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Proceedings M2D2022 - 9th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design

Funchal/Portugal 26-30 June 2022, Editors J.F. Silva Gomes and S.A. Meguid, pp.127-136

PAPER REF: 19150


Ramesh Kumpati1, Wojciech Skarka1(*), Anna Dolata2, Maciej Dyzia2, Michał Skarka3, Kamil Zenowicz4
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Faculty of Materials Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
SkyTech eLab LLC, Gliwice, Poland

The design of a composite load-bearing structure in unmanned aerial vehicle applications
must take into account. For ultra-light structures, a great deal of importance to structural
stability and strength criteria. This is also important information for methodological
possibilities of producing ever thinner load-bearing structures. The research focused on the
possibility of reducing the weight load-bearing structures through careful identification of
material parameters of composite structures and the development of a design methodology that
would allow for the application of stability criteria and structural consistency in large-area
strength structures using analytical, numerical, and laboratory methods. This paper
mainly focuses on material strength, stability of the material, composite structural integrity at
various thicknesses and laboratory test (tensile test) conducted at various specimens. obtained
results comparison with number of specimens test results and best results is used for the
development of low weight, load-bearing, and high strength elastic wings for UAV.

Keywords: finite element analysis, composite materials, skin, mechanical testing, ribs,
stringers, sandwich panel, UAV.

The enlargement of an unmanned aerial vehicle are attracted great consideration in the
aerospace industry for furtherdecades, entire the universal nowadays UAV is well-used. (Goraj
2005). Illustrious that at the present trend in the aviation marketplace, the UAV is driven by
military requirements. In the form of transport, identifying the objects, rescue operations in
UAV are playing a key role. This research mainly focused on the material stability, composite
structural integrity, and lead-bearing capacity of the structure as well as skin. There are many
researchers are conducting research to words the UAV design and optimization. The United
States Department of Defence (DoD) addressed many of the advanced technologies are required
for UAVS (Cambone et al., 2005). These advanced technologies are also used for recent state-
of-art-technology. At present state-of-art technologies offer less-cost and high–operational
conditions are provide. There are many application are embedded with user interface
application in terms of sensors, navigation, communication, and control. UAV are connected
with advanced user interface software’s such as inertial measurement system (IMU) it basically
works for gyroscopes and accelerometers, Global positioning system (GPS) segment, a
Command system, and interfaces. There is also a main part of UAVs is autopilot software which
is controlling the flight and navigation of the UAV. Low-cost and lightweight UAV is

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Proceedings of M2D2022 conference, Funchal/Portugal 26-30 June 2022
Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

significantly influenced in the aerospace industry (Özgür Dündar et al., 2020; Jiao Wang et

Classification of basic UAVs

Nowadays UAV are widely used for civilian purpose, the basic historical data consider of UAV
depending on the total weight (take-off), maximum altitude, endurance limit and the area which
is radius, follows in Table 1 (Department of Defense, 2013).
Table 1. Classification of basic UAV
S.No Type Altitude (Above Radius Endurance Weight
ground level)
1 Micro Up to 2000ft <5.0km <1.0 h <2.0 kg
2 Mini Up to 3000ft <25.0km 1.0-2.0h 2.0-20.0 kg
3 Small Up to 5000ft <50 km 1.0-5.0 h 20.0-150.0 kg
4 Tactical Up to 10000ft 100-300km 4.0-15 h 150-600kg
5 Male Up to 45000ft >500km >24h >600kg
6 Hale 60000ft Global >24h >600kg

Aerodynamic loads
Currently, All around the world UAV are building with more than 800 programs (Eyes of the
Army., 2010). The basic flying vehicle is subjected to external loads with effect on it in flying
object and on the earth. There are many external loads are caused by aerodynamic, total weight
and inertia influence, earth reaction forces and power units which is useful for the work (Niu.,
1988). There is also one of the main geometrical parameters in terms of weight. Optimization
of the UAV weight is key challenge at present and less weight and more endurance is also
taking in consideration. Unmanned areal vehicle external loads are classified as follows Figure

Fig.1- Basic loads of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.

The classification of the loads which effect on unmanned aerial vehicle is described in Figure
1. When the UAV loads are applying on the body it may subjected to the centre of gravity.

Material Testing
Non-destructive testing methods are evaluate the material characteristics and structural
integrity. The NDT testing is main advantage that without damaging the quality. The
combination of the different material in terms of engineering material , the percentage of

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Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

carbon, glass, resins, adhesives, heterogeneous and nanomaterials to create multilayered,

multifaceted constructions that may crash in ductile, brittle, or both cases. The mechanical
testing is a standard and basic component of any design and fabricating process. Mechanical
testing also plays a vital role in preserving cost-effectiveness in innovative advancement and
predominance (Ramesh et al., 2021).


The material selection is also one of the main constraints for UAVs, for more endurance flight,
the material should be lightweight and more strength, based on the weight optimization
methodology has taken in to consideration. To evaluate the material characteristics, material
strength and related all mechanical properties by the Non-destructive test. The selected material
properties are as follows in Table 2.
Table 2 − The mechanical properties of composite material (Epoxy/ Carbon fibre- UD).
Young’s Young’s Young’s Poisson’s Poisson’s Poisson’s Shear Shear Shear
Modulus Modulus Modulus Ratio XY Ratio YZ Ratio XZ Modulus Modulus Modulus
X direction MPa Y direction Z direction MPa XY MPa YZ MPa XZ MPa
1.21e+005 8600 8600 0.27 0.4 0.27 4700 3100 4700
Epoxy Carbon – Orthotropic Strain Limits
Tensile X Tensile Y Tensile Z Compressive Compressive Compressive Shear XY Shear Shear XZ
direction direction direction X direction Y direction Z direction YZ
1.67e-002 3.2e-003 3.2e-003 -1.08e-002 -1.92e-002 -1.92e-002 -1.2e-002 -1.1e- -1.2e-002
Epoxy Carbon – Orthotropic Stress Limits
Tensile X Tensile Y Tensile Z Compressive Compressive Compressive Shear XY Shear Shear XZ
direction direction direction X direction Y direction Z direction MPa YZ MPa MPa
2231 29 29 -1082 -100 -100 60 32 60

The manufacturing of the composite structure is key in this research, while testing the
composite material there are many parameters are taken into consideration as per the material
ASTM testing standards. The optimization of the UAV consider several levels of fidelity, this
growth has created a competitive market with strict performance and delivery requirements,
and therefore, the aeronautical industry is currently faced with new challenges which in turn
call for a more efficient Product Development Process (PDP). Multi-disciplinary Design
Optimization (MDO) is a method that can be used in the development of complex products in
order to explore the design tradeoffs through the concurrent analysis of several engineering
disciplines (Athanasios., 2018), (Skarka 2018). During primary stage of wing design, logical
and low-fidelity concept are frequently used to recognize design ideas. In many cases, solutions
obtained using these methods provide an intuitive understanding of the design space that cannot
be easily obtained using higher-precision methods (Targosz 2018). However, many analytic
and low fidelity aero structural solutions are limited in application to wings with specific
platforms and weight distributions (Taylor et al., 2021).


The design optimization is one of the main challenge at present situation, However in this
research we used high fidelity methods for minimize the drag force. The design process and
layout shown in the Figure 2. Initial we have developed conceptual design and along with
geometrical parameters are taken into account for optimization. The CAD models are developed
in CATIA V5 and analysis part we were done in ANSYS. The initial design was done and all
the UAV parameters are used for optimization procedure. The individual parameters are used

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Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

for performance of the flight. The specification of the proposed UAV as follows in Table 3.
(Skarka 2021)
Table 3 − The specification of the proposed UAV.
S.No Symbols Description Values units
1 b Wing span 12.67 [m]
2 S Wingsurfacearea 8.38176 [m2]
3 m Aircraftweight 46.782 [kg]
4 V Drone flight speed 11 [m/s]
5 ρ Air density 1.228 [kg/m2]
6 h Flight height 0 [m]
7 wm wing weight 27 [kg]

Fig. 2 − The Design Optimization layout.

The aspect ratio where we calculated based on the wing span to the average chord length and
thrust to weight ratio of the UAV also taken in to account. From the analytical equations values
are calculated, aspect ratio (AR) 19.152 and thrust to weight ratio 1:12, from historical
consideration thrust to weight ratio is directly proportional to the acceleration of the aircraft. In
terms of UAV performance is depends on the wing aerofoil. For wing design aerofoil consist
of lift coefficient, drag force, stall characteristics and pitching moment coefficient (Michael.,
1995). For selected aerofoil we have analysed with XFLR5 software in terms of flight
performance (UIUC Airfoil., 2021; XFLR5 Airfoil., 2021). After analyse the number of aerofoil
shapes (NACA series) in XFLR5 and best aerofoil was taken for further continuous work.

UAV stability
The UAV was designed to have better static and dynamic stability attributes allowing it to
remain stable condition even during the payload transfer in flight. To ensure the required
stability, aircraft aerodynamics were analyzed according to the following criteria and basics
suggested by (Bernard et al., 1995). The centre of gravity also calculated based on the weight
and balance (Aviation Supplies & Academics., 2007).

Structural characteristics
The structural construction of the wing consists of ribs, spars, stringers and skin. The total
weight of the UAV is 46.7kg and during the mission loads are mainly acting on the wing span,
structural loads also shared with spars, stringers and ribs. To address the load distribution
criteria we were designed wing structure in terms of lightweight and high strength. The bending
moment and shear force diagram as follows Figure 3.

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Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

Fig.3- Bending and shear force diagrams for UAV.

Geometrical parameters for wing construction

The optimization of the wing, the main part is rib for more strength and lightweight structures.
Weight optimization of the rib designed as follows in Figure 4.

Fig. 4 − Geometrical construction of Rib for UAV

The design requirement is to evaluate the material strength and load-bearing capacity of the
whole configuration of the UAV wing panel structures. The airfoil we were selected for UAV
design and simulation is given better lift force (lift vs drag). The results of the investigation of
the epoxy carbon fiber/Glass fiber (composite) structure laboratory are given in Figure 5. For

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Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

manufacturing of the composite structure, the materials were we used CFRP. The laminated
composite material configuration were we used in terms of ply- stocking orientation (-45/45),
(-45/90). In order to evaluate the material strength, we have performed laboratory test (Strength
of the material) tensile test conducted. The specimen was fabricated scale modles based on the
ASTM standards and to meet the testing machine requirements.

Tensile Test results with two specimens

Thetest results of the CFRP follows in table.4 and graph represents force vs displacement.

Table 4 − The test results of the CFRP.

S.No Ply- sequence N/mm2 Max. force Min. Force Elongation (0.05-
(N) (N) 0.25%) N/mm

Specimen-1 -45/45 51,4384 627,60 617,87 246,40

Specimen-2 -45/45 25,5602 413,04 372,20 247,5

Fig. 5 − Force vs Displacement graph (specimens 1 and 2).

The Input data we have consider for testing of CFRP material, force 50kN , thickness 1mm and
time 1mm/min. Based on the input data the tensile test conducted, the final results are noted
that maximum tensile strength (627 N/413.04N) withstand the specimen and minimum
617.87N/372.20 N.

Tensile Test results single specimen

The test results of the CFRP follows in table.5 and Figure 6 represents force vs displacement.

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Proceedings of M2D2022 conference, Funchal/Portugal 26-30 June 2022
Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

Table 5 − The test results of the CFRP with single specimen.

S.No Ply- sequence N/mm2 Max. force (N) Min. Force (N) Elongation (0.05-0.25%)
Specimen-3 -45/45 43,1400 526,40 255,55 799,84

Fig. 6 − Force vs Displacement graph specimen.

Tensile Test results with two specimens with different ply orientation:
The test results of the CFRP follows in table.6 and Figure 7 represents force vs displacement.
Table 6. The test results of the CFRP with different ply orientation.
S.No Ply- sequence N/mm2 Max. force (N) Min. Force (N) Elongation (0.05-
0.25%) N/mm
Specimen-4 -45/45 100,192 3122,78 3020,93 5448,46
Specimen-5 0/90 190,195 5964,51 3020,93 11234,74

Fig. 7 − Force vs Displacement graph specimens 4 and 5.

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Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

The comparison of all tested specimens results are comparison with respect to maximum
strength and minimum strength. The following specimens list below table 7.

Table 7 − The comparison of all tested specimens results.

S.No Max. Strength (N) Min. Strength (N) Difference (N)

Specimen-1 627,60 617,87 9,73

Specimen-2 413,04 372,20 40,84

Specimen-3 526,40 255,55 270,85

Specimen-4 3122,78 3020,93 101,85

Specimen-5 5964,51 3020,93 2943,58

For evaluate the material strength, the specimens are fabricated and tested in laboratory, final
results are obtained with allowable strength and the percentage of elongation is also
considerable. The stress stain diagram represents that consideration of material characteristic
included, young’s modules, yield strength, Ultimate strength and fracture point. The material
before the necking it seems to non-uniform plastic deformation.

In this research work, we have verified the composite structure for bearable working loads. The
FOS is also taken into consideration during the cruise of UAV. The different types of specimens
were tested in the laboratory (tensile test), results on shear force, material strength, and BM
were in suitable range. The results drawn on several specimens were compared and specimen
1 is considered as the best sample. For optimization of total mass, as we observed that creating
geometrical models with various thicknesses the total mass of the UAV is increased. The further
work also to be continued to design and fabrication the ultra- lightweight UAV by taking careful
consideration on the geometrical parameters which can be showed the better performance in
the aerospace industry.

The authors would like to express their gratitude and those who are worked for research
(academic students ) are listed as follows, Michał Sobota, Michał Wądek, Paweł Paszka, Anna
Romańska, Weronika Chaberska and Kaja Orzechowska.

Funding: This research was partially carried out and funded from:
• EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 in the framework of the project No.
NOR/POLNOR/LEPolUAV/0066/2019 “Long-endurance UAV for collecting air quality
data with high spatial and temporal resolutions”
• Project: “Optionally Piloted aErial Research plAtform (OPERA)”, financed by the
Minister of Science and Higher Education as part of the program "Student research
Associations Create Innovation"

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Proceedings of M2D2022 conference, Funchal/Portugal 26-30 June 2022
Track-A: Composite and Advanced Materials

• Project: “Optimisation of ultralight aerospace structures” carried out as part of Individual

Study Programs implemented in the form of Project Based Learning under the project:
"Silesian University of Technology as a Center of Modern Education based on research
and innovation".

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