mrs. Diamond came over and Did you produce the film? Girl: Where do I pay for my clothes?
asked us what we wanted to drink. Look at all the fresh produce! Mum: Over there. You have to line
Vicky: What you did was wrong up at the checkout.
even if you wanted to help! Never Two Girl: Oh no! I forgot my cash at home.
do that again, OK? We are working on a project. Mum: Don’t worry. We’ll use my
Dylan: Sorry, Mum. You can project the photos onto credit card to pay for this, and you
Vicky: Should we go to the police? the screen. can give me the money later. Let’s
line up.
Jim: Let's visit "Leopard Designs"
Three Girl: Thank you, Mum!
He’s going to record the interview.
Track 43 He kept a record on the computer.
Man: I've been saving my money
Mum: Did you get many sponsors
Four for one of those jackets.
for Scout Job Week?
I got you a present for your Man: $75! That's a lot of money.
Boy: A few. First, I went to our
birthday. Man: Yeah, but I really want one.
neighbour Ms. Smith’s house. She I think I'm going to fork out the
asked if I could mow her lawn. She will present the results.
money and buy it!
She gave me five pounds! Then I Four
went to see Grandpa. He asked if I I refuse to believe it. Mum: Can we get something
wanted to wash his car. The refuse collector is here. to eat? I'm tired and bored of
Mum: Did you want to? shopping around.
Boy: Ha, ha. Not really. But it’s Six Boy: I'm sure they'll have the jersey
Job Week, so I had to! He gave me It is hot in the desert. I want here, Mum.
another five pounds. Then I went to Don’t desert me! Mum: It's the fifth sports shop
see Aunt Lucy. She was very busy, you've been to, so I hope so!
and she said her dog needed to be Track 45
walked. So, she asked if I could do it. John: “I am going to present my Five
Mum: Oh, yes. What’s her dog’s project about the desert next Girl: Oh, no! This video game
name, again? week,” said John. “I want to record console doesn't work.

A15 Audioscript
Mum: What’s wrong with it? Jim: Greta, Dylan, you need to Then I could go back to the shop.
Girl: There is something wrong with cause a distraction. The price was brought down so
the controller. I need to take it back Mr. Diamond: There's no chance they might sell out,
to the shop. of that. This shop has a good But I don’t have a penny anymore.
Mum: Don’t be sad. Come on! I'll reputation. I wish we were out of the Mum: I wish you would stop
drive you to the shopping centre. I’ll country now, but it won't be long. complaining,
bring the receipt. You’ve got plenty of clothes in
Six Greta and Dylan go around the your room.
Girl: Look! There’s Skate World. back of the shop. There are piles of them all over the
They've brought down the prices Dylan: They're having the building floor,
on all the skateboards. There is a painted. I’m going to come clear them
30 percent discount.
Crash! out soon.
Boy: Cool...
Girl: Oh, no! There are no boards Mr. Diamond: What was that?
Let's check! Track 49
left. They've completely sold out!
For each item, write the correct
Track 47 Jim takes his chance. answer in the blank. Write one or
Good Buddies Mrs. Diamond: Whoever it was ran two words or a number or date or
Leopard Designs away quickly. I'll have the alarm a time. There is one example. Look
Jim: There's the shop. checked. at the questions now. You have 20
Greta: That's Mrs. Diamond! She Mr. Diamond: Jim Mills! seconds.
got her hair cut.
Dylan: We can't go in. She knows Mrs. Diamond: Stop him! I wish I'd You will hear a woman talking on a
who we are. locked the back door! radio show about a new shopping
Jim: I'll go. Mr. Diamond: Never mind that. We centre. For each question, fill in
have to get to the airport! the missing information in the
Mrs. Diamond: Can I help you? numbered space.
Jim: I'm just looking, thanks. These Track 48
are magnificent. I Wish Woman: Do you wish shopping
Mrs. Diamond: Try on a shirt! Boy: I wish I had tried on these centres offered something
They're selling out fast! 20 percent trousers. different? Dreamland Shopping
of the price goes towards saving Before I bought them from the Centre is the shopping centre
the Amur Leopard. shop. for you. This family attraction is
Bzzz, bzzz. They don’t fit around my waist, designed to get people back in
Greta: Mr. Diamond is coming. And they’re dragging on the floor. the shop and away from shopping
Hide! Mum: I wish you would be more online. It’s more than just a
sensible, shopping centre, with a number of
Mr. Diamond: Good news. There They’re not all bargains on the additional attractions. There are
are more people working. I’m having shelf. three roller coasters, a water park
the pipeline improved every day. You ought to shop around some and plans to build a ski slope next
Mrs. Diamond: What about the more, to the ice rink.
protesters? I should go with you myself! Of course, the main reason to
Mr. Diamond: Don't worry about Boy: I wish I had kept the receipt, visit a shopping centre is to go
them. We're going to start digging Now I can’t take them back. shopping. There are over 300
in another area. The colour’s all wrong, the legs are fashionable retail shops, as well as
too long, 150 comfortable restaurants and
Mr. Diamond: We’re going to get And they’re not dark blue, they’re fast food shops. That means over
the first money transfer next week. black!
450 options for visitors. You can
Here's the contract! I got it signed Mum: I wish you would listen to me,
even get your hair cut, have your
this morning. Before you go out and buy clothes.
teeth checked or see a doctor!
Mrs. Diamond: I wish you would You always spend all your money,
There are also plans to continue
hurry up. People will get suspicious. Don’t say what you paid for those!
development around the site. There
Jim: I have to see that contract. Boy: I wish I had more pocket
money, are already four car parks with

Audioscript A16
free parking and plans to build what being a thoughtful shopper comfortable
two hotels with over 3,000 rooms. means. For example, if a parent development
There will also be other forms of does not want to or can’t buy a ceremony
entertainment in the shopping product for their child, they should reusable
centre, including fashion shows explain why. Just saying “no” isn’t graduation
and concerts. Bands will play in the enough. Maybe it is too expensive, information
food courts and outside shops, but or it uses a lot of energy. Give
bigger events will take place in the reasons for your decisions. Track 53
ice rink. Radio Presenter: A lot of the time, One
Dreamland Shopping centre the things we buy are not for Man: Get your gowns for your
expects to attract an average of ourselves. Very often we are buying graduation ceremony! Half-price
30,000 visitors every day. That gifts or presents for our friends sale!
means around ten million visitors and family. How can we be more
Woman: Huge new shopping centre
in the first year. It’s hoped this will thoughtful about this?
development! Over 100 fashionable
increase to an average of 15 million Nikki: There are lots of ways to
clothing shops!
in the future. There is an opening be a thoughtful gift giver. For
ceremony on June 3rd, but shops example, your friends will really Three
open to the public the next day, like something you make yourself. Man: New eco-shop! Organic
June 4th. Why not go and shop You don’t always need to buy ingredients and reusable materials.
around? Doors open at 10:00 a.m. something from a shop. Everything
Dreamland Shopping Centre will is the same there anyway! If you Four
be open 365 days a year—even on do buy something from a shop, Woman: Online supermarket!
Christmas Day! take time to think about what your The most comfortable shopping
Now listen again. friend will use. Does your friend like experience in the world!
sports? If not, don’t get him or her
Track 50 a football ball! Another way to be Track 54
Radio Presenter: Today, Nikki For each item, choose the correct
a more thoughtful consumer is to
French is in the studio to talk answer. There is one example.
think about the environment. Many
about how young people can How much does the boy pay for the
shops offer to wrap presents for
become thoughtful and responsible jacket?
you. This is a waste of paper. You
shoppers or consumers. Welcome Woman: Which jacket do you like?
can wrap the present yourself in
to the show, Nikki. Boy: I prefer this one, but it’s $100!
recycled paper or just put it in a
Nikki: Hi. I haven’t saved that much money.
reusable bag. Finally, we also need This one is only $40, but it’s not as
Radio Presenter: There are so many
to be thoughtful about the gifts comfortable and it doesn’t look as
things for us to buy in shops these
we give. Before buying anything, do cool.
days. How can young people learn
some research. The person might Woman: Well, there is a 30 percent
to be thoughtful shoppers?
already have what you have in discount on the $100 jacket. It’s a
Nikki: Well, the first thing is to only
buy what you need. There are always mind! special offer for this week only.
new versions of phones, tablets, Radio Presenter: Ha, ha, that’s Boy: That’s a bargain! So, it’s $30
clothes and so on. They are very true. We’ll talk more about this cheaper than the price tag.
expensive. However, it is important after the break… Woman: Yes, that’s right.
to think about what the new version Man: Great! I’ll take this $100
gives you that the old version didn’t. Track 51 jacket then.
Do you wish you had the latest Supermarket Woman: OK. Minus $30!
smartphone or tablet? It might be Experience Can you see the tick? This is an
very similar to the last one! Reputation example.
Radio Presenter: Many parents
are responsible for buying more Track 52 One
expensive products. What can ingredients Which checkout do the mother and
they do? magnificent son go to?
Nikki: Parents have a big roller coaster Boy: Can we go now, Mum? We
responsibility to teach their kids fashionable have the bread and milk.

A17 Audioscript
Mum: Yes, yes, OK. Look at Four Mum: Yes! This scarf is a beautiful
everyone lining up at the checkout. What did the boy’s father spend colour.
Boy: This is going to take a long his money on? Steve: The hat looks a little big. I
time! All four checkouts are busy. Boy: Dad, can I have some pocket can take it back and exchange it if
Mum: There are only three people money to buy a new video game? I you want.
at checkout four. promise I’ll keep my room clean. Mum: It’s fine. I’ll just try these on.
Boy: Yes, but they have lots of Dad: I wish you would keep your Oh, wait a minute. There’s a hole in
things to pay for. The line at room clean anyway! But, sorry, this one. Look, my finger is sticking
number three is longer, but it’s I can’t give you any money this out. I think I’ll take these back.
moving quickly. It’s for people with week. I’m getting the car fixed, Steve: There might not be any pairs
fewer than ten items. Let’s wait remember? Maybe you can ask left. They were having a sale, and I
there. your mother. think they might have sold out.
Mum: They are closing checkout Boy: Where is she? Mum: Well, let’s find out.
two anyway. Dad: She had her teeth checked, Now listen again.
Now listen again. and now she’s getting her hair cut.

She’ll be back soon, I think. Unit 8
Now listen again. Track 55
Which aisle do the girls go to next?
Girl: OK, we’ve got chips for the Five
party. What else do we need? Turn on your phone by pressing the
What does the girl decide to buy power key.
Girl: I think we should get some
for her friend’s birthday?
soft drinks. Where is the soft drinks
Boy: Hey, Anna. Have you bought Two
Dave a birthday present? Swipe up the screen with your finger.
Girl: It’s here, in the same aisle as
the chips. Look behind you! Anna: Not yet. What did you
get him? Three
Girl: Oh, yes! Ha, ha! Sign in using your 4-digit password.
Girl: I don’t think we need any, Boy: We’re going to the Rock
though. Katy said she would have Festival in the park on Sunday Four
enough soft drinks. afternoon. Mum got us tickets. Tap and hold to drag an app. Place
Girl: Oh, OK. Well that’s it then. Anna: That’s a good idea. It’s your finger on an item and hold
Let’s go. something you can do together. down for two seconds. Then drag
Girl: Actually, I need some Experiences make good presents. I the app to its new position.
shampoo. I’ll get some on the know! Maybe I can get a ticket to a
way to the checkout. It’s in the sports event. What do you think? Five
cosmetics aisle. Boy: He’ll love that! In fact, I’ll come To swipe across, place your finger on
Now listen again. with you. The Leopards have a the screen and swipe it left or right
game on Saturday. in the direction you want to go.
Three Anna: OK, I’ll get that. Can you
Which items were two-for-one? check to make sure that he can go? Six
Boy: Wow. Cool trainers! Where did To scroll down a menu, move your
Boy: Sure! And we’ll need to wear
you get those? finger down the screen quickly. To
sunscreen lotion. It’s going to be
Girl: At Sport Express. They had a stop scrolling, tap the screen.
sunny this weekend.
sale last weekend. There was a 60
Now listen again.
percent discount on these. Seven
Boy: Awesome! I wish I had known. Six To zoom in / out, place two fingers
I need some new trainers. What does Steve’s mum want to on an item and move them apart
Girl: They had all kinds of offers. take back to the shop? or together to change the size.
There were sweaters at half price Mum: It’s freezing cold today.
and some sports trousers were Eight
I’m glad I can wear the hat, scarf
“buy one, get one free.” Remember to let the power run
and gloves you bought me for
Boy: Did you get any? down to 0% before you fully charge
Christmas, Steve.
Girl: No. I didn’t have any money the battery again.
Steve: They look good, Mum. Are
left after these trainers! they warm?
Now listen again.

Audioscript A18
Track 56 That is very misleading. I think In the Land of the Leopard National
Man: Hello. I bought this phone it should be made clearer on the Park, the chase is back on.
last week for my daughter, and it warranty, not only in tiny writing at Swish! Crack!
doesn't work properly. It's faulty. the bottom that no one ever reads. Grrr...
It takes a long time to charge and Rooaaar!!
then the battery goes dead very Track 57
Good Buddies Track 58
The Chase Police Officer: So, Mr. Diamond.
Saleswoman: Are you using the
Jim: Hello, police. Can you help us? Where were you and your wife
charger that came with the device?
Police Officer: Yes, what is the going?
Girl: Yes, of course.
problem? Mr. Diamond: To the airport. If
Saleswoman: Where do you keep
Jim: Amur Energy is building an Vicky hadn't stopped us, we would
the phone?
illegal pipeline. Mr. Diamond have made it!
Girl: Next to my bed.
has the contract, which explains Police Officer: Well, we are happy
Saleswoman: Nowhere too hot or
everything, and is on the way to that she did stop you. If Jim Mills
the airport. hadn't seen that contract, we
Girl: No, it's just at room temperature.
wouldn't have suspected you. But
Saleswoman: Have you dropped it
Jim: You have to hurry. We're he called us quite late, and I don't
or banged it?
following Mr. Diamond, who is with think we would have caught you
Girl: No. I look after it.
his wife. without Vicky's help.
Saleswoman: Yes, I can see it's clean.
Police Officer: We're on our way. Mr. Diamond: I would have chased
Girl: Yes, I clean it every day with a
Greta: I'm excited. after Jim if I'd known he saw the
wet cloth.
Dylan: So am I! I texted Mum to tell contract.
Saleswoman: A wet cloth! That
her what was happening. Police Officer: What do you mean?
is probably what has caused the
Mr. Diamond: I saw him at
problem. If water gets inside the
A few moments later... “Leopard Designs.” We heard a
phone’s electrical system, the
Jim: They're getting away! Where noise at the back of the building
wires or the electrical circuits of
are the police? I don't think they’ll and went to check. But I left the
the phone can break down. Hmm...
get here in time. pipeline contract on the counter.
It looks like a fuse, the electrical
Dylan: Neither do I. Now all my plans are ruined! If I
safety device of the phone isn't
Greta: Wait... Look! hadn't heard a noise, I wouldn't
have left the shop.
Man: Can you fix it? Dylan: It's Mum! She's blocking Police Officer: It was a big mistake,
Saleswoman: Yes, it will be $20 to the way. but good for us! The Amur leopard
replace the fuse. Jim: I can hear sirens. would have become extinct if you
Man: $20 for a small metal wire! Nee-naa... had built that pipeline. You knew
We only bought it last week. There Greta: So can I.
that, didn't you?
is a one-year warranty on the
Police Officer: You have the right Mr. Diamond: No, I didn't, and
to remain silent. Anything you say I'm sorry. If I had known that, I
Saleswoman: But if you are
can and will be used against you in wouldn't have signed the contract.
responsible for the damage, you
court. Police Officer: Really? Tell that to
have to pay for any repairs. It says
Mr. Diamond: Gah! I would've the judge!
that in the warranty.
Man: I didn't see that information. escaped if it hadn't been for you!
Track 59
It clearly says you will repair any Stand up for your rights!
damage free of charge. A few moments later...
Jim: Thank you so much! You've We have a right to education!
Saleswoman: I'm sorry, but it is in I want to be happy and free!
the small print, the small text at helped save the Land of the
the bottom of the warranty. I can Leopard. My friends in Russia,
Track 60
fix the phone now, but it will cost whose organisation protects the
Stand Up for Your Rights
$20. area, say the diggers are gone.
Let's stand up for our rights,
Man: Well, it confuses the users. Greta and Dylan: Yay!
Come on, come on!

A19 Audioscript
Don't give up the fight, Let's look after the world, right to them. The shoes I have will
Come on, come on! Let's look after each other, be OK for a few more weeks. A right
Let's take care of ourselves, is something stronger than that.
The right to education, And our sisters and brothers. Boy: Something we must have?
The right to express ourselves, Teacher: Yes, because we are
The right to our protection, Let's stand up for our rights, legally allowed to have it. We
The right to our good health. Come on, come on! should all have it. Can anyone give
Don't give up the fight, me an example?
The right to be independent, Come on, come on! Girl: The right to education!
To be happy and free and true. Teacher: Yes! That is a good
In the end we're the future, Track 61
example. We all have to be able to
These rights are for me and you. Teacher: OK, class. What is a right?
study. What else?
Boy: The opposite of left.
Let's get up off our seats, Teacher: Very funny, Jack. Any
Come on, come on! more ideas, anyone?
Let's get out on the street, Girl: It's like something we want.
Come on, come on! Teacher: Not really. I'd like a new
pair of shoes, but I don't have a

Audioscript A20
Practice Book Audioscript
Unit 1 wanted to propose a recycling drive It’s not an amusement park, but it’s
to raise money for the new solar still great, right?
Track 1
panels. I’ll deliver it later. Now listen again.
Jessie: Hi, Luke! Guess what! I’ve
Now listen again.
just talked to Mara. She’s been Five
working on the science project. Two Who is speaking now?
Luke: Oh, I know. She’s just texted Where is Mark going? Mary: Someone else is speaking
me about it. I think she wants to Mary: What’s up, Mark? Why are now. Who is it?
convince me to work with her. It you leaving the playground? Mark: I don’t think it’s the school
sounds interesting! Mark: I’m going to the auditorium. head teacher. It sounds like
Jessie: Yes, it does, but we’ve just There's going to be an someone younger.
informed our teacher that we announcement. Mary: You’re right. It’s Henry, a
will be working together. Besides, Mary: Who’s making the boy in our class! He’s just asked
I think our project is going to be announcement? Mr. Jacobson a question and,
interesting, too. Mark: Mr. Jacobson, our geography apparently, he liked the answer,
Luke: You’re right. I’ve just read teacher. The head teacher will be because he’s just shouted “Yay!” I’ll
something here about an eco- there, too. ask him later what his question was.
friendly gadget. We could ask Mr. Mary: I had completely forgotten
Slater if that would be a good idea that. I was actually on my way to Now listen again.
for the science fair. the cafeteria. I wonder what the
Track 3
announcement is about.
Mara: We’ve just arrived, and it’s Listen and circle the correct option.
Now listen again.
about to be our turn to speak. Let’s One
hurry! Three
You will hear two friends talking
Julio: I know. We should get our What time is it?
about an article.
things ready. Has Jessie presented Mary: Can I come with you, Mark?
Luke: I’ve been reading this article.
her project yet? Mark: Sure! Let’s hurry! We were
It’s pretty interesting!
Mara: Yes, she’s just spoken about supposed to be there at 12:15, and
Rosy: Oh, really? What is it about?
an eco-friendly gadget. it’s alread 12:30.
Luke: It’s about different
Julio: Listen! They’ve just Mary: Oh, I didn’t know that! Will
communication styles. It describes
announced our project. It’s our turn they let us in?
how people interact with others
to speak. Mark: I’m not sure. It’s already late.
Mara: Oh, no! I’ve just forgotten my Let’s see if people are still getting in.
Rosy: I guess personality influences
lines! Now listen again.
the way people act when they
Four talk with others. Does the article
Track 2
Where is the students’ next field mention that?
Listen and tick the correct answer.
trip going to be? Luke: Yes, that’s exactly what it
One Mary: Oh, no, it’s too late. Now we says. But it also says that we can
What has Mary just done? have to wait outside! make an effort to change our
Mary: Hello, Mark! What are you doing? Mark: Don’t worry, Mary. I think we communication style and become
Mark: Well, I’m writing a letter can hear the announcement from better at speaking.
to the school head teacher. I’ve here. Just listen. Now listen again.
just received a letter from this Mary: You’re right. Mr. Jacobson is
environmental organisation asking informing students about our next
You will hear a boy talking to his
for volunteers for a project, and field trip. I hope they take us to an
mother about public speaking at
I would like the school to get amusement park. That would be
involved. exciting!
Mum: Look, Liam! This documentary
Mary: No kidding! I’ve just written Mark: Actually, he’s just said that
is about an eco-friendly energy
a letter to the head teacher, too! I we’re going camping next month.

A21 Audioscript
Liam: Sounds interesting, Mum. Zac: What kind of exercises? at some old family pictures. Look!
I think I could watch it, take notes, Violet: Well, let me show you… This man is my great-great-
and talk about it at school. Now listen again. grandfather. In this picture he’s
Mum: Oh, you mean for the speech with Thomas Edison, who invented
contest? When is it? the phonograph in 1877.
You will hear a boy and his teacher
Liam: It’s next week. Contestants Robby: What was the phonograph?
talking about a sports game.
start giving their speeches in on Grandma: It was a recording
Ricky: Good morning, Mr. Collins!
Tuesday. I have to give mine next device that became an immediate
Mr. Collins: Hello, Ricky. It’s great
Thursday. success. People used to enjoy
to see you in practice today.
Mum: That gives you several days listening to music on it. They would
Ricky: Well, I’m new on the
to watch the documentary and record their own voices on it, too.
basketball team, so I need to put in
prepare. Do you need help? Robby: Well, I just knew about
some extra effort. We’re playing on
Liam: Maybe you could listen to me those round vinyl records. I guess
Saturday, aren’t we?
practise my speech the day before that happened years after Edison.
Mr. Collins: That’s right. The game
the contest. What do you think? Grandma: Yes, many years after
starts at ten o’clock.
Now listen again. him, music began to be recorded
Ricky: I thought it would be at 9:30.
on round vinyl records. People
Three Everyone told me to arrive a little
would play them on a device called
You will hear two friends talking earlier than that.
a record player.
about their friendship. Mr. Collins: That’s right. You should
Robby: Is it true that young people
Sandy: Listen, I’m glad we made up be ready at that time, but you will
used to collect vinyl records in the
and everything’s okay now. start playing at ten.
1960s and 70s?
Helen: I’m glad, too. You see, it’s Now listen again.
Grandma: Yes, it is. They would
always best to speak assertively…
Six sing and dance as they listened to
Sandy: … And not turn away or cut
You will hear two friends talking their favourite songs. I had my own
in every time you want to be heard!
about a test on communication collection, but I began collecting
Helen: Looks like we’ve just learned
skills. cassettes after they became
how to communicate better.
Lucy: Did you take the test on popular in the 1970s. We used to
Sandy: Yeah. Let’s keep doing that.
communication, Dina? own many cassettes with songs by
So, what now? Would you like to
Dina: Yes, I’ve just taken it, and I’m our favourite singers. Your grandpa
see a film? I could ask Dad to take
happy with my results. What about would tape some songs directly off
you? the radio.
Helen: Oh, I don’t know, Sandy. We
Lucy: Well, I’m not really happy Robby: Well, I guess digital
could just have some ice cream...
with my score. It turns out I have recording didn’t start until later,
Now listen again.
to work harder to find ways to right?
Four make up with others when there’s Grandma: That’s right. It started
You will hear two friends talking a falling out. Apparently, I just turn at the end of the 20th century...
about public speaking. away and clam up.
Zac: You’re great at public Dina: But I’m sure you have some Track 5
speaking, Violet! Can you give me good communication skills, don’t Listen and complete. Write one
some advice? Sometimes I feel too you, Lucy? or two words, a number, a date or
nervous and I just go blank. Lucy: Oh, yes. According to the a time.
Violet: Sure, Zac. First, I think you results, I’m always there to listen
Look at the questions now. You
should make eye contact with your to my friends.
have 20 seconds.
audience. You should also try to Dina: You see? It's not all so bad.
speak clearly and at a good pace— Now listen again. You will hear a girl talk about a
not too fast, not too slow. recent experience.
Zac: Okay, but what if I’m nervous? Unit 2
Violet: To control your anxiety, Track 4 Elaine: Hi! My name is Elaine.
I think you need to do some Robby: What are you doing, Today I’m going to tell you about
breathing exercises before your Grandma? my visit to the Vintage Museum.
presentation. Grandma: Hi, Robby! I’m looking First of all, let me tell you that my

Audioscript A22
first thought was that it would changes, especially in the recent is concerned about studying
be boring to go around looking at years… the fossils of animals without
the displays of several useless old Now listen again. backbones, such as plankton,
devices but, to my surprise, this trip crustaceans, worms and sponges.
to the museum ended up being an Track 6 Dana: But why do paleontologists
incredible learning experience. Listen to the children and match study those animals?
My parents drove Daniel and me their names with the online Thomas: Well, invertebrate
to the museum. We arrived there practice they refer to. paleontologists are interested in
at 11 o’clock on Saturday morning. Karina learning about them because they
We were the second group to get Karina: When I go online, I don’t were very abundant creatures and,
in, but we only had to wait for ten make fun of others’ ideas and as such, their analysis can help us
minutes. Right after we got in, opinions, just as I expect that they look into the characteristics of the
we came across the first exhibit: will respect mine. I think we should many different environments they
two really old telephones. At that recognise everyone’s right to lived in.
point, Daniel was all ready to take express their thoughts. Dana: So, they lived everywhere?
his first pictures when a museum Jacob Thomas: That’s right. However,
guard said that cameras were not Jacob: To me the most important many of them used to live in the
allowed. Daniel apologised and is to check the facts before sharing water, which is why scientists
took out a small notebook, where anything with my friends. We need concentrate on creating
he began taking notes. The exhibit to keep in mind that websites or reconstructions of the aquatic
label read: “The telephone was postings often provide imprecise environments from the past.
invented by Alexander Graham Bell facts.
in 1876.” Interesting, isn’t it? People Track 8
first got through to each other Samantha Listen and use the mind map to
using that strange-looking artifact. Samantha: When someone I know make notes.
The second stand showed wants to have my phone number
or any other kind of personal info, I Woman: The word geology comes
telephonic devices that were
always give it to them personally. I from the Latin words geo, which
designed in the 20th century.
don’t think it’s a good idea to do it means earth, and logia, which means
Some of them had numbers set
online. study. Geology is an important
around a rotary dial and, on others,
science because it answers questions
the numbers were displayed on Carlos about our planet, its origin,
separate keys on a block on top of Carlos: Well, I don’t really spend composition and history. Geology
the device. There used to be a cord much time online, because I’m also helps humans to learn about
attached to such telephones, and it trying to reduce my everyday the evolution of life on Earth from
wasn’t until many years later that screen time and I also enjoy playing its beginning, dating back billions of
cordless telephones were invented. sports like basketball and football. I years.
Cordless telephones made life believe it’s a healthy choice. Geologists are scientists who
more comfortable, as they could be
study the materials Earth is made
carried around from one room to Unit 3 of and their location. They also
another. Track 7 study Earth’s processes, such as
The highlight of the exhibition Listen and answer the questions. earthquakes, floods and volcanic
was the stand displaying the first
eruptions. Geologists look into the
mobile phone, which was invented Dana: I don’t get it, Thomas.
history of Earth’s climate as well.
by Martin Cooper in 1973. That What’s the difference between
Geologists use special tools to collect
phone looked like a big heavy black paleontology and invertebrate
samples. They use handpicks, sieves
brick, similar to a regular cordless paleontology?
and hammers. They also take photos
home phone. When I saw it, I Thomas: Paleontology is the
of their discoveries and write down
wondered how people managed to general science, and invertebrate
descriptions of their findings. They
carry such heavy devices around paleontology is a subdiscipline of
often work together with other
with them all day long. There’s no it. So, while paleontology studies
professionals, like paleontologists
doubt that the telephone is one life on Earth through fossils in
and archaeologists, so they all can
invention that has undergone rapid general, invertebrate paleontology

A23 Audioscript
broaden the knowledge they have of Tyra: Well, I don’t know whether Science. I’ll be working on this new
Earth’s history. this was something to be upset project with people from all over
about, but last year, I was going to the world, people I haven’t met yet,
Track 9 travel to Eastern Europe to study so I’m concerned about this new
You will hear an interview with several animal and plant remains challenge.
a woman called Tyra Hanner, a found buried in a field. Everything Now listen again.
paleontologist who has excavated was ready for me and my crew of
several animal and plant fossils. For thirty people to fly there and spend Unit 4
each question, choose the correct two months at the site. And we did Track 10
answer. so. We arrived there on a delayed Listen and report what each
Interviewer: I’m talking to Dr. flight. However, all of a sudden, person said.
Tyra Hanner, who has been a the expedition was called off, the
paleontologist for thirty years. One
reason being that the government
Dr. Hanner, why did you choose Betty: A volcano had been
could not allow it.
paleontology as a career? throwing out ashes and rocks. As
Interviewer: But you won an a geologist, I told everyone not to
Tyra: Well, before making
international award, correct? touch the hot volcanic rocks or they
this decision, I had thought of
Tyra: That’s right! My crew and I would burn themselves.
becoming a biologist because I’ve
had just come back from Peru. I
always been interested in learning Two
was relaxing at home when I got
about life on Earth. I had even Pam: Once I had a head injury and
a call from a governmental office.
started a course to prepare for the the doctor asked me to put an ice
I took the call even though I was
college entrance exam, so I was pack against my head to reduce
too sleepy and about to go to bed;
completely convinced that biology the swelling.
but, to my surprise, they were
was my calling. However, one day
they took our high school class on calling me to invite me to attend the Three
this field trip. A paleontologist was award ceremony a month later. I Joseph: I’m a park ranger and
our guide, and he told us about the was going to be given an award as helping campers is part of my job.
wonders of studying fossils to learn a recognised contributor to world Yesterday, a couple of them were
about evolution. That was when I heritage. I remember the ceremony surprised when I told them not to
as one of the happiest times of set up camp on the riverbank. They
changed my mind. I decided that
my life. didn’t realise that floods were a risk.
paleontology was the career for
me if I wanted to figure out things Interviewer: And now you’re a
about life on our planet. professor… Lucas: Because of the flood, my
Interviewer: Have you come across Tyra: Yes, I am. This is my second family and I were taken to safety
any relevant discoveries? year and well, I have mixed feelings by a rescuer who asked us to wait
Tyra: Sure I have. The most about it. Of course, I love sharing until the squad arrived.
important was three years ago. my experiences with others, but
There had been news about a site I still feel my place is in the field. Five
in Siberia where the bones of an There’s nothing like spending nights Amina: Once I heard something
ancient animal had been found. My and days in the desert, or in a interesting from a meteorologist.
He told the audience not to stand
crew and I flew all the way there. cave, looking for answers to our
on a hill during a thunderstorm, or
Our campsite was in the middle of questions about ancient times.
we could get struck by lightning.
nowhere, so we all agreed to start Interviewer: And what are your
excavating as soon as possible. plans for the future? Six
We were not concerned about the Tyra: There’s an upcoming Kate: Our school wants us to be
cold. We just wanted to see what expedition to Africa. It will be prepared for any emergency. Today
the buried fossil was. Finally, four different from all previous there was an earthquake drill, and
days after our arrival, we were experiences, as I am flying there Mr. Ames asked us to stay calm
able to unbury the bones of several on my own. This time my crew and not to run.
mammals that had become extinct won’t come along, since they are Seven
because of climate change. engaged in the restoration of Ollie: A storm was coming, and my
Interviewer: And have you had any several skeletons to be displayed sister and I wanted to go out and
disappointments? in the Museum of History and

Audioscript A24
see it, but our parents told us to about the geography project for prepare some questions for her?
stay at home because it could be next week. Lia: Great idea! She might be able
dangerous. Now listen again. to tell us more about hurricanes.
Now listen again.
Track 11 Two
Listen and report what the What topic did Tony want to Five
newsperson said using the cues. choose? What has Lia never heard of?
Tony: And what’s your project going Tony: Yes, she knows a lot about
Anchor: All eyes are now on this to be about? all kinds of things. She even told
hurricane that is threatening to hit Lia: Samantha wanted it to be me about search and rescue dogs.
the coast very soon. Sabrina Hayes about hurricanes, and she has Have you heard about them?
reports from Key West. finally convinced me. In fact, Lia: No, I haven’t. What are they?
Reporter: That’s right, Phil. The I’m happy with our choice. How Tony: You know, apart from human
hurricane got a lot closer to the about you, Tony? You’re working rescuers who help people out of the
coast in just a matter of hours. The with Louanne, aren’t you? debris caused by a disaster, there
audience needs to know that the Tony: Oh, yes, I am. Our project are specialists who train dogs to do
winds this time can reach speeds is about earthquakes, although so, too.
of up to 130 miles per hour, and I really wanted it to be about Lia: Oh, really? I’d never heard of
that the torrential rain will last avalanches. that. I thought that dogs could only
be trained to do tricks or to help
several days. Thousands of families Lia: Oh, I think those are more
the blind.
left their homes in the last few interesting.
Tony: Apparently, they can do a
hours, heading north or further Now listen again.
lot of things. Look! Here comes
inland to look for safer ground. We
Three Samantha!
also know that many people will
What can cause an avalanche? Now listen again.
stay in the shelters provided by
Lia: Did you know that a snow slab
the authorities; in fact, several of
falling off a high cliff can trigger an
Track 13
them are at top capacity already. Listen and circle the action
It’s important for the audience each kid took to help his or her
Tony: What’s a snow slab?
to remember that volunteers can community.
Lia: It’s a block of hardened snow.
come over to these safe locations
When it breaks and rolls down a One
to help distribute food and water.
hill, it can trigger an avalanche. Lara: Last year during the
Keith, my cameraman, and I
Tony: Oh, I get it. Then it brings winter season, my friends and I
decided to help, at least for a few
down with it more and more snow decided to do something to help
hours before our next report and
that can then cover trees and even our community, especially the
we also want to…
small cottages. homeless. We thought of raising
Lia: Yeah, that’s scary! funds and buying food for them,
Track 12
Now listen again. but we finally decided to collect
Listen and tick the correct answer.
blankets. We put together more
One Four than 500.
What time is it? Where has Samantha looked up
information about hurricanes? Two
Tony: Hey, Lia! What’s up? Vick said
Tony: And how far have you got Gabriel: My father’s friend is a
you had already left school.
with your project? nature photographer, so he has a
Lia: I’m waiting for Samantha. We
Lia: Well, Samantha has looked collection of photographs showing
agreed to meet at 3:00, but I’ve
up some information online, volcanoes erupting, lightning bolts
already waited for fifteen minutes,
and I came across a book about and heavy snowstorms. In my
and she hasn’t turned up. I’m
hurricanes that have struck during neighbourhood’s gallery we had an
beginning to worry! Mum said she exhibit of his work to raise funds
would pick me up at 3:30. the last ten years. Now we are
putting it all together. for the victims of a recent flood.
Tony: Don’t worry. I’m sure she’s
on her way here now. She must be Tony: You know what? My Three
getting her schoolbag ready. neighbour’s mother is a David: Close to the hospital there’s
Lia: I hope so. We have to talk meteorologist. Why don’t you a shelter for the homeless, so we’ve

A25 Audioscript
always collected canned food for that people need to eat every do: don’t skip any more practice
them. This year we decided to day. According to this nutrition sessions.
include something we consider just guide, 50% of our daily diet should Dan: I won’t, coach. Thank you!
as important: new clothes. come from fruits and vegetables, Now listen again.
30% from grains and 20% from
Four protein foods, which can also be Three
Rita: There were several wildfires of vegetable origin, like beans and You will hear two girls talking
last summer. They extended and peas. Small amounts of oils and about the results of a health test.
destroyed the vegetation, so, Ashley: Hello, Mia! How was your
dairy products, or more specifically,
after the fires had been put out, day?
products high in calcium, are also
at school we decided to spend Mia: Well, I took this test about
to be included in everyone’s diet.
some time planting new trees in health, and there were questions
one of the affected forests. It was Track 15 about how well we take care of
exciting! Listen and choose the correct ourselves.
answer. Ashley: Then you must have had
the highest score. You’re the
Unit 5 One picture of health!
Track 14 You will hear two friends talking Mia: Not really. It turns out my
Listen and label the food groups in about a triathlon. health needs to be taken care of.
both nutrition graphs. Laura: Hi, Jack! Have you heard of Ashley: What do you mean? You
the triathlon training sessions at can’t do any more exercise than
A number of years ago, the United Lion’s Club? you already do, and you eat the
States Department of Agriculture, Jack: No, I haven’t. What’s a healthiest meals!
or USDA for short, introduced the triathlon, anyway? Mia: It’s not about my physical
food pyramid guide to illustrate Laura: It’s a sports competition. health. It’s all about paying
how much of each food group It has three stages: swimming, attention to my feelings and trying
people needed to eat every day. cycling and running. I’d sign up if to understand them.
The food pyramid was divided into I were you. Now listen again.
four groups: at the bottom were Jack: Oh, I’m not sure. I entered
the grains, such as wheat, rice, several swimming competitions Four
corn, bread and pasta. This group last year, but I don’t think I’m fit You will hear two friends talking
enough to run and cycle as well. about a school project.
was the largest, which meant
Laura: That’s no problem! Anyone Kim: Have you sent the health
that people were supposed to
can sign up, no matter how fit video to Mr. Hutchins yet? It’s due
eat more servings of grains than
they are. next Friday.
of any other food group. In the
Now listen again. Brad: Mine is ready. It features
second layer of the pyramid were
different ways to be socially
fruits and vegetables, like broccoli,
Two healthy.
spinach, strawberries, oranges and Kim: Okay… What does that mean?
bananas, among others. The third You will hear a boy and his coach
talking about a basketball game. Brad: It’s all about working on
layer consisted of proteins, such different ways to get along with
Coach: Well done, Dan! You did a
as meat, chicken, fish and dairy other people, to convey your
great job!
products, like milk and cheese. feelings, and understand those of
Dan: Do you really think so? I
Finally, at the top of the pyramid, others.
couldn’t score more than twice!
in the smallest group, were the Kim: I thought we were supposed
Coach: That’s true, but a
fats and sugary foods. to do research on healthy eating,
basketball game is not just about
The food pyramid was a dietary like nutritional facts and dietary
scoring. There’s team play and fair
reference for many years, until the play, among many other skills. recommendations.
USDA updated its nutrition guide Dan: I understand that, but I would Brad: That’s what I thought, but
to MyPlate, which uses a plate really like to be more self-confident, I found out there’s much more to
divided into different sections to be able to score more often. health than just eating a balanced
to illustrate the recommended Coach: If that’s what you want, diet. Look…
percentages of each food group there’s only one thing you ought to Now listen again.

Audioscript A26
Unit 6 is not the only thing you can do in
You will hear a boy and his mother your free time.
talking about dinner.
Track 16
So, what else can you do? I think
Listen and tick the indirect
Justin: What’s for dinner today, you need to consider doing
questions you hear.
Mum? activities that can help your family
Mum: There’s some salad and pasta. Saul: Hi, Mum! Guess what? I’ve or your local community. Here are
Justin: Pasta sounds good, but I got no homework today. some ideas: If you have a garden or
think I’d rather have the salad. Mum: That’s good news! I wonder garden at home, take the initiative
Mum: Why’s that? if you could help me out with some and mow the lawn or water the
Justin: Well, I’m not so hungry. chores. plants. You could also offer to help
I had a sandwich while I was at Saul: Sure, Mum. What would you wash the family car. Or how about
Jason’s. like me to do? getting rid of the things you don’t
Mum: Okay, but you should at least Mum: Let’s walk Kyle together. We use at home anymore? You could
have some yogurt with it, too. can go to the park. bring your old toys, clothes and
Justin: How about some milk Saul: Good idea! I’ll get him. blankets to a donation centre. This
instead? Mum: Do you think you could get simple action helps to keep your
Mum: That’s fine. Kyle’s leash, too? Meanwhile, I’ll ask home in order and can benefit
Now listen again. Susie to hang up the clothes. Have other people in your community.
you seen her? You can also start a recycling
Six Saul: Actually, Susie said she was campaign with your neighbours.
You will hear a girl and her teacher going to water the plants. Did you know that recycling plastic
talking about learning. Mum: Oh, really? That’s lovely, but takes 88% less energy than making
Teacher: … And as you can see, I wonder if she has cleaned up her plastic from raw materials?
health involves many aspects room. Believe me, whatever you do in
of our life. Being healthy means your free time to help others and
eating nutritious food, doing Track 17 your community will also benefit
exercise, paying attention to Listen and fill in the blanks. Write you as an individual, so be a
your emotions and feeding your one or two words, a number, a decision-maker and take on the
thoughts. date or a time. challenge now!
Wendy: Mr. Simmons, what do you Now listen again.
mean by “feeding your thoughts?" You will hear a radio host talking
How does that work? about keeping oneself busy. Unit 7
Teacher: In a way, it has to do with Track 18
school, but it is also about life, Radio Host: Welcome to Taking
Listen and tick the correct answer.
about wanting to learn and looking on the Challenge! I’m David Wells
for answers all the time, no matter and today I’m going to talk about One
where you are. Taking care of different ways to keep busy and What are Jacob’s new books about?
yourself intellectually contributes active while doing something for Lou: Hey, Jacob! What’s with that
to your health and well-being. your family or your community. box?
Wendy: Oh, I see, so eating healthy Let me ask you something: What Jacob: These are the geography
food and doing exercise might not do you usually do after you’ve books I bought online.
be enough. finished your school assignments or Lou: Really? That’s so cool!
Teacher: Well, it’s still a good start! your chores? Most preteens end up Jacob: I know, especially because
Now listen again. playing video games. They usually these things usually come with a
play for five hours on weekdays, bonus. Look!
but on Saturdays and Sundays it’s Lou: Wow! A ten-dollar coupon!
twice that much time. That means What will you use it for?
that they spend ten hours just Jacob: I could buy a history book or
sitting in front of a screen. a travel book.
Don’t get me wrong: playing video Now listen again.
games is awesome, but maybe it

A27 Audioscript
Two put the books on the shelf above here’s another one. And it comes in
How did Jacob pay for the books? my desk. my favourite colour!
Lou: You bought your books online, Lou: I thought you’d put them on
right? How did you pay? I imagine your nightstand so you could read Mum: You see? You’re in luck today:
they don’t take checks or cash, do them before going to bed. a blue sweatshirt your size!
they? Jacob: Oh, no. If I did that, I would Ethan: Mum… Do you think I could
Jacob: I didn’t think they would, never put them down and I wouldn’t try those jeans on, too?
but I e-mailed the managers and sleep. Mum: Uh… Okay, go ahead.
they said they take cash deposits. Lou: Good call. Now listen again.
Lou: So what did you do? Now listen again.
Jacob: I wanted to go to the bank
Track 19 You will hear two girls talking
and do it myself, but Mum said it
Listen and choose the correct answer. about shopping at the
was easier to use a credit card, so
that’s what we did.
One Rachel: Look! That’s Eunice, my
Now listen again.
You will hear a girl and a doctor friend from school. She’s lining up
talking about the labels on at the checkout with her mum. Hey,
processed food. Eunice!
When did Jacob receive the books?
Zaira: Dr. Denver, I wonder if Eunice: Rachel! Good to see you!
Lou: And how long ago did you
you could help me with a school How’s everything going?
order them?
assignment. Rachel: Everything’s fine! My dad
Jacob: The day before yesterday.
Dr. Denver: Sure, I’d be happy to. and I are shopping for eco-friendly
Lou: But do they have an express
What is it about, Zaira? products. There are some very
delivery service?
Zaira: I have to determine which of good ones in this supermarket.
Jacob: Yeah, they do. They asked
the components of processed food Eunice: You mean all those ecological
me if I wanted to receive them that
have a positive effect on our health cleaning products over there?
same Tuesday, but I said I could
and which don’t. Rachel: Exactly! My family and
wait until today.
Dr. Denver: Well, you can begin by I have decided to go green. We
Lou: Sounds like a good service.
reading the labels on some of those want to reduce our impact on the
Now listen again.
products. They should include a list environment.
of their components. Eunice: That’s interesting! We
Zaira: And then? should all do it!
How much did Jacob pay for all his
Dr. Denver: You need to research Now listen again.
each component, its function and
Lou: And were your books expensive? Four
what happens to the body if you
Jacob: Yes and no. Look, these two You will hear two siblings talking
eat too much of it.
are used books, so they were on about a shopping centre.
Zaira: Wow, that sounds like a lot
sale. Two for ten dollars. Erika: What do you think, Simon?
of work, but it’s a good start.
Lou: That sounds fine, so I guess Isn’t this the best shopping centre
Now listen again.
the third one was brand new. in the world?
Jacob: Yes, it was. That one cost $20. Two Simon: It’s probably the
Lou: Not a bargain, but why didn’t You will hear a boy and his mother best shopping centre in the
you get a used one? talking about buying a sweatshirt. neighbourhood, but that’s it.
Jacob: Because the used copies of Mum: Look, Ethan! There’s 20% off Erika: What do you mean? I
that title were sold out. on all sweatshirts. Would you like love this place. Shopping here is
Now listen again. to try one of these on? awesome.
Ethan: Oh, I don’t know. I’m not Simon: Yeah, it’s kind of fun. But
Five really a fan of green. I feel like the shopping centre is
Where will Jacob put his books? Mum: Come on, Ethan! That might missing something.
Lou: Do you have enough room for not be the only colour left. Let’s Erika: Like what? It has the best
them at home? look for more in your size. cinemas in town. Watching films
Jacob: Yeah. I think I’m going to Ethan: Ok, let’s see. Look, Mum, here is great.

Audioscript A28
Simon: Well, I give you that, but Unit 8 Captain Westin: Drones are less
you know what would make this expensive and more accessible.
Track 20
the best shopping centre ever? A Besides, drones are much quieter
Listen and check your answers.
bowling alley. than helicopters, so we can fly
Erika: But that’s so boring! I don’t Sally: On Saturday I went shopping them over a city at night without
see the fun in it. with Dad, whose computer needed people noticing them. Since they
Simon: Oh, you just say that to be replaced. We went to a shop are small, they can be used for
because I always win. called Tech Fabulous, which was specific missions because they
Now listen again. close to our home and had good can access places that would
prices on computers. Mindy, who be impossible to reach with a
Five helicopter. They are also controlled
was a young salesperson, showed
You will hear a woman and a remotely, so if they are destroyed,
us all the computer models they
salesperson at a grocery shop. nobody gets hurt.
had. When we got home, Dad
Clerk: Good morning! How can I Interviewer: As you know, many
noticed that the computer’s user
help you? people are concerned about their
guide, which was supposed to
Mrs. Robbins: How much are the privacy. How can we make sure
come in the box, was missing. Dad
grapes? that our right to privacy is not
called the shop, and Mindy, whose
Clerk: They’re two-fifty a kilogram. being violated with the use of
boss found an extra copy of the
Mrs. Robbins: I’ll have three drones?
manual, had it sent to our home
kilograms, please. Captain Westin: The solution would
right away. Dad, who also wanted
Clerk: OK… Anything else? be to limit the use of drones to
to read the warranty that came
Mrs. Robbins: Yes, I’d like a head of specific missions. Flying drones
with the new computer, found the
lettuce, please. over the neighbourhoods 24/7 is
small print hard to decipher, but
Clerk: There you go. That’ll be not acceptable and, of course, it
it was nothing that a magnifying
eight dollars. is something we never do. If this
glass couldn’t solve.
Mrs. Robbins: Here you are. happened every day, citizens would
Clerk: Thanks. Track 21 have every right to complain.
Now listen again. You will hear an interview with a Most citizens don’t agree with this
Six woman named Trish Westin, a police approach, but if we comply with all
You will hear a boy and his teacher captain who talks about the use of privacy regulations, we will honour
working on a maths problem. drones. For each question, choose the trust they’ve put in us.
Teacher: … And now it’s time to the correct answer. Interviewer: People’s concerns
work on the three maths problems might come from a natural fear of
Interviewer: Today I’m with losing their privacy, but is there any
I gave you for homework yesterday. Captain Trish Westin, who will tell
Henry: Ms. Watson, I have a other reason?
us about the use of drones in the Captain Westin: Well, there are
question about the third problem. police department. Captain Westin,
There’s something I don’t many factors. In general, they want
how long have you been using to guarantee the safety of their
understand. drones during police investigations?
Teacher: No problem, Henry. Please families. Apart from that, it seems
Captain Westin: Not for long. We that, depending on their ethnic
read the problem aloud. have just started using drones
Henry: Ok. There’s a 25% discount background or gender, some people
during the missions of the police reject the idea of being in the public
on a pair of jeans. The price on department. As in every other
the tag is $120. How much will eye. Most male citizens are not as
field, we have found it necessary concerned about this matter as
I pay for the pair of jeans at the to use technology to upgrade our
checkout? Oh, now I see… Wait a females, for example.
investigative work, and drones Interviewer: How have citizens
minute… If $30 is 25% of 120, the have proven to be very useful tools,
answer is $90. responded to the use of drones in
just as surveillance cameras have general?
Teacher: That’s right! been for decades.
Now listen again. Captain Westin: It’s interesting
Interviewer: What are the benefits how most people support the
of using drones? use of drones if they are used to

A29 Audioscript
monitor their opponents, that is, police, but how does this kind have GPS and photographic
other citizens whose political and of technology help the common equipment that help us take
social viewpoints are different citizen? pictures of large areas to locate
from theirs. Most people seem Captain Westin: This kind of missing people. Last week, we were
to feel even safer this way, as if aircraft helps us locate victims able to spot and rescue a lost hiker
watching their opponents’ back of natural disasters, for instance. who had a head injury. If it hadn’t
yards and homes gave them When a natural disaster happens, been for our drones, we wouldn’t
confidence. the drones make it easier to reach have been able to get him to safety
Interviewer: So it’s clear that them and send all kinds of rescue in time.
the use of drones benefits the equipment to assist them. Drones Now listen again.

Audioscript A30
Practice Book Answer Key
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Page 4 Page 8
1 1
1. respect; 2. participate; 3. engage; 4. share; 1. complain – matched with “The microphone I
5. empathise; 6. treat bought here last week is not working.” 2. convince
2 – matched with “You should play with us. It will be
lots of fun!” 3. shout – matched with “I’m over here!
1. determined; 2. disagreed; 3. interesting; Hurry up!” 4. inform – matched with “Hi, kids! Before
4. hardworking; 5. annoyed; 6. nervous we begin, you should know…”; 5. announce – matched
with “And we have a winner! The prize goes to…”
Page 5
1. comfortable, responsible; 2. indispensable, 1. convince – b; 2. complain – e; 3. shout – a;
incomplete; 3. beautiful, careful; 4. disappear, 4. inform – d; 5. announce – c
disconnect; 5. impossible, impatient; 6. unbelievable,
unlikely Page 9
1. make up, speak up – cutout of the girl and boy
1. beautiful; 2. unbelievable; 3. unlikely; 4. comfortable; talking to each other happily; 2. break down, fell out
5. disappear; 6. impossible; 7. impatient; 8. incomplete – cutout of the two girls arguing; 3. clams up, calms
4 down – cutout of split screen: two boys arguing
indoors, then playing outdoors; 4. cuts in, turns
responsible / careful – Answers will vary. away – cutout of the angry girl and the upset boy
Page 6 Page 10
1 1
1. is; 2. going; 3. will; 4. are; 5. working; 6. not; 7. to 1. has just arrived; 2. have just told; 3. have just
2 read; 4. have just seen; 5. has just climbed
1. a scheduled event; 2. an arrangement; 3. a promise; 2
4. a prediction based on evidence 1. Harry’s just talked to his parents. 2. They’ve just
had a call from his aunt. 3. She’s just moved to a
Answers will vary. natural reserve. 4. He’s just seen a picture of his
aunt’s new workplace. 5. They’ve just decided to
Page 7 spend a holiday with her.
Page 11
1. What kind of feline is it? – g; 3
2. Where does it live? – e;
3. What does it look like? – d; 1. I’ve just talked; 2. She’s just texted; 3. we've just
4. How much does it weigh? – c; informed; 4. I’ve just read; 5. We’ve just arrived;
5. How big is it? – a; 6. she’s just spoken; 7. They've just announced;
6. How many are there left? – h; 8. I’ve just forgotten
7. How long has it been endangered? – f; 4
8. Why is it endangered? – b Answers will vary.
Page 12
1. False; 2. True; 3. True; 4. False; 5. True; 6. False 5
1. I’ve / He’s been following them all morning. – f;
2. He's been looking at his watch all this time. – d;
3. She’s been taking pictures of the place. – c;
4. They’ve been waiting for someone for an hour. – b;
5. I’ve / He’s been taking notes in my / his notebook. – a;
6. I’ve / He’s been trying to figure out their plans. – e

A31 Practice Book Answer Key

6 Unit 2 Now and Then
1. daughter; 2. home; 3. boss; 4. signed; 5. e-mail;
6. call; 7. destroy; 8. puzzled Page 19
Page 13 1. by; 2. away; 3. into; 4. with – Order: 3, 6, 4, 2, 1, 5
b; c; a
1. Has the news about the surprise party got
2 around? 2. We need to find a place where we can
1. Small talk is a polite conversation about get together. 3. Once we are there, we’ll try to get
unimportant matters. 2. Shyness and the lack of through to Lou on the phone. 4. After we surprise
social skills; 3. You know when and where to speak him, we’ll get on with the party.
up or stop talking. You also use the right kind of
body language and tone of voice for each situation. Page 20
4. Practise making conversation with your family at 3
home. Ask questions that show genuine interest in 1. database – cutout of the flowchart; 2. device –
the people you are talking to. Be polite and listen cutout of the kid wearing a virtual reality headset
to other people’s ideas without imposing your own. and holding a controller; 3. screen time – cutout of
5. You should try to help them to practise or develop the girl at the computer and the man pointing at his
their conversational skills. watch; 4. text message – cutout of the two mobile
phones each saying “...”; 5. network – cutout of the
Page 14 grid of interconnected devices; 6. security – cutout
1 of padlock surrounded by tech icons; 7. application
Picture 2 – cutout of cycling app (represented by bicycle icon)
showing on mobile phone screen

What is it like? It’s a mammal that looks like a small Page 21

whale. / Where does it live? It lives in the Gulf of 1
California. / Why is it endangered? Because it gets 1. People would mostly talk face-to-face. 2. News
caught in the nets used to catch fish. / How can wouldn’t travel so fast in the past. 3. People didn’t use
it be protected? By stopping the use of nets; by to spend so much time on devices. 4. Print newspapers
implementing projects to prevent it from becoming used to be a primary source of information. 5. People
extinct. would also hear the news on the radio.
2 2
Answers will vary. 1. used to enjoy; 2. would record; 3. would play;
4. used to collect; 5. would dance; 6. used to own;
Page 15 7. would tape
1. B; 2. C; 3. B; 4. A; 5. C
1. People would enjoy listening to music recorded on
Page 16 Edison's phonograph. 2. They used to record their
1 voices on it, too. 3. People used to play them on a
Answers will vary. device called a record player. 4. During the 1960s
and 70s, young people would collect vinyl records.
2 5. They used to dance and sing as they listened to
Answers will vary. their favourite songs. 6. People would own cassettes
with songs by their favourite singers. 7. Some
Page 17 people used to tape songs off the radio.
1. B; 2. C; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. B

Page 18
1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C
Answers will vary.

Practice Book Answer Key A32

Page 22 Page 26
3 1
1. People didn’t use to write on laptops. People used 1. convince; 2. complain; 3. relax; 4. getting together;
to write on typewriters. – Picture of typewriter 5. share
matched to picture of laptop; 2. People wouldn’t / 2
didn’t use to sign their documents with pens. People
would / used to sign their documents with quill and c
ink. – Picture of quill and ink matched to picture of 3
pen; 3. People wouldn’t / didn’t use to listen to music
on their mobile phones. People would / used to listen Answers will vary. Sample answers: Playing
to music on record players. – Picture of record player videogames contributes to: better decision-making
matched to picture of mobile phone; 4. People and problem solving; cognitive and emotional
wouldn’t / didn’t use to shop their information in the development; people leading healthier lives; parents
cloud. People would / used to shop their information spending time with their children; strengthening the
on floppy disks. – Picture of floppy disk matched to parent-child bond; developing social skills
picture Page 27
of cloud 1
4 Speak up when they witness cyberbullying; Use
Answers will vary. polite language; Respect others’ online property.

Page 23 2
5 Karina: 2; Jacob: 1; Samantha: 4; Carlos: 3
1. us to work; 2. me to listen; 3. them to write; 3
4. her not to forget; 5. him not to leave Answers will vary.
Page 28
1. a link to a website; 2. chase deer in the wild; 1
3. kill Amur leopards; 4. work (be a security
guard) for Amur Energy; 5. volunteers for World 1. inform; 2. shout; 3. announce; 4. complain
Conservation; 6. sending Vicky messages; 7. more 2
evidence about the pipeline; 8. to stop Amur
Energy’s deal 1. fell out; 2. cut in; 3. clammed up; 4. calm down;
5. made up
Page 24 3
Answers will vary. Sample answers: He has just
1. C; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. D; 6. D; 7. B; 8. C; 9. C played basketball. He has just won a tournament.
2 4
Answers will vary. 1. They have been playing video games. 2. I have
been reducing my screen time.
Page 25
1 Page 29
1. visit to; 2. wasn’t; 3. useless; 4. learned; 5. parents 5
drove; 6. 11 o’clock; 7. ten; 8. to take; 9. 1876; 1. text message; 2. network; 3. screen time;
10. designed in; 11. made life; 12. 1973; 13. looked like 4. device(s); 5. security; 6. application(s)
2 6
Answers will vary. Sample answers: First phone: It Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. People used
was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. to wait in line to use a payphone. 2. People would
People first got through to each other using that memorise several phone numbers. 3. People would
strange-looking artifact. Second phone: Some have to stay in the same place during a phone call.
phones had numbers set around a rotary dial and,
on others, the numbers were displayed on separate 7
keys on a block on top of the device. There used to 1. Mrs. Villa wants everyone to write a report about
be a cord attached to such telephones. Third phone: technology. 2. Rose persuaded Carl to write about
The first mobile phone was invented by Martin devices from the past. 3. She needs Carl and Sue to
Cooper in 1973. It looked like a big heavy black brick, hand in the report soon. 4. They asked Mrs. Villa to
similar to a regular home cordless home phone. let them give her the report next week.

A33 Practice Book Answer Key

Page 30 Unit 3 Looking for Answers
Answers may vary. Sample answers: 1. It means you Page 32
are hoping for something to happen. 2. No. In most 1
cultures, everyone understands what this gesture
means, so there is no need to explain its meaning. h t i w p i e m o c
Answers may vary. 1. Native Americans; Thousands
t u r n u p y t k a
of years ago; They used sign language to
communicate with other tribes. 2. Pedro Ponce de
c o m e a c r o s s
León; Sixteenth century; He adapted the monks’
silent signs to help the deaf to communicate.
a d l o o k f o r p
3. Juan Pablo Bonet; 1620; He published a method
for teaching the deaf to speak. 4. Charles-Michel de
m n o t n i k o o l
l'Épée; 1755; He opened the National Institution for
Deaf-Mutes in Paris and created a signing method p i c k u p n l c f
and a dictionary. 5. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet;
1817; He founded the American School for the Deaf o f i g u r e o u t
in the United States.
1. turned up; 2. looking into; 3. came across; 4. pick
Page 31 up; 5. looking for; 6. figure out; 7. find out; 8. come
3 up with
1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. d; 5. e
4 1. came across; 2. pick up; 3. came up with – turned
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. Because up; 4. look into; 5. found out; 6. looking for
the deaf probably needed a common language
to communicate among themselves and with Page 33
people who were able to hear. 2. They are used to 2
communicate and interact with others. They have 1. fossil – cutout of the trilobite fossil; 2. shovel –
their own rules and words. New signs are created cutout of the person in boots and gloves leaning
for new words just as new words are included in over a shovel; 3. trowel – cutout of gloved hand
dictionaries of other languages. They are susceptible holding the hand trowel; 4. skeleton – cutout of
to the changes that occur in communication the skeleton of the four-legged creature; 5. bone –
technology. 3. Each sign language has its own cutout of the femur; 6. clay – cutout of the clay pot
grammatical rules, structures, and vocabulary.
4. Because different deaf communities developed Page 34
their own language separately, within the context 1
of their particular culture and traditions, just as was 1. in – studying; 2. on – learning / finding out;
the case with spoken languages. 5. Because they 3. of – working; 4. about – coming across;
can ease the communication between people who 5. about – finding out / learning; 6. with – ignoring;
are deaf and people who can hear. 6. Because a 7. from – publishing
common sign is needed to effectively communicate
with others. 2
5 1. are interested in studying; 2. are concerned about
examining; 3. concentrate on analysing; 4. think
Answers will vary. Sample answer: Create signs for about placing; 5. profit from using
the alphabet. Create signs for numbers and colours.
Create signs for commonplace vocabulary. Create
signs or gestures for different sentence intonations
(questions, commands, etc.)

Practice Book Answer Key A34

Page 35 Page 38
3 1
1. Q: What is invertebrate paleontology concerned 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
about? A: It is concerned about studying the fossils
of animals without backbones, like plankton,
crustaceans, worms and sponges. 2. Q: What Answers will vary.
are invertebrate paleontologists interested in?
A: They are interested in learning about the
characteristics of the many different environments Answers will vary.
that invertebrates lived in. 3. Q: What do they Page 39
concentrate on? A: They concentrate on creating 1
reconstructions of the aquatic environments from
the past. Answers may vary. Origin and meaning of the word:
It comes from the Latin words geo (earth) and
4 logia (study); it means the study of Earth. Why it is
Answers may vary. Sample answer: Amelia is really important: It answers questions about our planet,
interested in learning about the past. Even outside its origin, composition, and history. It helps humans
school she concentrates on reading about important to learn about the evolution of life on Earth from its
discoveries on this topic. During her school trips, beginning. What geologists do: study the materials
she is never afraid of exploring caves or climbing Earth is made of and their location; study Earth’s
mountains. She profits from taking these trips. She processes, like earthquakes, floods and volcanic
is thinking about going to an archaeological site eruptions; study the history of Earth’s climate. How
next month. geologists work: They use special tools to collect
5 samples. They take photos of their discoveries and
write down descriptions of their findings. They work
Answers will vary. Sample answers: Think about together with other professionals to broaden the
joining a paleontology club. Don’t be afraid of asking knowledge they have of Earth’s history.
questions to an expert.
Page 36 Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. Page 40
Answers will vary.
1. hide; 2. machine; 3. stop; 4. protected; 5. notice;
6. right 2
Answers will vary.
Page 37
2, 1, 4, 3 Answers will vary.

Page 41
Answers may vary. 1. The fossil record is the totality 1
of fossils that have been found, analysed, classified 1. B; 2. B; 3. A; 4. C; 5. B; 6. A
and organised chronologically. It helps scientists
trace the history of life on Earth. 2. By comparing Page 42
them to similar specimens they had already 1
identified or by considering the layer of the earth 1. E; 2. B; 3. G; 4. H; 5. A
where they were found 3. They use radiocarbon
dating and DNA analysis. 2
Answers will vary.

A35 Practice Book Answer Key

Unit 4 Extreme Nature 4
Answers will vary.
Page 43
1. earthquake – matched with picture of cracked Answers will vary.
road; 2. Tsunamis – matched with picture of big wave;
3. typhoon – matched with picture of satellite view Page 47
of a typhoon; 4. Wildfires – matched with picture 5
of burning trees; 5. flood – matched with picture of Answers may vary. 1. The reporter announced that
flooded avenue; 6. lightning – matched with picture the hurricane had got closer. 2. She warned the
of lightning bolt; 7. Volcanic eruptions – matched with audience that the winds could reach speeds of 130
picture of erupting volcano; 8. Thunders – matched m/h. 3. She said that the torrential rain would last
with picture of lightning bolt surrounded by sound several days. 4. She reported that many families
waves had left their homes. 5. She mentioned that many
people would stay in shelters. 6. She reminded the
Page 44 audience that volunteers could come to distribute
2 food and water. 7. She said that she and the
1. warms up – cutout of the sun; 2. turns into – cameraman had decided to help.
cutout of lake evaporating; 3. cool down – cutout of 6
thermometre showing a low temperature; 4. takes
over – cutout of child putting on a sweater; 5. cloud Answers will vary.
over – cutout of grey clouds in the sky; 6. bump 7
into – cutout of rain drops; 7. die out – cutout of 1. Vicky; 2. diggers; 3. protesters; 4. Dylan;
rain receding over roof; 8. clear up – cutout of birds 5. Mr. Diamond; 6. Greta
flying across the sky
Page 48
Page 45 1
1. can; 2. not; 3. ago; 4. on; 5. are; 6. which
1. C – told; 2. R – asked; 3. R – asked; 4. C – told;
5. C – told; 6. C – told 2
2 1. 3; 2. 4
1. geologist; 2. doctor; 3. park ranger; 4. rescuer; 3
5. meteorologist; 6. teacher; 7. parents Answers will vary.

Page 49
1. The geologist told everyone not to touch the 1
volcanic rocks. 2. The doctor asked me to put an ice
pack against my head. 3. The park ranger told the 1. A; 2. C; 3. B; 4. B; 5. B
campers not to set up camp on the riverbank. Page 50
4. The rescuer asked us to wait until the squad 1
arrived. 5. The meteorologist told the audience not
to stand on a hill during a thunderstorm. 6. The 1. down; 2. into; 3. up; 4. out; 5. across
teacher asked his students not to run during the 2
earthquake drill. 7. The parents told their children to
stay at home during the storm. c
Page 46
3 1. True; 2. False; 3. False; 4. True; 5. True; 6. False

Answers may vary. Sample answer: She asked the Page 51

citizens to stay away from the flooded areas. She 1
told the citizens not to drive through the floods. 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b
She told the citizens to unplug all of their electrical
devices. She asked the citizens not to allow children 2
to go out in the rain. If they left the city, she asked 1, 3, 4, 6
the citizens not to leave their pets alone. She told
the citizens not to leave the lights on. She told the
citizens to lock up their homes. Answers will vary.

Practice Book Answer Key A36

Page 52 Page 55
1 4
1. with; 2. out; 3. out; 4. across; 5. into 1. False; 2. True; 3. False; 4. True; 5. False
1. are interested in; 2. thinking about; 3. agree(d) Answers may vary. 1. The fossil was probably from
with; 4. is concerned about; 5. concentrate on 56 million years ago. 3. The climate changes during
3 that period were caused by volcanic eruptions that
increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the
Answers will vary. atmosphere. 5. Humans are causing the current
global warming period.
Page 53
4 5
1. lightning; 2. wildfire; 3. typhoon; 4. tsunami; Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. She was
5. flood hardworking and persevering. 2. At first, he was not
interested in science, but after meeting Janet he
5 became interested, so much so that he volunteered
1. told us not to walk; 2. asked them to spend; to help her in her quest years later. 3. He probably
3. asked the victims not to worry; 4. told the citizens became interested because Mr. Jackson and Janet
to pack; 5. asked their parents to bring showed him the importance of learning about the
6 past. 4. Mr. Jackson was a good teacher because
he encouraged students to push their discoveries
1. He said (that) there had been an earthquake a further. 5. What will happen to the environment if
minute before. 2. He said (that) everybody was safe. global warming increases, and how long it will take
3. He said (that) the earthquake hadn’t caused any for things to return to normal.
damage. 4. He said (that) all rescue teams could
stay at their stations. 5. He said (that) further 6
information would be on the news. Answers will vary.

Page 54
Answers will vary.
Answers may vary. 1. Scott. He found a plant fossil
during a field trip. Later he joined Janet in her
search for more fossils of the same kind. 2. Janet.
She explained the importance of the kind of fossil
Scott found. Later she spends years looking for
more samples of the same kind of fossil, until she
found one. 3. Adriana. She realised that the rock
Scott found might be a fossil. She convinces Scott
to take the rock to a paleontologist. 4. Mr. Jackson.
He suggested taking the rock to the museum,
specifically to Janet, his paleontologist friend.
Answers may vary. 1. study different types of rocks.
2. he was cold and thought studying rocks was
pointless. 3. it had a dark shape on its surface unlike
the rest. 4. figure out what the rock is exactly. 5. it
might tell about the effects of the global warming
and climate change that occurred 56 million years
ago. 6. she wanted to find other fossils to study.
7. a few years of searching. 8. Scott, the boy who
had found the first fossil a few years earlier.

A37 Practice Book Answer Key

Unit 5 Taking Care of Ourselves Page 61
Page 56
1 swimming, cycling and running
1. come down with; 2. get over; 3. work out; 2
4. is worn out; 5. look after; 6. cut back on 1. a leg – swimming, cycling and running; 2. Children
2 aged 11 to 14; 3. wetsuit, goggles and a swimming
cap for the swimming leg; a pair of shorts, a T-shirt,
1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. e; 5. d a bike and a helmet for the biking leg; socks and
3 running shoes for the running leg
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. She might be 3
coming down with something. 2. He feels worn out. 1. 11–14; 2. 3; 3. 200; 4. 30
3. He can cut back on sugary drinks and sweets.
4. She will get over her illness. 5. They should work Page 62
out instead. 1
Page 57 Answers will vary.
4 2
1. disabled – cutout of man walking with a walker; Answers will vary.
2. housebound – cutout of man sitting in armchair
and reading; 3. wheelchair – cutout of wheelchair; Page 63
4. gossip – cutout of two girls whispering to each 1
other; 5. bullied – cutout of two girls in background 1. dairy; 2. fruits; 3. proteins; 4. vegetables; 5. grains
laughing and pointing at girl in foreground; 6. lonely
– cutout girl sitting alone on bed; 7. depressed – 2
cutout of girl talking with her grandfather; 8. jealous Answers will vary. Sample answers: The MyPlate
– cutout of girl in foreground holding skates and guide recommends eating fewer grains than the
two girls in background looking angry food pyramid guide. Proteins and dairy products are
Page 58 part of the same group in the food pyramid but are
considered separately in the MyPlate guide. Vegetable
1 proteins are included in the protein foods in the
1. If I were you; 2. How about; 3. Why don’t you; MyPlate guide. The MyPlate guide does not seem to
4. ought to include sugary foods in any of the food groups.
2 3
1. applying some lotion?; 2. go to bed earlier; 3. ask a Answers will vary.
fitness specialist?; 4. I would choose healthier options. Page 64
Page 59 1
3 Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. 2
4 Answers will vary.
Answers will vary. 3
Page 60 Answers will vary.
5 Page 65
1. to ride; 2. to wear; 3. be; 4. to put; 5. take; 6. to go 1
6 1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. A; 6. B
Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. Brushing Page 66
(subject) my teeth keeps them healthy. 2. I enjoy
playing (object) football. 3. Eating (subject) a 1
balanced diet keeps my body strong and healthy. 1. F; 2. G; 3. H; 4. A; 5. E
4. I like running (object).
Answers will vary.
1. True; 2. True; 3. False; 4. False; 5. True; 6. False

Practice Book Answer Key A38

Unit 6 Keeping Busy Page 72
Page 67 1
1 1. D; 2. B; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B
1. hose – A; 2. lawn mower – D; 3. brush – F; 2
4. sponge – E; 5. leash; – C; 6. cloth – B; Answers will vary.
7. watering can – G; 8. bucket - H
Page 73
1. cloth; 2. lawn mower; 3. hose – watering can;
4. leash; 5. sponge – bucket; 6. brush Answers will vary.

Page 68 2

2 1. about ways; 2. ten hours; 3. initiative; 4. Getting

rid; 5. 88; 6. individual
1. with – cutout of family sweeping, dusting, and
making a bed; 2. off – cutout of father in car waving Page 74
to kids going into school; 3. away – cutout of boy 1
putting toys into box; 4. up – cutout of girl and 1. e; 2. b; 3. d; 4. c; 5. a
man hanging clothes up on a line; 5. out – cutout
of girl carrying large rubbish bin; 6. of – cutout of 2
girl putting bottles in a box; 7. off – cutout of dog 1. False; 2. True; 3. True; 4. False; 5. True
running away from family
Page 75
Page 69
Answers will vary.
1. D; 2. D; 3. I; 4. D; 5. I; 6. D; 7. I; 8. D; 9. I; 10. I. Pairs:
1 & 9; 2 & 10; 3 & 8; 4 & 7; 5 & 6 2

2 1. B; 2. C; 3. A

2, 3, 5
3 Answers will vary.

1. I wonder where we keep the buckets. 2. Do you 3

think you could hang up these clothes? 3. Do you Answers will vary.
know if someone got rid of my old magazines? Page 76
4. Could you tell us if we have to clean the windows?
5. I wonder when we will finish the chores. 1
Page 70 1. coming down with; 2. cut back on; 3. worn out;
4. got over
1. I wonder how we can help out at home. 2. Could
you tell me where the brush is? 3. Do you know if 1. How about seeing a specialist? 2. Why don’t you
there is a watering can in the garden? 4. I wonder take a break? 3. You ought to work out. 4. If I were
if I could walk the dog. 5. Do you think we have to you, I would talk to her.
set the table for dinner? 6. Can you tell me where I 3
should hang up the clothes?
1. Swimming (subject), jogging (object); 2. roller-
5 skating (object), ice-skating (subject); 3. playing
Answers will vary. piano (object), singing (subject); 4. Watching films
(subject), reading (object)
Page 71
1. You ought to eat fewer sugary foods. 2. Doing
1. if our parents knew about it; 2. of chores we (you yoga might help you relax. 3. I would like to try a
and I) could do; 3. if we (I) would walk her dog every healthier diet. 4. We have to exercise more often.
day; 4. asked when we (I) could start; 5. (she asked)
what time we (I) would arrive. Page 77
7 5
1. wash; 2. mow; 3. picture; 4. Leopard; 5. Jim; 1. Put away; 2. Hang up; 3. drop me off; 4. help out;
6. police 5. take out

A39 Practice Book Answer Key

6 Unit 7 Sensible Shopping
1. if there is a hose in the garden? 2. where the Page 80
watering can is? 3. if Grandpa has a lawn mower.
4. I could walk your dog in the park? 1
1. Horizontal flat surfaces where items are placed
on. – Picture B (shelves); 2. A piece of paper that
1. Mum asked (us) when we were watering the plants. shows you how much an item costs – Picture F (price
2. Dad asked (us) if we had hung up our clothes. 3. My tag); 3. A piece of paper showing information about
sister asked (us) if someone could do the dishes for a product. – Picture D (label); 4. The place where
her. 4. I asked (them) where the bucket was. you pay for the items you are buying. – Picture A
(checkout); 5. A space for walking between rows of
Page 78 shelves. – Picture C (aisle); 6. An item on sale or at a
1 very low price. – Picture E (bargain)
Answers will vary.
2 1. shelves; 2. aisles; 3. bargains; 4. price tags;
Answers will vary. 5. label; 6. checkout

3 Page 81

1, 2, 5, 6, 8 2
1. up – cutout of people in a line pushing carts up to the
checkout; 2. down – cutout of the kid holding up a video
1. heart; 2. immune; 3. hormone; 4. pain; 5. life game package with a circled sale sign on the front;
3. around – cutout of the mother, boy, and father
carrying bags at base of staircase; 4. back – cutout of
Answers may vary: 1. Because happy people the girl with her arms out in the air to the sides, looking
sleep better, eat better and get more exercise, at her belly showing below too-small sweater; 5. on –
all of which helps protect the heart. 2. Because cutout of the salesman handing shiny new pair of
people who experience more positive emotions trainers to boy with curly hair; 6. for – cutout of the
are less likely to get ill. 3. Because happy people boy holding up one foot and shoe, other boy asking
experience less stress, which can cause changes to dollar signs and question marks; 7. out – cutout of
our hormone levels and blood pressure. 4. Because the girl taking the last T-shirt from a shelf; 8. off –
happy people are more open to new thoughts, ideas cutout of the woman shaking her finger at the boy
and ways of looking after themselves. 5. Because who is dripping water from his clothes
happy people have a healthier lifestyle, which leads Page 82
to a longer life.
Page 79
1. workers paid every week; 2. the groceries placed
5 on the shelves in the morning; 3. has the prices
Answers may vary. 1. Have fun – Spending 15 to 20 displayed on the items; 4. gets the shelves cleaned
minutes a day doing something you enjoy – Sample every day; 5. is having a discount announced in a
answer: I’ll practise playing the piano from 5 to 5:20 few minutes; 6. got the checkout painted last week.
p.m. every day. 2. Laughter is the best medicine – 2
Laughing more. - Sample answer: I’ll watch a funny
video every day. 3. Chillax! - Breathing slowly to Answers may vary. 1. Julie got her nails polished. –
calm down – Sample answer: I’ll take deep breaths Picture D; 2. Dad got the car tyres changed. –
before the most stressful subject of the day begins. Picture C; 3. Martin got his bike fixed. – Picture B;
4. Stretch – Stretching to prevent pain – Sample 4. I got my hair cut. – Picture A
answer: I’ll stretch after every hour I spend in front of Page 83
a screen. 5. Go for a walk – Combining exercise with 3
daily routines – Sample answer: I’ll ride my bike home
instead of taking the bus. 6. Listen to your favourite Answers may vary. 2. Luke had more lemonade
tunes – Listening to music to relax and cheer up – brought to him. 3. Mike had his pet examined by the
Sample answer: I’ll put together a cheerful playlist vet. 4. Luisa got her old skirt mended. 5. Ms. Jonas
for when I’m sad or upset. had her sunglasses repaired.
6 4
Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Sample answers: 2. Who got food
delivered here? 3. Where did you have that cake
made? 4. Why don’t you get your shoes repaired?
5. When are you having that lens changed? 6. Where
can I get a suit tailored?

Practice Book Answer Key A40

5 Unit 8 My Rights
Answers will vary. Page 91
Page 84 1
6 1. g; 2. d; 3. e; 4. f; 5. a; 6. h; 7. c; 8. b
1. d (N); 2. a (P); 3. c (S); 4. e (N); 5. f (S); 6. b (P) 2
7 1. Turn on; 2. Swipe up; 3. Hold down; 4. Sign in;
1. he weren’t tired; 2. he hadn’t been shopping 5. Scroll down; 6. Zoom in; 7. charge; 8. runs down
around all day; 3. wishes he had stayed home. Page 92
4. He wishes he weren’t hungry or that he had some 3
money for lunch. 5. He wishes he hadn’t spent his
money on things he didn’t need. 1. small print – cutout of the magnifying glass being
held over a document, with enlarged type visible
8 through the magnifying glass; 2. warranty – cutout
1. True; 2. False; 3. True; 4. True; 5. False; 6. False of the paper printouts, the top one with a ribbon
Page 85 at the top; 3. electrical circuit – cutout of the board
with wires running across, up and down, and around;
1 4. battery - cutout of the flat battery showing a
Answers will vary. lightning bolt on the side; 5. faulty – cutout of the
laptop showing a broken face on the screen; 6. user
2 guide – cutout of the booklet labelled “manual”;
3 7. charger – cutout of the phone charger with cable
3 Page 93
Answers will vary. 1
Page 86 1. whose; 2. which; 3. who; 4. which; 5. whose; 6. who
1 2
a. 5; b. 1; c. 4; d. 2; e. 3 1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b
2 3
Answers will vary. 1. Ms. Adams, whose class is very interesting, knows
Page 87 a lot about technology and human rights.
2. She said that human rights, which are inalienable,
1 guarantee our freedom.
1. C; 2. B; 3. A; 4. A; 5. C 3. She mentioned that human rights, which should
always be protected, also apply to the digital world.
Page 88 4. Ms. Adams, who gave a lecture yesterday, said that
1 new technologies should be used to protect our rights.
Answers will vary. Page 94
2 4
Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. which is a set
3 of instructions; 2. who is a salesperson; 3. whose
tech shop is nearby; 4. who is wearing a red shirt
Answers will vary.
Page 89
1. So do I. 2. Neither can I. 3. Neither did I. 4. So am I.
1 5. Neither am I.
1. C; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B; 6. A 6
Page 90 1. Neither does; 2. So can; 3. So will; 4. Neither are;
1 5. Neither will; 6. Neither can; 7. So are; 8. So do
1. C; 2. B; 3. C; 4. A; 5. B; 6. D
Answers will vary.

A41 Practice Book Answer Key

Page 95 3
7 1. I wish I were taller. – b; 2. I wish I had brought a
1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. e; 5. d swimsuit. – c; 3. I wish I spoke French. – a

8 4

1. large manufacturers wouldn’t have ignored Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. I wish he
consumers’ complaints. would turn the music down. 2. I wish she would
2. manufacturers would have refunded consumers make sure to bring them. 3. I wish he would spend
for faulty products. it wisely.
3. consumers would have had the right to complain Page 101
about misleading advertising. 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. e; 5. a
4. companies wouldn’t have distributed unsafe
products with impunity. 6
9 1. which; 2. whose; 3. who; 4. which; 5. which
1. pipeline; 2. escaping; 3. arrest; 4. complained; 7
5. diggers 1. If the tickets hadn’t sold out, we would have gone
Page 96 to the concert. 2. The battery wouldn’t have run
down so quickly if I had charged it this morning. 3.
1 If I hadn’t wanted to look different, I wouldn’t have
1. On; 2. who; 3. was; 4. them; 5. where; got my hair cut. 4. The shop wouldn’t have replaced
6. from / against the computer if it hadn’t been faulty.
2 Page 102
Answers will vary. 1
Page 97 B
1 2
1. C; 2. C; 3. C; 4. B; 5. A; 6. C Order: a. 10; b. 8; c. 9; d. 4; e. 3; f. 5; g. 6; h. 2; i. 7; j. 1
Page 98 3
1 a. 3; b. 1; c. 6; d. 5; e. 7; f. 2; g. 10; h. 9; i. 4; j. 8
1. B; 2. D; 3. A; 4. C Page 103
1. True; 2. False; 3. True; 4. False; 5. True Answers may vary. Sample answers: 1. Laura
2 pointed out that Chris and Sofia had loads of
clothes, and they acknowledged this fact. Then
Answers will vary. Chris noticed the donation stall and proposed
Page 99 donating some of their old clothes. 2. Chris’s mother
was getting a haircut. The boy and his mother were
1 in the dressing room where the boy was trying
1. Wear; 2. Engage; 3. Eat; 4. Live; 5. Have access; on clothes. The salesperson was cleaning out the
6. Attend shelves behind the checkout, oblivious to the fact
that customers had come into the shop.
3. The salesperson told her that Chris was wearing
A. 6; B. 4; C. 5; D. 1; E. 3; F. 2 the missing jacket. She had already seen the friends
2 the day before, but this time they were carrying
bags full of clothes. 4. Students’ own answers.
Answers will vary. Sample answer: The right to Example: I would have checked to see whether
medical care, which comes with the responsibility of someone had taken it to the dressing rooms.
doing our best to take care of ourselves. 5. Students’ own answers. Example: Yes. Eventually,
Page 100 the salesperson would have realised that the jacket
1 was still in the shop, and the misunderstanding
would have been cleared up.
1. down; 2. on; 3. out; 4. back
Answers will vary.
Answers may vary. 1. I had / got my shirt mended.
2. She had / got the engine checked. 3. They had /
got their eyes examined.

Practice Book Answer Key A42

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